• Published 10th Jan 2017
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Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 18: In Your Dreams ( Edited in 30/3/18 )

I was sleeping. Sleeping like a baby or in this case, lizard. The Dream Realm can be bizarre but I don't care because I love it and it's all thanks to Princess Luna the one who sends me here in The Chess Games of The Gods.

I was in my human form again since I was in the Dream Realm but of course when I wake up, I'm gonna be an Argonian again. Look I this confusing but that's how it works here. But hey, at least I'm not in Discord's home because his place was crazy.

Anyway, I was looking around in the Dream Realm and I discovered that I can do anything here I want to. For example, I can dream about changing the music in the background to my likings.

You probably want to know what music I'm gonna be playing when I dream about it. Don't I will get to that because Princess Luna arrives. I saw her walking up to me with a face that looks less happy and more unpleasant.

I walk to her and give her my best grin ever. "Princess Luna, yo. How's it going?"

She didn't say anything. "Look, I know I didn't went to Yakastan, but don't worry we wil get there if we had the chance."

"I don't think that will be necessary anymore," she finally said. She didn't happy but she sounds like she didn't give a ratsass. Princess Luna didn't change her expression.

"What do you mean that won't be necessary?" I ask her, looking confused about why me and the others aren't going to Yakastan.

She spoke again only this time more annoyed then unpleasant. "If you must know, Prince Rutherford was sick and he won't be leaving his hometown along with the other yaks because They don't want to get anypony sick if they go to war with the changelings."

"Wait a minute, how did he get sick?" I ask with an eyebrow raise.

"You don't want to know," she answers with a shudder.

Well, I guess going to Yakastan will be of the schedule in my list of places to go to Equis. I didn't want to complain about it since I don't care much about Yakastan. Instead, I decided to change topic. "Princess Luna, can we talk about other topics?"

She glances at me. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanna talk to you about the Dream Realm. This place amazing. At first, when I frist came here I didn't know what do to until I discovered I make things happen in the dreams. And since I'm still asleep as an Argonian, I do anything I want to here. For example, I can play this."

The music begans to play in a techno like sound and we heard a voice saying something about animatronics coming to life and the song about the purple guy. If you don't know what I was talking about, I was referring to Five Nights at Freddy's. Princess Luna seems uncomfortable by the song so I changed it up again.

"Or this song."

While the music was playing differently, I made a dream Derpy appear out of nowhere as she sings in a man voice and then running with fire coming out of her mouth while the dream Mane Six were singing ( which I dream about them. ) and dream Derpy was done I laugh so hard when she said "Tomorrow in my butt."

I laugh and laugh until I stop to catch my breath. Hey that song was funny alright. I look at Princess Luna who unamused by what I just dream about. I gave her a sheepish smile before doing something else.

"Sorry about that. How about this song?"

An awesome guitar riff was heard as a jam out to this song. I love this song so much and I should consider this as my official theme. I look at princess Luna who finds this quite amusing. I notice that her smile was dropping into a frown when she was smile about ten seconds ago. I stop the music by saying "music pause" and did. I walk up to her to see what was wrong.

"Princess Luna is something wrong?" I ask her, feeling a bit worried about her.

She looks at me with a sad expression on her face. "Razor, I need to tell you something. But, I'm afraid to admit it," she said, looking back to the floor.

I don't know why she is upset all of sudden, but this was starting to feel like something was up. She's Princess Luna for god sake. It's not like she's a vampire in disguise. I tried to touch her, but she just kept back away. "You can tell me."

"No, please. Razor, this is not the best time here. I understand you don't like to see me upset, but you must know that I cannot tell you."

"Not even if you whisper it to me?"


"I'm not gonna wake up until you tell me."

"And what if I refuse to tell you?"

"Then I'll play this one?"

I started to the next song in the Dream Realm. This song was very loud and it was a song about Partying Hard. It was so loud that Princess Luna was covering her ear with her hooves. She finally shouted "CEASE THIS INFERNILE NOISE AT ONCE!" That was enough to make stop the music by clapping my hands.

"Are you gonna tell me?" I ask her.

She nodded. "Yes, I am. Just don't play that song very loudly."

"Okay, Okay. I won't play any loud music. But I am gonna play this one while you tell me why you look sad."

I play the next song in the Dream Realm and a soothing song plays follow by a piano and a guitar riff playing. While the song was playing, Princess Luna began to speak."

