• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,848 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

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Chapter 7 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Some Stuff Happens

After my little freakout, I made my way back to Ponyville stopping at Fluttershy's. I had two very important reasons to go there. The first was to talk to Discord about something dealing with a certain future event and the other, to troll them about not getting started on Cheyanne's uncles and aunts. I know it's not a nice thing to do with Fluttershy, but seeing her turn beet red is just so fun, not to mention that Discord tends to lose control of his magic too. But that's beside's the point, because right now I am still trying to figure out how Gilda became friends with Rainbow and the others after the Griffon the Brush Off episode. Now if I think about it Twilight is an alicorn which means this is the end of season three, but not season five, because she still lives in the Library. I have to know roughly where we are in, the timeline.

"Um, Flutter's did anything happen, while I was gone from town?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know let me think.........Oh yes, yesterday was Rainbows Dash's birthiversary of moving to Ponyville," She said looking from, the ceiling to me.

"The ultimate goof-off, good we still have time," I said to myself.

"Can I ask, why you wanted to know about that?" Discord said looking at me suspiciously.

"Ok, I tell you but only you," I said looking at Fluttershy sadly. "I'm sorry but this is something only Discord can know," I said as I turned and headed outside.

Getting far enough away from the cottage I had him erect a soundproof barrier around us before I spoke.

"Ok, here it is," I said turning to look at him. " The reason I wanted to know was, because something will happen in the future that concerns you. Now I'm sure Celestia has told you about the show, right?" Getting a nod from him I continued." Well this time would be in what is called Season 4, about have way through, now what concerns you is, you will betray us to an evil tyrant, now before you say anything just listen, I know you would never do it, but the thing is for time to flow correctly, you have to do it," I told him for him only to look at me with hate and confusion.

"How could you say that, I would never do anything to hurt my family let alone Fluttershy," Discord said as he stood there looking at me.

"I know you wouldn't, but what I read in the book is correct, if you don't, then all the magic of this world will be lost to him and when that happens then all life will die," I said making him look at me with fear. " It's alright because both Cheyanne and I will know that you were just acting, and after it's all over I will tell the others, so all the blame will be on me instead of you,"

"Are you sure, nopony will get hurt," Discord said as he looked to Fluttershy's cottage?

"She will be upset for a little while, but that will change quickly and she will learn the truth, so in the end, you'll be her hero," I said nudging him.

"If you're sure there's no other way, then I'll do it, but I won't like it," He said standing tall before slumping back down. "Are you sure they'll be alright, what about Cheyanne?"

So for the next ten minutes, I sat there explaining what will happen and his part in it from Tirek absorbing pony magic to Tai, Luna, and Cadance giving their powers to Twilight, I reassured him that Cheyanne will be safe. In fact, every filly and colt would be safe, as I will have all of them taken to the Elysian Plains until it was safe. I would also be placing a protective barrier around their wombs to protect and conceal the foals from Tirek. Then I would have to wait until things unfold before I make my move, which consists of me attacking him and keeping him busy until the girls can do their thing and make him taste the rainbow.

"So when is all of this supposed to happen?" Discord asked as he floated there looking determined to stop this threat to his family and mare.

"Sometime after the Equestria Games," I said to him.

With that little conversation over with Discord returned to Fluttershy's while I went to take a walk and figure out how Gilda was still friends with Rainbow and the others after that episode. Then it hit me this wasn't like the show the timeline was different because, if it was then Filthy Rich would still be alive and, oh crap I got to make sure about this before.

"Skullhead front and center" I yelled.

Like before out of the shadows came my trusted minion. "Master, you called?" He said bowing to me.

"Yes, I want you to send out Harbingers and Cherubs to all of Equestria and Tartarus looking for a prisoner named Tirek and report of his location," I said waving my hoof at him.

In a dark flash, he was gone carrying out my orders. Now I just hope things aren't as bad as they could be I want the girls to defeat him and Twilight to get her Castle even though it looks like it's giving this world the finger. But if this world isn't like the show then Tirek might not just cast Tai and the others into Tartarus but worse, no, no don't think like that it will all be fine because I'll make it fine.

So the next thing I needed to do was find out how Gilda reconciled with Rainbow Dash and when. That made me go and get it from the ponies mouth directly. So now my only problem is how do I get up to that cloud house of hers when I still don't know how to fly? Standing there looking up at Dash's place I cursed myself for still not getting her to teach me.

