• Published 29th May 2017
  • 8,850 Views, 144 Comments

At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here - Gravestone

Ex CIA Black Ops And His Ten Year Old Daughter Get Sent To Equestria And Turned In To Ponies

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Chapter 4 The Truth

I don't know how it happened and to be honest I don't give a rats hairy butt either. All I know is that I'm away from those three crazy smiling Mares. Sorry, let me recap what happened.

You see I was just told by Twilight that I was going to be crowned King and I kind of, sort of freaked out. Actually, I yelled and pushed past Celestia and Luna trying to find my way out of the castle full of crazy ponies. I mean they have to be nuts if they think it's a good idea putting me in charge of anything here especially since I've only been here for less than a week.

Getting off track sorry about that now where was I? Oh yeah, I found myself out in the middle of nowhere well sort of nowhere. I was on top of the mountain looking over Canterlot. So I guess I didn't um what's it called again.... teleported yeah that's it teleported to far thankfully. Now all I have to do is the same thing I did to get here if only I knew how it happened. I suck at magic, most of the time it's hit or miss mostly miss. Here's an example Twilight tried to teach me a levitation spell on some apples a whole lot of apples. After 199 tries I did finally do it, unfortunately, those 199 tries I learned how to make applesauce see they didn't exactly go up more like blow up. Hey maybe my luck will change so concentrating like Twilight and all the books said I thought of where I wanted to be closing my eyes I felt the magic flow from my body to my horn and that familiar popping sound and "poof" I opened my eyes to see I had moved exactly four feet backward.

"Come on, I know I have magic now because I can randomly teleport and blow up apples but why, why dear universe must you make my life so difficult when I try to do anything hell I would probably have been better off as an Earthpony or a Griffon and one more thing universe WHY THE HELL AM I AN ALICORN!" I said only to yell the last part while looking to the heavens waiting for an answer.

Well, I got an answer to my question first in the form of very familiar laughter. Then when he showed up and I'll have to say I almost fangasmed, almost. You see Discord is one of my top five characters from the show. The other four I will tell you later but like I was saying the lord of chaos was standing well more like floating in front of me still laughing.

"Oh, my I haven't laughed this hard in over two millennia," He said holding his sides. " I'm sorry but I've seen better use of magic done by that showpony Trixie but all this fun aside we need to talk," Discord said taking on a serious tone as he landed on the ground.

I looked at him and realized he wasn't joking and that made me a little nervous. " Ok what do we need to talk about," I said as I sat down on my hunches.

" Well you see it has to do with you Cheyanne and your late wife," Discord said as he lowered his eyes to the ground.

I looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and anger the anger was the mention of my daughter and wife the curiosity was how did he know about Eris.

"Please before you ask any questions let me tell you a story," Discord said raising his eagle claw then having a smile show up on his face. " But first I think we need a few more in the audience," With that said he snapped his claw and in a flash Celestia, Luna, Twilight, the other girls, the CMC ( DT and SS also), Cheyanne and what surprised me the most was Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were there too.

"Discord what is the meaning of this?" Celestia said in an angry tone.

"Oh don't get your knickers in a knot Tai I brought all of you hear so I can tell all of you a story and it's a really good one," He said showing that devilish smile he always has. " Now if all of you would make yourselves comfortable we can begin," He said snapping his claws making pillows appeared beneath everypony.

"Now if everypony is comfortable we can begin?" Discord said putting on a pair of glasses as he sat down in a big chair picking up a book and opening it.

Long ago before Equestria was even founded I lived in this land with a being known as Harmony. Now she was unlike any creature any of you had ever seen for she appeared to look almost like a Unicorn but she stood nearly equal to my height. As for the unicorn part, you see the tip of her horn ended in two points much like a fork and she wore a crown on her head with six gems.

And, before you ask Miss Sparkle yes they were the elements but they weren't called that back then they were just part of her crown. You see as I am chaos she was my polar opposite. We always tried to outdo each other I created the Chimeras she countered and created the Manticores stuff like that. But one day something changed we no longer saw each other as opposites but something else you see we fell in love. I know it's hard to believe but it's true we even held a ceremony where we said our own vows to each other. And for a time we were truly happy but that happiness would not last. You see we weren't the only ones that existed in this land to be more precise this world. Together they were called The Ethereals and they were not happy with what we did. Well some of them were on our side Alpha and Omega, Tempus and Locus ( Birth or Life and Death and Time and Space) were happy for us that we had chosen to show true balance. But the others didn't like it at all even Hubun and Nafarat ( Love and Hate) were against it. Hell, Solas and Dorchadas (Light and Darkness) threatened us if we did not return to the way we were before they would make us do it. The other Ethereals chose to stand with them so it was the six of us against the world so to speak.