"Razor, do you remember the time you kiss me?"

I nodded. Wait, a kiss? Oh yeah, I remember I kissed her. I wonder if this was she was talking about? I will have find out and see.

"Well, after that I started to have....feelings for you."

"Feelings? Like a happy feeling?"

"You can say that, but it's more like a warm feeling. The kind that would make a stallion and mare feel happy inside."

"I don't know where your going with this?"

"Razor. I believe I have fallen in love with you."

I process on what she was saying for a few minutes until the music stops with a screech when I finally got the hint.

"Are you serious?" I ask both shock and surprise by this.

She nodded to my respond. "Yes. Ever since you unexpectedly kissed me, I felt like Something was very wrong with you. I wanted to ask, but I felt something in my heart. Like it was something I never felt for a really long time and that felt like love. I knew my heart was not gonna stop pounding like that until I tell you."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I needed to tell you this before it's too late. I didn't think you would be okay with it since you were human from the beginning."

It was true, I was a human before I got turn into Argonian by Princess Luna. I guess that explains why she was feeling down but as it turns out, she was to afraid to admit it. It seems to me that I should tell her that I love her too. But hey, since I'm an Argonian, I guess it's okay to fall in love with another spices even if it is a Alicorn Princess. I look at her who seems like she was gonna be sad if I said something that would hurt her, but I smiled and said something nice to her.

"Princess Luna, I had know idea you felt this way. I can't believe you actually love me. Well, if it makes you feel better, I love you too. You are my favorite Princess," I said, giving her a gentle comforting hug.

She looks really surprise by my reaction and gave me a curious look. "You are?" Princess Luna ask.

"Yeah, I always love you when you frist came to the show in season one. I felt bad for you when you were trying to make ponies show you that you change for good. You got a second chance when you got hit by the elements of harmony after you became Nightmare Moon. You got help from Twilight Sparkle on Nightmare Night. You manage to face your fear when you and the mane six fought Tantabus in the dream version of ponyville. The only reason I don't hate you is because you are the most beautiful pony ever."

She was amazed by how I mention about all those things in the past. It was a good thing I never miss any My Little Pony because I always record it on TiVo. I look at Princess Luna who was starting to tear up.

"Do you really mean that?" She ask me, while trying not to cry.

I only nodded. She couldn't hold it in as she starts crying on me. I hold on to her and gave her a comforting hug. I began to soothe her. This was the first time I hear and see her cry in person. She was crying with tears of joy. "Don't cry, Princess Luna," I said, still soothing her.

She looks up and gives me a smile. "You can call me Luna from now on."

"Okay, I call you that," I said.

She wipes the tears off of her eyes to stop crying. "That was the most kindness words I ever hear from you. Thank you for showing me that you love me even if you are a human in a new body. I feel so much better now that you told me that we share feelings for each other."

I let her go so she can gather her self and stand up straight. "Thank nothing of it. It's the least I can do after we told each other we love each and me telling you that you are not evil." I said, trying not to be bashful.

Luna took notice of the Dream Realm that I made a few moments ago. It looks like something you would see in a Adventure Time show. She seems to like this place it even has everything from a city of Hyrule in a cleaner way to the Castle of the two sisters that was never been destroyed in the frist place.

"Razor, did you do all this?" She ask, turning to look at me with a impressed look. "I'm really amazed how you made the Dream Realm so...beautiful."

I really like how she commit about my Dream Realm. I was really glad she loves it and while it isn't the best idea Dream Realm, it was a fitting one for the two of us.

"So you love it?" I ask her.

"I would be lying if I said no." She replied with a sly smile.

Oh, Luna. I just knew you would say that.

"Well, maybe it's just my ideas that made me create my own Dream Realm and I think I have a good song about that my Dream Realm I mean OUR Dream Realm. Let me think of a song in my dream...wait...wait...here we go!"

The I choose started off as a guitar plays gently before going to a loud and awesome music from it plays follow by a dream beat. This is where I sing like Scott Stapp.

When dreaming, I'm guided to another
world, time and time again
At sunrise, I fight to stay asleep
'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of
this place
'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to

From the life I live when I'm awake

So let's go there, let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there
Let's ask: Can we stay?

Can you take me higher to a place where
blind men see?
Can you take me higher to a place with
golden streets?

I started to sprout wings on my back and I started flying to our Dream Realm as Luna flys up and follows me around the city.

