• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,443 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

  • ...

12. Learning to Walk Again

“I volunteer!” I said raising my hand. “Nyjill that is. I say he goes first.”

“O you twat.” He replied angrily. “Why do I have to go first?”

“Language Nyjill.” I scolded. “There are little ears about.” I pointed at Twilight who looked quite confused.

“I will not force anyone.” Celestia chided. “Anyone that wants to be hit by the spell has to be willing.”

“He’s totally willing.” I said pushing Nyjill out into the center of camp. “Look how ready he is!”

“I mean sure I’m ready but I-” He started but I cut him off.

“See, he said it! Hit ‘em with your best shot!” I said trying not to start singing.

“Are you sure you’re ready Nyjill?” Celestia asked Nyjill. The fact she actually called him Nyjill was hilarious. It shouldn't surprise me since we introduced him as such but it just made it official. The name I randomly gave him will stick with him forever now.

“Yah, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” He said dejectedly while Celestia powered up her horn. “Will it hurt?”

“No idea.” Celestia replied straight faced. “Never done it before.”

“What!” Nyjill screamed right before he was hit with a large beam of energy. The beam of magic lifted him a few feet off the ground and formed a bright cocoon around his now floating form. The magic swarmed around him completely encompassing him and blocking him from view.

“AHHHHHHH!” He screamed. “it doesn't hurt at all.”

“Damn, I had my hopes up and everything.” Matthew said darkly.

“Can’t say I didn't have the same hopes.” I agreed.

“You guys have a strange friendship.” RD added in. “Like, really what the heck.”

“It's a dude thing...and maybe an earth thing?” I said skeptically.

“Definitely a dude thing.” Celestia corrected. “Stallions tend to have similar relationships where physical harm is funny and bodily injury is a common threat.”

“Interesting. I think we’ll do alright here.” I said turning to the magic orb that was Nyjill. “Don't forget to think masculine thoughts!”

“O yah?” He retorted. “Well you can suck my toblerone.”

“Wow, that was awful” Camden said helpfully. “Also are you done yet?”

“Yah, exactly how long does this process take.” I asked Celestia. “As I’m sure you were just trolling Nyjill when you said you never performed the spell before.”

“No, the fact is I have never performed this spell before.” Celestia admitted. “However I knew that it would not cause pain and it should only take a minute to run it's course.”

As if on cue, Nyjill’s floating magic cocoon started to lower towards the ground. It looked shorter and longer than a person so I assumed it worked.

"Ten bucks he’s a breezie.” Matthew said. “How great would that be.”

“Nah, never thought I’d say this but his ball is too big.” I replied laughing at my own joke.

“Only one?” Cody questioned. “Explains so much.”

As our conversation went on Nyjill touched down on the ground and the swirling mass that surrounded him dispersed. Leaving in its place one nocturnal pegasis.

“It’s a nocturne!” I said pointing to the new Nyjill. “Who’s a pretty pony!”

“What do I look like?” Nyjill asked. He looked like he was having trouble standing so he wasn’t exactly moving his head much. Makes sense, going from two legs to four and wings...hmm, didn’t think this part through.

“Well...I’ll leave this one to a pony since you can tell him if he’s average or what not.” I said gesturing to the group of ponies that all but lost interest in what we were doing. Opting instead to talk amongst themselves. “Twilight, you’re smart, tell Nyjill about his new form.”

“Ok, well you’re a stallion, but it's not that I can tell by the shape of your muzzle. You’re just below average height but that could be due to age?” Twilight started walking around him taking in details. “Your wings look good and healthy. Looking at them you should be a very quiet flyer actually. And if you didn’t know yet you’re dark brown, your mane and tail are dark green and you don’t have a cutie mark.”

“Ok, I can deal with this...the cutie mark has me at a loss though.” Nyjill said sitting down awkwardly.

“I’ve met nocturnes before but I’m no expert on them.” Twilight said sheepishly. “But as far as I can tell you’re...average? Minus the whole cutie mark thing.”

“Was that a question or a statement?” Nyjill exclaimed. “Also someone needs to teach me how to walk and stuff…”

“While someone helps with that who would like to go next?” Celestia asked our group.

“I will.” Cody said walking to where Nyjill was as Twilight and Fluttershy helped Nyjill aside. “Might as well get this over with so I can get back to work.”

“Alright, here it goes.” Celestia said charging her horn up. “Good luck.”

“Not something to tell someone right before you blast them with a life altering spell!” Cody complained. Celestia released the spell anyways and it did to him the same as it did to Nyjill. No real surprise there but you know. Instead of staring at a bright light for a minute or so I decided to look at Nyjill and how his walking was going. It was bad, and also quite humorous.

“Damn it!” Nyjill yelled. “Why do my knees have to be backwards! It makes everything so much more difficult.”

“You’re doing fine just-” Twilight began but stopped when Nyjill face planted into the ground. “Just don't do that.”

“Just wait.” Nyjill said looking over at me as I laughed. “You will deal with this soon enough.”

“I know.” I said still snickering. “But until then I can laugh at you.” Having been about a minute I looked back to see what Cody had gotten upon rolling the metaphorical dice. His ball of energy didn't seem to change shape like Nyjill’s did so I wondered if the spell had worked or not. But once the spell finally dispersed I saw that it had indeed changed him. He had changed into a blue Diamond Dog that was just about the same size as he was when he was a human. Lucky bastard.

“Congratulations Cody.” I said getting his attention. “You don't have to learn how to walk and you’re blue.”

“Yey! I love blue.” He said giddily. “Although walking is different, it is basically the same.” He added as he kinda walked, kinda stumbled away. He walked like he was drunk, let's put it that way.

