• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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The Meeting at Rainbow Falls

"Okay, everybody! We're approaching the edge of Rainbow Falls." Majesty told the pony friends, as they drew near the edge of the forest. "Now, the ponies might be startled by your appearance, so let me introduce you, first."

The five travelers entered the clearing, and now gazed upon the bright and colorful city at the edge of the rainbow waterfall. The pony friends seemed surprised by the sight of the bright and colorful community, as if a city were a strange and alien sight to them.

"Hmmm, these ponies still live in stone houses of brick and mortar, much like the humans and elves do." Oakley moose snorted, gazing around at the town critically. "They are not as close to nature as we are."

"Oh, cut it out, Oakley!" Cha Cha llama snapped at him. "Who are you to talk about nature? You can't stand bees or wasps, and every time you go for a walk in the woods, you get a rash from wither poison ivy or poison oak."

"Don't be so critical of our friend, Cha Cha. These ponies are still an unknown factor to us." Edgar elephant chided the moose. "Oakley is wise to use caution in dealing with the equines."

"Enough, all of you!" Gertie the cutiesaurus told all of them. "We are about to find out just how friendly the ponies can be."

Several ponies in the town began to notice Majesty and the pony friends, and started to approach the group. The pony friends took an uncertain step back, until several mares and foals stepped forward to greet the non-ponies.

"Hello there!"

"Nice to meet you!

"Hi! Wanna be friends?"

The pony friends were taken aback by the warm welcome the ponies gave them, and were even more surprised when one of the rainbow ponies came forward, and raised her hoof in greeting to the newcomers.

"Welcome to our village, most honored guests." Nachlicht bowed to them politely, before smiling. "My name is Nachlicht, and I'm a rainbow pony." She looked up at the cutiesarus directly. "I am so very pleased that you have honored us with your presence."

"Um... greetings." Gertie replied, not quite sure what to say, or how to react to this warm reception. "We are really, really honored to be here."

Seeing all of the positivity and warmth surrounding them, the other animals finally allowed themselves to smile, as the equines embraced them with open hooves.


The younger ponies took to the other animals quite well, laughing and playing all around them. Several foals were climbing on Edgar's back ,and using his trunk as a slide. While two smaller fillies swung around on Oakley's antlers, laughing right along with the moose. Cha Cha tried to play hopscotch with several little colts. The pony friends took to these small children right away, as if they were members of their own families.

"I-I don't believe it." Gertie stuttered out, watching her friends having fun playing with the fillies and colts, while the parents looked on. "I had spent all this time convincing myself that ponies meant to destroy us, that I actually forgotten how friendly your kind can be."

"We are friendly, because you taught us how to be that way, Gertie." Nachlicht replied with a smile, looking on as the other pony friends had fun. "Without you and the other animals to blaze the trail, and show us how to wear our special talents proudly on our flanks."

"You know, for being the one species where all the members could earn them, ponies have never truly understood what these marks actually mean." Gertie told the rainbow pony, looking back at the mark on her own flank. "None of you ever grasped the deeper significance of what it meant to bear these marks."

"Well, aren't they symbols of a pony's inborn talents and magic?" The rainbow pony inquired, staring up at the aged dinosaur. "I mean, Equestrian ponies earn their marks when they discover their special talent. And ponylanders are born with their cutie marks."

"Oh, Naclicht...the cutie mark is so much more than just a symbol of a pony's special talent and magic." Gertie shook her head sadly. "Rather, it is the embodiment of that special talent and magic. Why do you think it disappears from an animal's flank, when his or her magic gets stolen?"

"So, you mean... there is magic in the mark itself?" Nachlicht smacked her hoof against her forehead. "Of course! No wonder they react to pony's emotions, and use of their special talents! the mark is like a totem rune, infused with an equine's inherit magic!"

"Now you begin to understand, my good Nachlicht ." The cutiesaurus smiled at the pony sage, who was far younger than the reptile. "I wish I could have had this kind of talk with a pony long ago, I am pleased to see your kind no longer despises the rest of us."

As the dinosaur and rainbow pony spoke, Majesty came trotting up to the other pony friends to have a word. All of the playing foals trotted back to their parents, and the pony pals turned to the unicorn with smiles on their faces.

"So, everybody... I take it your opinion has changed on ponies, now?" Majesty asked with a grin, hoping their quest had been successful. "You don't see us as evil persecutors seeking to destroy you anymore, I hope?"

"Princess, there are no words, we..." Cha Cha stumbled off, tears filling the lamas eyes. "...we never knew ponies were this capable of compassion."

"The little ones, they showed us how foolish we had been." Edgar agreed, lowering his head and trunk in shame. "We expected ponies to still be as full of contempt for us, as they did in ages past. But now..."

"...now, you- and they- have shown us the error of our ways." Oakley finished, humbly admitting they had all been wrong. "I'm sorry, Majesty. We all are, for thinking the worst of you." The moose smiled. "If ponies are all like you and these children, we shall be very happy to be 'pony friends' indeed!"

"I'm glad to hear that, and the ponies of Ponyland will be happy to have you as friends indeed." Majesty agreed. "Now, why don't we head over to the town's diner, and see if we can get all of you some delicious meals?"

But as the five made their way across town, they failed to notice four Equestrian ponies come trotting up behind them. They barely made it to the restaurant, when the four ponies jumped them.

"We have them, Girls!" Twinkler called out, as the four ponies jumped them. "For Equestria!"

"Aieee, look out!" Majesty cried out, as the four Equestrian Equines jumped them. "Bounty hunters!"

The princess kicked one mare away, and zapped a second with a beam from her horn. But the four just shook the attacks of and kept coming. Majesty and the pony pals fought for their lives, fearing what would befall them if they lost this fight!

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