• Published 10th Jan 2017
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Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 8: The Princess and I ( Edited in 11/17/17 )

Upon hearing this, we look and see the Princess of the Night herself and I just couldn't believe how beautiful she looks in real life. Okay, I have been human before but I'm not. I'm an Argonian now and I go by the name Razor. I walk over to Princess Luna ( I was wobbling abit ) and bow down to her.

"That won't be necessary, Eddie. You may rise," I got up with a blush on my face. I had know idea that Argonians can blush then again, this is a cartoon right?

"My new name is Razor now, Princess Luna," I told Luna who nodded an approval.

"Very well, I would like to speak to you somewhere alone if you don't mind?" I don't know why she wanted to speak to me alone, but she must really want to tell me something serious.

She turns to Thorax who waves nervously only for Princess Luna to grin despite him being a Changeling. "It seems to be that this one is anything but evil."

Wait, how did she know he's not evil? Can she read minds or read emotions? I'll never understand her. I hope she didn't hear my thought.

Thorax looks perplexed. "Uh..Thanks?" He said, not really sure how to really respond.

Flash was confused as we were. "You're highness, this is a Changeling," he stated "He feeds on love."

"Actually I want to share love with everypony," Thorax stated, before Flash shot him a glare causing the Changeling to back up in fear.

Princess Luna only smiled at his commit. "I sense that he is not. He must’ve been born a different Changeling. A Changeling who will join Razor and you, Flash."

Me, Thorax and Flash had our jaws drop and when we hear her say that we will both be with Flash Sentry. Flash found his voice and started stuttering. "B-B-But your H-Highness, I-I-I don't want to go with them!"

She raise her eyebrow at him. Flash gulp as if he knew he didn't want to make her mad. "I had a talk with Captain Shining Armor and I ask about Razor going to Yakyakastain and tell him that you will join them on their adventure by being their bodyguard."

Flash's eyes were now pinprick. "BODYGUARD!" He shouted, only to cover his mouth when realize Princess Luna was still here. "I mean of course, Princess Luna. I will join Razer and Thorax."

She smiled and turns to me. "Razor, would you mind walking with me?"

I didn't know why but I just did what she told me and walk up to her. When I got near her, she use her magic and put me to sleep. My eyes were getting heavy and the last words I hear from her was "I'll see in the Dream realm."


I woke up and found myself in some weird blue-greenish place. It looks like the place where Twilight gets sent to meet Princess Celestia before becoming an Alicorn and Princess Luna going into the CMC's dreams with doors.

I got up and I felt something off in my body. I look down and see that I was now human. How did I became human?

Then a familiar voice spoke behind me "Welcome to the Dream Realm," I turn around and saw Princess Luna walking to me. She must've put a sleeping spell on me.

I scratch my head in confusion since I have no clue why she did that. Seeing this, Princess Luna smiled at me before speaking. "I see you are wondering why I put you to sleep. Well I did that just so I can tell you a bit more of Argonians."

There's more information about Argonians? This I gotta hear this.

"You see, Argonians have genders and they can be identified easily. Some males have horns and the females don't," that's just like lions. well, sorta. I guess it makes sense. "Argonians shed their skins every forty moons meaning that they will reach their adulthood."

"That's really a long time," I said, not liking the shedding in forty moons part.

"It's only for forty years on earth where you are from," She pointed out. I really hope I don't start shedding now. "Now, Argonians have to eat fish, berries, fruits and bugs because that is their main food group. They can also eat what ponies eat minus the hay they can't eat it because it will make them sick."

Wow, gotta remember myself never to eat hay. "Is there anything else about my race?"

"Yes, Argonians are very agile and fast aside from their histskin ability. Now I'm gonna give you two new magical powers that will help you on your journey."

Her horn glows into a light blue aura and pointed her horn at me. She blast me with her magic and I can feel a slight pinch in each of my body. When she finish, she started panting. "That...should....do it."

I look at her and then at my body and back at her before I shouted. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?"

"I have given you a boon."

"A Boon? What the hell for?"

"To help you on your adventure in case you ran into trouble."

"Okay, so what's my boon?"

She only smiled before speaking. "Why you can turn invisible as well as blending into the backgrounds of your surroundings. Try turning invisible."

I did as I was told and tried to think about being invisible. It didn't take too long when I somehow became invisible. I try to look at my hands but I couldn't because they are invisible just like the rest of my body. I don't know if I should be excited or scared, but in the end, I got use to it. "This is awesome," I said, before becoming visible.

"I'm glad you like it. But there's a problem. You can only be invisible for twenty minutes. However, since you were able to be visible for under that, you can do that without any problems," Princess Luna was really nice. I love her now. I heared what she said about being invisible for twenty minutes but I didn't care. What I do care however was getting two powers from the Princess of the Night herself.

"Thank you so much, Princess Luna. I really love these new powers," I said with a smile on my face. I rush up to her and started kissing her on the muzzle. Princess Luna didn't know what happen and neither did I as I let go of her.

We both give each other a wide eyed expressions with red cheeks on our faces. I gave her a nervous chuckle. "So, I guess I should be waking up now, right?"

She nodded. "Yes. I believe it's time to be awaken."

"Good idea," I said, still blushing about what I just did.

Then she flies away and completely vanished. Me on the other hand, I just stand there completely baffled at what I did. The Dream Realm started to fade and I was starting to feel woozy before I collapse on the ground and fell like sleeping again.


I woke up and see that I was an Argonian. I then look at Thorax and Flash Sentry who both had different reactions. Thorax was blushing and Flash look like he wanted to kill me for whatever I did. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask them, hoping to get an answer.

"Well...you were...kissing the Princess," Thorax replied while looking left. He must've been feeling awkward about it.

Flash on the other hand was still mad at me for a reason. "I don't know why you did it. But you clearly have the nerve to do that."

I don't really know what happen until I finally understand what I really did. 'Oh my god, I must've kissed her in the Dream Realm and in Real life.' I thought to myself in surprise. I guess it's true what they say on Nightmare on Elm Street, when you die your dreams, you die for real. But in this case it's when you kiss a pony in your dreams, you kiss a pony for real.

I walk up to Flash to give him a reassuring pat on the back. "Look, Flash, I'm sure I didn't really mean to-"

"Don't touch me lizard," Flash warn. I remove my claw away from him with a sheepish smile. Then, Thorax taps on my leg.

"Hey, Razor, what was going on with you and Princess Luna when you were sleeping with her?" Did he say 'SLEEPING WITH HER?' She was sleeping with me?! holy crap, I don't know why, but I'm getting a feeling that I feel like loving her more. Before I can answer, the door opens and Shining Armor appears.

"Razor, Thorax and Flash, can you please come to the throne room now?"

Author's Note:

Razor is starting to have feelings for Princess Luna. If you see the Romance tag on my story, you know why I put it there. Also, Princess Luna gave him the ability to turn invisible and blend into the backgrounds like a chameleon.

Flash Sentry is gonna be going with Razor and Thorax to Yakakastan but I'm afraid you will wait until the next chapter for them to go.

I know this is not something you are expecting but for those of you who don't know, there is a Chessverse Wiki here and you can look at it here. http://chessgame-of-the-gods.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page