"Wait you're telling us that the power of Love didn't want you to be together?" Cadance asked looking skeptical.

"Yes but not for the reason you think Princess," Discord said looking at the princess of love with sad eyes.

Now as I was saying the six of us were ready for a fight well five of us actually. I found out that before the battle Harmony had told me she was pregnant. So I had her stay back and I promised to protect her and our child with everything I had. During the battle, many things happened some good and some bad. The good things were that new creatures came into being Dragons, Griffins, Diamond Dogs, and Minotaurs to name a few. The bad was the Demons, Windigo, and pretty much all the nasty monsters and things you can think of. During the battle, we all noticed that the creatures were refusing to fight for us and a new group of creatures had arrived. The three tribes of ponies had made their way to this land and they carried a power within them it was so powerful it destroyed the Windigo. They called it the Flame of Friendship and that was a new concept for all of us. So much that we all chose to continue our battle on the Ethereal Plane and that is where everything went down the crapper. See everyone except Harmony and myself truly reside in the Ethereal Plane because we were the only ones with real bodies and to make a long story short being there was harming us. I told Harmony to leave for the safety of her and our child but she refused. Saying if we are to fall then we do it as a family this was a new word we had learned of from the ponies and other creatures.

We continued the battle for some time Harmony and I leaving the plane so our bodies could heal and that's when they struck Nafarat, Solas, and Dorchadas decided to end it in one blow. It was Hubun that told us what they had done those cowards attacked Harmony when she was alone outside the Ethereal Plane. You see due to the fighting she had gone into labor and that's when they attacked threating the life of our child to end the war. But she stood her ground and refused, telling them that if all of us would put aside our differences and come together this world would be forever in true peace. Nafarat was the first to attack but was stopped by two beings calling themselves Harbinger and The Mantle. You see when Hubun found out what was going to happen she had told my friends and in their collective rage the two couples had fussed to become one being Alpha and Omega became Harbinger and Tempus and Locus became the first and only true immortal calling itself The Mantle of Immortality. I did not make it in time to see any of it and none of them would tell me what truly happened but I do know that Nafarat was cast to dwell beneath the ice of the cold north having Hubun watch over him for all eternity and Solas and Dorchadas were stripped of their forms and memories and placed inside the bodies of two foals born possessing the traits of the three pony races. As for me, I was lost, my love had given up her life to protect our child. I became withdrawn it was The Mantle and Harbinger who took care of my daughter. Sometimes I would hold her and then the pain of the loss of her mother would surface. Then one day I got word of these two ponies that could move the sun and moon and went to see it for myself and that's when I realized that they were Solas and Dorchadas. Needless to say, I lost it and became insane with anger, why did they get to live when my Harmony had to die. I wanted to make them suffer but for some reason I couldn't, I found out that the presence of my daughter was keeping me from exacting my revenge. So I decided to make sure she was safe I opened a gateway to another world. A world she would be safe in but I did not know that world had no magic so in my foolishness I had put her in danger. The Mantle had journeyed to this world with her to protect her from harm until it was time for her to return home. As for me, you all know what happened Tai and Luna found the Elements and used them to imprison me.

But only my body was in stone my mind was free to journey throughout the omniverse and there I learned two things first was Harmony did not die she cast the most powerful spell ever to be created called Harmonic Convergence where her whole being was fussed with this world becoming the Tree of Harmony and her power was set inside the jewels of her crown so that nothing like that war would ever happen again. The second thing was I got to watch as my daughter grow up and fall in love with a human and bring a life born from true and pure love into the world. But unfortunately the birth was trying and a choice was made her our the baby even The Mantle was powerless to stop what was to happen. Yes, Grimm, you see my daughter was named Eris your wife and mother of Cheyanne and when the day the two of you were to die it was Eris' soul who asked The Mantle and Harbinger to bring you both here so you could be safe in doing so you were fussed with him or them becoming an alicorn.

After Discord finished his story everyone around me was in tears and I just sat there saying and doing nothing. it was Cheyanne who broke up everyponies tears when she ran over to Discord and jumped into his arms wrapping her hooves around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek yelling how happy she was to meet her grandpa and that she loved him so much.

With this, the others dried their eyes and made their way over to the two of them leaving Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight, and Shining to stand beside me watching the display before us.

"So if I understand it correctly you're an alicorn because you have ethereal beings inside of you?" Shining said looking at me.