"Hey, there, big guy what's up?" Came the voice of the Pegasus I was looking for.

I look up and sitting on a small cloud is Dash. "Just the mare I was looking for I need to ask you about something," I said.

"Sure come on up," She said looking down at me.

"Um, Dash, still don't know how to fly, remember?" I said tilting my head.

"Oh right, forgot, here climb on," She said as she brought the cloud down to ground level.

After climbing on to the cloud she pushed it up into the air. Now I have never been afraid of heights or flying it's just the sudden stop after the fall I don't like. And I still don't know how to use these blasted wings yet so our venture up into the air put me on edge.

"There, now what was it you wanted to know?" She asked as she hovered in front of me.

"Ok, first we need to set up a day and time for my flight lessons and the other thing is I want to know about your relationship with Gilda?" I said taking a seat on the cloud.

"Oh that, well you see after our fight at the party she headed home but when she was flying over the forest a stray bolt of lightning hit her and she crashed. I don't know how bad she was but Flutters was the one to find her and bring her back to her cottage. There she helped her and when Gilda woke up she was still pissed but when she saw that she got hurt and it was Flutters who helped her she thanked her for it. And that's when she remembered who she was, see when I met Gilda at Little Speedsters Flight Camp I was already friend with Fluttershy. So Gilda became her friend too and both of us would help Flutters, with her flying and keeping the bullies away. See even back then Griffons were known to being mean but Gilda always had a soft spot for Flutters it was like she was her little sister or something. But anyways when Gilda remember who she was and how she cared Gilda came back to town with Fluttershy and apologized to everyone," Rainbow said as she sat down next to me. "So that's pretty much it, now how about we start with your flight training," She said as she kicked the cloud making it disappear as I fell to my death as I screamed profanities at her.

The whole time this was happening across town at Ponyville Park six little fillies were having a problem they needed to solve.

"Come on we need to decide what we're going to do for the school talent contest in two weeks," Apple Bloom said as the six of them sat on the grass.

" Maybe we can put on a fashion show?" Sweetie Belle said making Scootaloo gag.

"How about we do a musical number like you three did before?" Cheyanne said making them all look at her confused.

Scootaloo was about to say something when another voice spoke up. "Well, Well look who we have here if it isn't a pegasus who can't fly and an orphaned little rich filly," The voice said making all the girls turn to see some older colts walking up to them.

Cheyanne didn't recognize the colts but two were pegasus one a unicorn and the other three were earthponies. the one talking was the unicorn he was dark grey with an orange mane and tail.

"Why don't you guys just leave us alone, Dark Knight," Silver Spoon said stepping closer to Diamond Tiara as she looked saddened from the orphan remark.

Cheyanne saw how her sister looked and she stepped up to the colt looking up at him seeing as he was slightly taller. " I don't care who you are but nopony talks to my sister like that," She said stomping her hoof.

That's funny I thought I heard you talk to me like your somepony you little runt," Dark Knight said stepping closer to Cheyanne. " Looks like somepony needs to teach you some manners when addressing your betters," He said as he tried to push her down.

Try is the word because as his hoof just touched Cheyanne's shoulder a second later he found himself on the ground with the filly standing over him.
To clarify what happened Cheyanne used her Taekwondo training her father gave her to put the bully in his place even with hooves she grabbed him and flipped him over to end up in the position he found himself.

"Don't just stand there get over here and help me teach these girls a lesson," He screamed, at his till shocked friends.

As all the fillies and colts shook the shock away the boys took one step before a grown-up voice made them stop in their tracks.

"That wouldn't be a good idea, seeing as the Princess here could take all of you on and not break a sweat, The voice said as a Lunar Guard came and landed near the children. "In fact, I would have to say the only pony she couldn't beat in hoof to hoof combat would be her father Prince Grimm," He said as he walked over to the group. "So young Princess could you tell me what that was you used?"

This little incident brought the attention of other fillies and colts to gather around, this caused Cheyanne to become even more nervous. It wasn't until she felt a hoof on her shoulder and turning to see her sister smiling at her and the others surrounding her did she get the courage to speak up.

"Well mister Guard my daddy taught me Taekwondo since I was six and that was um well it was a way to subdue your opponent without hurting them," She said as her confidence picked up.

"You mean your father taught you how to fight at such a young age?" The guard asked surprised.

Before Cheyanne could answer Scootaloo spoke up loudly. " That was totally awesome the way you flipped him over like that I mean it's not as awesome as Rainbow Dash but still!"

"Hey, I got an idea how about you doing that stuff for the talent show?" Sweetie Belle said stepping closer.

Cheyanne thought about it and smiled. "I think that's a great Idea but what if we all do it together?" She said looking at her friends and sister. " I know daddy would love to teach all of you," She said making all of them smile.

During this, Dark Knight came over and looked at the girls before he spoke. "Look I'm sorry for what I said and I hope you can forgive me and would it be alright if the guys and I learn that tie whats it called too?" He said fidgeting a little.

The girls moved into a circle to talk about this making Dark and the other boys nervous before they turned and all smiled at them. "Sure I think our daddy would love to teach you but he has a strict rule that what you learn is for defense only, you must never use it to hurt others," Cheyanne said as she put her hoof over Diamonds shoulder emphasizing that our daddy meant her too.

Seeing this Dark took a step back and looked at the two fillies. " You mean she's your sister and she's a princess too?" He asked pointing a hoof to both of them.

The two just looked at each other then giggled. "Yeah her daddy adopted me and now he's my daddy too," Diamond said looking at the now scared colt. " But I learned to always treat others like you would like to be treated so it's alright, friends?" She said holding out her hoof.

Dark hesitated but then he smiled and shook her hoof. "Friends," He said smiling.

With that, all of the children decided to play together but before they left the Night Guard got Cheyanne's attention.

"Um, Princess do you think that, I mean do you think your father wouldn't mind teaching me as well?" The guard said as he shuffled his hooves.

Cheyanne stood there with her hoof on her chin thinking really hard at first but she then smiled at him. "Yeah, my daddy wouldn't mind cause he said before that he wanted to teach all the guards," She said making the guard smile back at her before she took off to play with the others.

The guard watched as the kids played until he felt that somepony was standing behind him. Turning around he came muzzle to muzzle with another pony recognizing it as a fellow guard member in plain clothes.

"It's amazing isn't it?" The plains clothes guard said.

"What do you mean?" The other said tilting his head.

"That little filly, no matter what, she always looks on the bright side of things and loves to smile," He said making the other guard look at the children playing. "In fact, I know from a very reliable source that if she ever got really angry she would be more dangerous than all the Princess's combined," he said as he turned and was about to walk off.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" The now really confused guard asked.

Plainclothes looked at him and smiled. "See that filly's father is the Alicorn of Life and Death and her mother, her birth mother was Discords daughter and she just so happens to be a magical protegee like the Princess of Friendship, so you combine that with her father's powers and a Chaos beings and you get one overpowered filly who only loves to have fun and make her family and friends happy," He said still smiling.

Armored Guard, looked from him back to the filly in question. "So you're saying she's an OP Pinkie Pie?" He asked.

"Hmmmm pretty much, just she's not as random," Plainclothes said as he turned and left.

Armor Guard stood there for a few more seconds before he shook his head and took off to return to the castle to start his shift.

As all of this was happening across Ponyville at Sweet Apple Acres surrounded by trees in a small crater with his plot in the air rested Grimm still cursing. Above him laughing hysterically was Rainbow Dash.

"Oh man that was the funniest thing I ever saw you're the worse flyer I ever saw I mean a newborn pegasus can do it better than you," She said as she rolled in the air holding her sides.

Getting up and shaking the dirt off Grimm turned and looked up at the still laughing mare. " I told you I don't know how to fly with these wings yet, Skittles and furthermore why don't you come down here and say that to my face or you afraid I might kiss you again Ms. 20% cooler," He said making her stop laughing and blush a bit remembering when he did that.

"Hey, you said you'd never bring that up again," She said as she came down to the ground.

"No, if I remember I said I would never do it again without your permission," I said looking at her as I smiled.

"Fine I give you that but don't go saying that kind of stuff out in public," She said looking up at me.

"Deal," I said putting out my hoof for her to shake. "But next time we train could you not give me a crash course," I said looking at the crater.

"Hehehe, yeah sorry about that I kind of forgot that you didn't always have wings," She said shaking my hoof as she also looked at the crater. " I promise next time we take it slow, but you still got to admit it was kind of funny," She said as she lifted off the ground.

"For you maybe, but I'm just glad I'm a lot tougher or I'd be in the hospital right now in a full body cast," I said as I still felt the impact.

"You big foal, come on let's get you another cloud and try it again and this time we'll try gliding first," Rainbow said as she zipped off and came back with a cloud.

During this back in Canterlot, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Sunset were all sitting at a table sipping tea and having a somewhat civil conversation with the soon to be newest, member of the herd. Gilda for her part tried to stay calm and polite but her griffon upbringing was getting to her and how these ponies even if they were the princess's the way they acted it just rubbed her the wrong way.

"Look I can tell none of you like this idea and to tell you the truth I really think its stupid, but my aunt said it would strengthen the peace between our countries, so why don't we just suck it up and deal with it, I stay away from you and you do the same," She said crossing her front legs with a huff.

The others just looked at her for a second until Celestia spoke up. "Gilda my dear, we do not dislike you in any way, in fact, we are happy you are here," She said making Gilda look at her suspiciously. "You see our Grimm is not native to this world and with that comes some knowledge that he and our dear Cheyanne hold," She said making Gilda sit closer to hear everything.

So for the next hour, Gilda had learned the truth about Grimm and his daughter, of Discord being her Maternal Grandfather to Grimm actually telling her that she was one of his favorite characters in the show, and about the show. After that Gilda was speechless, to hear that some griffon/pony/human thought of her like that, and to even think if he ever got the chance to meet let alone marry her, he'd jump at the chance.

"So tell us Gilda, after hearing all of this do you still think that we should how you put it just stay away from each other for I know for a fact that Cheyanne and Diamond have already accepted you as their newest mother and have even started calling you it," Luna said taking a sip of tea before biting into a scone. " Oh my these are so tasty did you make them?" She asked as she finished the scone off in two bites.

Gilda just stared at her for a second before nodding her head. "Yeah, I made them and thanks, by the way, nobody back home really liked them until I changed the recipe a little then even my aunt wanted them," Gilda said blushing a bit.

This little action made the others giggle, in turn, making Gilda blush more but she too started laughing with them, thinking to herself, that this might not be all bad, she gets to still bake scones, be near her friends Dash and Flutters and she also gets to have one hunk of a stallion as a husband.

See Grimm has ten Waifus Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Sunset, Gilda, Ember, Maud, Zecora, Moondancer, and Starlight Glimmer simply put because if you took all their personalities and combined them into one you would get Eris. So each one of them was like a version or part of her and that is why he liked all of them as for the mane four remember Fluttershy and Discord are an item. He saw them all as sisters to each other and he does like them a lot but he had a feeling if he started dating them something would go wrong and their friendship would end.

But back to the story.
So as the five mares I mean four mares and one griffoness continued their conversation, there came a loud knock on the door. All of them jump at the shock but turned to see who it was.

"Yes, you may enter," Celestia said to whoever was outside the room.

The door did not open instead a portal appeared on the wood of the door and out of the portal stood a pony skeleton. Luna recognized this one from its meeting with Grimm on multiple times.

"Ah, Mister Skullhead so good to see you, we are sorry but your master is not here if you would like you may wait for him," Luna said making the others look at her a little strangely.

Sckullhead just raised a bone hoof and shook his head. "No, Lord King want information about prisoner 22749-119, not here will give to Queens," Skullhead said as he hoofed a sealed scroll over to Luna before he bowed and then walked back through the portal as it disappeared.

"That was weird, I heard him talk so fluently before, why did he sound like that?" Twilight asked getting the others attention.

"It would seem that without Grimm nearby the speech patterns of his minions are rather limited?" Sunset said tapping her chin.

Gilda just sat there looking like a fish before shaking her head. "What the buck was that thing, and how can all of you be so calm about it?" She nearly screamed.

Sorry about that we forgot to tell you, see Grimm is lord of Tartarus, Hell, and the Elishin Plains and as such he has different minions, that one was a harbinger Grimm named Mister Skullhead," Celestia said trying to calm Gilda.

"As for his others, there are two that you will meet eventually a Watcher and a Cherub although the Cherub can at times be quite rude at times she is still really cute," Sunset said smiling as she was looking at Gilda.

All Gilda could do was think of what has she gotten into.

Luna wasn't paying much attention to the conversation she was busy wondering what information Grimm wanted to know about a prisoner. Using her magic she removed the seal and began reading only to stop with a shocked expression. Seeing this Celestia used her magic and levitated the scroll over to her and began to read only to also stop and look shocked as well.

"Celestia, Luna, whats wrong why are you looking like that?" Twilight asked as she started to get worried.

Neither of them sais a word so Sunset levitated the scroll over and began reading it out loud.

As of 0700 EET this morning, following your command, all cells in Tartarus have been checked and Prisoner 22749-119 named Tirek has shown to be missing.

We believe he had escaped during the absence of Cerberus from his post.

As your orders, a Watcher has been dispatched to absurd him, but not to interfere or attempt to recapture.

Preparations for all colts, fillies, and foals to be held in the Elysion Planes until it is safe for their return is underway.

The subsequent arrival of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance to Tartarus will be ready on time a safe and comfortable cell has been set up as to care for their needs.

All Harbingers, Watchers, and Cherubs have been informed that no action against Discord will be taking.

After reading it Sunset placed the scroll on the table and she too looked shocked at what it had said.

"How, how could he do this Tirek is one of Equestrias greatest threats and Grimm is just going to do nothing to stop him?" Luna said finally coming out of her shock.

"Sister, we must have faith in our Stallion that he knows what he is doing," Celestia said wrapping her wing around her now shivering sister.

"Um, excuse me but who is this Tirek and why is he so dangerous?" Twilight asked looking at the sisters.

Taking a deep breath Celestia and Luna told the three of Tirek. " Tirek and his brother Scorpan came to Equestria from "a distant land" to steal Equestrian magic. However, Scorpan grew to appreciate the ways of Equestria and even befriended a young unicorn wizard. Scorpan pleaded with his brother to abandon their plans, but Tirek refused to relent. To save Equestria, Scorpan informed us of Tirek's intentions. Scorpan returned to his homeland while Tirek was imprisoned in Tartarus for his crimes," They said lowering their heads.

"And if he has escaped then he'll try to finish what he started, right?" Gilda said finally understanding why the two Princess's looked so worried.

"But like you said Grimm knew about this and he has a plan to stop him, right," Twilight said trying to lighten the mood.

"Twilight, I'm afraid that if Tirek gains enough magic, not even Grimm can stop him, it was with the Elements of Harmony that we were able to imprison him the first time," Celestia said looking downhearted.

"Wait, just wait, you're telling me that this stallion I'm supposed to marry is the Master of Life and Death ruler of three realms and Prince of Equestria and you don't think he has a plan to take down one power-hungry Centaur, you even said that he watched a show about us so I think if he knows things will work out then we all need to have faith in him," Gilda said as she stood up looking at the four of them.

Hearing this all of them lifted their heads up and smiled. "Yes, you are right, thank you, Gilda, for reminding us to never lose faith in those who love and care for us," Celestia said walking over to her newest herd sister. "And I can see why Grimm likes you so much, you never back down," She said making the griffoness blush.

"So what now, what are we going to do?" Sunset asked looking at all of them.

"First, I think we should go and speak with Grimm about this, and then, we should prepare for the wedding, after all, it is only a week away," Luna said looking around at the others. "Besides seeing as the four of us are already with foal, I think it's only fair that Gilda enjoys the taste of motherhood," She said as she smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

This made Gilda turn beet red and the others to giggle.

As they left the room Celestia stopped for a moment looking out the window. "Oh, mother, I pray there is time to stop this threat. And everything will end as Grimm believes, all I ask is that you watch over this land and its inhabitants and most of all please protect all of our children from harm," Celestia said in a silent prayer as she placed her hoof on her stomach feeling the magic of life as it grows within her.

Across Equestria near the Badlands, a Watcher floats in the sky looking down at a fragile form wrapped in a ragged cloak.
The watcher listens to the creature speak in a whispering voice.

"Soon, I will have my revenge, and all of Equestria and its magic shall be mine," It says as it slowly moves across the land heading to some unknown location laughing evilly.

Author's Note:

These are what the brides wedding dresses will look like.



