• Published 10th Jan 2017
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Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 9: The Adventure Begins...With A War Song. ( Edited 11/18/17 )

Me, Thorax and Flash were in the throne room and we notice that Princess Luna is next to Shining Armor who is next to his wife Princess Cadence who has Flurry Heart on her back. She looks cute when she looks at me like that.

Princess Luna cleared her throat to get my attention. "Razor. Flash. Thorax. You three are gathered here today to become a team. A team that I know you will survive this dangerous peril. The journey you three will go will be no cake walk. Now, there are some places where you will make new friends and they will join you along the way. Flash Sentry, while you are met to protect the Crystal Empire you are allowed to go anywhere but only with Razor and Thorax."

Even though he didn't like the idea of joining me and Thorax, he sighs in defeat. "Of course, your highness. I will stay with these two."

"Now before you all go, I must give Razor a weapon of his own. Razor. Step forward if you please," I did what I was told and did a bow to her before standing up looking at her in the eyes.

"Razor, while you just came here, you will do great things along with your friends. You will be a hero to see all of Equis. There for I shall bestow upon you a weapon that will help you on your adventure. I give you the ice staff," Princess Luna use hear magic to summon a staff that looks awesome enough to use. I really like how it looks.

I grab on to the staff and examine it by rubbing it with both claws. 'This is the coolest weapon ever,' I thought to myself in amazement. I heard Princess Luna clearing her throat as I look up to hear her say something important.

"The ice staff is known for only using ice based magic. But there is a flaw, it cannot be use in extreme hot places so you may want to use it to hit your enemies with it instead."



"Well, I guess I can use it to beat them with and use ice magic when I'm in warmish places. It's not like it wouldn't work if I can't use it."

I know I'm not much of an ice person but screw it, I'm gonna use it no matter what. Too bad I can't use ice base magic in the desert. Flash step forward as Princess Luna, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence looked at him. Shining was the first to speak. "What is it, solider?"

"Not that I'm worried but this seems like a bad idea," This gave them a confused look.

"How do you mean?" Shining ask, being more curious.

Flash had his ears down. "Well, what if he uses it to freeze everypony and cause mayhem in all of Equestria? I mean this is really a bad idea if you ask me and I thi-"

I cut him off by putting a claw on his shoulder to calm him down. "I am not gonna do that. I'm just gonna use it for good and that's it. Besides, you need to let loose you're becoming a worried wart."

He was about to say something to retort but stops himself, knowing that he doesn't want to make The Princess' and The Prince mad for complaining about 'what I might do.' Instead he decided to shut up and look at me with a death glare. He spoke through gritted teeth. "Just don't do anything stupid with that staff, got it?"

"You have my word," I said, not really caring if he'll threat me or not. ( Most likely not since Princess Luna is my player. )

Princess Luna focus on Thorax and he seems nervous when she looks at him like that. The look she made was eager but serious, how serious? Well, let's just say it was serious enough to make Discord stop acting like a kid. "Thorax, I understand that you are a Changeling, but you have been banish by Queen Chrysalis correct?"

He nodded in responds. The poor guy must be still sad after his queen kick him out for being too soft.

"Since you are no longer with Queen Chrysalis that makes you a friend of mine as well as all of Equis. Do you like that?" We were surprise to hear her say that even Thorax who look at her with joyful grin. Thorax walks a bit before he speaks.

"Do you really mean that? You wanna be my friend?"

"But of Course, you deserve to have a friend. In fact, you two of them already."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Please, call me Luna."

"Yes. Thank you, Luna."

This was really nice of her. She made a friend out of that wimpy Changeling and he now is considered a friend of Equis. Thorax walks up to me and I bend down to give him a claw/hoof shake. "Thorax, you must be very happy to have princess for a friend."

"Well, she is nice unlike my ex-queen," Thorax said, saying those last words with frown.

"Hey, just forget about her okay. Queen Chrysalis is a bitch and Princess Luna is not. You really have nothing to be nervous about. Don't you remember that song I sang to you?" Thorax knew he remember that song I sang even though it was Aladdin.

"Yeah and it help me a little to make me forget about being with her and having new friends like you and Flash," Thorax said.

Flash did a double take on what Thorax said. "Friends? Okay, You and that lizard can be friends, but you can't be my friend. I'm suppose to be watching you and Razor so you two don't do anything bad."

I rolled my eyes at him "Are you really that naive?"

"Enough of this. Now you three are gonna go to Yakyakastan at once, when you get their you three will try to warn them about Queen Chrysalis return and tell their prince to set up an army to team up with the ponies," Princess Luna said as she glances down at the three of us.

