• Published 14th May 2016
  • 987 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Forward to Equestria!

After she had gotten finished speaking with prince Tux, princess Majesty galloped back to her friends, to deliver the exciting news.

"Guess what, everybody?" She declared, a great big smile on her face. "Your never going to believe this, but we're going to Equestria to rescue Tornado!"

"That's great, Majesty!" Hollywood replied, before considering. "But, uhhhh, how are we going there?"

"Yeah, there's no way we could just trot over the border, or take a carriage or air chariot through." Applejack pointed out. "So how are we going to get inside Equestria?"

"Actually, Prince Tux 'n Tails actually took care of that problem." Majesty motioned for the other mares to follow her, leading them down into the docks below the castle. "And my handsome prince has made sure that we'll be traveling there in style!"

The ponies entered the large hangar bay, and found themselves staring in awe at a relic from another time. It was an old pony Airship, clearly from the days before the Grogar Wars, that had been primed and ready to fly. Prince Tux saw the approaching mares, and rushed out of the gondola to greet them.

"This old beauty is from the time of the ancients, and has been lovingly preserved by the noble families of Fort Rainbow Dash." The stallion explained, as the mares all trotted up the gangplank. "Trust me, it'll get us there and back, without the Equestrian Ponies even noticing our presence."

As soon as all of the ponies were aboard, Prince Tux ordered the small gondola crew to shove off. the airship slowly sailed out of the hangar, and took to the skies, leaving the distant ground father and farther below.

The giant airship glided through the clouds, silently moving from the skies of Ponyland, to the skies of Equestria. Covered with spells that shielded the vessel from detection, it carefully avoided the known routes of Equestrian Pegasus patrols. On the ships deck, the group of ponies who had departed Fort Rainbow Dash watched the skyline with some level of anxiety. At any moment, their little group could be detected by the Equestrian military forces, and the rescue they were attempting would most definitely be all over.

"Wow, I really can't believe how far we're making it on this airship, without being seen." Hollywood muttered with awe, looking down at the clouds passing below them. "As amazing as airship travel is, it makes me wonder why we still don't use airships in Ponyland."

"Unfortunately, airships are now obsolete in Fort Rainbow Dash." Tux 'n Tails sighed, as he looked over the railing himself. "The proliferation of evil dragons, along with other hostile flying creatures, has rendered travel by airship far too dangerous to even attempt in the Ponyland's airspace."

"Yeah, it's really, really dangerous in the skies over Ponyland." Wind Whistler agreed. "The big and mean beasts attack anything bigger than a Pegasus!"

"Yeah, but airships fly through the skies of Equestria all the time." Applejack pointed out, realizing what the prince was up to. "So we should go entirely unnoticed by the authorities, and be able to slip right in, without any trouble."

"That's the idea, and I think it's a brilliant plan Prince Tux came up with." Majesty laughed, gazing out at the open skies. "I'm sure it will be all smooth sailing from here..."


Deep in the Dungeons of Selenia, The mountain boy stallion known as Tornado sat in a dark and dingy cell. He had lost track of how many days he had been here, as time seemed to blend together in his dark prison with so little light. Large scars covered his back- physical souvenirs of the torture he had received from his unicorn captor. And just now, he could hear that very same mare trotting down the steps to his cell, her angry steps telling him she had come to deliver another round of terrible, excruciating pain.

"What do you want this time?" Tornado's dry throat rasped out, as he stared at Starlight Glimmer's shadowy form through blurry eyes. "I already told you, I don't know any Ponyland Military secrets, and I'm certainly no spy."

"Oh, this isn't about getting information from you anymore, you stupid stallion." The unicorn hissed, glaring at the earth pony darkly. "Now, you're goign to serve as bait."

"Bait? For who?" Tornado asked, confused. "What the heck are you talking about?"

"Princess Majesty is leading a rescue mission down here to save you, though I can't for the life of me understand why." Starlight Glimmer snorted, regarding the stallion with contempt. "That mare is far too much of a threat to everything I've built in New Equestria. You are now the perfect tool to lure her into my trap, so I can eliminate the spoiled princess of Dream Valley once and for all."

"Then you are indeed a fool, Starlight Glimmer." Tornado rasped out, trying to stand up, and face his tormentor and captor. "The guards who have been bringing me food, told me about those bounty hunters you sent after the pony pals, and what happened to them. Princess Majesty is the most powerful pony to ever live in any generation. More Powerful than Celestia, or Luna, or Twilight Sparkle, or even you, Starlight Glimmer. If she is on her way here, then you are going to die a horrible, painful death." The stallion , weakened from weeks of Starlight's torture, struggled to stand as her glared into her eyes. "Majesty will kill you, Starlight Glimmer, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. And for that, I greatly pity you."

"You think a measly little Ponyland unicorn can stand up to me?!" The enraged Starlight snorted angrily, as her horn charged up with magic. "Then let me show you what I am truly capable of, fool!"

Starlight glimmer fired a powerful lightning bolt at Tornado, sending painful waves of electricity shot through the screaming stallion's body. Starlight smiled in sadistic satisfaction, as the earth pony rolled on the floor in terrible agony. Outside of the cell, the Equestrian royal guards tried to ignore the horrifying screams of agony, and the smell of roasted pony flesh that filled the air of the dungeon. They told themselves it was all for the good of Equestria, and went about with their normal patrols and routines, as if everything was perfectly normal...

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