• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,847 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

  • ...

Chapter 1 So We're Ponies Now

"YESYESYESYESYESYES YEEEESSSSSSS we're ponies and we're in Equestria and this is Ponyville." Those are the words my ten-year-old daughter kept repeating for thirty minutes while bouncing around me.

Looking down at her I let out a small laugh seeing her so happy.
But in the back of my mind, many questions kept coming to the surface."HOW THE HELL DID WE GET HERE?."
Looking around I saw we were just outside of the town.

Taking a deep breath, I called my daughter's name "Cheyanne, honey, sweetie, Cheyanne, Cheyanne Autumn Grimm,"

Hearing her full name she stopped what she was doing and stood right in front of me.

"What is it, daddy? "She said looking up at me with the biggest smile and emerald green eyes I have ever seen.

"I know you're happy that we're here but we have to stop and think we don't know if we're in the show or someplace else plus if this is the show we don't know what has happened so far," I said looking down at her with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Okay, I'm, sorry daddy." She said while lowering her head with her eyes closed sniffling.

Lowering my head I nuzzled the side of her face." It's all right you did nothing wrong and I shouldn't have raised my voice like that."

She giggled raising my head up I looked at her.

"Are you all right now sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm, okay daddy," She said look up at me. Suddenly her eyes and mouth got enormous. "Da Da Daddy you're not just a pony your an Alicorn!" She screams.

Looking to my sides I see a pair of wings and looking up taking my front hoof to my forehead I can feel a long, horn." Well, what do you know? You're right I'm a what was it called again?"

"An Alicorn." She says with a little giggle in her voice. With a gasp, she screams." If you're one, then I can be". Turning her head to her side her words fell short as she did not see any wings on her side. "Awww!, come on that's not fair I'm just an earth pony." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Looking closer at her I noticed on the top of her head the was a small horn.Chuckling to myself she looks up at me with one of the most adorable sad expressions I have ever seen. Clearing my throat. " You may not be an Alicorn but you're not an earth pony either." With that, I took my front hoof and touched the top of her head gently bumping the tip of her horn."It looks like you're a unicorn, you know what that means don't cha?"

With a twinkle in her eyes and a big smile on her face."I'm a unicorn I can do magic." Her smile got even bigger and I swear I heard her 'SQUEE'.

Getting my girl's attention again, "alright no more horsing around."Stopping to roll my eyes and shake my head for that stupid pun I just said."Anyways we should head into town to meet the locals and find a place to sleep tonight."

We started our trek into town looking at all the different ponies and buildings.Something odd caught my attention real quick everypony we passed by bowed.leaning down to my daughter's ear whispering."Honey, why are they doing that? "

She giggled at my question then said matter of factually." Because you're an alicorn daddy and that makes you a prince.OH if you're a prince that makes me a princess." She lets out another squee.

I just roll my eyes,"sure thing princess. Do you know where we can get some food and a place to sleep?"I said still smiling at her actions.

"No, but she might know," Cheyanne said with a smile on her face.

"Who might kno." I didn't get to my question finish when a pink blob lands right on my face knocking me on my ass with a thud.

Hearing my daughter laughing loud and hard at my expense was not helping my mood. Using my front hooves to pry the pink from my face I set it down on the ground.Looking back up at me is the pink party pony herself.With a smile, she began to talk.


Placing my hoof over her mouth to answer you questions." Yes we are new here motioning to my daughter and to answer your other ones yes we like parties and we both like red velvet cake and most importantly yes we would like to be your friends Ms. Pinkie Pie."

My daughter looks at me with a tilt of her head.

"How did you know what she said, daddy?" She asked still confused." I couldn't understand a word she said."

"That's simple years of practice of listening to a bunch of different peo ah ponies talk all at once," I told her with a slight smirk on my face.

Clearing my throat to get both of their attention.

"Now Pinkie it's a pleasure to meet you and your right my daughter and I are new in town.We're looking for a place to get some food and a place to sleep but the problem is we don't have a bit to our names put it simply we're flat broke."I said in a monotoned answer.

"Oooh, that's so sad." Pinkie said with eyes filling with tears.A second later she perked up with that big smile of hers."I know my friends can help you out."

