• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 3,814 Views, 99 Comments

Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 12: The Deal ( Pebblestone Part 3 ) ( Edited 11/22/17 )

I was being escorted by the big Diamond Dog while being tied up. And before you ask, no. This is not a fetish thing. I mean I'm being tied up so I don't run off or anything ( not that I was planning on it ).

As we made our way to the throne room, the place was huge. How huge? I mean like Skyrim throne room huge. The place has gems on each side of the wall, the banners had the pictures of paws with the pebbles on above them and there was even two thrones where the two twin alpha Dogs were sitting.

The Guard Dog stops me before I could get closer to them.

"On knees. Now," The Guard Dog hits me in the head with the back of his spear, making me land on my knees. Fin motions the Guard Dog to untie me and he did.

I look at my clawed hands and bend them a bit to get some good reflexes. I see Fin and Fan looking down at me with smirks on their faces.

"Did you enjoy your cell?"

"We hope you made friends with the Pony and Griffin."

They both snickered to themselves about the commits they made. I wanted to get up but that Guard Dog was looking at me with his stone cold stare. I rolled my eyes when they stop snickering. "Where are they?"

"They? They who?" Fan ask, pretending that he doesn't know what l'm saying.

I gritted my teeth. "You know who I'm talking about. Where are Thorax and Flash?"

They both look at each other and then back to me and back to each other and back to me. They gave me a blank stare until Fin had a face of realization when he smiles.

"Oh yes, your friends," he said.

"They are okay....until twenty four hours," Fan said, adding those four worlds with a smug look on his face.

"I want to see them!" I demand, only for the Guard Dog to hit me with his backside of his spear again.

"You. Don't. Talk. To. Masters. Like. That," he said, growling.

Fin held up his paw, motioning him to stop. "It's alright, Big Paw. If he wants to know where they are, then will show them."

Fan snaps his fingers to get the other two Guard Dogs to go in the red curtains and pulled out a huge cage from it. The cage looks like a giant bird cage with gold on each side.

"Why don't you take a look," Said Fan.

"Yes, your friends are in there," Fin agrees.

I got up and walk up to the huge cage to have a look inside and to my horror, they didn't look so good.

Both Thorax and Flash were sickly pale green, they have huge lumps all over their legs, Flash's eyes were droopping while Thorax's eyes were delilated. What horrifies me more is that they both have greenish white salva out of their mouths. This could mean one thing: the poison has taken in effects on them.

I backed away from the cage with a terrified look. I was quite sad and scared. I didn't want them to die, I needed them to live. I turn to Fin and Fan who both had fake frowns on their faces.

"Oh what a sad fate for these two," said Fin with a fake sad voice

"True. So true. But who would do such a thing?" Fin and Fan started to do a fake sob before they started laughing.

They both spoke in unison. "We would!"

They both laugh again while I gritted my teeth in angry. Those two bastards have done it, they are gonna get their asses kick and that's what I'm gonna do.

I charge up to them, but I didn't expect the twin Diamond Dog alphas to pull out their diamond sword from each side of their throne and pointing it at me about three inches from my neck.

The diamond swords were long and it looks like they were heavy for a anyone small but not Fin and Fan. Those two look like they are strong enough to hold them with no problem.

They gave me an evil look. "Trying to attack us without letting us tell you our deal? That's quite uncalled for."

"Low blow, Lizard. Low blow," said Fin, shaking his head in disappointment. I look at them for a few minutes before I back away a bit as they put their diamond swords away.

I gave them a questionable look. "What kind of deal?"

"Why this deal involves the lives of your two friends," said Fin.

"Yes and we got in offer you can't refuse," Fan chimed in. He just quote that line from The Godfather.

"I'm listening," I said with my left eyebrow raise.

Fin clears his throat to speak. "We have a cure for your friends that we'll help them if you agree to compete in a battle to the death."

A battle to the death? That's why they kidnap us and poison my friends? What the hell? Normally I would be excited about this and go all Mortal Kombat on any one, but after that stunt they pulled, I'm not sure about this.

"Okay, one: where's the cure and two: a battle to the death? I smell something fishy," I said skeptically.

The Guard Dog raise his paws and lowered his head as if he did something bad. "Sorry. Me farted."

The two alpha twin Dogs both wave their paws by telling him to leave. He leaves the throne with his head down in shame. We then look at each other and then Fan spoke. "The cure is in my pocket but we won't give it to you until you win the battle."

"If you refuse, your friends will die of poisoning while you die of beheading," Fin added those next word.

I knew this was no good. I had two choices to make. Battle to the death or let Thorax and Flash die of poisoning while I get beheaded. I let out a defeated sigh and look up at them who had smirks on each of them.

