• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,852 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

  • ...

Chapter 8 The Wedding, Déjà Vu, and a Little Anatomy Lesson

Ok, now the Déjà Vu will be explained but later so hold on to that. First I'd like to discuss anatomy particularly Pony and Griffon anatomy. See ponies are pretty much the same in both worlds their um, ah, well, their New-news and yes I did call them that. Anyways their new-news are just the same except for Equestrian ponies having their fur color match the, um, lips. Now as for Griffons their lower half is that of a large cat so that part is the same I mean it's identical to a large cat.

This is getting a little hard for me to do see I'm not only talking to all of you but my daughters are here also see they're wondering why their mom AKA Gilda was making so much noise inside the libraries bedroom last night. And like a responsible parent meaning, I got volunteered into doing it by all of the girls I am explaining it to them or at least trying.

Now as I was saying a large cat, so you put that into account that me being an alicorn pony I'm pretty much hung like a Clydesdale I mean I'm very large in some parts so that with feline genitalia is why your mom was making so much noise.

Those two fillies just look at each other before busting up laughing telling me that they already had this lessons in school and Miss Cheerilee explained it better than me.

I really hate my life sometimes.

Now that all of that is over let's get back to the story and as the title stated it was time for the wedding and yes I know that a few chapters back Celestia, Luna, Twilight and I all got married thanks to Cadance but I still haven't married Sunset or Gilda and the ceremony is for them and the public but mostly for all of them.

Like before we had the girls take care of the preparations minus Twilight seeing as she was one of the brides. Shining did that shield spell thing again but this time it wasn't keeping out a threat but to help keep everypony calm. See, unlike the last time with the Changelings attacking I sent their ruler an invitation to the wedding and a promise that no harm will come to her or any of her kind. This didn't go over well with the others until I explained why I did it.

"Now I know that all of you think I lost my mind about this," I said for all of them to just nod their heads still looking at me angrily. " But you must understand the reason that Chrysalis did that was not to invade but to feed her people," I said gesturing to the Changeling Queen as she sat there watching as one of her subjects played with Cheyanne and Diamond.

"Grimm, we do love you and trust you but to give them free range of the city?" Celestia said looking at the Queen with some distrust.

"I know none of you have any reason to trust them but allowing them to feed freely will show that there is no need to hide who they are after all is it not wise to keep your friends close and your enemies closer," I said making Luna and Gilda both nod at that wise military strategy.

"Look I can feel the hated and mistrust from all of you," Chrysalis said pointing a hoof at the others. "But these two fillies have given more love to my changelings to feed on than they have ever had before. "Chrysalis said as she got down on the floor and began playing with Cheyanne and Diamond.

"That is well and all but how are our ponies not panicking about the Changelings presence?" Luna asked as she watches the once fierce Queen laughing and playing with her daughters.

"I think it would be best if Twilight explains that," I said stepping out of the way so She could speak.

"Ok um, well let see, first off, what we used was a combination of spells. The first being my brother's shield spell as the base. The second was we used both Cadance's love spell and the Changelings spell to keep their prey calm. Both of them made it so everypony in Canterlot remained calm and happy," She said before Luna spoke up.

"Yes, but how are they not in a panic?" She asked looking at her herd sister.

"That would be from the spell that is cast on those who enter the Elysian Planes. It removes all fearful or bad memories so the ponies that go there can move on in peace," She said having the others look from her to me.

"Then pray tell why is it that we still remember everything?" Celestia asked looking at me.

"The spell can only be used once and I thought it would be best for all of you to clear heads and know about what was going on," I said thanking the universe that Applejack wasn't here to tell them I was lying my plot off.

See after the girls came to see me about the letter I cast the spell on them. I wanted the timeline to flow as close to the one in the show but instead of having just four alicorns, Sunset made it five not to mention that as of yesterday Gilda has been showing signs of magic. Yep, after receiving confirmation that she was pregnant Gilda cried out with joy and released a burst of magic. Celestia suspects it's due to the fact that I'm an alicorn the only thing is I would love to have her keep the magic after the foals are born and yes I said foals. Celestia and Sunset are each caring one foal Luna is carrying twins and Twilight and Gilda have got three buns in the oven so all together Cheyanne and Diamond are going to be the big sisters to ten foals. We just don't know what their genders are or what they'll be seeing as Twilight and Sunset were unicorns before their ascension and Gilda is a griffon.