I stood there for a second before the knowledge came to my mind and I began to speak. "Yes but I am not the only one for Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight each hold an ethereal within them as well those being Solas, Dorchadas, Hubun, and Harmony,"

"Wait, what, how, me Harmony?" Was all Twilight could say before her brain shut down and she passed out only for me to catch her and lift her up on my back receiving a stern look from Shining Armor.

"Well, I think it would be best if we all returned to the castle and Have some lunch," Celestia said stepping over to the others.

We all gathered around her and in a poof we were standing in the dining hall. Everyone moved over to the table and took a seat I watched as Cheyanne made sure that Fluttershy was sitting next to Discord. I knew what she was doing back on earth she always liked those stories of Fluttercord and to prove that when everyone was seated she spoke up.

"So Miss Fluttershy when are you going to marry my grandpa so I can have you as my grandma?" Cheyanne asked in the most innocent voice possible. Only to have Fluttershy turn beet red Discord to have his jaw drop to the table and Rainbow Dash to fall out of her seat laughing.

I had to hold back my laughing but it was very hard and I still had Twilight on my back as I moved over to put her in one of the empty seats. After that, she woke up looking around at what was happening looking a little confused. Cadance leaned over and told her what happened making her blush as well. All this was fun and all but I still had one thing plaguing my mind.

"Um, can I ask why in the name of that is holy would you want to crown me king?" I asked looking at Celestia and Luna.

The title of King of Equestria is just that a title for you are the King of Tartarus and the Elysian Plains but to the nobility, you are still a prince of Equestria," Luna said placing her hoof on mine.

"Although if you were to marry one or both my aunts then you would be the King and they the Queens," Cadance said with a devilish smirk making both Celestia and Luna look at each other blushing.

"Hey, what about me why can't I marry him too?" Twilight yelled out before she realized what she had said making herself blush and sink into her chair.

I didn't get to say anything because Cheyanne ran over hugging me. "Daddy is it true are you going to marry the Princesses and make them my mommies, cause I think it would be great to have three mommies so I could have lots of little brothers and sister someday," She said smiling up at me.

I turned to look at three very red Princesses and one Princess of Love smiling while Shining decided to find that the table looked very interesting. "So the only other stallion here and you're not going to help me out?" I said staring at him until he finally looked at me with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that but I live with her and you know happy wife happy life," He said as his eyes kept darting over to look at his wife smiling there.

"Sweetie how about we see what happens okay?" I asked my daughter for her to look at me smiling before she went back to her seat when the food arrived.

As we ate our meals I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have all three mares as my wives seeing as I haven't been with a woman since Cheyanne was born. Yep, you heard it here ten years of no sex but that thought was pushed aside by something more important something I think only Discord would know.
Why did I suck so bad at magic if I am supposed to be an all powerful Alicorn I mean come on my little girl can do stuff better than me and most of the time if something happens it's either a fluke or some subconscious thing. All I know is if I can't figure this out I am going to be pissed off beyond the level of pistivity. But I can't think of that now because I am hungry and the food in front of me is calling my name.

"Now I believe it would be best if all of you were to stay the night seeing as tomorrow will be Grimm and Cheyanne's coronation," Celestia said only to get a happy cheer from six fillies.

"Oh, my this is terrible we have nothing for you to wear for your coronation," Rarity said looking flustered.

I looked over to her and seen how upset she was. "Actually Rarity you don't need to worry about me but if you think you can would it be possible for you to make a dress for Cheyanne and if I remember correctly you still have the other dresses from the royal wedding for the girls,"

"Yes I do Darling but unfortunately, they're all at my Boutique back in Ponyville," Rarity said looking a little down.

"Don't worry Aunt Rarity my grandpa can help right grandpa?" Cheyanne said looking from Rarity to Discord with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever.

"Oh, of course, my little angel Grandpa would do anything for you," Discord said as he snapped his claws and it looked like nothing happened.

"Well, what happened I thought you said you were going to do something?" Rainbow Dash said looking at Discord.

"I did it so happens that the room Rarity will be staying in her closet is connected to her Boutique back in Ponyville all she has to do is walk through it and she's there," Discord said looking smug at Rainbow.

"Ok that's enough both of you we should be happy because today Chey-Chey got to meet her grandpa for the first time," Pinkie said looking at everyone with a serious face before it turned to a smile. Now all I know is I have to get your congratulations on your coronation party for tomorrow," She said before disappearing out of the room.

You know what Pinkies right we should be happy my little girl got to meet her mother's father and learn where that half came from.

