• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 3,823 Views, 99 Comments

Argonian My Dream - mitchboy

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Chapter 2: I'm a Lizard? ( Edited in 5/28/20 )

I woke up and got up as I felt a minor headache on my head. My vision was blurry for a second before it was becoming more clear.

I look at the scenery and I notice that I was in a cave. A dark cave to be correct. I look around to see some light but I couldn't. I wanted to see everything, this is bullshit. I then see a shiny blue light coming towards me as I shielded myself.

The blue light stops and the glow fades abit as it transforms into none other then Princess Luna.

"Greetings," she said in her most friendly voice. "I am Princess Luna, The Princess of the Night."

What the hell? My eyes were shock and excited as my favorite Princess was standing in front of me with a smile. If Luna is here, then that means I am in Equestria. This is the greatest day of my life. "Wow, is it really you, Princess Luna?" I ask but something was off, like WAY off. My voice sounded different. I sounded like Yakko from The Animainaics.

Okay, my voice is not suppose to sound like that. My voice was gruff but now it's different. I started to scratch my head, but then I felt something scaly. I look at my hands, but it was to dark for me to see in the cave. Princess Luna rolls hers and use her horn to brighten the place more.

Her magic was bright enough for me to see well. I look at my hands and see that they were lizard-like hands. I widen my eyes more as I look at the rest of my body and to my horror, my whole body was covered in green scales. I'm a dragon? My muzzle was lizard shape as well as small spines on the middle of my head like they were a mohawk. I look at my backside and saw that I don't have wings. Plus, I'm wearing armor which is unexpected for me. Well, it was a good thing I'm fully clothes.

I turned to Princess Luna, "What happen to me!?" I shouted in horror looking at myself.

"You have become an Argonian," she replied matter of factly.

'Argonian!? Like the one from Skyrim!?' I thought to myself. I’m very surprised at this very new development. "Did you say argonian!?" I ask, only for her to nodded her head.

I Stand completely still waiting for my brain to process






and then I started to scream and run around like a lunatic.

"ENOUGH!" Princess Luna stomped her hoof causing me to stop and look at her with a horrified look.

She cleared her throat to speak. "Now, Listen carefully and listen well. I was the one who sent you here. The woman you were "dating" was me."

Wait, that was Princess Luna? Well, that explains the voice. Then again, she is hot as a human. Luna continued. "Yes, I was your blind date and before you ask, yes I am real and so is Equis."

Equis? Well that's a name I'll never forget. "Why did you sent me here?" I ask, not sure where this was going. I mean I did wish to be in Equestria, but like this?

"I sent you here to be part of a game called The Chess Games of The Gods. You are not the only one here for there are more humans who were sent here by their gods to play their roles. Your role is to spread the word of Queen Chrysalis’ return who will no doubt invade Equestria and you must also form an army to join you in a battle that will yet to come and save the day."

Queen Chrysalis is coming back? If what she says is true then I'm up for it. I hate Queen Chrysalis because of what she did to Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and anyone else that I like.

I raise my hand in question. "Why do I have to fight Queen Chrysalis and get an army?"

"Because Argonians and Changelings are natural enemies in Equis. They don't like each other. The Changelings and Argonians have been enemies since the dawn of time," She said, grimly.

I guess this makes sense since lizards eats bugs. "Do ponies know about Agonians?" I ask, hoping that they do.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. They have never seen or heard of them since they are descret about being exposed to ponykind. They feared that they may not like them as they did with the Changelings. Most of the Argonians live in Black Marsh. Well, they use to. You see a long time ago, they once live in froggy bottom bogs in a small village before their village was attack by Changelings. The Argonians tried to fight back, but they were no match for their shapeshifting powers. The Argonian king name leafblade fought Queen Chrysalis to a dual. However, she bested him and killed him with her horn."

Damn, that's brutal.

"After there king was killed, the Argonians or at least half of them were force to leave their home and must find a new home. They soon stumble upon a village called Black Marsh and where greeted by creatures who took kindly to them. The king of Black Marsh sees the Argonians and notice sad look on their faces. He didn't want to kick them out, so he decided to let them live here much to their relief and joy. The Argonains were getting along well with other creatures and they felt much safer."

I raise an eyebrow. "And where is Black Marsh?"

"It is located in the swamps on the farside of Froggy Bottom Bogs. But I must warn you that going by hoof or in your in case foot is a long trip so you must find some pony to join you and guide you before you go there. Now before I leave, I must tell you what Argonians can do."

I began to listen to what she was gonna tell me about the powers of an Argonian. "First, they can breath in underwater for a very long time. Argonains can even swim faster then any other sea creature they encounter, they can stay in the water for a long period a time. second, they are immune to poison. If anything deadly effects you, you should be fine as Argonians can resist to any types of poison but poison joke. Poison joke is the only thing that can affect Argonians and thirdly they can heal themselves much ten times faster than any other creatures using Histskin, but you can only use it once per day."

Wow, so I can breath underwater, be immune to poison but poison joke and can only heal myself one time a day huh? Well, that shouldn't be a problem. She spread her wings out as if she is about to leave. "Wait, aren't you gonna join me?"

Princess Luna shook her head. "I can't. The rules of this game doesn't allow me to go on adventures with my piece. However, I will see you again when you go to sleep."

"Okay, I guess that's out of the question. Say, Princess Luna, how come you didn't turn me into a pony?" I ask, while looking at my body and then back at her.

"It is also against the rules to turn their piece into a pony. I if did turn you into one, I'll be disqualified and you will be either be sent back to earth or stay here forever," She sigh sadly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the waking world. You should be waking up right about now."

Well that sucks. Luna can't turn me into a pony because it's against the rules in the game.

Before I ask what she was talking about, I started to feel the world being melted away.

"What about you?"

"I must head back to canterlot for I must have royal duties to attend," She then flew off and vanish into thin air.

I started to feel like I’m waking up as I felt something pushing me. What the hell is pushing me?

Author's Note:

So, I got this game called Skyrim ( not the remastered one ) from christmas and my character was an Argonian which gave me an idea to use that guy in my story as Argonian.

Fact: Eddie's favorite Princess is Princess Luna, his favorite mane six characters are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and his favorite background pony is Vinyl Scratch.

Note: I had to do some rewriting on this chapter because there are mistakes here and there. Also, I like think Mr.Allen for helping me out on editing part. He's a big help.