• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 3,823 Views, 99 Comments

Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 13: Lizard vs Rat ( Pebblestone Part 4 )

Me and Tailon were lead out of the cage when it was open and the two of us were sent to another room. We were in the weapons room and we saw a bunch of diamond dog guards, I look around and I see that some of them were watching me like I was gonna do something bad.

I then hear a hiss and turn around to see Tailon make that sound he made. It sounded so horrifying and if I had ears, I would be plugging them. I then, notice that all the guards jump and cover their ears as if they here a Dog whistle. ‘Damn, that must’ve hurt their ears,’ I thought to myself before I turn and these two pointing their weapons at each other.

“Where’s the rest of my stuff?” Tailon ask the other Dog, with venom in his voice. The other Dog looked at me and Tailon who laying the floor like a scary Cat.

“In the armory.” He replied as Tailon moved around looking at all the other weapons giving his sword a few test swings.

The way he swings his sword was amazing. Although, I do have to fight to the death. I pick up a sword of my own until Tailon started talking to me?

“Deal still the same? I kill him you let me go?” He said.

I gave him a surprise look. ‘He wants to kill me? Like hell he will!’ He turns around and sees my surprise look I’m giving.

The Diamond Dog guard growled at the Rat’s demand. “Yeah, yeah! Hurry up.”

I grab a sword before the guard pushed me to move which was rude. I didn’t want to yell at him or I would be screwed big time. I look at Tailon who was smiling at the diamond dog guards.

Okay, seriously? Why is he smiling? Is like a double agent or something? I have feeling that this fight will be weirdest battle ever.

We went into a large fighting pit and there was a lot of crowd here as we both went into the middle of the area. I wonder if my friends are around? I then heard that rat ask me a random question.

“Who do you think is cooler? Fluttershy or Twilight?” He ask me as I give him a blank stare. Was he asking me that now? What the hell is he a fanboy?

I guess I should play along? “If I had to choose, I say Fluttershy and also this place looks like something out of a Samurai Jack episode,” I replied, only to realize that he must have actual friends. “Hey, wait a minute, how do you know Fluttershy or Twilight? Are you friends with them?”

He shook his head must mean no. So, I guess they haven’t. If they did, Twilight and Fluttershy would scream in horror when they see a giant talking rat.

I then hear Fin and Fan chuckling, making us turn our attention to them. “Oh, you two. Can you please just fight each other already?”

“Yes, it will be boring if you two started talking all day and not fight,” Fan said while snickering. “Because remember, you two have to fight each other to death. Two fighters entered, one fighter leaves.”

God I hate them so much.

Fin called out the Diamond Dog Guards to leave us but I ran up to the twin and gave them a glare. “When this is over, I want my friends cured and free and you will do that, won’t you?”

They look at each other and then back at me with in evil smirk on each of them.

“But of course, Razor. We would never forget about that,” said Fan.

“But if I were you, I’d start thinking about survival here,” Fin chime in as he and his brother laugh evilly.

They both stop laughing and shouted in unison. “Begin!”

I turn around to find my opponent, but I see him backing away from the shadows. I don’t know what he’s up to, but if he thinks that hiding in shadows is gonna help him, then he must be scared to face me.

“Oi, where did the Rat go?” one of the Diamond Dogs called out. His question is as good as mine.

He can’t just vanish. This place was guarded and there is no way in or out unless one of wins. I started looking around for him. The crowd was booing as I try to find Tailon.

‘Does he have invisibility powers?’ I thought to myself while still searching. I then hear his voice somewhere.

“You know, you could have come here as anything you wanted so you pick the one thing that stand out the most like a sore thumb. You should’ve thought about this more carefully,” Why the hell is he telling me this. I started to look around from the crowd faster but I still don’t see him. “Do you even fully understand why we’re here?”

Of course I do? But the question is does HE know why he’s here? This made me clench my fist in annoyance. “Yeah, to win so I can get the cure for my friends.”

“Fool. This isn’t about them, this is about you, me and the others who were sent here. We were sent here to fight for our lives to entertain them! You really don’t understand how this world works do you?” Tailon said. I had enough of this. I use my nose to pick up his sent and sadly, it wasn’t working.

The Diamond Dogs were yelling impatiently as nether of us aren't making a single blow. I’m getting sick of this! Why won’t he just come out and fight me!?

Then I hear him ask me a question that I didn’t expect from him. “ The only question I want to know is will you help me escape?”

He wants me to help him escape? Will I guess if he wants to go, then I shouldn’t say no to that. I nodded when suddenly, Tailon came out of the shadows to punch me but I block it.

I hope that playing Soul Calibur V will really pay of. He swords swings his sword at me as I jump back away in time from the blade.

“What are you doing!?” I ask him. He didn’t say anything as he ran up to me with his punches and kicks but I manage to keep up with him. However, he cut my arms, legs and even under my eyes. I was lucky to still see after that.

He kick me in the gut so hard that I fell to my knees. At this rate I won’t be able to help my friends get the cure. They’ll be dead if I die too. I manage to get up and I notice he was grinning. “Why are you smiling?”

He only replied as he got ready to fight again. “Oh you want to know why I’m smiling? Let’s just say I know more then you do.”

I’ll show him. I swung my sword at him, everytime I keep swinging he just keeps moving. Why won’t he hold still. Then hear metal boots clinging but I ignore that when this rat stop moving and gives me the opening I need. Kick him in the chest as he is sent flying in the air and landed on his back.

‘I have you now.’ I thought to myself doing my best Darth Vader impression. He got up still smiling like that.

“They’re coming,” He whisper to me. Who the hell is coming? He got up and this time he shouted loud enough for all of us to here. “They’re here!”

Without warning, the Diamond Dogs burst into flames and the crowd screams in horror as I hear a musket shot. What the hell is going on here?

I turn around and notice that Tailon was gone and then I look around and found him in the panic of screaming Diamond Dogs talking to other Rats. They must be his friends. Friends?

My eyes went wide of the realization. “Carp! I gotta save Thorax and Flash Sentry now!”

I ran to the entrance way and went to the halls, hoping they will lead me to Fin and Fan’s throne room. “Fin! Fan! I’m coming for you!”

Author's Note:

I’m back with a brand new chapter. Sorry, it took me along I had to go work but I’m back ready for more chapters to make.

Razor was starting to get annoyed by Talion’s hide and go seek stunt he pulled. But since Razor isn’t much of a fighter ( even though he has manage to defeat a yeti, Flash Sentry and several diamond dogs ).

If you want to know who won, well I’m sorry but there are no winners. Reasons: while Tailon was somewhat faster then Razor. He is not much stronger then him. Tailon didn’t really want to fight him at all if he did, Razor would have died here before he can save his friends from dying.

I will do the next chapter soon and this one will be a fight between Razor and Fin and Fan

( Spoilers: this next chapter is gonna be dark and gorey )