• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,848 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

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Chapter 5 Why does S%#& like this happen to me?

I'm laying in bed feeling the sun hit my face turning enough to keep the sun out of my eyes I slowly open them to see a single form lying next to me. I reach out to touch the form with my hand, wait, hand? Yes, I look and it's a hand I'm human so all that stuff was just a dream. The form next to me stirs and moves the covers and I can see that it's my wife and my God does she look beautiful. She rolls over on her back opening her eyes to look at me.

"Good morning sexy how'd you sleep?" I asked her leaning down and kiss her. "You wouldn't believe the weird dream I had it was so.." I began to say until I notice the look my wife was giving me.

"I am so sorry Grimm but this is the dream, you really are in Equestria and you are married to Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle," Eris said looking at me with that silly smile of her that I loved so much. "And as of right now you are on your back and Celestia is riding you like a professional bronco buster,' She said giggling.

"Oh, is that why I feel like I'm sitting on an unbalanced washing machine?" I said looking at her. " Wait am I asleep?" I asked sitting up quickly.

Eris sat up next to me placing a hand on my shoulder. Don't worry your not asleep it just how can I put it?" She said as she thought to herself. "Oh, ok your eyes are open your smiling and your hooves are doing what they need to but your logical side of your brain has gone by-by so whats happening out there is pure instinct," She said making me look at her confused.

"So you're telling me that right now I am nothing more than..." A stallion rutting his mares yep." I began to say before she finished it for me.

"And I will say this for how long you four have been at it there's no way those three are not pregnant," She said smiling at me making me look down.

"How can you joke about this it feels like I'm cheating on you," I said turning to look at her only to receive a slap in the face.

Now you listen to me Johnathan Necronomicon Grimm (Yeah my parents really loved H.P. Lovecraft go figure) you are not cheating on me what your doing is keeping your promise now I want you to be happy and take care of our Cheyanne and you might want to to go back now because Twilight is about to do something with her tongue I would have never thought of in a million years," She said getting up and walking away.

"Eris wait please don't go I don't want to lose you again," I said as I tried to follow her.

"You never lost me because I was and am always with you in our daughter," She said turning around to look at me. "Oh yeah, before I forget the reason you suck at magic and Cheyanne is so good at it is because of my mother and father,' She said as I just raised an eyebrow looking at her. "My parents were both powerful magical beings making me one too and our little girl got it from the three of us as for you being human meant no magic just imagination so you had half of it but you forgot the most important thing Seeing isn't believing, Believing is Seeing," She said as she slowly disappeared leaving me alone.

I looked up to the none existent sky smiling. "Believing is seeing uh you had to use the Santa Claus quote didn't yay?' I said to my self before I felt my mind reconnecting to the world.

"Holy Mary Mother of dam Twilight that felt really good who taught you that?" I asked looking at her as she sat between my legs blushing.

Celestia and Luna just giggled as I moved to sit up pulling Twi into a hug. "Hey, it's ok no need to be embarrassed let me show you what I can do with my tongue," I said moving her into position.

Needless to say, all three of them loved it and so did I, to be honest. But I know you're all wondering how long, how long were we in bed for am I right? Well let's just say we got married at 10:30 PM on Thursday and it is now 10:00 AM Saturday so yeah and if they are not pregnant then something is seriously wrong with me or them or both I just saying.

I looked over at the clock on the wall. "Oh it's a little after 10 o clock," I said only to regret it when I got thrown off the th bed by three very surprised mares all screaming the same thing. "Dear Faust, we're late for your coronation and the announcements!"

I laid on the floor for a while feeling some pain in my face after I greeted the floor with it. "Ow what the buck is wrong with you three that stupid coronation can wait until we're ready and what do you mean what announcement?" I asked still laying on the floor nursing my face.

"Grimm, we love you but know is not the time for joking," Luna said as she used her magic to lift me up so she could look at me. Your Coronation is set for Eleven due to the fact that is the only time every Noble and Dignitary will be here in Canterlot and the Announcements are the marriage between you and the three of us including our carrying of your foals," She said casting a spell that covered over all four of us. "There that should do it,"

"What was that and why do I smell like I just swam in a pool of perfume?" I asked sniffing myself.

"That was a cleansing spell it helps when you don't have the time to take a bath now let's get going we still need to explain what will be happening at your Coronation," Celestia said as she headed to the door dragging me along the way.

On our way to the throne room, the three of them kept drilling me as to what I was supposed to do.

"Now remember we will be entering through a different door and you and Cheyanne must wait outside the main doors until you are introduced then and only then will you both will enter making your way to the foot of the stairs. There you will bow as we descended the stairs to stand before you. You will rise and face us where you will receive your crowns and titles. Then you will turn around facing the crowd where we will move to stand beside you and announce that we are your wives and Cheyanne's new mothers and we are now pregnant with your foals." The three of them told me over and over until we stopped at a small door where the others were waiting.

I looked at all of them as they each were wearing a very nice looking dress even Cheyanne was in a one. It kind of looked like one of the ones from Frozen.

But for a pony.

I watched as they all entered the door leaving my daughter and me behind. I looked down at her smiling face and couldn't help but wonder what she was so happy about.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" I asked her.

Yeah daddy but," She said looking down at the floor.

I leaned down and nuzzled her. "Whats the matter honey?" I asked.

"What if they don't like me?" She said looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

"What not like you don't be silly those ponies in there are going to love you who wouldn't?" I said having her look at me.

"No not them," She said making me wonder who the hell she was talking about. "What if my new brothers and sisters don't like me because I'm not an alicorn like them?" She said as the tears began to fall.

I sat down and picked her up, holding her close to me. "Shhh, it's alright everything's going to be fine you know why?" I asked her making her shake her head in my chest. "Becuase I know for a fact you brothers and sisters will love you because you will be the one who gets to teach them how to do magic and being the big sister that means you get to help pick their names," I said making her look up at me with hope-filled eyes.

"Really daddy?" She asked.

"Really, really have I ever lied to you?' I said kissing her on the nose making her giggle. "So how about we go and get this coronation thing out of the way my little princess?' I said as I set Cheyanne down as we started to make our way to the main doors of the throne room.

"Thank you, daddy, I love you," She said as we finally reached the door as we heard our names being called.

I would say the whole thing went on without a hitch but I'd be lying. Oh, the coronation part went fine we got our crowns and were introduced to all the Nobles and Dignitaries but when the girls said that we were married and they were pregnant all hell broke loose. First, all the Nobles well most of them started yelling that we couldn't do this it would destroy the country. But like I said not all of them were yelling a handfull congratulated us but that wasn't the real problem it was the Dignitaries they were the real problem. I got so bad Cheyanne and the CMC started to cry and had to have the others take them out of there. That along with what the king of the Minotaurs said was the final straw.

"You filthy whorses you would lift your tales for any stallion if I had known this I would have bucked you long ago," Is what I think he said not to sure because after seeing my daughter and my wives yes I'm calling them that start to cry I lost it and everything went black. All I remember is the doors all closing and the room becoming very cold. Then there were the screams all around ponies, griffons, minotaurs, donkeys, dragons, all of them were staring at me with total fear and shock.

Discord's POV

I sat next to Fluttershy as I watched as Cheyanne and her father made their way to the steps of the thrones both holding themselves with the pride and stature of true nobility. After the ceremony, Tai announced that they were married to Grimm and were pregnant with his foals. Then the yelling began I pulled Flutters close to me seeing as she had begun to shake with fear I looked around and saw my granddaughter began to cry making me want to turn all of these fools it to some proto plankton. I thought it would be best to get them out of there ASAP. Picking up Fluttershy I flew over to the others grabbing the fillies along the way.

"I think it would be best if you girls take all of them out of here right now," I said to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Now don't worry Fluttershy I'll be right behind you after I get the princesses," I said looking at my special somepony. Yes, I said it she's my SPECIAL SOMEPONY so there.

I watched as the left the throne room before turning to head over and get the now three tear-filled eyed princesses when I felt the most powerful burst of magic ever. The doors to the room were sealed shut even I couldn't open them. But what got my attention was the screams of fear. I floated above everypony to get a better view and that's where I saw it. Standing there in the center of the room was Grimm in all of his terrifying glory the form that stood there was one I recognized very well it was Death in its War Armor. It wasn't hard to miss the smell of rotting flesh and sulfur were unforgettable that and all those red eyes of his I mean what's up with that I know their the eyes truth but still, even they started to freak me out.

