• Published 10th Jan 2017
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Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 10: Ambush ( Pebblestone Part 1 ) (Edited 11/19/17)

We kept on walking to the snowy mountains until Flash stops us with his right wing. "What are you doing?" Thorax ask, only to be shush by him.

"Do you hear that?" He ask us, but we shook our heads meaning no. He held up his ears in the air and his eyes were wide as dinner plates when he heard the sound of shouting. He turn to us and shouted. "We have an ambush coming!"

I ready myself with my ice staff while Thorax was doing his boxing stance as he was shaking. The shouting was getting louder and louder and something or some creatures were landing on the snow as they made holes out of them, sixteen to be corrected. Then, there was sixteen figures popping up from their holes and they reveal themselves to be Diamond Dogs. However, these Diamond Dogs were Husky-like Dogs from black and white to gray and white. Each of them pulled out their spears and were pointing them at us when they surround us in a circle.

"You three. You come. To us. Now," said the one in the middle. He was closely pointing his spear at Flash.

"And what if we refuse?" he ask, fixing him with a glare while the husky Diamond Dog glared back at him.

"You. Will. All. Die," he replied still keeping his spear at him. The rest of the Dogs were getting closer to us with their spears getting closer too.

Thorax looks scared when he was backing away from them. "I'm too young to die," he said, still keeping them away from him.

I didn't want to go with them and neither did they, so I did the most craziest move ever. I use my ice staff and created a snow storm at them, causing them to cover their eyes. This gave Flash a chance to fight when he punch the Husky Dog with his left hoof. The Husky Dog got up and glared at us when he grabbed his spear. I have a feeling we are gonna be in a fight for our life.

He pointed his spear at us. "Kill them!" He shouted with rage. The Diamond Dogs all howl in anger and picked up their spears to charge at us.

Knowing that we were gonna be fighting, Me, Flash and Thorax ( who was still shaking ) were in for a fight.

Flash took to the air and pointed his hoof at them as if he is ready to charge at them.


"Get them!"

"We're gonna die!"

We charged into battle as Flash swoops right around two Diamond Dogs and boink their heads together. The other one nearly caught him with his spear, but Flash manages to dodges it. He keeps moving left and right making sure not to get stab. Thorax was just standing there looking on at the battle, but then one of those Dogs creep up to him and grabs him from behind. He tried to wiggle his way out, but the grip of this Diamond Dog was strong. Thorax use his transformation to turn into a skunk and blasted him with his stench.

The Diamond Dog let's him go as he covers his nose from his oder. "Sorry, if I farted," Thorax apologize to him.

I was dealing with at least four of them when they surround me. Of course, those bastards don't know what I can do. I turn myself invisible in front of them, making them speechless. "Hey, where did the Lizard?" ask one of the Diamond Dogs.

"He's gone."

"Find him."

"With scent."

They use their noses to find my scent to look for me. I tried my best not to be found, but unfortunately, one of them picked up my scent and pointed to where I was standing. Before he could call out to his friends to where I am, I use my ice staff to stab this Dog right in the forehead and through the brain, plus killing him.

The other three looks in horror when his friend collapses dead on the snow. I made myself visible when I pull my ice staff off of him to clean out the blood on my spear tip. The Diamond Dogs looked at me in shock and anger. "Next."

The three Diamond Dogs charged at me, but I was ready for that as I use my ice staff to freeze all three of them in their place. They were all frozen solid and I got to say, they look funny when their frozen like that. I run up to the three frozen Dogs and use my tail to whip those frozen Dogs when my tail hits them, they were shattered into ice, blood and Doggy chucks.

"Sub-Zero, eat your hurt out," I said, looking proudly at what I did despite how gruesome it was to do that.

Flash meanwhile is still struggling with that Husky Diamond Dog who tries to stab him but to no avail. "Stay. Still!" he barked, still trying to stab him.

"Never!" Flash shouted back at him. He was starting to get tired and it looks like he's about to stop. But that didn't happen when another Diamond Dog punches the Husky Diamond Dog in the face and took his spear away. He stab him in the chest with it and killed him.

Flash stops in shock and confusion as well as panting so hard. "Why...did you...kill him...?" he ask, between pants.

The Diamond Dog looked at him with a smile and transforms to reveal himself to be Thorax.

Flash looks speechless but he manages to spoke. "Thorax?"

Thorax blushes a bit about that stunt he pulled. "Yeah, it's me. I don't really like killing but I just don't want you to die."

"Well, thanks. But, that doesn't mean were friends and never will," Flash said as he regain his strength to fly up a few feet. "Now, come on, I know you don't like killing, but this is our way to survive from those mutts."

Flash took to the air to battle the next pack of Dogs while Thorax just sighs. "I wish I wasn't here right now."

The fight was getting intense here as I use my ice staff to make five icicles and threw them at the Diamond Dog right in the arms, legs and face. He falls down dead in the snow. "Man, don't these guys surrender?" I ask to no one around.

Two more Dogs were getting ready to pounce on me, but I twirl my ice staff and created an icy tornado to not only trap those Dogs but to freeze them in place. I punch both of the frozen Diamond Dogs into pieces as I shook my claw after punching them like that.

Flash and Thorax were still in a tight struggle as it was only them against six Husky Diamond Dogs. Thorax turn into a shield to protect Flash from the spears thrown by them and they only hit him in his shield form. Flash uses this to fly up and swoop down and bash them one by one. He landed on the ground and set Thorax down. Thorax morph back to his normal form and rubs his head with his hoof.

"Ow, that really hurt," He said, getting a headache after being use to bash the Diamond Dogs' head in the skull.


Up above them, the Shih Tzu twins were looking down at the fight that was going on here and none of them look happy about it.

"This is insane. We need to end this now," said the one on the left.

"Agreed. You got those poison darts?" ask the one on the right.

The left Shih Tzu Diamond Dog made in evil smile as he showed his twin brother three poison darts that he took out from his pocket.

The Shih Tzu twins let's out a couple of evil snickers as they got ready to throw them at Flash, Thorax and Razor.


The battle between us and the Diamond Dogs felt like forever, we were really doing great so far, but we were getting tired. We only had to deal with four of them and we should be done. I heard Flash scream in pain. I turn and see that his neck was hit by a little purple dart.

"Flash!" Thorax scream, running up to the pegasus guard. He catches him in his hooves and use his magic to remove the dart before tossing it away. "Flash, what happen to you?"

He responds with a cough, but he manages to speak but in faint words. "Poison....darts...very...lethal...not....feeling...good."

Flash was turning very pale as he passed out. Then, another one land right into Thorax and he too was getting pale. He drops him on the snow and collapses.

"Flash! Thorax! No!" I shouted at what I seen. Another dart landed right in my neck and I assume that I was gonna get poison. However, it didn't work on me when I remembered that I am immune to being poison. I must be lucky to be an Argonian.

I turn around and notice that the four remaining Diamond Dogs were getting ready to attack. But before they can, a new voice was heard. "Stop!"

They did as they were told and each two move from side to side. I look down and see two Pony size Diamond Dogs that look like Shih Tzus. Each of them supporting scars on each eye. They both had smirks on their faces when they walk up to me.

"Fascinating," said the one on the right. "You shrug off that poison dart like it was nothing unlike your two friends here.

"Yes, you impressed us. But, that doesn't mean we are gonna let you go and heal your friends....at least not yet," the one on the left said, adding those last four words with an evil smile.

I took out my weapon and pointed at them. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you two?"

They both look at each other and turn to me with their still evil grin. "I'm Fin and this is my twin brother Fan and we are the alphas of Pebblestone."

Pebblestone? That seems a little fruity. "Why did you send you're Dogs to attack us?"

They only laugh at my question but quickly stop to give me an answer. Fan was the first one to speak. "My friend, we did not mean any harm."

This got me and those Diamond Dogs to give them a strange look. Fin and Fan gave the Dogs a terrifying look which make them quickly agree with their leaders. "That's right, we just need your help."

"Help? Help!? How about you help out my friends by curing them," I said, pointing my ice staff at the pale skins of Thorax and Flash.

Fin chuckles. "Oh, we would love to do that. But, you got to help us first and then we can help your friend."

I lowered my weapon and gave them a suspicious look. I don't know what kind of help they need, but I don't like where this is going. Then again, Fin did say he was going to help out my friends after I help them.

"What do you need help with?" I ask them. Neither of them didn't answer me as the one on the right name Fan motions the Diamond Dog on the right to get closer to me. When that Diamond Dog was about seven inches away from me, he grab me by the shoulders and head butted me. I was starting to get tired after that and I felt my vision go black.

Author's Note:

Okay another chapter done. That was only part one so get ready for part two.

If you wondering what kind of help they need from Razor, you'll just have to wait until the next chapter.

Also, the shih tzu twins are pony size for those of you that needs to be reminded. If you wanna know what their fur colors look like then here you go: