• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,582 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Two Spiders, One Siren

After the fight with Shocker, Spider-Man was kind nervous about what Spider-Girl did too him. He thinks to himself, 'I should tell her that I already have a girlfriend, and maybe it was just a random kiss.' Spidey took a deep breath. He turned his head when he saw Spider-Girl coming over. "look uh... Spider-Girl, I have a question to ask you." He said while scratching the back of his head. "Why did you kiss me?"

Spider-Girl was blushing, "Well, you saw how I took down Shocker, and plus, the kiss was no big deal." She replied.

"Well to be honest, if you plan to kiss me again, I just want you to know, I have a girlfriend."

Spider-Girl's eyes widen. "Oh, I.... didn't know. What's her name?"

"Mary Jane." Spider-Man replied. "We have some sort of 'on and off' relationship going on. Usually she would dump me because of me fighting crime and not being there for her, or because I'm selfish." Spider-Man said.

Spider-Girl was regretting what she did. "Look, I'm sorry
I promise, it won't happen again." She said. "But there's something I've been meaning to ask."

"What is it?"

"What's your real name?" She asked.

"Wait my real name?" Spidey asked.

Twilight took off her mask. "Yes, your real name. You know mine so now I want to know yours."

That was kinda true, Spidey did know her real name, so he said he'll take off his mask if she promises to keep it a secret. Twilight promised. So, Spider-Man removed his mask. "I'm Peter... Peter Parker."

"Nice to meet you. Peter, my name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight replied.

"I already know that." Peter said. Say why don't you come over to my house sometime?"

"I would love too, but I'm around during the summer." Twilight said. "But still. I would love to."

Peter grinned. "Great, because I have some friends of mine that you should meet."


What are you talking about?" Ask Throne. "Equestria? A name like that sounds lovable."

"Oh, believe me, Equestria is far more than just peaches and cream." Said Adagio.

Kingpin walks toward the girl. "Tell me... Ms. Adagio... What is this Equestria place? You said it has power?"

Adagio grinned with a brow raised up. "Alright, I'll tell you... Equestria is in another world from this one. I came here ages ago. But I quickly adapted to the humans."

"Whoa... Back up." Kingpin interrupted. "Your saying that you're not a human?"

"Yes." Adagio replied.

Throne got involved. "So, what are you, an Inhuman?"

"Maybe this will answer your question." Adagio said. She tried to use her voice to activate her transformation. Kingpin walked back, and Thorne pulled out his gun blaster. After the transformation was over, her appearance was different. She showed a sinister grin.

"Holy Shit!" Throne cried. "WHAT ARE YOU, SOME SORT OF SEA HORSE?!"

"I'm not a sea pony... I'm a siren."

Kingpin was surprised. "A siren...? But that's impossible. Sirens are nothing but myths."

Adagio turned back into her human form. "Equestria has more mythological creatures then just sirens. There are more. But all in all. Equestria is a home for ponies with unbelievable magic. I feed on negative energy of others. With enough of that sweet delicious equestrian magic, I could rule it all."

"If you had all that power. Then why are you here on Earth?" Throne asked.

"I never attended to come here, idiot." Adagio replied. "I had a home. But an unlikely unicorn wizard name Starswirl banished me from Equestria and I landed on Earth so that my magic can never be use again."

"That's most interesting, Ms. Dazzle." Said Kingpin. "Then very well. You got a deal. But on one condition."

"Fisk what are you doing?"

"What kind of condition?" Adagio asked.

Kingpin show the footage of Spider-Man and his new sidekick Spider-Girl to Adagio. "There is an annoying arachnid that I want exterminated. Before you bring me Master Strike, I want you to destroy Spider-Man and the pink sidekick of his."

"Really?" Adagio thought about it. "You got yourself a deal. I've been waiting to squash that pink spider for a long time. But first I need you to fix my neckless. It's kind of my trinket that can perfect my voice."

Kingpin took Adagio's broken neckless and let Thorns fix it. "So be it my dear."

"Ya know, you might make a good partner one day, Spider-Girl." Peter said.

Twilight smiled while she blushed. "Thanks... Spider-Man." Looking at the night sky. Twilight was curious about something. "Hey Peter, I want to know something. How did you meet Danny?" She asked.

"Oh... Well it's kinda a long story." Peter replied. "But I'll try to explain what I remembered." Peter started explaining. "When I was taking out one of Kingpin's thugs. I've saw someone taking down 5 with only some sort of stun teaser. He said his name was Master Strike. And he said he has a personal vendetta with the Kingpin. So, I said I can help him. He agreed and together we reached Kingpin's top floor. And was very strong. I remember how he tried to crush me by giving me giving me a massive bear hug. But Master Strike luckily kicked that oversized beachball by kicking him in the nuts. Then we beat him up. And then we beat him up and foiled his plans. After we escape his building. Strike said he knows my name was Peter Parker. So, he took off his helmet and said his name was Danny Wayne. And since then... We've became good friends."

"Wow." Twilight said. "It seems that Kingpin has some connection with every hero in New York, how come he hasn't been in jail yet?"

"That's because he pretends to play innocent and manipulates everyone into thinking that he was a victim to the justice us 'vigilantes' give him. He even went so far by persuading that mustached blabbermouth Jameson to say that I'm a virus poisoning the youth into becoming like me, ever since I showed my new team the Web Warriors to the New Yorkers. Can't you believe that?!" Peter said angrily. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "So, I disbanded the Web Warriors, but there was one spider that still keeps in touch."

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"His name is Miles Morales. Another Spider-Man like me. But people call him Kid Arachnid to avoid copyright." Peter replied.

"So, who are the others?" Twilight asked again.

"Well there was Flash Thompson. He was once my bully. But ever since he became Agent Venom, he began to apologize to me for picking on me. And after he found out that I was Spider-Man. I told him that I forgave for the bullying he did to his 'role model.' and there was Joe Amadaius. He was called the Iron Spider. He’s cool with intelligence. But there was one who..." Peter sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"There was one more but he's gone... His name was Ben Reily. And he called himself the Scarlet Spider. One day he betrayed me but made up for it by sacrificing himself to save the city from Doc Ock. I tried so hard to find him. But he gave me his last words. 'Keep fighting and never stop being a hero.' But unfortunately, Joe got caught for doing good deeds by Kingpin's task force. They took him to the fault." Peter didn't want to remember how Ben was destroyed. Even Twilight knows he blames himself.

"It's not your fault, Peter. Ben redeemed himself in the end." She said.

Peter wiped the tears from his eyes while turning to face Twilight. He knows she's right. "You remind me of Mary Jane." He said. "Thanks."

"Oh, how nice. Very... Very... Nice...."

"Huh... What was that?" Twilight asked while putting her mask back on quick. Peter quickly put on his mask too.

As Spider-Man turned his head, he saw a girl with giant poofy hair and wearing a leotard. "Whoa... Who the hell are you? And what's with the big hair. This isn't the 80's anymore." Spider-Man said.

"It's you..." Spider-Girl realized "You're that siren I fought back in Canterlot city. Adagio, I think. You've followed me all the way to New York City?"

Adagio smirked. "To do this!" Adagio let out a big sonic scream that made the abandoned building that the two spiders were on explode. Luckily Spider-Girl and Spider-Man jumped off the building.

"Wow, I see you've gotten better since last time." Adagio said.

"What are you doing here Adagio?" Spider-Girl asked.

"Well let's see..." Adagio replied. "A very nice gentleman told me if I take both of you down, then I can finally go home. And my home is the one you were trying to get too... Twilight." Spider-Girl was shocked. Adagio knows who Spider-Girl is.

"Okay. As much as I want to bring back the 80's. I have one question. How could you know who Spider-Girl really is?" Spider-Man asked sarcastically.

"I felt Equestrian magic the time we fought. And then i remembered that you ripped dimensional rifts to get to Equestria. I know how you turned into a monster. I believe you called yourself... Midnight Sparkle I assume?" Adagio said.

"Okay, I don't what's going on... " Spider-Man interrupted while walking close to Adagio. "But what you're doing makes Shriek look like an amateur. So, if you would come quietly- Oof!" Adagio kick him the gut. "Okay. You want to dance. Come on, Let's dance!"

Spider-Girl prepares to fight too. "I couldn't agree more."

Spider-Man and Spider-Girl charged at Adagio, but she wasn't alone. She brought some robots to detract Spider-Man. So Adagio charged at Spider-Girl, and landed with a kick, Spider-Girl dodged and landed with a quick punch, then a flip kick. "Is that all you got?" Adagio said while using her hip to strike Spider-Girl.

"No." Said Spider-Girl. She landed a swift kick, Adagio blocked and used her voice to throw Spider-Girl off course. Meanwhile Spider-Man was too busy fighting the robots. He saw Spider-Girl flying in the air and was about to hit a brick wall. He webbed out a net and she fell on it. "Okay. This is really illogical." Said Spider-Girl.

"Hey, Shriek can use her voice as a weapon too." Spider-Man replied.


Adagio started to walk up to Spider-Girl, but Spider-Man stopped her by throwing a robot at her. It pushed her to a taxi. "Okay... That hurt." She said.

Spider-Man chuckled. "More where that came from."

Spider-Man and Adagio went on a massive fight. Adagio used her agility and voice to throw Spider-Man off the edge. Spidey dodge and used his webs to throw Adagio at the wall. Spider-Girl got off and used her web to pull in the siren and punched Adagio in the face. Adagio was pissed off, and screamed very loud... It was very intense. Adagio ran and lifting Spider-Man and throw him up top another building. "I'll finish you later, because after I take care of the bug girl, that Strike guy is next." Adagio said.

Spider-Girl threw another scrapped robot at Adagio. Then she jumped up, and web strike Adagio, but she blocks and Adagio jumped up and counter Spider-Girl's web strike. She even manages to take off her mask. She kicked Twilight, landing on the ground beaten. Adagio landed, and mocked her. "Why are you doing this
.. Sunset told me that your necklaces were destroyed." Twilight said.

"True, my magic was destroyed. But Kingpin and his little friend helped me repair it." Replied Adagio. "Plus, they enhanced it. Now I can feed off the equestrian magic from you without the negative emotions of you... Puny humans." Twilight tries to get up. "Aw, you're still going to try to fight back... That's so cute." Adagio said sarcastically.

Twilight shot a beam of her magic at Adagio. "You want my magic, you're going to have to beat me first." She charged at Adagio with an angry look on her face.

Adagio blocked Twilight moves but she was too fast, and she used her magic to blast Adagio in her gut. Adagio used her voice to create a sonic wave, but Twilight used her magic to counter it. While the epic impasse was happening, Spider-Man woke from that singing levitation. And saw Twilight and Adagio blasting each other with magic and voice. "Wow, now there's something you don't see every day. A spider that can do... Well that. Dr. strange should be teaching her about to her magic-thingy thing." Spider-Man said to himself.

Back at the clash, Twilight magic was very strong and her eyes were starting to change. Adagio saw the eyes and she saw something with those eyes.
"My god... She will return." Said Adagio. Twilight's magic was so strong that it out blasted Adagio's and it hurt her. Making her unconscious. Twilight put back on her mask. She was about to take Adagio but then a red and dark blue flair spun around Spider-Girl and took Adagio.

"Who are you?" Spider-Girl asked.

Spider-Man got down and notice the person in the red and dark blue suit. "Speed Demon."

"Well, well, well... The real webhead got it right. And lookie here, you know Spidey, your taking Jameson's advice really seriously." Speed Demon said while clapping his hands.

"Spider-Man, you know that person?" Asked Spider-Girl.

"Yeah i do. That's Speed Demon, one of the members of the Squadron Supreme. He and Shocker have been inn competition a few years back. Anyways what are you doing here Speed Demon?" Spider-Man asked.

Speed Demon smiled. "I'm going to bring this super-hot chick back to the Kingpin's place. He's got some plans for her and that magical home of hers."

"Oh no,"

"So long suckers!" Speed Demon Left so quickly.

"Peter, Adagio came from Equestria. That must be what that... Speed Demon person was saying. Kingpin must've known about it." Spider-Girl said.

"So, you know about that place?"

"When I turned into Midnight Sparkle, I was destroying this world to get to Equestria to understand magic, If Kingpin gets to Equestria… then he'll be unstoppable." Said Spider-Girl very worried. "We need to tell Sunset."

"We'll tell her. I'll call Miles and see if he can help." Spider-Man said. "I'll get you back to the Baxter Building. It's been a long night."


"Check it out, boss." Speed Demon said while holding a strand of velvet hair. "Looks like Miss Hottie meant to took the strand on purpose."

"Oh, I have such wonderous ideas for it." Kingpin said. Just then Throne appeared. "So how was that generator?"

"I was able to Function it, but going through is just the problem. But thanks to the siren's DNA, I was able to pinpoint her home dimension. And I've found someone of interest that might help us out." Thorne said.

Kingpin looks at the portal and saw a red dragon roaring at the sky. "Interesting..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Special thanks to HAKDurbin for the request and special thanks Woogiegirl For the commission.

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