Standing there he looked around at the terrified occupants of the room until he raised a hoof and slammed it down on the floor. The sound was enough to make all in attendance freeze in place. All eyes were on him and no one dared to speak.

"How dare you, How dare you all of you here have no right to speak against the union of the Princesses and myself for each of you have your own sins upon your heads," Grimm Death said in a low verberating voice.

"I am King of Minos how dare you, speak to me in such a way!" The Minotaur King yelled stepping out to stand in front of Grimm holding his sword in his hand.

Grimm Death looked at him only to laugh at him making the minotaur flinch. "You king hah you murdered your king rapped his wife and sold his children as slaves. You are no king but a coward and for your sins, you shall be judged," Grimm said looking at the eyes of the now visibly shaking minotaur. Guilty sentence Damnation," Grimm said raising his hoof once more and slamming it down on the floor this time a summoning circle appeared surrounding the Minotaur King. Then there was a low growling that could be heard all of the sudden four creatures appeared to be climbing up from the floor. Their appearance made everyone step back in fear for they were not of this world but the servants of hell the vilest of beings the Wendigo, not the ones of pony lore but the true beast of legend.

The now screaming Minotaur King tried to fight the monsters but with no luck, they were too powerful and his blade did nothing but bounced of their skin. We watched as they began to tear their pore victim apart limbs were flying everywhere as blood was spilling all over the floor inside the circle. Until there was nothing but silents. I looked and saw there was nothing left that you could identify as a once living being. All eyes turned from the carnage they had witnessed to look with true fear at the now normal looking Grimm.

Raising his hoof once more he slammed it down and everything returned to normal there was no circle no monsters or bloody mess and the Minotaur King was still standing there unharmed but visibly shaken to the point he dropped to his knees and beg for forgiveness.

Grimm POV

I don't know what the hell happened and to be honest I don't think I'll ever want to because all I know is when I looked around all I could see was fear, fear in the eyes of everyone around me I even saw fear in the eyes of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight and that hurt most of all. I didn't say anything all I did was run out of the room. I didn't look back I just ran I knew something happened but I couldn't remember anything. Why why does my life have to turn to shit everytime something good happens it gets torn away from me first Eris then my daughter and I got killed by our own country and now this? I ran through the halls though doors until I was outside in what looked like a garden.

I walked around trying to calm down I don't know why I was acting like this I mean I used to kill people for a living. But now I still kept a watchful eye of my surroundings but I don't know maybe it's being here that's changing me. I walked until I came to a tall tree and just plopped down letting my crown fall off my head. I didn't care about it anyways I just sat there looking at the ground until I felt as if someone was coming over to me. I lifted my head to see everyone was there staring at me with worried expressions.

"I guess I made a lasting first impression didn't I?" I said as I looked back down at the ground only to have my daughter run over and jump at me making me fall on my back.

"Daddy, I was so scared that you got hurt are you alright?" She asked as she hugged me crying into my neck.

Holding her I sat back up and looked at the others all of them but Discord still had fear in their eyes. Even my so-called wives looked at me that way it got so bad I was getting angry.

" Discord could you and Fluttershy take Cheyanne, Spike, and the girls to go get some lunch I sure their all hungry right now?' I said looking at him.

"Sure Grimm, come along children I think I saw a pile of sweets in the kitchen earlier," He said as both he and Fluttershy ushered the children inside.

I waited until they were gone before I spoke. " Alright what the hell is wrong with all of you?" I say only to get the same fearful stares." You know what forget it after Cheyanne's done eating we're outta here," I said getting up and walking towards the gate to the garden.

I only got a few steps when a wall of magic appeared in front of me turning around I saw that the horns of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were all glowing as they stood there with tears falling from their eyes.

"Please don't go," Celestia said.

"Don't leave us," Luna said.

We're so sorry for how we acted,"Twilight said as the three of them walked slowing over to me.

"Why should I tell me why should I believe anything you say!" I yelled making them flinch. "Every single one of you is looking at me like I'm a monster ready to kill and devour you. God, I would never hurt any of you, you're the only ones here besides Discord that I consider no who are my family and you three should never doubt my love for you," I said as I looked at each of their faces until I stopped to look at my wives. "I don't know what happened back there but all I know was I could feel the darkness in all of them and when I saw that you three and Cheyanne were crying because of what they were saying I had to protect you all of you," I said before everything started to get fuzzy and then it went dark before I hit the ground I could hear my wives screaming my name then silence.

"Grimm!" My sister Twilight and I screamed when we saw our husband stagger then fall to the ground.

Running over to him I scanned his body to see if he was hurt. "He is alright he is just unconscious," I said looking to my herd sisters.

Twilight did not seem to happy to learn this as she became increasingly worried.

"Oh this is bad really, really bad," She said as she began to dance around in a panic.

"Twilight why is it bad if our husband is just resting?" Luna asked grabbing twilight to stop her sporadic movements.

"Grimm told me he only sleeps about two hours a week and if he's unconscious for too long he'll go into a psychotic state and he said it wasn't something any of us wanted to see," She said as she looked at everyone there. "I even asked Discord if he knew about it and he said to lock him in an iron box and let him ride it out or put him somewhere nothing is alive," She said looking even more worried.

Hearing this everyone began to get scared.

"Alright now everypony calm down nothing will happen we still have two hours to figure out how to wake him," Celestia said calming the others.

"True sister but I think we better come up with something just in case," Luna said leaning close to Celestia so she could only hear it.

As the others began to move inside to tell Discord what was happening Twilight on the other hoof was still a little freaked out about all of this and it was showing. Celestia and Luna saw this and walked over to their herd sister to comfort her.

"Twilight everything is going to be fine please calm down," Luna said as she nuzzled her cheek.

"Please Twilight you must relax the stress is not good for the foal," Celestia said as she too nuzzled Twilight's cheek.

Hearing this Twilight just stood there blinking for a few seconds before placing a hoof on her stomach. "That's right the foal my foal, not just mine but Celestia and Luna's we need to be careful right now to much stress isn't good for us." Twilight thought to herself as she took a deep breath.

"Now I think it would be best if we move Grimm to his room so he will be more comfortable," Celestia said as she used her magic to levitate Grimm carrying him inside while Luna and Twilight followed her.

Outside Canterlot Castle

While this was happening those who witnessed the scene earlier were now outside the castle many of the Nobles headed strat home as the Dignitaries also began to gather their things from their Embassies to depart for their homelands. All of them still showing the fear of what they had seen. A few of them those who found the idea of the Princesses married and pregnant to be scandalous decided to use this to their advantage. Possibly setting up an arranged marriage between the royal foals and one of the own family members or better yet blackmailing them with fear of harm coming to the foals. But that idea was shot down quickly remembering what the Prince did to the Minotaur King after his threat to the Princesses there was no way any of them would want to experience that kind of hell.

Out of all of the Dignitaries, two walked slower than the rest the first being Steele Fist the Minotaur King for obvious reasons and the second being Queen Grizelda of the Griffon Empire.

Grizelda walked slowly back to the Griffon embassy with her two guards flanking her. Although she really didn't need them seeing as she was a former soldier in the army and feared by most if not all other races for her strength and fighting prowess. She had always believed that everything and everyone had a place in this world. As she walked she kept thinking about what had happened to hear the news of her former foes turned allies had finally found a stallion and even had gotten pregnant made her smile. Thinking of her own life being unable to have chicks of her own due to a wound she received long ago but she still was happy for them. She continued walking when a thought came to her stopping in her tracks making both of her guards falter for a second causing Grizelda to chuckle. She turned back to look at the castle.

"I have made a decision that will secure an everlasting peace between The Griffon Empire and Equestria," She said making her guards look at her confused.

"My Queen, may we know what it is?" One of the guards asked.

Grizelda looked down at the guard a smile crept across her beak. " Why a political marriage of course between Prince Grimm and my niece Gilda," She said making the guard's mouths drop open in shock. " Yes I know Polygamy is frowned upon in our society but in Equestria, the practice of Herding is encouraged it might take a little finesse and blackmailing of the griffon nobility but I think we can make it work," She said smiling at the thought of her plan rolled around in her head.