"Thank you, Pinkie," I said.
"If your friends are half as helpful and kind as you I think we will like living here."With that said we were off to meet the pink mare's friends. First stop was Carousel Boutique and the lovely Miss Rarity (remember my daughter and I watched the show) anywho the place looked just like it did on the show right down to the dare I say it those god awful colors. Smirking to myself we made our way inside hearing a bell ring above the door after opening and closing the door.

A voice called out from a back room." Be right there." Stepping into view was the pony fashionista herself.

I think she didn't notice us at first because she went through her normal routine.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic unique and Magnifique how may I help you?" Rarity said with her posh style of speaking.

Looking over to the door seeing her friend."Oh, Pinkie Pie what are you doing here?"

"Oh you know I just brought my new friends here to meet you." Pinkie said with her trademark smile.

My daughter was the first to walk up to Rarity."How do you do Miss Rarity my name is Cheyanne Autumn Grimm." she said with a cute bow."And this is my daddy."She said using her hoof to point in my direction.

"Oh, my what a polite and well mannered young filly."Rarity said with a slight giggle and bow of her own.

Turning her attention to me she started to greet me but stopped mid sentence "And it is a pleasure to meet ." Rarity didn't quite get to finish her statement because her eyes grew as big as dinner plates and kind of glazed over. Did you ever see one of those logging TV shows where are the guide just cut the tree and the sound it makes as it starts to fall? Yeah, that's what she did and actually, that was the same sound I heard.

"Oh, Great daddy you broke her." My daughter said in a slight huff

"No she'll be all right she just fainted". I said with a slight fear and my voice. "At least I hope she just fainted?" I thought to myself.

"Do it again that was like so funny Rares was like. How do you do? And then she was CREEEEEEEEEK and then POW that was so funny!" Pinkie said while holding her stomach laughing.

"Pinkie I know it was funny but I need you to pay attention," I said is I trotted over to her. "I need you to help me put her on the couch and then I need you to go get your other friends but you have to remember to tell them about me so they don't freak out like Rarity," I told her as she began to help me carry Rarity over to the couch.

"Oki Doki Loki" Pinkie said while giving me a salute.

Seconds later she was gone and all that was left was a pink puff of smoke in her image. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I begin to look around the boutique on the far wall I noticed a full-length mirror figuring that I'd like to know what I look like.
I walked over and began to examine my reflection. Judging by my height I knew I had to be at least one head higher than Celestia. My coat was a jet black as for my mane and tail they were jet black also for my wings as well black.
Looking I noticed my eyes they were at least the same color as my original ones ash gray. Deciding to see what my cutie mark was I turned sideways and looked at my flank. Needless to say, I was very confused the mark was a blood red circle like a moon with a black scythe resting at an angle.

"Daddy whatcha doing?" My daughter asked as she trotted over to me.

"Oh, you know just checking out what I look like I've never been a pony before so I wanted to know," I said is I turned away from the mirror to look at her.

"Can I see what I look like?" She asked while actually pushing me out of the way.

I stood there and watched as she scrutinized over every part of her body. Her expression fell flat when she looked at her flank and saw nothing.

"Awww I'm a blank flank that's not fair." She said as she sat on her haunches crossing her front legs.

"True but just think you can go on adventures with the CMC to find your cutie mark," I said to her as I nuzzled her cheek to cheer her up which seem to work.

"Do you really mean it that I can go one adventure with Applebloom Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo to try to find my cutie mark?" She said standing up on all four legs with a hopeful tone in her voice.

"Yes, I promise just not too dangerous of adventures OK," I told her actually regretting mentioning the CMC.

Our conversation was cut short by the door of the boutique slamming open turning both of our heads in surprise we saw the rest of the main six standing there.

The others except Twilight stood there looking at my daughter and myself with their mouths agape.

"Pinkie I was in the middle of a very important experiment white you bring me here?" Twilight said while attempting to straighten out her mane which did kind of look disheveled.

Without saying a word Pinkie used her hoof to turn Twilight in our direction the moment her eyes laid upon us she stopped talking.