“Next?” I said to Camden and Matthew. “Who’s it gonna be?”

“I agree with Cody.” Camden spoke up. “The sooner this is over the sooner I can get back to work.”

“To the blasting area if you would.” I said directing him. I was all but uninterested in the process now. I really only cared about the results. A minute later, after watching Nyjill stumble around some more Camden was done. He had become a somewhat bulky, dark red unicorn. Figures, he’s pretty sciency and levitation would greatly help him out...once he learned how to use it.

“Great, Matthew you’re next.” I said as Rarity and Pinkie helped Camden away. “I’ll go last.”

“Ready?” Celestia asked as Matthew reached the area everyone else was transformed in. I didn't even hear his reply because I was so interested in the others learning to walk. Also I was starting to think of what I was going to be. So far everyone got a different race, so I wondered what I would be. Maybe a griffin? I’d like to be a griffin. Anyhow Nyjill could stand up on his own and almost walk so I wasn’t worried too much about that. Maybe thirty minutes and we should have perfected walking. Ooh, Matthew is done. He is...a griffin. A vastly white and grey griffin. Damn, if the pattern of different species continues I guess I’ll be something else. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that Matthew had walked off and I was in place to be blasted.

“Are you ready ?” Celestia asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“As ready as I’ll ever be Princess.” I said bracing myself. “Fire when ready.”

Well to say that it was uneventful would be...quite accurate actually. I felt my feet lift off the ground and my body changed. It didn't hurt, or feel...anything. I couldn't see through the thick shroud of magic so I wasn't sure what I was becoming. I just sat in numb oblivion for what felt like ages until finally my feet touched the ground...all four of them. As the magic dispersed it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I heard gasping and an outraged cry from Rainbowdash.

“You buck head!” RD screamed flying fast towards me and tackling me. “I should have known all along! Why are you here?”

“What the hell?” I said extremely confused. She had me held down with my face in the dirt so I couldn't see anything but Celestia’s stunned face. “What the heck is going on?”

“Don’t try and play dumb Changeling.” Rainbowdash scolded. “Celestia exposed you for what you are. What did you do with the real Shawn!”

“Ohhhh.” I said understanding it all. “Can someone get this crazy mare off me and explain that my chosen race is changeling and I wasn’t disguised before?”

“Rainbowdash, he is telling the truth.” Celestia said snapping out of her shocked state. “I would have known if he was a changeling when we first encountered them. It was the first thing I checked.”

“Oops.” RD said sheepishly getting off my back and helping me up. Not that it helped, I just fell again because of the whole new legs thing. “Sorry about that Shawn.”

“It’s ok I guess.” I said from the ground. “I have a hard shell so it didn't really hurt.”

I was helped over to the rest of the group where we were learning to walk again. Not much was said other than our cussing and the ponies somewhat helpful advice. It wasn’t their fault that they weren’t helpful though. You try and explain something you’ve done subconsciously most your life to someone. It's not easy. Regardless within my previously guessed thirty minutes we had totally mastered...not falling down. We still walked like drunken foals but we didn’t fall over any more. And I’d say that is progress.

“Ok, why don’t we take a short break.” Celestia suggested to the group. “It's time for phase two of my proposition.”

We all took seats the best we could back at our kitchen patio. The ponies got us water and snacks as per our request/instructions and we fumbled with them as we listened to Celestia.

“As I said before you were to take on these forms to interact with the populous.” She began. “However, some of you don’t take on forms of species that are particularly friendly to ponies. While there are always exceptions I just want to let you all know that some of you will not be accepted by everyone or as quickly as others. Camden will have the least problem with integrating with society.”

“And ironically enough I have the least interest.” He replied. “I may visit town for supplies but other than that I plan on staying here to do my research.”

“Same here.” Cody added. “I don't plan on leaving the base much.”

“Well Cody, that is a good thing.” Celestia said awkwardly. “Diamond dogs have a bad reputation around these parts. You will most likely be tolerated but not accepted until you can convince the majority of the populous that you are not associated with the other diamond dogs in the area. Having rarity as a friend will be invaluable due to her experiences.”

“I’m guessing ponies fear my kind don’t they.” Nyjill said dejectedly.

“Well yes and no.” Celestia replied coily. “While some ponies will fear you at first, nocturnes are seen as exotic. And with Ponyville being a majority mare town...you see where this is going.”

“Damn Nyjill.” I said in a southern drawl. “You’ll need to beat off poontang with a stick.”

“Not sure what that means but I’m sure it’s accurate.” Celestia replied. “As for you Matthew. Griffins are seen regularly in Ponyville but there's one in particular that left a bad impression. As long as you keep yourself in line you should be fine.”

“And I’m screwed.” I said dejectedly.

“In your current form...basically.” Celestia said sadly. “Changelings have not been kind to ponies. I can only think of a hoof full of good changelings and they still live in secret due to the bad reputation their kind has. However as a changeling, you have the ability to easily change form. So with the influence of the ponies around you, your story will never be questioned. As long as you pick a form and stick with it you should be fine.”

“Sweet, I have an OC.” I said excitedly. “How do I change?”

“I already sent a letter to one of my friends asking for her help.” Celestia replied. “With the help of another changeling you should have the technique down fairly quickly. Also, what is an OC?”

Author's Note:

So I planned on chapter 12 being Welcome to Ponyville but in fact there was just too much happening to squeeze it all into a chapter so I inserted Learning to Walk Again. The Welcoming to Ponyville will happen in the next chapter...hopefully

Here are some general arts for some characters.
Cody (Rough)