• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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"I am so sorry, my queen!" Satin n' Lace pleaded, kneeling before the throne. "I had no idea she was going to do something like that! I certainly didn't teach her such rude and ill-mannered behavior!"

Majesty and her nanny had both been called before the queen of Dream Valley. The two had been summoned before their sovereign after the fiasco with the Fort Dash dignitaries, and Majesty could tell her mother was not very happy about what had happened, at all. Seeing two sets of disapproving eyes on her at once, the princess felt like she wanted to just crawl away somewhere and hide.

"Diplomatic relations with Fort Rainbow Dash have been severely damaged, the royal house of Dream Valley's reputation has been sullied, and my daughter has given the gossips at the various royal courts plenty to chew over with her overly obvious childish crush." Her mother's voice stated, in a flat but obviously angry tone. "I thought I hired you to train my daughter properly for the position and responsibility she must one day hold."

"Well, I do try, your highness... but it can be difficult at times." Satin declared, stumbling over her words as she tried to figure out an excuse. "She can be very stubborn and headstrong, just as you were at that age."

"But I assumed you would be able to handle that, Satin n' Lace. That is why I gave you the honor of being my little girl's governess in the first place." The queen's voice rang with a slight tone of disapproval. "I am greatly disappointed that this is not the case."

Satin winced, Majesty saw the pressure her lifelong caretaker was under. Suddenly, a great surge of anger rose up in the young princess, and this time she turned it on the mare who had seemed so intimidating to the princess her entire life.

"Hey! Instead of blaming her for me turning out rotten, why don't you try taking a look in a mirror sometime!?" Majesty snapped, jumping in front of Satin n' Lace. "At least she went through the effort and hard work of actually raising me- you know, the thing my mother was supposed to do?!"

"Your highness, I am so sorry about this!" Satin n' Lace pleaded, jumping in front of the filly. "Young lady, that is quite enough of that tone! You do not speak to your mother the queen in such a-"

"You stay out of this, you glorified babysitter!" Majesty levitated Satin into the air, easily tossing her aside. "All my life you've shushed me up when I tried to speak to my mother, but now she's going to hear me."

"I can hear you quite well, my daughter." The queen replied coolly, in the only indifferent voice Majesty had ever heard her mother speak in. "And I believe the servants throughout the castle can hear you, as well."

"I don't freakin' care! This is the first time in my entire damned life you've ever even spoken to me outside of formal events!" Majesty started to cry, staring up at her mother in anger. "You were too damn busy ruling your stupid kingdom, doing your stupid business to ever stop by your own daughter's room at night for a talk, or even to give her a hug! Oh, but you had time to be all affectionate with Fireflight, didn't you? All he had to do was shed a tear, and you were there!"

"Your brother is a weak male, he needs more emotional support and attention than we do." The queen replied coldly. "I thought you would be emotionally mature enough to handle things on your own growing up. Obviously, I was mistaken."

"Obviously! You never thought to try to talk to me about this, not even once?!" Majesty snapped, glaring at her mother. "Oh no, that would've ruined your whole 'dispassionate and detached' queen thing you got going, wouldn't it, mom?"

"Majesty, please, don't do this!" Satin n' Lace pleaded, trotting up behind her again. "Let's go back to your room, and-"

"Satin, I am eighteen years old now; I am your princess, not your charge any longer." Majesty turned towards the governess. "If you do not stand back there and be quiet, I swear I will use my magic to toss you out the window, and into the moat!"

A look of horror spread across the former governess's face, as if she were seeing her young charge for the first time. Taking a step back, Satin 'n Lace fell silent, and said nothing more.

"Hm, it seems you are already learning how to be a proper queen of Dream Valley, my dear." Her mother noted, a hint of pride showing in her monotone voice. "Perhaps Satin 'N Lace did raise you properly, after all."

"I don't want to be a 'proper' queen, I don't want to be anything you want me to be!" Majesty, snarled, turning away from her mother angrily. "The only thing I want is to be away from Dream Valley, and away from the two of you!"

"So be it then, my daughter, you shall have your wish." The queen stated again, in here usual solemn tone. "You shall be far away from this place, and on your own. I believe it's time you see the world for how it truly is, my daughter. And I warn you... you may not like what you find."


Not many ponies saw the white and blue teen princess leave the castle, nor did many of those ponies even notice she was gone. So little attention was paid to the heir to the throne that few other equines would have noticed she was even missing. Not that Majesty would have cared if they had noticed anyway; she preferred the solitude that anonymity among her mother's own subjects gave her.

Good riddance to this stupid place. Majesty though to herself, looking back at the castle that had been the only home she had ever known. I hope I never see it again.

She knew why her mother had let her go; the queen thought her daughter was soft, and would easily crack, and come galloping home crying. But she'd show her mother, she'd show them all. Princess Majesty would stand on her own two hooves and trot, no matter how weak other ponies thought she was! Princess Majesty didn't need anybody, she would survive all by herself!

No matter how much it hurt....

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