"Wow, Pinkie I thought you were just joking about a new alicorn," Rainbow said as she flew up close to me and started to hover around. "This is totally awesome hey Twi I thought there are only four alicorns and all of them were princesses?" Rainbow said as she continued hovering around me check and me out.

"This is impossible how could there be an alicorn stallion I've never heard of one. tThe princess I have to write her a letter right now." Twilight said as her right eye started to twitch.

"Excuse me I think it would be best if we all calmly sit down and try to relax because it appears that a few of you are going to end up like Miss Rarity here," I said getting their attention while gesturing with my hoof to Rarity who still is passed out on the couch. Looking over to where I was pointing the girls saw their friend laying on the couch unconscious. Forgetting everything else they rushed over to her side trying to revive her. After a few minutes Rarity started to stir.

"Oh my darlings what you doing here I just had the most amazing dream there was a tall handsome stallion standing in the middle of the boutique." Rarity said as she laid on her trademark flamboyance.

"Rares that wasn't a dream 'cause he's standing right there." AppleJack said as she motioned with her hoof in my direction.

Rarity sat up and looked with shock in her eyes she began to become faint again.

"Okay that's it I'm sorry but this may be rude and insensitive to all of you," I said speaking up to get all of their attention. "If you faint one more time and if Miss Sparkle doesn't calm down I will take my daughter and we will leave no ifs and's or buts about it," I said to all of them in a very stern and aggressive tone.

"I'm sorry". All the girls said in Unison with their ears folded back on their heads.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm myself I open them and looked at all the girls including my daughter who seem to be on the verge of crying.

"No no no no please don't start crying I didn't mean to yell like that I'm sorry it's just my daughter and I really need some help we need a place to stay and some food," I said as I quickly moved toward all the girls. " You see I'm trying to protect my daughter and everything that's happened is a little confusing at the moment I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this so please don't cry I'm really sorry," I said is I lowered my head closing my eyes.

"No darling we should apologize." Rarity said as she got herself up off the couch.

"She's right sugarcube we were all acting like a bunch of fillies." AppleJack said as she took her Stetson off her head and placed it on a chest.

"Please forgive our rudeness on how we acted and let us introduce ourselves." Twilight said as she stepped forward."My name is Twilight Sparkle princess of friendship and these are my friends Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and I believe you already met Pinkie Pie." Twilight said as she gestured to each friend who interned nodded their heads.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you this is my daughter Cheyenne Autumn Grim and I am John Grim," I said as I gestured to my daughter and myself.
"What kind of name is John for a pony?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"It happens to be a very good name and besides if it's too hard for you Skittles you can call me Grim," I said to Rainbow Dash with a smug grin.
"Hey the names Rainbow Dash, not this Skittles or whatever it is got it buster," She said flying up to my face looking ready to fight.

To defuse the situation I could only think of one thing I reached up and kissed her right on the lips. It was just a quick peck but that action was just enough to cause her wings to stiffen and lock up putting her on the ground with her mouth shut and her eyes open. To be honest I didn't think her whole body could turn that red from embarrassment but stranger things have happened. Hearing the other girls giggling shook Rainbow back to reality she quickly shot out of the boutique leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Laughing I decided I should apologize to her later when she calms down. "So with everyone calmed down is it possible that you ladies will be able to help us?" I said trying to regain the attention of five giggling mares and one filly.

"Yes we can help, you and your daughter can stay with me at the library," Twilight said turning around as she still kept giggling.

"Thank you, your help is appreciated," I said is I stepped closer to her.

"Well if all that's settled I might as well get back to the farm got a lot of trees that still need bucking." Applejack said as she turned to leave.

Following her example, the rest of the girls except for Twilight and Pinkie left to go about their daily lives.

"Um, Pinkie why are you still here?" Twilight asked her ever so cheerful friend.

" 'cause I gotta let Grimmy and Chy know that their gonna have a welcome to Ponyville party." Pinkie said with her over exuberant attitude.

"Thank you Pinkie but could you hold off on the party for one day if that's possible?" I said as I walked up next to her and Twilight.

"Oki Doki Loki" Pinkie said while giving me her trademark smile. As she turned and bounced out of the boutique.