"Okay. I'll do it. But first I need to know how long do they have to live?" I ask with a serious look on my face.

They both smiled and Fin was the first one to talk. "Excellent! We can't wait to see you in action. Also to answer your question, they got about twenty four hours to live until they die."

"Yes. That poison will kill them in twenty four hours, but we are glad you accept," Fan said, clapping his paws together.

I felt like having a panic attack when I heard Fin say that Thorax and Flash got twenty four hours to live before they both die of poisoning. Knowing that I don't have to debate, I look up at Fin and Fan who they both have smug looks on their faces.

"Now I believe it's time for you to meet your roommate/opponent," This got me a confused look.

'Did he say opponent?' I ask in my mind to myself.

"My opponent is also my roommate? Who's my opponent?" None of them didn't respond as I felt a big fist pounded on my head and was feeling sleepy.


"I really wish you'd wake up so I could have someone to talk to."

I was starting to hear a faint but sadden voice. It sounded male. I felt someone kicking me with a foot, making me cough as I woke up. I hold my gut to were the kick has been. I open my eyes and my vision was blurry for a good nine seconds.

When my vision became clear I was no longer in the Throne room or the Dungeon with Gabby and Double, instead I'm in an Underground Pit as well as being inside a wooden cage.

"How nice of you to join us we was about to be given our in flight meal." I look around wondering who said that. Then, I turn around and I found out who was talking behind me. To my surprise, it was a huge Rat and judging by that look, I say he was pissed at something from down below. I don't know why, but I think I shouldn't ask him that and decided to change the subject.

"Hey, what the hell is this and who the hell are you?" I ask him with a confused look on my face.

The huge Rat turn around and look at me with a awkward look and replied. "My name is Tailon and I am a Nightstalker. Who are you?"

Now it was my turn to replied. "I'm Razor and I'm an Argonian."

I smirk like I was the cool kid in High School. I then got a good look at the Nightwalker ( which I didn't care why he was called that ). He was dressed in black and dark blue clothes, he has a lot of straps around his body, even under his cloak, they look like they hold a lot of things.

Tailon slowly looks back from the cage like he wasn't feeling comfortable around me. He then turn back to me with the look of suspicion. "Argonian...Sure."

'What the hell is wrong with him? Is he afraid of Reptiles?' I ask in thought with a confused look.

"What are you in for or should I start calling you Dragonborn? Seeing as you look a little Dragony," Okay, seriously? What the hell? How does he know about Skyrim?

He then wraps his tail around one of the wooden bars and this Rat was now staring at me in a creepy way. This guy is starting to bug me.

I then notice his eyes are glowing yellow. Either he's Discord in disguise or that's how this Rat greet new visitors.

Just then, the wooden cage gets lowered to the ground and we saw Fin and Fan and the Guard Dog who was pulling the rope down which connects to the wooden cage we were in.

I look at them for a moment until I notice that behind them were two cages. One on the left is Thorax and Flash who are still looking ill and on the right is Gabby and Double Diamond who both seem paranoid.

"Why are they here?" I ask, looking back at them.

"The Changeling and the Pegasus Pony are gonna be with us so that way we won't have any funny business during the battle and the Griffin and the Earth Pony are gonna be with us so they can have front row seats to watch you fight that Nightstalker next to you," Fin replied as he pointed at Tailon who seems annoyed.

Before I can ask them, Fin and Fan headed out and the two Guard Dogs carried two wooden cages with their super strength and started to leave.

The two alpha Dogs stop and so did the Guard Dogs as Fin turns his head a bit and eyes on me and Tailon. "By the way, you two have twenty minutes to get ready. We’d start heading to the back room if we were you two."

He chuckled along with his twin brother before they continued to leave.

I turn to face Tailon who was glaring at me for some reason as if to say 'I blame you for this.'.

"I am gonna die," I said to myself under my breath.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys sorry it took so long but you know, work.

Anyways, here's the new chapter that you all been dying for.

Also, this chapter is were Razor meets a chess piece named Tailon and he is from Light In the Dark and it's sequel New Land, A New Home by ShadowInTheDark.

I would like to thank him for letting me use Tailon in my chapter and I hope to do more chapters with Razor and Tailon when they fight in the near future.

Plus, you should read ShadowInTheDark's two Chessverse stories they are great.

Well, I will be doing another one til' 2018 of January. Hoping that the weather gets better and I will be getting a new computer in four months so I'm afraid I won't be replying to you until four months are up and I get a new computer because my old one is not working well.

Well, see ya next year.