• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,848 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

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Chapter 6 What Makes a Monster What Makes a Man

I sat there looking like I was just told Santa Claus was a lie. Which he isn't the guy is real I know and why would NORAD still be looking for him if he wasn't. What made me look like that was Discord told me what I did in the Throne Room. I just sat there absorbing everything he told me, from Death's Armor to calling forth Windigos. He did say the sight of what happened was bleached from his mind seeing as it would give him nightmares if he didn't. So there I sat as the realization hit me I have all these powers over Life and Death being able to call monsters from Hell and I still can't levitate a friggin apple without blowing it up.

"Discord I have to ask you something," I said turning to look at him with a worried expression.

"Yes, what is it?" He said looking at me a little concerned.

"I had a dream this morning about Eris and she told me I suck at normal magic because I don't have the right kind of imagination," I said looking at him as he nodded. "But I don't understand how I can do all this other stuff without thinking?" I said looking a little scared.

"That is because your magic like mine is more subconscious and based on instinct," He said as I looked confused. " Ok remember when you met Diamond Tierra and you pulled her soul from her body and into hell?" He said as I nodded remembering that.

"Yeah but I don't know why I did it or even how?" I said looking at the floor.

"That is because you acted on instinct you saw a soul of young filly that was on the road to damnation and had to set it right," He said as I stared at him. "That was your magic of both Life and Death both of them wanted to save her soul Life wanted to keep her safe and purify her but Death wanted to purify her another way to make sure she would understand what she was doing was wrong and that was showing her what Hell was like," He said as if it was nothing.

"You're telling me I killed an innocent little girl who only acted how her mother raised her so she could be saved?" I asked seeing him nod. "That's just FUCK UP you know what forget it just tell me is there a way to seal these powers?" I said pissed off by what I did.

"Unfortunately the only way to seal them is if you were turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony, you will just have to learn to trust your instincts and control them," Discord said looking at me with some sadness.

I just nodded my head knowing that the stone part was out of the question but I still needed to learn how to control this power before I hurt someone I care about or another innocent life. As we walked down the hall well, I walked Discord floated alongside me, I felt that we were being watched. Stopping mid-stride I turned to look at a shadow on the floor.

"I know you're there come out now and you won't get hurt," I said in a calm tone voice.

Out of the shadow rose one of my minions a Harbinger you know the walking skeletons well anyway I looked at it as it bowed to me. I waited for it to speak only to remember that it was waiting for me to acknowledge it.
FYI Harbingers are not like the floating eyeball things from Tartarus they are minny reapers

What is it speak," I said a little annoyed that these things are so loyal no I would say obedient.

"Forgive my lord but we have urgent news," He said I guessing it was a he, seeing as the voice sounded like a guy, hey it's a skeleton so no twig and berries or a taco.

"What news do you have?" I asked looking down at him.

Standing back up he pulled two books out of the shadow and presented them to me looking at them I could only smirk at what they were.

Yep, the fabled books of life and death better known as The Book of Amun-Ra and The Book of Osiris better known as The Book of the Dead.

I just rolled my eyes at this, I mean come on, they looked just like they did in the movie he was even holding the key thing too.

I just stood there looking at all of it when Discord reached down to try and touch the books only to get a shock. Jumping back holding his paw as the Harbinger stepped closer to him growling.

"How dare you only the Lord can touch the great books when locked and even still he must give you permission to touch them," He said stomping towards Discord.

"Enough," I said making the bonehead stop in his tracks. I give him permission as long as I am present," I said looking at the Harbinger how just bowed and stepped back.

"Now you said there was news what is it?" I asked remembering what he said earlier.

Without hesitation Mr.Skullhead, that's what I'm going to call him placed the key in the lock of the gold book stepping back and looking at me. I looked at him for a second before I realized he wanted me to unlock the book so I placed my hoof on the key and it began turning by itself. I heard a clicking noise and stepped back as the book rose off the floor and floated in front of my face. To be honest I didn't know what the hell I was looking at all I saw was two blank pages.

"I don't understand what am I suppose to be looking at?" I thought to myself before words began to appear on the pages.

First, it was a story like the headline of a newspaper then there was a list of names and ages and it was a long list of at least fifty names.

Manehatten Apartment building 144 burns to ground fire starts in the basement. Cause drunken stallion leaves candle lit, fire due to damaged gas line there were no surviers.
I'm not going to list the names of the ponies for two reasons first to many and second I just don't want too so there.

As I read over the pages I noticed that this hasn't happened yet, in fact, it was going to happen until tomorrow night. I looked at the pages again but I couldn't bring myself to believe it I was looking at the names of ponies that were going to die. I sat on my haunches just looking at the pages my mind was a blank I used to be able to handle things like this all the time back on Earth death was just apart of the whole scheme of things but now most of the names were of children no older than Cheyanne or the other girls most were even younger. And I was supposed to let them just die without a second thought?

I felt Discord place his taloned hand on my shoulder taking in a heavy sigh before he spoke. " I can't understand what your feeling right now after reading this but you must understand there is an order to things," He said looking at me with a soulful expression.

I just looked at him I could feel myself getting angry turning back to the book I raised my hoof hitting away making it slide across the floor before I took off running. I just kept running I had to get away from all of this I kept seeing those names of all those ponies but then I saw faces it was the faces of those who were going to die and I was the one to make that happen. I made my way outside of the castle into the streets of Canterlot looking around I saw as the ponies stood there in shock at my appearance Many began to bow but I just ignored them I had to just find a place to be alone to think. I didn't realize I was in the shady part of town looking around I saw the lights of a bar making my way there I opened the door to have the smell of strong alcohol hit my nose.

The noise of the patterns stopped when I stepped through the door I looked around to see a very shady bunch. But at that moment I didn't care. Making my way to the bar the Bartender was a gruff looking stallion with a patch over his right eye he was cleaning a glass when I stepped up to the bar.

"What'll it be?" He asked not really caring who I was until he looked at me. " Holy Buck um I sorry your Highness," He said bowing after taking a look at me.

I just waved a hoof at him. Forget it just give me the strongest thing you got and leave the bottle," I said taking a seat.

The stallion nodded before placing a glass down and pouring from a dark blue bottle. The liquid was clear but I could smell the strong proof of alcohol. Taking the glass in my hoof I brought it to my lips and swig it down in one gulp. It burnt like hell but I didn't care.

"Take it easy your Highness that's Princess Lunas own Lunar Moonshine it's got one hell of a kick," He said looking at me as he poured another glass.

I reached over and snatched the bottle from his hoof and began drinking directly from it. He just looked at me with a mixer of shock and sadness, I guess being a bartender he's seen it all and he probably figured I was trying to forget something so he didn't pry he just placed another bottle on the counter and went back to cleaning glasses. I don't know how long I was there before I felt a hoof on my shoulder, turning I looked to see Celestia, Luna, Twilight, the Mane Five, and Discord standing there. Needless to say, I was drunk and I don't like getting drunk because I am a very mean drunk and when I say mean I was so bad I almost lost Eris because of it so I stopped. But now here I sit with not one but five bottles on the bar in front of me.

" Whath the fffunk do you wanth can't ya shee I'm working!" I growled at them before I took another drink only to find the bottle was gone looking around I saw it floating in a dark blue aura. " That's pretty cool but you should take things that aren't yours now give it back," I said standing up and falling as I flopped back down on my haunches.

"Grim, please what is wrong why are you doing this?" Celestia asked as she moved closer to me.

"Stop, just stay away from me, I don't want any of you to come near me, I am a monster," I said standing up as I lowered my head in shame.

"Why would you say that your no monster you are the stallion that we love?" Luna said as she stepped closer too.

"I said stop and I am a monster you just don't know it yet but you will and when you do you'll want to stay away from me," I said still looking down at the floor feeling tears fill my eyes.

"We would never do that we love you and we know whatever it is can't be that bad?" Celestia said looking to he herd sisters.

Hearing that I shoot my head up looking at all of them with anger in my eyes I gritted my teeth. "Oh Yeah tell me my loving wives, have you ever sentenced fifty ponies to death," I said making them look at me in shock. "Oh and let's not forget that most of them are just children some younger than Cheyanne," I said with pure venom in my voice. "So you can see why I AM A MONSTER," I said yelling the last part in the RCV.

The whole bar went silent no pony said a word to shaken up by what I said.

"No that's not true please tell me it's not true?" Twilight said breaking the silence stepping closer to me.

I just hung my head not looking at her or the others.

"It is true, I am sorry but Grim was giving the news through the Books of Life and Death by one of his Harbingers. Tomorrow night fifty ponies will die there is no way to change it," Discord said looking at everyone before pulling a crying Fluttershy into his arms.

"Whoo-whoo hold on a second I thought you said he was the Lord of Life and Death and chose who lived and die?" Rainbow Dash said flying over in front of Discord.

"Yes he is but the Omniverse has decreed that fifty ponies must die to make room for the new souls to come into this realm," Discord said looking at Rainbow dash a little peeved.

"She right I do have that power," I said making everyone look at me confused. I explain later but now I want all of you to trust me and go back to the castle please," I said looking at them all but mostly my three wives.

Nodding their heads the three turned around to the others. "I believe we should listen to him now come along in our haste we neglected the young fillies back at the castle," Celestia said ushering the others out of the bar but stopping only to kiss me, Luna and Twilight did the same before leaving as well.

Discord was the only one to remain and I was glad about that. I looked around, the bar to see that it was now empty so taking a deep breath I steadied my nerves.

"Skullhead show your self," I called out to have him appear out of the shadows again bowing once more but this time I just ignored it.

"I am here my lord and I thank you for the honor of a name," he said as he stood up.

"Bring forth the books," I said looking at him.

Once again the books appear the gold one still holding the key in its lock. I placed my hoof on the key and it made the same noise as before and again it floated up so I could look at it. And again the names appeared but this time I raised my hoof and waved it over the pages making them become blank. I then closed my eyes and did what Discord said to do trust my instincts it took me a while but I began to see it names, names of fifty souls that could never see redemption. I opened my eyes to see the names as they appeared on the pages I smiled as this was happening. After the last name was written the book floated back down to the floor.

"Can I ask what you just did?" Discord said scratching his head.

"You said the omniverse wants fifty souls it's going to get fifty souls but on my terms," I said looking at him with a mischievous grin before turning to look at the book once more. "These are the names of those who will feel the touch of death so it is written so shall it be done," I said stomping my hoof on the ground making the sound of thunder.

After that, I felt the effects of the alcohol kick back in and fell back on my ass. "Ok now I'm drunk again and I think I going to need help back to the castle but first I got to throw-up," I said turning and blowing chunks in a conveniently placed bucket. Thank you Discord.
Oh, and I found out ponies puck rainbows or it was just me being an alicorn or maybe it was Discord I don't.

As we left I heard from Skullhead that he would have his fellow Harbingers begin reaping the souls of those on the list and at that moment I really didn't care too much about it because all I wanted to do was go lie down and pray I don't have a massive hangover in the morning.

The next day in Manehatten a lone stallion sat down beside him was a brown bag with the top of a bottle sticking out of it. He sat in front of a lone grave looking down at it.

"I sorry, I failed, you wanted our family to stay together but I not only lost you but our little girl driving her away because of my stupid pride," he said lowering his head as he started to cry.

"Daddy," A voice called to the old stallion making him jerk his head around to see a young mare standing there.

The stallion blinked his eyes. " Prism is that you?" He asked thinking he was hallucinating.

"Yes daddy it's me and I just want you to know I sorry for everything I did," Prism said as she walked closer to her father.

"No, it was my fault all of it can you ever forgive me?" He said as he got up and moved closer to his daughter.

"There's nothing to forgive we were both at fault but that's not why I'm here I want you to come live with me in Hoofington because I want you to be part of your grandfoal's life," She said turning to show her father her swollen belly.

The old stallion just stared before a smile crept across his face. "I would love to," He said pulling his daughter into a hug being careful not to hurt her.

The two left the Grave but not before saying their goodbye to their wife and mother and for the stallion to throw the bag and its contents into the trash. They made their way to the apartment building he lived in number 144. They made their way in seeing as Fillies and Colts played in the halls laughing and greeting the old stallion. In the basement, the stallion showed his daughter the apartment that she grew up in so long ago before they began packing up his meager belonging for their trip to his new home as they left he did one last thing and blew out a lone candle before shutting the door.

As the sun rose and I woke up I found out one very important thing BEING AN ALICORN ROCKS NO HANGOVERS.
With that said I still had to do some major apologizing to everyone and first up was my Herd. So I trigged into the dining hall to see everypony, present and a counted for. Clearing my throat I got all of their attention before I spoke.

"Everypony I would like to apologize for the way I acted last night I know all of you were worried about me but I still acted like a jerk and I don't know how long it will be before any of you will forgive me but I'll<" I was saying before I got tackled by four ponies the four that meant the world to me. Can any of you guess who they were anyone?

"Why should we be mad at you that was a terrible ordeal but please remember that you don't have to carry this burden alone," Celestia Luna and Twilight all said together.

I smiled as I kissed each one stopping when I looked at my little girl. She just tilted her head looking at me then to her mothers.

"Daddy, I don't know what happened but I forgive you no matter what because, you're my daddy," She said smiling.

"Then why did you jump on me too?" I asked her.

"Well because I wanted to have a family hug with my mommies and daddy," She smiling once more.

The girls and I just hug her more and gave her kisses before the sound of a rumbling tummy could be heard.

"Ok I think we better get up so we can have breakfast and discuss what we're going to do today," I said knowing full well it was my stomach making the noise.

We all got up and made our way to the table taking our seats and what surprised me most was I was seated at the head of the table. Well, what surprised me most was I was set at the head of the table with my family sitting on either side of me but then it hit me I am the head of this family so the head of the table. We were served our breakfast and were about to eat when low and behold in walked the one pony I still didn't trust actually I didn't trust a lot of the ponies most being the nobles but for some reason, this guy just gave me that vibe.

Greeting everypony good morning Auntie Celestia, Auntie Luna, Auntie Twilight, and Uncle Grimm," He said before moving over to stand next to Cheyanne. And how is my new favorite cousin doing?" He said ruffling up her mane.

"Wait a minute why are you calling me Auntie in the first place Blue Blood I happen to be five years younger than you?" Twilight said looking at the white stallion.

"What else would I call you after all you are married to the new Prince," He said the last part with a hidden hatred. " Who is also married to my Aunts making you my aunt as well," He said smiling but I could tell it was forced.

"You know he's right not only am I your former foalsitter and sister-in-law but you are now my aunt as well that make us more of a family," Cadance said clapping her hooves together.

I looked at her then to Shining who looked like he was deep in thought contemplating the universe or by the way his eyes looked totally confused about what his wife just said.

Shining hey Shining," I said getting his attention. Just put this in the same group as Pinkie being Pinke and leave it at that," I said hoping he would listen before he had an aneurysm from thinking too hard.

"Hehe thanks," He said looking a little better.

"How the hell did he become Captain of the Royal Guards?" I thought to myself before my thoughts brought me back to Blue Blood.

"So tell me, nephew, why are you so happy today?" I said making him slightly cringe at me calling him nephew.

"Oh, it's just that with all of you journeying to the Crystal Empire for that summit I will be able to practice running the country," "AS it should have been" He said with the last part keeping to himself.

Hearing this Cheyanne started to giggle as she bounced in her seat. ' Daddy EG, EG, EG we get to see EG," She said as she kept hooping in her seat.

I looked at her and smiled knowing that she always love Equestria Girls for the songs and music but mostly because of Sunset Shimmer being her favorite next to Midnight Sparkle in those movies.

" Alright this is great we all get to go to the Crystal Empire but most of all the four of us can have our Honeymoon there," I said only to have a disembodied voice to speak up.

"Oh, I don't think so my lord you have your duties to take care of," The voice said before we heard a girl scream only to see Blue Blood laying on the floor passed out from fright and the head of a pure white foal resting on his breakfast plate.

Everyone just stared, as the head, then a body past through the table only to show the form of a baby alicorn.

"Oh your so cute I could just eat you up," She said as she reach out for it.

"Lady if you want to live to see tomorrow I would put those hooves down now," She said yes I found out that all Charubs are female while all Harbingers are male as for the flying eye things in Tartarus their a fifty-fifty of both, oh yeah the eye things are called Whatchers.

But hearing this Cadnce put her hooves in her lap and made a pounting duckface.

"Hey you can cut the attitude this is my family and dearest frinds your talking to," I said the her.

"I'll make a note of it sir," She said rolling her eyes. See charubs are rude because their upset, they know and see everything the past, the present, and future but the one thing they don't know is what they want most of all is to know the day they will be born.

"Ok fine Miss Naggy Mcgee," I said looking at her just for her to roll her eyes once more.

While this was happening Twilight was trying to find out what her daughter was talking about this EG. It was Luna who told her that it was a secrect that she Pinkie Promised her father to never tell even though Luna herself knew about the Equestria Girls as she seen them in Cheyanne's dreams.

As for me I found out that everyone else gets to go to the Crystal Empire while I'm stuck doing paper work yes you heard me paper work. But I did get some good news, they weren't going to leave until tomorrow and if I remember right the crown teift doesn't happen until later that night and portal thing is the next morning so if I play my cards right and start the dreaded abomination created by some deminted buracrate I should be there after the girls arrive. here's hoping and if I had fingures they would be crossed right now.

So kissing my four girls goodbye I had the rude one take me to my office and yes I do have an office and I still need help teleporting because I still suck at it. All though I did have her go over and hug Cadance and say I Love You Mommy in the cutest voice making everyone Dwaaaa. Yeah well I know all of you want to know how my day went at work so here goes. ....... It was so boring all I did was sign my name over and over on requisitions, bills, payrolls, written appologizes for when any of my minions get seen byt the living without premision and tons of other burecratical BS. Hell I even had some prisioner from Tartarus complain about how they were being treated Tartarus also called the LIVING HELL. Thats what I had to deal with all day and a half of the next, so I missed one of my most favorite things.

But I did make it to the Crystal Empire it's just when I showed up it was already night time and then it took me a while to find the girls and my room only to find out that the dicided to sleep in seperate rooms. I did find out that thanks to Luna, Celestia did find out about Sunset Shimmer before she showed up and tried and I say tried to steal Twilight's crown. We did stop her and kept her from returning through the mirror portal but you don't need to worry we didn't screw up the time line sort of. See I figured we could gett all the Equestria Girls stuff out of the way quickly if the portal was unable to close and seeing as Charuba's Harbenger's and Watcher's all can effect both time and space. So I just had one of each of them sitting half way inside the portal keeping it open indeffently or until they all move out of the way.

I did this for a few reasons, first being I was not going to let Twilight and Spike deal with all this shit by their selves with Twi being pregnant and I wanted to see what I looked like in the EG world and I have to say I looked BadAss, I'm not joking here take a look.

See what I mean minus the guns and vampire killing stuff I looked like Wesley Snipes from Blade, I was that frigging awsome. What, what are you looking at, oh, I see you thought I was a white guy by the way I talked, well hate to burst you bubble but I was and will always be a Black Man, and Eris was white so my daughter is mixed.

Another reason was I wanted to keep the portal open is to see Flash Sentry's reaction the human not the pony I like the pony Flash he's a great guy. But when Brad i think the ficwriters call him asked Twilight out and she turned him down flatter than a sheet of paper telling him she was already married and pregnant but she didn't mind just being "friends".
It was like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x-Q85l3sCs seriously you could see it in the guys face.

But enough of that what else did we do you ask? Well I used my skills and found out where the Dazzlings were located and took care of them and no I didn't kill them I made them an offer they couldn't refuse. In exchange for returning to Equestria, they would become my servants and work in Tartarus for me, feeding on all the misery they could get. But if they ever tried to take over anyplace or do harm to any outside of Tartarus they would find out what true hell was when I drag them down to it and yes they would still be alive. I even made the deal binding with a drop of their blood in the Book of the Dead.

While I was doing this Twilight was getting her human friends back together I even convinced her to talk Sci Twi into transferring from Crystal Prep to Canterlot High. Although the same thing happened from The Friendship Games and Sci Twi did become Midnight Sparkle and with a now reformed Sunset Shimmer turning into Daydream Shimmer to save both the day and Sci Twi. The only thing I got to say about that is they looked way different than what was on the show.

But like you read a reformed Sunset see after a long talk with Celestia they both knew they were both wrong about a lot of things and apologized in a heartfelt hug filled with tears they reconciled. A couple days later she helped me out a lot, with everything that we needed, done. She even helped me with getting Principal Cinch taking into custody by that worlds version of Homeland Security in being an Isis agent before the Friendship Games and it turned out better all the students got along and they actually have real fun. But during this time I got to know more about her on a personal level and we hit it off so as of right now well actually after Cadance say you may now kiss the bride Sunset Shimmer will be the newest member of my herd and wife but don't worry about the baby stuff see we did it two weeks ago and when the others found out they were so happy for her and welcomed her into the herd but for me I was stuck living at Discords until the Wedding. Oh, and if any of you are wondering the crystals from Camp Everfree were snatched up before Gloriosa Daisy even found them and we did leave a couple million for her and her brother to keep the camp open for a very long time.

So now I have four wives and Cheyanne has four moms who love her. I almost forgot two more things happened first being that when Sunset became Daydreamer she ascended to Alicornhood. And the second isn't all happy see when we returned home, I foolishly confronted Filthy Rich about how his wife was treating their daughter and manipulating her. He was furious about it and he, in turn, confronted her they had a very heated argument words were said but the reason I said I was a fool was because, when Filthy told Spoiled that he was going to divorce her she lost it and in a fit of rage stabbed him multiple times killing him. I know this because I was the one who had to reap his soul. As we journeyed to the Elysian Plains Filthy told me it wasn't my fault so stop blaming myself for what happened because he suspected it for a long time but was afraid to do anything about it until he saw how happy Diamond was when she was with Cheyanne and the others. He even told me when they sat down for dinner she would tell him about all the fun she had with her friends how she would help them in trying to get their cutie marks. But what he mostly remember was how she would talk about Cheyanne and say that she wished she had a sister like her. He then asked that I take care of Diamond Tierra for him and raise her as my daughter. I Pinkie Promised that I would, so the next day I signed the papers making Diamond, mine and Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Sunsets daughter and Cheyanne's big sister as she was one year older than her. As for Spoiled Rich she was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in the salt mines were she would never get out and die there.

Now I know it's going to take some time for Diamond to get through this but with her new family showing how much they love and care for her she just might make it through this. Thinking of this made me smile her late father always called her his princess and now I do it too but if you think about it she really is a princess now.

So let recap what happened so far, my daughter and I were killed by my former government, but we were saved by the last of my late wife magic and it sent us to the cartoon land of Equestria in the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
Doing this we were turned into ponies my daughter Cheyanne is a Unicorn who is a prodigy just like Twilight, as for myself I got turned into an alicorn, one who has trouble using a simple levitation spell.
Now we find out that Discord the Lord of Chaos is my late wife and Cheyanne's mother's father making him Cheyanne's biological Grandfather.
We also find out that I am the Prince and Lord of Life and Death ruler of the Elysian Plains, Tartarus, and Hell.
I also find out that I will suck at normal magic until I learn to use my imagination but as for my other powers, they work more on instinct.
I am married to not one, but three wait, scratch that I mean four Alicorn Princesses Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer and oh, yeah they're all pregnant with my foals.
Let see what else happened I scared the shit out of a bunch of Noble and Foreign Dignitaries after my daughter and I were introduced to the world, things were said my girls cried I got pissed.
I had to end fifty lives so the friggin heartless omniverse could be happy.
What else went to the Equestria Girls world got the Sirens/ Dazzlings working for me got Sunset and Celestia back on really good terms got to marry Sunset and got her pregnant. ( not in that order though)
Made two rival Schools become great friends saved a summer camp.
Stupidly made a good stallion,s life end, only to become his own daughter's new father.
Well, that pretty much covers it.
I just have a few questions to ask first why was I called back to Canterlot seeing as I choose to live in Ponyville because of both Cheyanne and Diamond Tierra could be close to their friends. I made a Portal that conexts the throne room to the Library and when I say me, I mean Twilight and Sunset used one of the spells in one of my books. Those things are like Wikipedia for all things magic but still, I am now in the throne room looking at one angry Lunar Princess and one confused Solar Princess. Standing next to me is Gilda the Griffon with a smug look on her beak as she keeps looking me over.

I find out after Twilight and Sunset enter the room that Gilda's aunt is the ruler of the Griffons and she wants to strengthen their Treaty and Alliance with Equestria with an arranged marriage between her niece (Gilda) and myself. Celestia has no problem with it as it is to strengthen an everlasting peace. Twilight and Sunset are on th fence about it but do see the upside of it and Luna well she's not taking it too well, in fact, I could have sworn I saw Nightmare Moon standing there just a second ago. The only thing everyone is forgetting is what do Gilda and I want. Well, Gilda didn't mind about it too much just as long as and I quote "She gets stuffed with that Oversized Stallion Sausage and gets filled with enough seed so she can lay a large clutch of strong Hippogriffs." unquote.

I just looked at all five of them seeing each of the faces, then not saying a thing I turned around and walked through the portal then leaving the Library heading to the Everfree Forest after reaching the Castle of the Two Sisters I stopped and looked to the sky tilting my head.


Author's Note:

I forgot to show Alicorn Sunset and Gilda so here they are.