Chuckling I asked." Is she always like that or do I have to worry about her getting worse?"

"No that's our Pinkie being Pinkie." Rarity said as she began working on some clothing.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to head home," Twilight said with a hint of bashfulness.

"Lead the way," I said as I stood by the door holding an open for her.

Moments later Twilight was leading my daughter and myself through Ponyville to the famous Golden Oaks Library. And I have to say it lived up to its name it was an oak tree and the bark had a dull gold sheen to it. Making our way to the door Twilight used her magic to open it.

"Well, here we are." She said turning around to face us as we all entered the library.

Taking a look around the place was a lot bigger on the inside than the outside. I just chalk it up to magic not gonna argue if I can't figure out something magic is the answer. I stood in the middle of the room and watched my daughter as she ran to and fro looking at all the different books and everything else in the room. It reminded me of Christmas when she would run downstairs and be so excited about all the presents under the tree. I had to laugh at how silly she looked.

"Spike, Spike come down here we have guests!" Twilight called out up the stairs.

"I'm comin', I'm comin' keep your shirt on." I heard a young male voice come from upstairs.

Hearing footsteps all three of us look up to see the young dragon Spike as he descended the stairs.

"So who're the guests you're talking about?" Spike asked before his attention landed on my daughter and me. "Twilight there's an alicorn stallion in the library." He said as he pointed a claw in my direction.

"Yes, I know allow me to introduce Grim and his daughter Cheyenne Autumn." Gesturing with a hoof to myself and my daughter.

"Hi." We both said simultaneously to the young confused dragon.

Um Hi, I'm Spike, Twilight's number one assistant. He said as he walked closer to me.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet a Spike," I said bringing up my hoof so he could bump fists with it.

"High Spike are you a real dragon that's so cool." My daughter said as she rushed up to stand in front of him.

Jumping back a little from the surprise Spike smiled and offered a fist bump to her as well. While all of us were enjoying the pleasantries of our meeting, it was cut short by a loud growl. Both Twilight and Spike turned to look at me, but I lifted up one of my hooves in a defensive manner to show that it wasn't me.

"Sorry, I guess I'm hungrier than I thought." Came the shy timid voice of my daughter with the biggest blush she's ever had.

After all of us laughed Spike when into the kitchen to prepare a meal for all of us.
Moments later he brought out four plates with vegetarian lasagna and what appeared to be a dandelion salad. Placing them on the table we all gathered round and began to eat.

"Would it be alright if I sent a letter to the Princesses about you and your daughter?" Twilight said between bites of her food.

"I don't mind it at all actually I think I'd like to meet them as well," I said after swallowing a mouthful of very delicious dandelion salad.

"You meg on turf med ta pifuss," My daughter said while her mouth was full.

"Sweetie I can't understand a word you just said, don't talk with your mouth full it's very rude," I said while looking at her.

Swallowing her food my daughter looked up to me." Sorry, daddy, I got excited. She said with a sheepish grin."But you mean that we get to meet the princesses?" She said with the big smile on her face.

"It's possible but they might be busy right now so we will just have to wait," Twilight said as she materialized a quill and parchment in front of her.

Sitting there eating I watched as Twilight scribbled on the parchment hastily trying to finish writing her letter.
I continued my meal as I watched Twilight roll up the parchment and levitated to Spike as he used his magic fire breath to send the letter to Canterlot and more precise to Princess Celestia herself.
To be honest I was actually quite interested in meeting both Celestia and her sister Luna.
More so meeting Luna because due to my job I tended to stay up at night.
Thinking we both can have something in common.

Finishing our meal I look over to Twilight." So how long do you think it'll take for them to respond to your letter?" I asked while I moved away from the table.

"I don't really know it may take an hour or they might respond until tomorrow." She said before a bright flash of light appeared in the room.

"Or it might take just a few seconds," Spike said as he began clearing off the table.

Running over to her former teacher Twilight embraced her. "Princess Celestia Princess Luna it's so good to see both of you." She said as she pulled away from the sun princess's embrace.

"Now Twilight we have told you before you're a princess now you don't need to call us by our titles," Celestia said in her trademark motherly tone.

