• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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A charming Fillyhood

"My princess, would you please sit up straight, and stop goofing around!" Satin 'N Lace snapped angrily. "The sooner we get through this diplomatic visit, the sooner you can go and spend time with your friends!"

As was usual for the little filly, Princess Majesty simply ignored her nanny's pleas, slouching in her chair, and using her magic to levitate the can of soda she was slurping loudly. It wasn't like the old mare had anything interesting to say, just another dull lecture on how 'she needed to pay more attention', or 'it was her duty to study politics, and see how her mother handled situations'. Majesty had heard it all before, and she hated that she had to waste her precious time with this aging windbag again.

"Aw, quit being such an old nag!" Majesty whined at the pink earth pony. "It's not like the ambassador from Fort Rainbow Dash will have a major freakout if I'm not on my best behavior!"

"But you know better, my princess!" The exasperated nanny snapped at the teen filly. "I didn't raise you to be some ill-mannered ruffian, and I'm not going to have you embarrassing myself or the royal court, at this auspicious banquet!"

The two were seated at a long table, covered with napkins and silverware that had been carefully placed. For such a young and energetic filly, being trapped in one place like this for so long was really turning out to be a royal pain. But this had been her entire life; bossed around by this old nag, being told where to go, what to eat, and what to say. Majesty couldn't remember a day in her whole life when grumpy old Satin wasn't there to yell at her for doing something wrong. She would even barge into the Dream Castle schoolroom during lessons, and drag the princess out to lecture her on some stupid little thing Majesty had done the day before.

All of this nagging and complaining she had to put up with! And worst of all, she didn't even get to enjoy the perks of being a royal princess! According to custom, she had been raised as a commoner so she could understand how average ponies lived. Which meant no servants, no ordering ponies around until she came of age... nothing. The little bit of time she got to spend with her friends was like a divine gift from the B'zekre the horsemaster herself!

"Aww, looks like the little princess got yelled at again." A purple colt with a golden crown teased her from across the table. "Better behave yourself, or nanny might give you a spanking!"

"Buzz off, Fireflight!" She told the annoying prince, sticking out her tongue at him. "I don't need your stupid remarks right now!"

"Now, princess Majesty! That is no way to talk to your brother!" Satin 'n Lace snapped. "If you cannot say anything nice, please refrain from saying anything at all!"

Ugh... her brother, the spoiled prince with no cares or responsibilities in the world. Being a male, nothing was expected of him, and he would just be married off to some Ponyland princess he'd fall in love with. Fireflight spent most of their time together teasing his sister, a fact that did nothing to endear him to Majesty.

"Whoah, Maj! Check out the geek squad!" Her bother commented, pointing a hoof to the banquet hall's entrance arch. "Looks like the Fort Dash delegation decided to show up in full colors!"

Sure enough, the ponies from Fort Dash arrived in togas, chitons, and full centurion and hoplite armor. The Fort Dashians trotted into the room gracefully, making their may to the banquet table. Majesty and Fireflight's mother, the queen, trotted up to greet the new arrivals, and bowed.

"Honored Guests, I am happy to welcome you to Dream Valley." The queen bowed her head politely, as the delegates respectfully did the same" I hope you all enjoy your stay here, and are happy to be your humble hosts..."

But as her mother droned on and on, Majesty noticed a young stallion trotting among the members of the delegation. The princess was stunned; blue mane and tail, bow tie cutie mark on a perfectly curved flank.... and those eyes. Those deep, brownish-pink eyes that almost seemed to be staring into her soul... Majesty couldn't take her eyes off of him, and stared, as if in a trance.

"Hey sis, you all right?" Fireflight asked, poking her with a fork from across the table. "You're acting like you've become a zombie or something."

"Huh? Oh, it's that colt over there, the blue one in the entourage." Majesty sighed, snapping back to reality. "I can't believe he's so darn cute."

"Oh, him? That's Tux and Tails, the Margrave of Fort Dash's son." The prince explained. "I met him before at the royal youth of Ponyland summit last year. Really cool dude, has an awesome weapons collection." Fireflight grinned wickedly. "And apparently, my kid sister has a crush on him."

"I do not!" Majesty protested, trying to hide her blush. Still she couldn't stop looking at him, and as the delegation approached, the young colt suddenly turned, trotted over towards her, and bowed.

"Hello my lady." Prince Tux greeted her, taking Majesty's hoof and kissing it. "I am surprised to see such beauty on display here in Dream Valley."

"I...um...eek!" Majesty's brain broke, and a surge of magic suddenly exploded from the teen princess's horn. Every torch and candle in the room suddenly flared up, and every light bulb and glass fixture in the banquet hall exploded into shards. The sprinkler system came on, and panicked ponies were running in every direction, as total chaos broke out in the diplomatic dinner.

"A practical joke! Dream Valley dishonors our visit with a practical joke!"

"They'll pay for this outrage! I'll make sure the Fort Rainbow Dash senate never approves that barter treaty now!"

"Wow, nice job, sis!" Fireflight declared, nearly falling out of his chair as he laughed his flank off. "You managed to set back diplomatic relations with Fort Dash for years!"

And as Satin 'n Lace shot her a murderous glare, Majesty slowly sunk down into her chair, holding back tears, and wishing she could just disappear.

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