• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,848 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

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Hello, my name is John Grimm or just Grimm and I would like to tell you about the adventures my daughter and I have had in her favorite TV show. But I think We should start at the beginning.

I am a former CIA Black Ops I was recruited just out of High School. Don't believe me who cares you ain't got the security clearance to know the real truth so there. As I was saying, I was recruited out of high school due to some unique skills some that could be criminal. Oh, you want an example ok how's this then, there was a former fellow student who was an egotistical self-absorbed Grammar Nazi who found himself in Guantanamo Bay, not the prison, the Bay face down.

Now let's not talk about that we are here to talk about happier things. One of mine is the day I met the love of my life. We kind of bumped into each other. Well, we actually bumped into each other which caused a domino effect having the two of us and fifteen other people fall into the River Thames. Unfortunately, one of the those who fell in with us just happened to be named Elizabeth Alexandra Mary AKA Queen Elizabeth II. Yeah, not one of my better days at work. Sorry again but you don't have the security clearance to know why I was there, hell not even the President has that level of clearance.

Back to the story, it took over a month for the guys back home to quit telling me if I wanted to get the queen wet I could've used my fingers instead of the river. Oh God, I'm sorry I'm so sorry um, forget that last part I said. Dear, Lord there's not enough brain bleach in the world to get that image out of our heads.

Now, where was I oh yeah meeting the love of my life? It was amazing we hit it right off as the great Gump would say we were like peas and carrots. And after a short year of dating, I popped the question, and she said no. While laughing at me she showed me a calendar and the days date, it was National Opposite Day. So when she said no she meant yes. I swear this woman will drive me to drink.

The news of our engagement reached my superiors, and they weren't happy. They were telling me things like it will interfere with my work or some other BS. To be honest, I wasn't listening I was just picturing her on our wedding day and more importantly the honeymoon. And again one year later we are married. I still worked for the Company but more with the Think Tank Boys. Still had a few field assignments I like before I had complete authority. I chose who lived and who died.

Enough about that dark stuff. Now it was exactly eleven months later that she told me the wonderful news. Yep, you guessed it I was going to be a father.
yeah, she was going to be a mother but I was going to be A FATHER.
You know Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pop, Papa, Pa, and the one hundred other ways to say it. (FYI there are 100 different words for father)

So we skip ahead nine months and there is my beautiful wife in the delivery room screaming at me. Saying things like if I ever touched her again she would castrate me with a chainsaw. Did I forget to mention how much I love this woman?

But, they say nothing is ever, ever easy. And most of all nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan.

You see there were complications with the birth and the doctor told me they could only save one of them.
I asked what my wife said and of corse, she chose the baby. So here I was holding the two most precious lives in existence my hands. I held my wife's hand as the doctor delivered our new baby girl.

With tears in her eyes, the woman I loved more than anything said she was sorry for not being here for us and she slipped away. At that exact moment when my wife passed my baby girl began to cry. At that moment, I swore to the heavens above I would love my daughter twice as much as any other parent would.

Deciding to put the wellbeing of my daughter first I took early retirement with full benefits. But, holding a security level higher than the President made my a possible risk to National Security. Now saying that I know things. But some of those conspiracy theorists aren't wrong (Cough) JFK assassination (Cough, Cough) Area 51 (Cough).

With the help of some High-Ranking Officials and maybe a little blackmailing, on my part, we were put in the Watch. This consisted of having six to eight CIA and or FBI agents shadowing us 24/7. If you think about it was like having our very own heavily armed entourage.

Time marches on six years to be exact and my little girl introduced me to something that both of us found enjoyable. A cartoon show called My little Pony Friendship is Magic. I know what you're thinking an Ex-CIA killer watching a show for little girls. Well, I say this to you shut up. Becuase I can find out who you are and where you live. And I won't make it quick and painless. Bwahahaha

So for six years, we watched every episode. I was introduced at season two but went back to season one and played catch up. Life was good for us but nothing last forever. It seems the new heads of the Agency didn't,t like pay for my retirement and I was to be liquidated. A heads up by some friends made it possible for us to disappear.
Unfortunately, I taught most of the guys that were looking for us. And the inevitable happened. It was around dinner time I knew something was wrong because our neighbor's dog normally barked at this time and there was no sound. So taking my daughter to the safe room I was about to close the door when it happened. The explosion rocked the whole house smoke filled everywhere. The safe room's door was turning red hot from the heat. I knew it was only a matter of time before the unthinkable would happen.
Holding my baby close to me I told her to close her eyes and think of the happiest place she could. Think of Ponyville of Equestria of all the ponies we know and wish real hard and don't stop no matter what.

The door began to melt from the intense heat letting flames and smoke into the room. Hold her close I closed my eyes and prayed that it would be quick.

Then I heard a voice it was muffled at first but it became clearer it was my wife.

"My love, do not fear for my final gift to you is for our little Cheyanne Autumn's dream shall come true."

After hearing those words I began to succumb to the smoke but then there was a bright flash then darkness. I only began to regain conciseness from my daughter's voice laughing and crying out in joy.