"I know it's just a force of habit but I am getting better I don't do it all the time. " Twilight said as she backed away with a fate blush of embarrassment.

After everyone laughed at the young Alicorns embarrassment I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. Looking back at my daughter I thought it would be best if she wasn't there to hear any of this."Sweetie, I think you should go help Spike with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen." I said as I lean down to nuzzle her.

"But daddy I want to talk to the Princess." She said with a little pout.

"And you can but after we have some grownup talk all right?" I said looking at her.

"All right I know what grown up talk means it means little kids aren't allowed to know anything." She said puffing her cheeks.

Once both of the young ones were safely in the kitchen I turned around to face the three alicorns. "Princess, is there any way to cast a what's the word, a soundproof bubble around us?" I said looking directly at Celestia.

She nodded and her horn began to glow gold within seconds it ended.

"There I have placed a soundproof spell over the entire room. Now can you please explain why you requested it?" She said as she took a few steps toward me.

"I don't want Spike or my daughter to hear what I'm about to tell you and trust me when I say you might not believe what I'm about to say and please hold all of your questions until the end," I said as I ready myself to explain everything that I could.

So for the next hour and a half, I explained everything about us being human, earth, my former job, the show, our supposed deaths and our sudden arrival in Equestria. Needless to say, all three princesses were shocked intrigued and saddened by my explanation. Surprisingly it was Luna that's broke the silence.

"Are we to understand that you needlessly took the lives of innocents?" She asked me with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"No it was not needlessly, they were enemies of my country and if they lived they would've taken the lives of true innocents what you do not understand your Majesties is my world is a world of mostly hate. Hate because of the color of your skin the land you live in or your religious beliefs. Do not get me wrong there are people who show love compassion and kindness but they are far and few. I have seen the hate and evil in man but I've also seen the good and that is what I hope I can show my daughter." I said with a proud feeling in my heart.

"But there are a few things that I don't understand?" Twilight said to no one imparticular.

"Yes, my former student what is it?" Celestia asked turning to look at Twilight.

"I was wondering why Grim appeared as an Alicorn and not some other pony form?" She asked which peaked my interest as well.

"Yeah, why is that I know I wasn't some powerful being back on Earth I was was just the best at what I did," I said with a hint of regret at the words I used.

"Sister do you believe it is possible could he be the one, she spoke of ?" Luna said looking at her sister.

"Possibly everything points to the one conclusion," Celestia said to Luna.

I never like it when people talked, about me when I was standing right there so with a little anger In my voiced opinion about it.
"This is all well and good but what the hell are you talking about?" I said just a little louder than I wanted.

"We are terribly sorry we did not mean to treat you this way," Celestia said as she and Luna lowered their heads.

"I should apologize as well for snapping at you like that it wasn't right," I said quickly trying to defuse the situation.

As we all agreed that it was a mutual mistake I decided to get us back on, topic. "So you were saying something about a conclusion of some kind?"

"Yes, and who is this she you mentioned?" Twilight asked finally getting into the conversation.

"Tell me Twilight do you know what the Elements of Creation are?" Celestia asked her former student hoping she would get the answer.

"Let's see there's the four basic one's Earth, Fire, Air, and Water then there are the Etherial one's Light, Dark, Love, Hate, Chaos, Order, Time, Space, and Life and Death," Twilight answered feeling proud of her knowledge.

"That is correct I see you have still kept up with you studies," She said smiling at her former student before taking on a more stern expression. Yes, you see each element is represented by a different bearer so to speak."

"What do you me by a different bearer?" I asked deciding to join the conversation.

"That is quite simple," Luna said. "The basic or Material elements are Earth represented by Diamond Dogs, Fire by Dragons, Air by Gryphons, and Water by Serpents but for the Etherial elements, they are represented by a single entity."

Looking a little confused I was about to voice it when Luna raised a hoof.

"I did say a single entity represents each element is not truly accurate for Order or Harmony as it is called was split into six parts due to the immense power it held only to rivaled Life and Death in its self. But I am getting off track those who represent Light, Dark, and Love are Celestia, Myself, and Cadance I am sure you know who Chaos and Hate are?" She said but the last part she had a smirk showing on her muzzle. (FYI, it's Discord and Sombra.)

"Yes and as for Time and Space they were our parents Faust and Solaris Prime," Celestia said continuing where her sister left off. "And as my sister has said you and your friends are the Elements of Harmony which only leaves Life and Death and we believe that you represent both of them, as it was for told by our mother, that the two of one shall come bearing the Moon of blood and the Reaper's Crest." She said point at my Cutie Mark.

"Wait, how can you be sure it me and I thought you said Life and Death were separate?" I asked taking a step back from them.

"In the beginning, they were separate Entities but chose to become one to achieve true balance," Twilight said with a smile with pride of knowing facts that predated history.

Learning all of this I started to feel overwhelmed and had to excuse myself so after Celestia lowered the soundproof bubble I walked outside to gather my thoughts.

Standing out there I looked around at all the different ponies that walked by and started to laugh at myself.
"I guess it's true what they say you can't escape your past are who you really are," I thought to myself.

I don't' know how long I was out there but the feeling of someone sitting next to me brought me back to reality. Looking to my left sat Twilight with a concerned expression.

"Hey are you ok, you've been sitting out here for an hour and you haven't moved a muscle," She said in a tone that reminded me of my late wife.

"Yeah, I fine you know learning you're the Pony Prince of Life and Death kind of puts a lot of pressure on you," I say half-heartedly.

" Okay it's just I came out here to get you because you have to see what your daughter can do," Twilight said in a very excited voice.

Hearing that peaked my interest so gesturing for us to go inside I was greeted with an amazing sight there in the center of the room was my ten-year-old daughter with her tongue sticking out levitating not one but two large books and an annoyed Spike. Seeing me she almost lost her concentration but a quick reminder from Celestia allowed her to safely place the books and a much relieved Spike on the floor.

"Daddy, daddy did you see did ya I can do magic the Princesses said a probijanee,' She said with the biggest smile she's ever had.

"It's pronounced Prodigy my little pony and I believe you're at the same level Twilight was at your age," Celestia said as she came over and nuzzled my daughter making her giggle.

"That's wonderful and while you're here I can teach you and your father about magic," Twilight said as she began to hop in place.

"Thank you for the offer and I would like for you to teach her but as for me I don't think it's a good idea, don't get me wrong I appreciate it but I have a feeling if I try to levitate something I'd blow it up," I said with a sheepish grin to only have my little girl come over to me.

Placing her small hoof on my front leg she looked up at me and smiled. "Oh, daddy, even if your that bad I'll still love you,"

A collective, Awwwwww was heard from the three mares in the room followed but laughter as I rolled my eyes and pick my girl up in my hooves to hug her.

So for the next two hours, we discussed plans for my reveal to Equestria as it's newest Prince although we did agree to omit the part, about Life and Death. To just going with being the Prince or Tartarus and the Elysian Plain. ( The Equestrian version of Heaven and Hell.)

After everything was settled Celestia and Luna said their goodbyes and returned to Canterlot. Promising to have my daughter and I visit them in the near future. Deciding that it was late enough Spike went to the kitchen to start dinner. As he did that I joined my daughter on the couch to begin our lessons in magic by a very enthusiastic Twilight Sparkle. Though we had to cut it short because of dinner I'd say we learned a lot well I did it seems Cheyanne fell asleep half way through the lecture.
But as we sat there and ate, my mind was filled with many things, about what I learned or will my daughter be safe and the most important. Why do I feel like we're being watched?

Outside a shadowy figure peered through the window at the four occupants of the Library to be precise the two new occupants and with a devilish grin this figure it slinked away into the darkness.
Only stopping for a moment to speak to its self." So you are the one she chose. The one she gave up her powers for. Well, I do have to admit her daughter is really cute. I guess it's about time for little Cheyanne Autumn to meet her Grandpa." And with that, figure and its mismatched eyes disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Author's Note:

As I said this guy is not a Gary Stu for the simple fact he may be an Alicorn but his ten year old daughter can do magic a lot better than he can. He does have magic and it is powerful but it's not normal Equestrian magic and he can't quite get the hang of it. To find out what I mean you need to read more of the story.