As I was saying today is our wedding day and we were just getting everything finalized. And if anyone says it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding that only counts if she's in her wedding dress and right now none of them are so we're safe, I think?

I wanted to continue our discussion but when Rarity came in she rudely pushed me and Shining out of the room. So now I'm being dragged down the hall by Shining to the room where my suit is, all the while he kept reminding me that I also need to get ready.

"Man he was a lot more fun at my bachelor party," I thought to myself as I was dragged into a room with a smiling stallion and a very expensive looking suit were waiting for me.

Twenty-four hours earlier

"So this is Las Pegasus doesn't look very impressive to me," I said as I looked at all the non-casino, casinos.

"What do you mean not impressed look at this place," Shining said smiling as he waved a hoof around.

I looked around and I shook my head. "That's the thing, I thought we were going to Las Pegasus the gambling capital of Equestria with a hooker on every corner and some poor schmuck getting his kneecaps broken in an alley by a loan shark," I said turning to look at Shining, Discord, Spike, Big Mac, and the rest of the guys.

"You do know that Gambling and Prostitution are both illegal in Equestria right?" Shining said looking at me in shock.

I just rolled my eyes at that.

"I think I understand just give me a second.... and there found it," Discord said as he closed his eyes and made his head turn around in circles until it stopped and he was pointing in a direction.

"Found what?" Caramel asked stepping over to him.

"You'll see," Discord said as he led the way.

We all followed him to the outskirts of the city where we saw what looked like an old hotel reading the name a smile crossed my face.

The Golden Pony Casino
Where all your dreams can come true.

"Wait hold on I thought gambling was illegal in Equestria?" Caramel said as he stepped closer to the building.

" Oh, it is... but see that little post?" Discord said pointing to a small post sticking in the ground.

All of us nodded when we saw it. "Well that is the marker to the border on this side of it we're in the Dragonlands and over there we're in Equestria," He said stepping past the post. "Equestria, the Dragonlands Equestria, the Dragonlands Equestria, the Dragonlands,' He said as he jumped back and forth.

"Ok, we get it, so now what?" Spike said looking at everyone.

"Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to have one hell of a Bachelor party," I said as I made my way to the doors of the hotel.

A second later I heard the rest of them move up behind me. I raised a hoof to open the door when it was pulled open and there stood a mare who to my opinion looked like she had way too much makeup on.

"Greeting gentle colts and welcome to The Golden Pony how many in your party?" She asked looking around at all of us.

"Ten, there's ten of us ma'am," I said smiling at her.

She nodded and turned lifting her tail a bit high so all of us could get a look at her assets. "If you'll follow me I show you around, oh, and there's a two-drink minimum,' She said looking back at us.

After that, all I could do was laugh internally at the faces the others had especially Big Mac and Shining. We made our way over to a large table that could hold us all and sat down. I looked around and saw familiar games, Craps Roulette and Cards... hell they even had some slot machines.

"So how do you guys like the place?' I asked trying to get them all from looking like a bunch of small-town bumkins which they were but still.

"This place is..."

"is something," Shining started to say as Mac finished for him.

"Eeeyup, now how about we order some drinks and food and get this party started?" Discord said changing his head to look like Big Macs before changing back to his own.

Raising his talon a waitress came over and greeted us. "Well, high boys you here for the fun or the fun?" The waitress said emphasizing the last fun with her eyes. "Now what can I get ya?" She asked as she held a notepad in her hoof.

We each told her our order and then decided to hit the tables those of us who know about gambling helped the others. To my surprise, nopony was using magic not even the unicorns.

"Hey, why no magic?" I asked the dealer.

"Because of that," He said pointing to a large black stone in the corner of the room. "It prevents magic from being used inside the building so nopony can cheat," He said as he finished dealing the cards.

I grimaced at the stone it was the same thing Chrysalis's throne was made of, but for some reason, I didn't feel as if was affecting me like it should. Pushing that thought out of my mind my only concern was I had to make sure I took possession of it by any means necessary. After all, if someone was to get even a piece of it they could use it against the girls and that wasn't going to happen. So the whole time I was playing cards I kept thinking of possible ways to liberate the stone from this place.

The whole time we were there I kept looking around at the guys as they were having fun in one way or another. I did notice that a few of them were gone and so were some of the females. See there weren't only Ponies but Griffon, Hippogriff, Kirin, and Dragon females dressed and looking for a "good time" as it were. What surprised me was when Spike came out of a room with a smile on his face and a very satisfied looking Kirin behind him though he did look taller for a second. I looked at Discord who only shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.