Although I would like our world to change
It helps me to appreciate those nights and
Those dreams
But, my friends, I'd sacrifice all those nights

If I could make the Earth and my dreams
the same
The only difference is, to let love replace all
our hate

So let's go there, let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there
Let's ask: Can we stay?

Can you take me higher to a place where
blind men see?
Can you take me higher to a place with
golden streets?

So let's go there
( Let's go there )
Let's go there
( Let's go there )
Come on, let's go there
( Come on let's go there )
Let's ask: an we stay?

Me and Luna started flying around the buildings and doing amazing tricks like going through clouds made of cotton to touch the lake that goes from brown to clear blue like the ocean. Me and Luna flew up to the cloud and landed. I may not be a Pegasus, but I sure stand on clouds in the Dream Realm.

Up high, I feel like I'm alive for the very frist
Sail up high, I'm strong enough
To take these dreams, and make them mine

Luna was really liking the song I sang. She had a single tear in her left eye and I was just about to keep singing until the end.

( Oh-oh )

Sail up high, I'm strong enough
To take these dreams, and make them mine

I took a breath a few seconds to prepare for one more verse.

Can you take me higher to a place
blind men see?
Can you take me higher to a place with
golden streets?
Can you take me higher to a place where blind men see?
Can you take me higher to a place with golden streets?

When I finish my song, I heard Luna clapping with her hooves. "That was a wonderful song, Razor. You sure have a good singing voice."

"Well, thanks, I am a born singer wheb it comes to my talents" I said with a smile.

Luna then notice that the ice staff I had was no longer here. She looks curious at me. “Razor, where is your ice staff?”

“One of the diamond dogs broke it when I got captured,” I replied, looking sad for my lost of my weapon. “But I got a new weapon. It’s called a diamond sword.”

I pull out my diamond sword to show it to Luna with a few swings and slashes before I put it back on my seethe. "See?" I ask, without breaking a sweat.

Luna looks very impressed. "That diamond sword does look suitable. Maybe I should get you two more weapons to go with it," She use her magic to create two energy spheres out of her horn. They took on the shape of a spear and a shield like the one you see in Africa.

I pick them up and examined them. "Luna, this spear looks the same and the shield looks old," I stated, trying not to hurt her feelings about making weapons.

"Razor, The Spear you are holding does look like your spear, but this one is different. It will allow you to create fire, Thunder and Ice whenever you please. If you want fire, say 'Fira', If you choose ice, say 'Blizzara' and If you wish for thunder, say Thundara." What Luna was saying sounds like something from a Final Fantasy game. I cannot wait to give it a try.

"Okay, well I guess I can call it the 'Triple Threat'," I said, looking at the staff in my hand with amazement. I then look at my Shield. "Okay, so what about the shield?"

She only smile with an eye roll. "The shield you are holding is called the Argonain Shield. It will protect you from fire, ice, poison, thunder and black magic."

"Black magic?" I ask with my eyebrow raise.

"It is protected by light base magic and was made by my sister." Luna said, giving me the details.

I gotta say thank you to Princess Celestia when I see her. Before I could say thanks to Luna, I suddenly cut off when I heard Flash's voice from above and his voice sounded booming.


"What the hell?" Was all I can say before a bright light shines above and I can feel myself getting ready to wake up. I look and I can see Luna flying backwards presumably to go to the waking world where her physical body was in Canterlot.

"Aw man, this sucks." I said before I began to wake up.

Author's Note:

Alright, I'm back with a brand new chapter and I gotta say, this one didn't look half bad. Razor can create something in the Dream Realm for the first time and he was enjoying himself. Princess Luna comes back to meet Razor since the Crystal Empire and I know you all wanted him to go to Yakastan, but according to Princess Luna, Prince Rutherford was sick and she can't risk getting her piece sick if he meets him.

You all were probably shock when they told each other that they love one another and in my opinion, it is okay to fall in love with the Princess of the night as long someone is no-longer human but either a pony or non-pony creature.

It was also quite uplifting when Razor remind Princess Luna that she wasn't evil to begin with and he was okay with her falling in love with since he loves her two.

Fact 1: did you know that Razor arrives in Equis in the year 2016?

Fact 2: Razor is a fan of Creed.

Now I'm gonna be taking a break but don't worry, the next chapter will happen on June. So please be patient.

Sorry about that. I had to change it up a bit. I hope you like Razor's two new weapons.