• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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"Hey, guys? Have you seen Windy around?" Ice Crystal asked, as he came racing out of the underbrush. "We were playing a game of tag, and she just disappeared. Now I can't find her anywhere!"

Hollywood and Thundercloud looked up from where they were playing a board game, troubled looks crossing their faces.

"I don't know, we haven't seen them come this way." Thundercloud replied, standing up and trotting over to his fellow mountain boy pony. "Bid you hear her go off in the other direction?"

"No, she just walked over by the river to get a drink, and vanished!" The other stallion replied. "I think we should go, and try to find her!"

"Everyone, we have a problem!" Majesty came galloping up to the others. "Applejack's disappeared, and I really need your help to locate her!"

"Wait, A.J. had disappeared, too?" Ice Crystal exclaimed. "Wind whistler is gone, too! She disappeared while we were playing hide and seek, and-"

"Whoa, you and her were just playing hide and seek? And Holly and Thundercloud were just playing a board game?" Majesty grinned, as she looked down at the game lying on the grass. "Boy, is A.J. going to be depressed when she finds out she was wrong about all of you!"

"Look, Princess, we really don't have time for that right now." Hollywood interjected. "We need to find our friends, before something awful happens to them!"

"Quite right!" Majesty agreed. "Ice Crystal, you and Thundercloud go search around the area Windy disappeared, and head west. Holly, you and I should head east. Tornado's out scouting about, so he may run into them, as well. let us all meet back at the camp in on hour!"

"Got it!" The all replied in unison, each trotting off in their own separate directions. When Majesty turned and looked back, she noticed the two stallions had trotted over to the other side of the clearing, and vanished into the treeline.

As Majesty and Hollywood made their way through the great pine forest, Majesty tried to strike up a conversation with the flutter pony.

"So, Hollywood..." The princess spoke up, trying to think of something to say. "... I bet you're missing flutter valley by now, huh?"

Hollywood said nothing, letting several minutes of silence hang in the air between the two mares. Undaunted, Majesty tried again.

"Hey, have any family back home?"

Again silence. After several more minutes, the princess turned her head and asked;

"Holly, is there something wrong?"

The flutter pony stopped dead in her tracks, and turned to face the other mare.

"Majesty, why do you and the other girls hate me so much?"

That stopped the princess dead in her tracks. "Huh?... whuh... h-how did you-?"

"Ice Crystal told me all the nasty things you were all saying about me." Holly replied, her voice quivering as she looked like she was about to cry. " Ever since A.J. pulled me out of that bush, Ive tried to be nothing but nice to all of you. But while the stallions have been really friendly, you mares have been talking about doing stuff like throwing me into the river, and threatening to tear my wings off."

"That-that was just talk!" Majesty sputtered out. "We weren't actually going to do all of that horrible stuff!"

"Even though Rosedust ordered me to, I actually really wanted to come along with your party... I wanted to be you friend." Holly turned away to hide the tears. "But all you and the other girls have done is scream and yell at me, and hurl insults. What did I every do to all of you to make you hate me so?"

The flutter pony turned her head to the ground, before Majesty trotted over, and put a hoof under her chin.

"Hollywood, listen to me... we really don't hate you. In fact we're jealous of you... even me." The princess sighed. "Look, Holly... as a flutter pony, you're more beautiful than us, way more pretty than the rest of us." Majesty looked the other mare over as she spoke. "I mean, look at you! Those colorful wings! Those long legs! That slender body! And that flank!" Majesty frowned. "How could any of us even hope to compete with that?! We earth, Pegasus, and unicorn mares, we just cant' measure up."

"That's why you were so mean to me?" Hollywood asked in surprise, drying her tears. "Because you were jealous?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry we acted like that, okay?" Majesty admitted, shaking her mane. "I guess another thing a princess has to learn is how to learn when to tell her friends not to insult the new girl... and when to apologize for when she's acted like an idiot herself."

"Thank you, princess. I really appreciate that." Holly smiled, perking up again. "Now, what do you say we get otu there, and find those two knuckleheads?"


On the other side of the forest, Ice Crystal and Thundercloud trotted on a path through the forest, unaware they were trotting towards the evil wizard's tower.

"Applejack, Windy?" Thundercloud called out. "Are you girls out there?"

"Applejack, Windy!" Ice Crystal called out. "Are you certain they came this way?"

"They must have." The other stallion insisted, pointing a hoof at the ground. "Look, there are two trails of hoof prints coming this way, and the shallowness of the steps indicates a mare's weight."

"But what are these lines beside them, like two sacks being dragged along?" Thundercloud noticed. "Something smells fishy here, and it's not coming from the river!"

"Howdy boys." Applejack's voice called out in greeting, as she trotted over to the two stallions. "What y'all doing out heyah?"

"A.J., is that you?!" Thundercloud asked incredulously. "Where in the name of B'zekre have you been?"

"Salutations my good stallions." Wind Whistler added, coming up trotting behind her. "We are pleased to encounter you at this juncture upon our return to our encampment."

"Windy, is that you?" Ice Crystal asked, surprised. "Where did you go during our game? And why do you sound funny?"

"No time for talk naow." Applejack giggled. "Gotta get back to the others."

"See you back at the camp, boys!" Windy finished. "Can't keep our companions waiting!"

Puzzled, the two stallions followed the mares back to the campsite, both exchanging suspicious looks they trotted along after their very strange-acting friends...

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