We stop talking so that way The Princess of the night can speak more. "Razor, Thorax and Flash. You three must go now and warn the Yaks about Queen Chrysalis."

"Yes, your highness."


"You got it love."

That one got everypony to give me a blank stare. "What did you say, Razor?"

Okay, that was not the right words to say. "I said, we won't let you down," I said, lying with a fake smile.

Princess Luna was still giving me a blank stare but decides to shrug it off. "Anyways, good luck you three and remember, the fate of Equis is counting on you."

Me, Thorax and Flash left the Crystal Empire and head to Yakyakastain to warn them about Queen Chrysalis return.


We have only been in the snowy mountains for two hours and this felt like forever. I decided to bug Flash for a bit to keep myself busy.

"Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash. Hey, Flash."


"You're funny."

"And you're annoying. I mean I don't know why I have to go with you."

"Because Luna said you have to go with us," Thorax chimes in only for Flash to give him a glare that make him back up a bit. "Well, that's what she said."

Flash stops glaring at Thorax and looks down with a sigh. "I guess you're right. I just wish I wasn't with you guys, but unfortunately I can't leave two alone because I have been order by Princess Luna to stay with you on this journey. I hate being a soldier."

I don't know why, but I felt bad for him. I mean both him and his human counterpart are waifu stealers, but does that make him a villain? No! it doesn't. I mean his human counterpart did clear Twilight's name after she was accused of sabotaging the school gym in the first Equestria Girls Movie. ( and yes, I like all four Equestria Girls Movies so sue me. ) I really hate seeing sad faces on people especially ponies. I need to do one thing that would make him feel better. I know this is gonna sound a bit random, but I'm gonna sing him a song. Songs can make people...or ponies happy which is why I'm gonna sing Flash a song.

"Hey, Flash, can I sing you a song?" I ask.

"No," he answered though gritted teeth.

"Please?" I ask again with a little beg.

"I said no," he answered again this time sounding even more annoyed.

"Come on, Flash. Just one song? It wouldn't hurt," I wanted to sing him a song so badly and I jus can't let Flash be sad about it.

Thorax walks up to him. "Maybe you should let him sing, Flash. He's a good singer and I heard his singing before you came along so maybe you should at least give it a chance."

I put my claws and bend down to my knees together to make a begging pose at him who looks at me with raise eyebrow.

Flash began to sigh "Fine, but one song only," Well I got to sing, but I only have to sing one song and one song only, I began to sing a marching song for our team name.

This was about the soldier who fought in a war and were proud to be heroes for the US. I can tell that Flash may not understand humans and their war, but he can tell that he was happy that the soldiers who were in the war fought bravely and never back down from a fight no matter what.

When I finish singing, I notice that flash had a look of happiness in him, even Thorax was surprise by this. "Hey, Flash, are you crying?" I ask as I can see a teardrop coming down on him.

"No! I wasn't! Something must've been in my eye and it bothers me," He quickly rubs the tear out of his eye and quickly regain his composure. He does a soldier pose in front of us. "Now, then, that was a good song, Razor. I have to admit that you are a good singer. But, that doesn't mean that we are friends. Now, let's move out."

I was hoping he would. Oh well, what are you gonna do? We continued our away to Yakyakastain as I get this weird feeling in my body. I don't know what it was, but I have a feeling that we are not alone.


Up on the mountain side were sixteen Diamond Dogs all holding spears. The two of them in the middle were both Shih Tzus and are both brown. Each of them had a scar on their eyes the one on the left had a scar on his left eye and the one on the right had a scar on his right. They both look down and see a Pegasus, a Changeling and an Argonian. They look at each with devious smiles on them.

"Shall we go, brother?" The one on the left ask with hint of interest.

"Yes, let's go," The one on the right replied with an evil grin on his face.

The two Shih Tzus turn their attention to the sixteen Diamond Dogs who looks at them waiting for orders. "Okay, Dogs, GO AFTER THEM!!!!"


Author's Note:

It looks like our three heroes are gonna be ambush a pack of Diamond Dogs. But what do they want with a Pegasus Pony, a Changeling and an Argonain for? Find out next time in our next Chapter.

Okay, folks, The Next Chapter is gonna be a three parter. Which means we will be focusing on The Gem Fido Arc. Now, I bet you all are gonna be asking me 'I thought they were going to Yakyakastain.' Well, I'm afraid they will have to go there in my future Chapters. Don't worry, I promise you they will go to Yakyakastain. Until then, you will have to be Patient like the Yaks.

Here's another song that was originally gonna be in this Chapter but I changed it for a reason. Enjoy and don't worry, I'll get to the next chapter even if it takes weeks or months. So anyways, Here's the song I was telling you about: