• Published 14th May 2016
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Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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A queen's mother

"And so, the pony pals and I started our way back towards Rainbow falls, as I was eager to prove that ponies had changed and could be good friends to each and every one of them." Majesty's face fell, and her words started to take on a very sad tone. "While Applejack, Wind Whistler, and Hollywood, were forced to babysit a terrible quartet of cutie marked baby animals, called the pretty pals. Boy oh boy did those three have a really wild and crazy time with... those... little... trouble... makers..."

At this point, Majesty suddenly stopped her story, and sat back to recline in her throne. I waited for several minutes in that silence, pen still levitated above the parchment, as my queen just sat there, staring into space. I could see that something was on her mind, but didn't feel it was my place to ask her about it. But finally, when she failed to respond, I decided to speak up.

"Majesty, is something wrong?"I inquired, adjusting my glasses. "You just trailed off there, right in the middle of your story."

"Huh? Oh, sorry Tornado." she replied, looking back at me sadly. "I was just thinking about my mother, the previous queen. This whole thing with the pony friends, it's the kind of situation she would have easily dealt with, as she lacked my hesitation or uncertainty."

"Oh yes, your mother." I considered the previous queen, who had also been named Majesty. "From what you've told me, you had a... complicated relationship with her."

"That would be an understatement, Tornado. I both loved and hated that mare." My queen sighed, shaking her mane. "I mean, she was the pony who gave birth to me, and even though she was basically non-existent in my day-to-day life, she did make sure I was always cared for, and always made to feel I was loved... even if she wasn't the pony who was raising me."

"It must have been very hard for her, especially since I read your father died in the dragon wars." I added, trying to be helpful. "The queen probably had a very difficult time, trying to raise your brother and you, while holding an entire kingdom together by herself."

"Yes, I just wish she could have been there for me more often." The queen replied, raising her voice slightly. "I mean, do you know what it's like to have your only living parent make a five-minute appearance at your birthday party every year, only to disappear again to work on some treaty? Yet she was there for every birthday, and every celebration, for my brother."

"It seems Satin n' Lace was more of a mother to you than the queen." I replied, setting ink and quill aside for a moment. "She seemed to be the one there for all of your childhood experiences."

"That's true." Majesty agreed. "Although she was always harsh and strict with me, Satin was there to dry my tears, play dolls with me, and share secrets and gossip when I was a little girl." My queen looked down, trying to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. "It wasn't until my teens that my dear royal nanny turned into a total cranky witch, though now I know and appreciate why she did it."

"What was it like for you, when the two of them passed?" I asked, causing Majesty to shoot me a look. "Oh, I'm sorry, my queen! I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's all right, Tornado. It's just something I haven't thought about in quite a long time." Majesty looked away. "My mother died nearly two decades after the adventure I am telling you about now. She perished in a duel with the king of Griffinstone, while also taking his life. Satin n' Lace was actually at the Royal Paradise, during the time your wife and her friends were being crowned the heroes of Ponyland. She died during Hydia's attack, one of the victims of the evil curse that turned ponies into mindless horses."

"Yes, I remember that terrible, tragic incident." I reply somberly. "Ponyland still has to pay that old witch back for what she did, and for all the lives her cruel and heartless actions took."

"Two mares who raised me- a mother, and one who was like a mother- and I lost them both, Tornado." My queen started to cry, covering her face with her hoof. "There are so many things I never got to say to her. And Satin, I never thanked her for being tough when she needed to be. I owe both of them, for helping to make me the queen I am today."

I pause at her words, thinking about my own mother, and trying not to tear up. All of us owe our mothers for raising us, for teaching us, and for loving us. They comforted us when we needed it, and disciplined us when it was necessary. We also owe them for giving us life, and that is a debt that no child can ever truly repay.

Both of us tried to compose ourselves, before I levitated my quill and parchment back over to begin writing once more.

"Don't worry, great Majesty, none of this will go into the record. We don't want Dream Valley thinking their queen is a softie." I assure her, as she wiped the tears away from from her eyes with her right hoof. "The pony pals? Rainbow Falls? The rainbow pony monks?"

"Oh, yes... the rainbow ponies were waiting for my friends and I to return with Gertie." Majesty replied, getting back into telling her story. "And oh my stars, what a shock they received, when I showed up with three other unexpected guests..."

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