"Forgive me my Queen but are you sure you want to have Gilda be the one for this proposal wouldn't it be better to have your other niece Gabby as she is less likely to um, try and kill her future husband?" The guard said only to regret speaking so openly.

Grizelda held in her anger knowing that a true ruler must take advice from others in consideration. " True she is still a little headstrong but after her reconciliation, with her old pegasus friend she has improved he attitude and even made a name for herself as one of the best scone bakers in the empire," She said her frown changing to a smile thinking about how her niece's life had gotten better. " Sergent fly ahead and have my secretary write up two letters first ordering Gilda come to Canterlot and bring some of her delicious scones with her and the second a proposal to the Princesses wait, hold off on the second one, for now, let us give them a few days," She said as one of her guards saluted and took of flying in the direction of the Griffon Embassy.

With that taken care of Grizelda turned back to continue her walk to the Embassy stopping once again. Looking around and seeing no one she grabbed hold of the guard's talon and started dragging him to the nearest alley.

"My Queen is something wrong ?" The guard asked.

"No, just seeing the power of that stallion and thinking of what my niece will be getting on her honeymoon just gave me an itch and your going to scratch it for me," She said as they entered the darkened alley a smile plastered on the guard's face.

Back inside the castle things weren't going too well. It seemed that it was nearing the two-hour mark and Grimm still had not been revived. The three princesses were at the end of their collective rope. What were they to do lockup their husband until his psychotic episode was over or sending him someplace where there was no living creature. Knowing full well that stress was not good for them it was still hard to fight it.

"What are we to do time is almost up and we still haven't.." Luna started to say when Celestia draped her wing over her sister to comfort her.

"I know sister but we must have faith that the answer will come," Celestia said Twilight also moved over to her herd sisters for comfort.

As this was happening Cheyanne walked it to the room. " Why is everypony looking so sad mommies whats wrong?" She asked walking over to her three mothers.

" Oh sweetie it's not a good idea for you to be in here right now your daddy's sleeping," Twilight said as she picked up her now daughter holding her close.

"Oh, ok, I just want to know if he could tell me and my friends a story?" She said in a sad tone only for all of them to hear stirring on the bed as Grimm began to sit up.

"Ok sweetie I'll be there in a minute," Grimm said as he sat up stretching.

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight just stood there with their mouths agape at what they were seeing. Grimm got off the bed and walked over to them giving each of them a kiss on the cheek snapping them out of their stupor.

"Wait what just happened?" Twilight nearly yelled.

Scratching the back of his head Grimm smiled sheepishly. I guess I was just exhausted from earlier and must have fallen asleep?" He said looking at them confused. "Why did something happen while I was out?"

Celestia and Luna moved over closer to Twilight all three of them seemed to have a slite tick in their eyes both of them leaning over and kissing Cheyanne on the forehead. "Cheyanne sweetie your mommies need to talk to daddy about something very important so you go run along and we'll be there in a bit," Celestia said in her motherly voice but there was a hint of malice in her tone.

Before Grimm could stop his daughter from leaving and closing the door he felt his body being lifted off the floor. Turning to see not one but three RAGE SHIFTED ALICORNS.

The only thought that passed through his mind was. " Why does shit like this happen to me?"

A few seconds later there was a horrible scream of pain that echoed throughout the land. From that day on when ponies would hear a cry like that they would say it's the wail of the Banshee.

But after a trip to the medical wing, Grimm still made it in time, to tell Cheyanne and her friends a wonderful story called Princess Celestia and the Laser Pointer by SirNinji. Needles to say Tai was not happy about the story but Luna was rolling on the floor laughing so hard I thought she'd pee herself. I moved over and pulled the pouting sun princess into a hug kissing her cheek.

"Hey, I do know, one about Luna too," I said making her perk up. " I also know one with Twilight in it," I said looking over to my purple bookworm princess.

We had fun playing and telling stories and jokes until it was time for dinner even then we still had fun as I sat eating with what I consider my family and that meant everyone my wives, daughter, the mane 5, their sisters, DT, SS, Spike, Cadance, Shining, and even Discord.


"Oh shut up"

But there always must be a balance with happiness and joy, sadness and tragedy must show their faces and little did we know how close it truly was.