The best part of all was I learned I wasn't going to be in charge of this land only of a place where happy dead people and those who are damned for all eternity lived. The only other thing I had to deal with was when it was time for somepony or other creature to be born or die and that can't be that bad right, right? But as we all know that when you tempt fate it has a way of biting you right in the flank. But I am not going to let anything change my mind or ruin this.

Later that evening

"Somepony help me! Get me out of here! Open this damn door I know you're out there I can hear you breathing!" I yelled as I tried my damndest to keep from being pulled into my bed by not one but three alicorn mares.

If you're confused about what's happening let me give you a short recap. After lunch, Celestia took me on a tour of Tartarus and that's where I met a few of my Minions. You see I have workers that take care of the day to day operations of both the Elysian Plains and Tartarus. Actually, both sets of minions looked just like I expected them to, the plains had your typical Cherubs you know baby angels and the underworld had eyeball things with wings.

Cute aren't they, I also learned that I really didn't have to do much just show up every now and then to see if everything was running smoothly. As for everything else, Rarity did make Cheyanne a dress for the coronation and I have to say that it looks really good. She also redesigned the other fillies dresses due to the fact that they each had grown a little over the past year. After the tour, I was instructed on what was going to happen at the ceremony by Luna and Twilight. I even got to talk to Shining Armor for a while I told him about what I used to do before coming here and let's just say he and I hit it off better than I would have expected. That was until Cadance had to ruin it by saying that all I needed now was Twilights parents to approve of me and I could have three Princesses to rut. I seriously think there's something wrong with that mare. But as I was saying I learned the basics of what was to happen tomorrow and spent time with all the other girls and my daughter and father-in-law until it was time for dinner.

We all sat at the table and enjoyed a delicious meal but I had that old feeling of something dangerous was near so I kept looking around the room. Little did I know what set off my Alicornsence was a certain pink pony princess with a multicolored mane and tail. I don't know why she has to but into my love life like... oh yeah Princess of Love but still. It's my life and when I'm ready to start dating again I decide when it will be not some Princess of Love trying to hook me up with three mares three very attractive mares with nice looking flanks and I think you could call the foal bearing hips. No, bad brain, stop thinking that, your not ready for something like that. So yeah that's pretty much what happened up until I went to my room for the night and walked in on a sight that would make any man or stallion turn into a savage beast with only one thought sex.

I, on the other hand, hoof did the complete opposite I turned around and started screaming as I made my way to the door only to be stopped by three beams of light. So this is where we were me trying to get out of the room while Celestia, Luna, and Twilight kept pulling me closer to the bed and certain doom.

"Grimm, calm down we told you that all we wanted to do was cuddle and nothing else," Celestia said as she kept pulling me closer to the bed.

"Yes Sir Grimm just harmless cuddles is what we seek," Luna said as she too pulled me closer.

"If you just want to cuddle then why dress like that," I yelled as I tried to move away from them.

"We just thought that this would relax you more and besides you cant blame a mare for trying," Twilight said the first part out loud and the rest under her breath.

"Do you mean it all you want to do is cuddle?" I asked still not sure of all of this.

"Yes, we promise just cuddling nothing more you big foal, now get over here so we commence with the cuddles," Celestia said followed by Luna who seems all too eager for this.

I decided to just pony-up and be a stallion so I slowly made my way to the bed. As I took my first step, I was frozen in place the looks on their faces was enough to turn water to ice on how creepy they looked. Okay you know what forget it I 'm out of here I thought to myself as I quickly turned and ran at the door full force knocking down while I just kept running.

"Grimm, get back here and cuddle with your Princesses that's an order!" Celestia said as the three of them started running after me.

"How and why can he be so stubborn after all he has three hot sexy mares willing to give themselves to him and what does he do?" Luna said as she caught up to her sister.

"He runs like a Foal who is going to get a booster shot," Twilight said as she too caught up to her fellow Princesses.

"A booster shot would be less painful than what you three wanted," I yelled back as I pick up my pace.

"All we wanted to was cuddle with you," Celestia said as she quicked her pace.

"Yeah right cuddle and the way you were looking at me was just so innocent you know the reason I'm running is, because I haven't been with a mare in ten years and I'm a little scared," I said not knowing why I told them the last part.

"Well none of us has been with a stallion ever so there," Luna said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Hearing what she said made me trip over my own hooves and crash to the floor sliding to a stop. Really none of you have ever you know?" I asked as I turned around too fast them the three of them caught up to me blushing.

"No not one of us," Celestia said looking down at the floor.

"But what about your heat what did you do for that," I asked in a hushed tone so not to make them more embarrassed

"We would lock ourselves in our rooms and cast a powerful sleep spell on ourselves Luna said as she had tears forming in her eyes.

I looked at the three of them and they all had tears streaming down their faces. I'm sorry about all of this I really am but it's just I...." I was about to finish what I was saying when a strong scent hit my nose. "Ah What is that smell and why I have a bad feeling about it?" I asked the three of them only for them to start blushing harder and deciding that the walls and floor started to look really interesting at that moment. " Tai, Luna, Twilight what is it?" I said in a stern tone.

"Um, you see there hasn't been an alicorn stallion here since our father and well you being so close has caused our heat cycle to speed up and well the excitement of the chase push it over the edge and well see for yourself," Celestia said as the three of them turned around and lifted their tails giving my clear view of their marebits and the most amazing smell I have ever smelled.

Before I could say anything we heard laughing and I knew who it was looking around the hall I yelled in the angriest voice I ever used. "Discord get out here now you son- of -a snake,"

He popped into exitance in front of the girls making them back up into me making him smile even more. That was the funniest thing I have seen in millennia," He said between laughs.

This just made Celestia and Luna blush but get angry. As for Twilight, she began to cry at how embarrassed she was. I couldn't take it anymore and move around to stand in front of them where I leaned in and nuzzled each of them. "You know what BUCK IT Eris told me to live and Cheyanne already sees you three as her mothers so let's do it," I said making them look at me with happy smiles. "Let's get married," I said making the three of them and Discord look at me confused. I sorry but I'm kind of traditional hell Eris and I didn't do it until we were married be it we were married a week after we met but still," I said looking back at the three smiling mares.

"Well, I guess there's only one thing to do," Discord said snapping his talons making Cadance, Shining, and Cheyanne appear in the hall.

"Discord what is the meaning of this?" Shining yelled angrily.

"No time for a full explanation so here's the short version Caddy perform wedding you and me witnesses Cheyanne gets to know the truth so she won't freak out tomorrow," Discord said snapping his talons once again and we all appeared in the throne room.

Cadance blinked a few times before what was happening finally sunk in and she squealed before she composed herself and began to speak. " Dearly beloved we are gathered here,"

"Cadnce dear could you just skip ahead please if you don't mind?" Celestia said with pleading eyes to her niece.

"Sorry, Aunt Celestia very well then, Do you Celestia, Luna, and Twilight take Grimm as her beloved husband?" She asked the three only to get a unified Yes from them. "And do you Grimm take these three mares as your beloved wives?" She asked looking at me.

I sorry but I couldn't help it I had to do it so I stood there looking at the faces of everyone around me before I just sat down on my flank and debated out loud to myself. "Oh I don't know this is just too fast, are we really compatible I mean we have only known each other for less than a week," I said still holding my stern face but it was what Cheyanne said made me stop fooling around.

"Daddy if you don't say yes so I can have my mommies than I will go and date Snips and Snails," She said crossing her hooves in front of her.

"Yes I do," I said without hesitating to look first to Cadance then to three very happy looking mares.

"Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you Stallion and Mares you may kiss your, brides," Cadance said as I was tackled to the floor and kissed repeatedly but my wives I guess.

"Wait a minute did Twilight just get married?" Shining asked looking a little confused about what just happened.

I'll explain when we get back to our room dear," Cadance said kissing him on the cheek. "But first, we need to make this official so we need to," She said before she was cut off by a parchment appearing in front of her with a quill.

Cadance took the quill in her magic and signed her name passing over to Shining who did the same still looking a little confused then Discord took it and signed his name before passing over to the four of us where we each wrote our names with me needed to hold the quill in my mouth seeing as I still suck at magic. After all of that Discord made the Marriage License disappear to the national archives.

I looked at the three mares I was now legally married to before Cheyanne tapped my leg when I looked down at her she smiled. "Now, daddy, I want you to go and you and my new mommies make me lots of baby brothers and sisters okay I love bye bye, " She said as she turned and ran over to a laughing Discord.

Knowing full well he had something to do with all of this I looked at Celestia and the others as they blushed before turning back to look at the devil and my daughter. "Oh, sweetie, you know what, why don't you ask when Grandpa and Fluttershy will start giving you uncles and aunts?" I said making Discord stop laughing and turn beet red.

With that my work was done well sort of the next thing that happened was the four of us were enveloped in a golden aura and in a flash we were back in my room but this time we were all on the bed. I looked around at the three mares that were now my wives and one thing popped in my head when the lights went out and the three of them started giggling.

What the hell happened, did I just get married to Celestia, Luna, and Twilight?