• Published 14th May 2016
  • 987 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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A Rosedust by any other name...

"Oh my goodness, this place is so beautiful!" Majesty whispered in awe. "You flutter ponies really do live in a paradise!"

All around the four mares, the tropical trees and colorful flowers stretched out in every direction. Flutter ponies danced around in the skies overhead, creating a cacophony of color as the sunlight shimmered down through their glittery wings. All of the flutters scattered back to their tree houses as the other ponies approached, sticking their heads out to watch them go by.

"Huh, these flutter ponies seem pretty shy." Applejack noted, looking around at their frightened audience. "They don't really seem very friendly or talkative."

"Yeah, why aren't they talking to us?" Wind Whistler asked, flying up and sticking her head into the window of one of the small tree houses, causing the flutter pony to flee further inside. "Hey miss flutter pony, why doncha come out and talk to us?!"

"I... really don't think that's going to work, Windy." Majesty replied, shaking her head. "If we're going to get anywhere, we need to find Queen Rosedust, and have a word with her directly."

"The royal throne is in the sun stone courtyard, that's where you'll find her highness holding court." Hollywood explained, motioning the others to follow her down a small stone path across the bridge. "I don't think the Queen is going to be overjoyed to see you, though."

"Don't worry kid, I think we can handle her." A.J. reassured the flutter. "From what I've seen from you, your kind isn't very hard to mess up."

The five mares drew close to the royal courtyard, and saw a large circular stone monolith surrounded by a swarm of flutters flitting about. A large, glowing stone sat at the very top of the monument, and a small circular throne sat at the base. Upon the throne before them sat a tall and beautiful queen, with a shimmering yellow coat and pink mane. A pink Pom Pom adorned her head, and her entire body was covered by flower-like tattoos that resembled cutie marks. The queen was addressing several of her servants, and failed to notice the approaching group of normal ponies.

"You're outsiders, so this could get... complicated." Their flutter guide told them. "Wait here, girls, and I'll introduce you."

As the four came up towards the throne, Hollywood bowed to the monarch.

"Oh great queen Rosedust.... I am the actress, Hollywood Hills." The mare declared herself, as was the flutter custom. "I bring strangers from the outside, who can come to address the subject of the stallions your Windy Wing ponies stole from them."

"What, those stallions actually belonged to other mares?" Rosedust inclined her head apologetically. "I'm so sorry, my good mares! I did not mean to steal your property. We shall endeavor to return your husbands to you at once!"

"Thanks, but they really aren't our husbands or anything." Wind Whistler blurted out, before the others could stop her. "They're just stallions we got to guide us through the forest here in flutter valley."

"Grrrr, blast it Windy!" A.J. grumbled to herself, planting her hoof in her face. "Why the %$#! couldn't you keep your mouth shut?!"

"Oh, is that all?" The queen waved her hoof dismissively. "I have a few flutter mares who would be more than happy to guide you out of our forest, and back out into Ponyland."

"I'm vary sorry, miss but we would like to take our guides with us." Majesty interjected. "We are the ones who asked them to come out here, and I personally see them as our responsibility."

"Now, wait just a second here, we caught those males fair and square!" Rosedust snapped. "Why should we give them up to you, if you have no claim on them?"

"We flutter ponies lost quite a few of our stallions in the dragon wars, and we must replenish our supply." Hollywood added in. "You wouldn't condemn us to extinction, would you?"

"You keep your trap shut and stay out of this, Hollywierd." Applejack warned her. "Or I'll throw you into a giant bug zapper!"

"Eeep!" Holly shrieked, her wings flexing outward in a panic. "Shutting up!"

"What?! How dare you threaten one of my subjects?!" Rosedust glared the the non-flutters angrily. "I should have you outsiders taken to the edge of my kingdom in chains, and tossed out of Flutter Valley altogether!"

The flutter guards closed in on the mares, pointing the sharpened spears they carried in their hooves.

"Uh oh, looks like we're in trouble now! -tweet!-" Wind Whistler whistled despairingly. "Majesty, what're we gonna do?!"

"Wait a second... Majesty?" Rosedust raised a hoof, halting her guards. "The princess of Dream Valley? What are you doing in my kingdom?"

"Actually, I wanted to come here to see the beauty of you and your subjects, which I had heard the bards and poets sing the praises of." Majesty replied boldly, facing the queen down. "My two friends here and the stallions are simply along for the ride, and it's my duty to see them out of Flutter Valley safely."

"Hmmm, perhaps there is a way this could be worked out." Rosedust replied thoughtfully, scratching her chin with her front hoof. "You and I are both royalty, and there is a traditional way we could decide the fate of the stallions."

"Whatever it is, I'll do it." Majesty blurted out. "I'm willing to do anything to help those boys out."

"Bad idea there, princess." A.J. whispered to her. "First rule of Royalty; never agree to something, when you don't know what you're agreeing to."

"Excellent!" Rosedust turned to face all of her subjects. "Attention, all flutter ponies! Let it be known that three days hence, Princess Majesty shall face me in royal one-on-one combat in the battle corral, for the right to claim the captured stallions of Misty Mountain!" The queen raised a hoof. "Until such time, the princess and her friends shall be our honored guests, and Hollywood shall be their guide for the duration of their stay. Queen Rosedust has spoken!"

"Great, there goes me rehearsing for the lead part in 'the sound of Music'!" Holly sighed. "And this is why I never get any of the good parts..."

"Yaaay! We're gonna be guests of the flutter ponies! -tweet!-" Wind Whistler chirped, bouncing around in the air excitedly. "You're the one who wanted to see 'em, Majesty! Isn't this the most exciting thing?"

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