My mind was brought back to the stone again and the only way I could get it was to beat the house. So I cleared my mine and did the one thing that got me thrown out of every casino in Vegas and Atlantic City I started counted cards. It wasn't that hard to do in fact they've never had anypony do it so I knew I wouldn't get caught. First I would bet small then I would increase my bets as the cards were dealt. Until I gained an audience around me all amazed at how good I was winning I even took over the other seats at the table. To keep them from getting suspicious I would lose a hand or two every now and then but I would make it up. I would even call out that the drinks were on me and even leave a hefty tip for the waitress.

As this was going on the owners of the place started to get worried they even offered me any of the girls in the place for the entire night for free and as tempting as it was I had to finish this. And with the sound of cheering from the others and grones from the owners, I knew I did it.

"Um, sir, we're sorry to say but we can't pay you your winnings, we don't have enough bits to cover it," A stallion in a suit who must be the owner said looking scared.

I looked at him for a second before shaking my head. Tell me how much is my winnings?" I asked not really caring.

"Five hundred million bits sir," He said as he started to sweat.

See the law in the Dragonlands was you always pay your debt no matter what or you die.

I looked around at the place knowing I had this stallion by the cojones. "How much is this place worth?" I asked not really caring

"To be honest sir it's only worth half of what you had won," He said looking at me confused.

"I'm feeling generous today so how about you pay me a hundred million and through in that stone and we call it even?" I said making him look at me ready to shake his head no. "Or you can just sign the place over to me and I take the stone anyways,' I said making his eyes go wide.

So, in the end, I got the bits and the stone and to keep the owner happy and patrons honest I had Discord place an eternal everlasting curse on the building if anyone tried to cheat with magic in any way they would wind up with explosive diarrhea.

"I don't know about the rest of you but this was the best Bachelor party I've been to in like forever," Spike said throwing up his arms.

Discord and I looked around at all the smiling faces of the guys even Shining and Big Mac had sheepish grins on their faces.

Now Gentle colts remember what happens at The Golden Pony stays at The Golden Pony," Discord said as all of them nodded in agreement.

I knew full well that most of them didn't want what happened there to get out, especially Mr. Cake, Thunderlane, Sorin, Cranky, Shining, and Spike. Seeing as every one of them was in a room with one or more of the girls doing who knows what. Seriously I don't know what they did in those rooms, hell they could have just been talking or knocking boots.

I did know that we needed to get back to Las Pegasus seeing as our hotel rooms were there and so was all of our stuff plus One hundred million bits weights a ton.

Back to the present

Now let me tell you about the Déjà Vu part of the story well the wedding part is part of the same part if that makes any sense?

Ok as I was getting ready, I kept having this feeling that something wasn't right as if something important in the universe was out of place. Then it hit me in a panic I began running around the room. "The rings I don't have the rings oh lord in Heaven what am I going to do we can't get married without the rings," I was saying only to be lifted off the ground and brought over to look shining Armor and a dark blue unicorn stallion I haven't seen in a while just staring at me. (The stallion is Night Light)

"Now calm down, Spike has the rings and everything else is just fine, so breath and relax," Night Light said as he held my face with his hooves.

"Ok, ok, you're right I need to calm down, I can do this, relax and breath nothing is going to go wrong," I said to myself only after finishing the last word there was a massive explosion.

I just stood there and rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Of course Muphy's Law, can't forget about that Plothole now can we?" I said no pony in particular.

Before the others could speak there was a second explosion and the arrival of one of Chrysalis's minions as he or she, can't tell what they are until they speak, smashed into the wall.

"What happened are you alright?" I asked moving over to the now groaning Changeling.

"Under attack," He said trying to get up.

I just stood there and looked at him with they you got to be kidding me look before he continued.

"Other Changeling hives took Queen and Brides away, hold hostage," He said as Night Light was helping him to his hooves.

"Cadance what happened to my wife?" Shining said trying to grab the still weakened Drone.

"Love pony safe little unicorn filly use shield spell keep others safe too," He said looking at Shining then to me.

All I could do was stand there as I felt the anger boil up inside of me. "Whoever these changelings were had a lot of Gaul to come and attack us and take away my herd," I thought to myself as all three of the others slowly backed away from me.

Shinings POV

After dad calmed Grimm down we all jumped when the first explosion went off then Grimm just shook his head and grumbled under his breath. Then the second explosion hit and the changeling crashed through the wall.

Grimm walked over to him to see what happened and hen he said we were attacked by other hives my only thought was of Cadance.

"Cadance, what happened to my wife?" I yelled trying to grab hold of the drone only for Grimm to hold me back.

Love pony and other safe little unicorn filly used shield spell keep other safe," he said as he stood up looking at me then to Grimm.

Everything was quiet for a second then I felt a very familiar cold the three of us turned to look at Grimm.

"Son whats happening?" Night Light asked as he stepped back with fear in his eyes.

"It ok dad I've seen him do this before it's his Alicorn powers coming out," I said to my dad as I used my magic to lift up the fear frozen changeling and brought him over to me and dad. We stood there in fear and awe as we watched Grimm's body as it released dark energy. I know it wasn't important but at that moment, I could only see Rarity fainting after she sees what happened to the tuxedo she made for him. Then in a flash, he was gone and the room returned to normal.

"I guess we're going to have to get used to this happening aren't we?" dad said after things calmed down.

I looked at him shaking my head. "I don't think anypony will get used to it," I said as I helped the drone out of the room.

I don't quite remember all that happened after learning about the attack and the girls being taken. I mean I know what happened but it was like I was watching it happen from a monitor with no sound.

In a flash Grimm disappeared and seconds later he was standing in a large cavern, before him, stood six Changeling Queens. Five of them had a drone with her the last one stood alone. Grimm could tell that the lone Queen was the tallest of them all and she held a sense of superiority to the rest. Maybe she's the mother to all of them or the Empress but right now Grimm didn't care as he turned to see his five herd mate and new friend stuck to the floor with that slime.

The first is the lone queen and the rest are well the others.

"Ah, I see you showed up, to be honest, I thought you would have brought a legion of guards with you but my mistake," The lone Queen said looking at Grimm with hungry eyes.

"Come on mother lets just get this over with," The Queen with one good eye said. "I want to teach this traitorous sister of ours what happens when you go against the order," SHe said as she started walking closer to Chrysalis and the girls only to stop and jump back when a bolt of dark energy hit the floor in front of her.

"Now Lacera, I hope that you just learned something with that demonstration?" The lone queen said looking at her. "Never think you have the upper hoof in any negotiations,"

The one known as Lacera bowed her head and stepped back to stand with the others.

"Now where were we, oh yes, Lord Grimm I bid you welcome to the Imperial Hive I am the mother of all changeling queens since the beginning of time, I am, Queen Molestia," The lone Queen said standing proudly.

Without warning a bolt of magic flew and nearly stuck Molestia's head as the looked on in shock as Grimm's horn began to glow once more this time the ball of energy was the size of his head.

"Now hold on what the buck do you think you're doing there are rules to situations like this?" Molestia said as she moved over to have a couple of the other queens stand in front of her.

There, was only silences until the laughter of Chrysalis could be heard. " I tried to tell you that it was a bad idea to do this mother, but you wouldn't listen," She said shaking her head. "And now you, all of you are going to find out just what kind of stallion he truly is," Chrysalis said smiling evilly at her mother and siblings as the temperature of the large cavern began to drop to freezing.

"What's going on how can this be happening my, my throne is made of the stone of Tartarus no magic but changelings should be able to work?" Molestia said looking around as the walls began to get covered in ice.

"That's where you made your mistake, oh, wise Queen," Luna said looking smug. For our, Grimm is the Lord of Tartarus and what comes from there has no ill effect on him it only makes him stronger,"

"I am surprised at this cousin I always believed you thought thing through," Celestia said looking at the now confused and fearful queen.

"Don't you dare call me that after what your mother did to me, to my children," Molestia yelled looking at the saddened expression of Celestia.

" You brought that curse upon yourself, it only saddens us that it was past to your children and in turn theirs," Luna said looking at the angered queen.

"What do you mean what curse, what are they talking about, mother?" One of the queens asked this one with a mechanical leg.

"Oh my, she did not tell you the truth of why all of us need to feed on love?" Chrysalis said in a mocked shocking tone.

"Be silent you traitor," Molestia shotted as she shot a bolt of magic at her daughter only for it to stop in mid-air and disappear.

The trapped mares and griffoness, as well as the others, turned to see Grimm standing there with his horn glowing as a wall of light was cast in front of the six prisoners. He then turned and face Molestia with an evil grin he lit his horn a dark red and then a scream was heard as Molestia was thrown back against the wall knocking her out.

Now, seeing as, mother, won't be interrupting us for a few minutes let me tell you the truth," Chrysalis said as she was using her magic to get them all free. "Now the reason we must feed on love is, because of, the Greedy and Foolish pride of that mare. We were part of the royal family of Equestria until mother decided she wanted more, more power more stallions more love. She even had the nerve to try and seduce the King her own uncle. When Faust learned of this she cursed her to forever want," Chrysalis said as she and the others stood free of the goo.

"What do you mean want, want what?" Another queen asked as she stepped closer.

"Everything, power... stallions... love... but it will never be fulfilled she will always hunger for it until the curse is lifted and to do that she must beg for forgiveness," Chrysalis said looking at her sisters, knowing that their mother would never do such a thing.

A roar was heard making all of them turn to see that Molestia was being hung from the wall by a hoof to her throat.

"I think we better stop this before Grimm decides to see what she had for lunch," Gilda said making the others look at her questionably. "I mean if we don't stop him he's going to disembowel her," Gilda said pointing to their stallion as he held a blade in his magic as it moved closer to the queen's stomach.

"Grimm, I think she had enough how about we go back to the castle and get married?"Sunset said as she stepped closer to me only for me to push her back with a burst of energy.

"No, no more, you go I stay all will die for the evil in their hearts," I said in a raspy voice.

"No no no no, this isn't good, it looks like Grimm has lost it and he's having flashbacks of his life before he arrived in Equestria," Twilight said looking scared.

Are you sure what if we cast a sleep spell on him, won't that work?" Celestia said looking at her.

"We can't the Tartarus stone is blocking us from using our magic," Sunset said looking at the others.

"Could you just get over here and help me instead of talking," Molestia said before her voice was cut off again.

"Hell, we could just let him kill her and be done with it," Gilda said making the others look at her surprised. " What I'm just saying, it was her idea to foalnap the herd mates to the Alicorn Prince of Life and Death," She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm (gack) I'm ssssorry," The girls heard a small weak voice say. "Please for (cough) forgive me," The voice said as all eyes turned to see Molestia being held in the air with pleading eyes as she tried to speak once more.

"Well, I think she learned her lesson don't you sister?" Celestia said making the Changeling Queens all look at her in surprise.

"Yes quite right, Grimm, would you be a dear and release our dear cousin so we may go home?" Luna said smiling.

With a loud thud, Molestia laid on the ground coughing as she tried to catch her breath. " You (cough) were only (cough) acting this (cough) this whole time?" She said as she was catching her breath.

"No mother they weren't, in fact, it was by the combined will and prayers of all of us here that kept Grimm from tearing you limb from limb," Chrysalis said as she stepped closer to her still downed mother. " And I don't know about the rest of you but I intend to keep the treaty with Equestria in tacked even if I have to tell Grimm where each of your hives are located, so he can purge them of undesirables," She said looking at each of her sisters before turning around to stand next to Celestia and the others.

"You would betray your own kind your family to these ponies, our food!" Molestia yelled as she stood back up on shaky legs. " I will not have this, you will die before I allow such treason!" Molestia screamed as she lit her horn only to be thrown back against the wall again.

"You will never change the hatred in your heart has hardened to the point that there is no hope for you," I said standing in front of her my eyes turned solid white. "Therefore you leave me no choice, Molestia, I banish you from this world to eternal pain and torment in HELL!' I said yelling the last word as I stomped my hoof on the ground making a fissure open and the same monster from before came crawling out.

Molestia stood there in shock and fear as did everyone else. The monsters reached out and grabbed hold of her legs making her scream and try to fight back but it was a losing battle. Those who witnessed this stood as silent as statues and watched in a mixer of fear and fascination as the once proud queen was dragged down kicking and screaming, down into the depths of hell before the fissure closed up and there was nothing but silents.

I took a deep breath before turning to look at my herd and friend clearing my throat to get their attention. "Can we go home now I really would like to get this wedding over so everypony would feel better about us as a family," I said smiling a little.

Shaking off the shock the girls slowly walked over to me and each one came over and kissed my cheek smiling after.

Chrysalis smiled at us feeling the love we shared. I will show you to the exit and make sure none of the drones try anything then we can teleport back to Canterlot and get ready for that wedding of yours," She said turning a leading us out of the cavern and to freedom.

After we were gone the five changeling queens still stood there looking at the last place their mother was before a big gaping hole opened up and monsters reach out and grabbed her pulling her into hell before it closed up leaving no trace.

The one with the mechanical leg looked at the others before she spoke. "So we're not going to say anything about this?" She said only to get looks from all of her sisters.

Now if you want to know why I said this was Déjà Vu to me is because this is what it looked sort of like for Molestia minus all the touchy-feely crap.

After we returned to Canterlot I was rushed back to my room where a new tuxedo was waiting for me. Getting dressed and making my way to the altar I waited for the ceremony to begin and that's when the realization of what happened earlier sunk in and I realized that I definitely need to get some training done with these powers of mine. But that had to wait as the music started and I watched as my six brides made their way.
(Sound of record being scratched)
Hold on a minute now let me think there's Celestia that's one Luna makes two Twilight is three Sunset is number four Gilda is five.
Ok now let me count again, one two three four five six, yep there's six of them. Now, who is this sixth bride, she looks like some Mare I have never seen before.

Oh, it's Chrysalis I should have known, yep green flame and there she is in a wedding dress.

I look from the blushing changeling to the others and all I git is a big smile from each of them. You know what I really got to stop blacking out when I go Super Saiyan. Oh, well six wives, is ok right, I mean there's more mares to love and help raise the kids plus we get an army of Changelings. I just hope they don't start calling me dad that'll be weird and come to think of it all of those changelings are her kids that means there's an ex somewhere out there just laughing his ass off at me right now and, and God they all look so beautiful and Cadance is looking at me funny I wonder if, oh shoot she just said something, play it cool.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"I asked you, will you take these mares as your loving wives?" Cadance said trying not to laugh.

"Oh um, yeah, I mean yes, absolutely yes," I said turning to look at my blushing brides.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Stallion and Herdwives You may kiss the Brides," She said as all six of my now wives tackled me to the ground and began kissing me.

There was a mighty roar from the crowd as all in attendance began stopping their hooves and cheering.

When the girls stepped back from me I had two more bodies land on my chest those being my, no our daughters both of them giving me a hug and kiss then they turned and did the same to each of their mothers.

"Congratulations daddy and mommies," They both said smiling at us.

I got back up and turned with my family to all who came to the wedding and smiled.

"May I introduce King Grimm and his brides Queens Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Sunset, Gilda, and Chrysalis the ruler of Equestria," Cadance said standing proudly behind us.

With that, another roar of cheers rang out as we made our way down the aisle to head to the reception and party the whole time I was walking I couldn't believe this was happing and that it was not all a dream but if it was I never wanted to wake up.

As everypony gathered in the royal garden for the party I stood there next to my lovely brides as we cut the wedding cake and then joined the others dancing and having fun until it was time for us to go on our Honeymoon to Neighagrafalls. I swear I'm still not used to some of these name puns.

"Now girls are you sure you're going to be ok staying with your Grandpa?" I asked Cheyanne and Diamond.

"Yes daddy, you and our mommies go have fun, we'll be alright Grandpa and Grandma said that they were going to take us camping in Whitetail Woods," Both the girls said making Fluttershy freeze up and turn beet red at being called Grandma and as for Discord he just smiled really big as he pulled a statued yellow pegasus close to him.

All of us laughed at this but we knew it was getting late and we needed to go so giving out hugs and kisses. The seven of us climbed onto the carriage and made our way to the train station to go on our honeymoon and start our new lives together.

Across Equestria in the back alley of a small town, the body of a unicorn lay his magic completely drained from his body. Standing over him that same frail looking being as he looked down at the now unconscious form he only chuckled.

"One down, so many more to go, soon this world will be mine to rule," The figure said as he turned and walked away.

After he was gone the Watcher swooped down to the unicorn's body and released a small light on to his horn. With seconds the color and breathing of the pony returned to normal but he remained unconscious.

"Master said to give life to those he has stolen magic from but just enough so they do not die, Eye-Eye does not understand but follows orders," The Watcher said to its self as it flew off to continue to watch its target.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be all about Cheyanne and Diamond Tiara adventures with their grandfather Discord but mostly about them. :pinkiehappy: