• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,443 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

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16. Breakfast with a Princess

I woke up face down on the floor of Twilight's castle. I may have not been hung over but I didn’t remember falling asleep. I could see from a nearby window that the sun was just starting to peak over the distant mountains as I tried to get up. As I moved I felt a weight on my back shift and a startled snort was heard. I turned my head to see none other than the Princess of the Night snoozing on my backside.

“She is a night pony after all.” I mused as I carefully removed myself from underneath her sleeping form. I pulled some other random pony nearby to replace myself and stood.

“Indeed she is.” Celestia said, walking in from another room. “She was up all night until I rose the sun about an hour ago. After she put the moon to rest she stumbled a bit saying she was going to get some sleep and fell right on top of you. I’m surprised you didn't wake up.”

“Deep sleeper I suppose.” I said doing my best to shrug. Hard to do as a human turned pony. “Quite the party last night. Night Terror is some wicked stuff.”

“Indeed.” Celestia mused. “What surprises me is how much you consumed and how chipper you are despite your state before passing out.”

“I was quite the drinker when on Earth.” I lied, I drank but not much. Hard to find good booze when everything around you wants brains. “Plus humans have much more tolerance than ponies.”

“That Nyjill fellow didn't seem to.” Celestia giggled. “I'd venture a guess this was his first party he was allowed to drink at. What is the drinking age on Earth?”

“Right you are Princess.” I said chuckling. “Way back before the zombies we all went camping and I gave Nyjill a few cups of vodka and coke. He get pretty tipsy off of just three shots worth of alcohol. And to answer your question the age is twenty-one, Nyjill is twenty.”

“Twenty-one?” Celestia was taken aback. “That's so late, ponies can drink at the age of ten!”

“Well it used to be much younger but stupid decisions happened and the government decided that they would bump it up...and that happened like four times and suddenly it's twenty-one. Also take into account that the average human will live anywhere from eighty to one-hundred and ten depending on how well they take care of themselves.”

“Interesting. Other than a choice few, the average pony will live from sixty to eighty years.” Celestia replied.
“Wow that must get quite depressing.” I said my smile faltering. “That's hardly a drop of water in the ocean of your existence.”

“Indeed it is.” Celestia replied. “But I still cherish every pony I get to know and remember them always. I have an entire private wing of the Canterlot library full of biographies I've written on past friends.”

“That's really nice of you.” I said impressed. “I have a journal filled with everyone I can remember. Many of them I found are dead but I still hold onto hope that I will see others again.”

“Speaking of humans, how many humans are left? As far as you know that is.” Celestia asked.

“Well before we came here it was estimated over 80% of the world was either dead or zombies...80% of 7.5 billion is...roughly six billion...so maybe one and a half billion? It's hard to say since we lost most forms of communications years ago. But as far as the lab could tell there were very few people doing well.” Celestia did well to not show her surprise at the shear number of humans there were and mow many were lost. As far as I knew, Equestria had never had anything close to that in terms of losses. Considering the entire populous of Equestria was equal to that of the U.S. it's not too surprising.

“And if the portal is reopened all those people will come over?” Celestia asked keeping a neutral mask on.

“No way, I think we would get a thousand at most.” I said grimly. “That's a crazy thought. All of humanity destroyed in a few years, leaving only a thousand or so to carry on. And I’m one of them." I paused. "Damn, wish I payed more attention in history class. I feel like a waste of a person when I think of all the people more suited to carry on the human legacy.”

I sat down in silence. The thought had come up once before when we were at the lab but even then we weren’t sure If we were going to survive. Now I’m in a different world as one of humanities dignitaries, setting up the last shot we have to survive as a species. That shit hits like a mack truck hauling a fleet of tanks on an aircraft carrier. No the analogy doesn't make sense but it gets the point across.

“Well I’ve thoroughly depressed myself. Say Princess, have you eaten yet?” I said looking to the Princess.

“As a matter of fact I have not.” She replied coyly.

“Would you care to join me at Sugarcube Corner for breakfast?” I asked.

“That would be nice. I can't remember the last time I had coffee and a doughnut with a friend.” She said smiling.

“Same here.” I joked as we left Twilight's castle.
“You know, if it were any other pony I would wonder if they would be up this early after that party.” I said as we walked down the mostly desolate street. Many ponies were still asleep on Twilight's floor. I did not envy spike right now, that's one hell of a mess to clean. “But I know Pinkie will be awake and baking when we walk in.”

“Indeed.” Celestia agreed as we approached the shop. “She is abundantly energetic that one.”

“I’m not even sure what I want but I feel like she will have it ready for me as soon as we walk in those doors.” I said, quietly challenging the Pink mare without her knowledge.

There was a gasp from inside, followed by what sounded like pots and pans being thrown about. “I believe your challenge was accepted.” Celestia said smiling.

I opened the door to let Celestia in. One, she was a lady and two, the fucking Princess! So yah, chivalry. Once she was inside I followed and was waved over to a booth by Pinkie.

“I had a feeling you two were coming!” She said excitedly. “For the princess I prepared a cup of Chai tea with one sugar and light cream and a cream filled doughnut.”

“Exactly what I was craving Pinkie, thank you.” Celestia said taking a seat.

“And for Flash I got a caramel cappuccino and a bowl of Magical Charms.” Pinkie said bouncing in place.

“I wasn't quite sure what I wanted but this looks exactly like it. Thanks Pinkie.” I said looking at my breakfast. Magical Charms are basically Lucky Charms but it had the cutie marks of Luna, Celestia, and the main six as it's marshmallows.

“So, Celestia.” I said after taking a sip of my coffee. “I’ve been dying to ask you, what is your current verdict on humans?”

“At the moment I have no problem with you and your friends staying.” She said wiping her mouth of cream from the doughnut. It's not sexual, shut up. “I’m still wary of the others though. I feel once the others come I will need to set up a safe space in the forest and interview each person that comes through to see if I can integrate them into society.”

“Not to be rude Princess.” A voice from the entrance to the bakery said. “But I don't believe we all want to be integrated.”

I turned to see Atom walking over to our booth. Pinkie ran over and dropped a plate of toast and scrambled eggs with a cup of orange juice next to me for Atom.

“While I’m sure some of us will enjoy it, I myself would rather be in a human form.” Atom said sitting down and nodding a thanks to Pinkie who ran off to the kitchen.

“And if at all possible with our own land. A large island preferably.” I interjected.

“You and your islands.” Atom mused. “But I agree. That way our culture and technology will not bleed over into other countries. People would have to willingly come to our nation to learn.”

“You want your own nation?” Celestia said a little surprised. “That’s quite the demand. Furthermore I don't currently own any large islands.”

“You misunderstand Princess. This is for the good of your people, not ours.” I said trying not to sound ominous. “Like you know, earth has no magic. But we are still far more technically advanced than anyone on this planet...or at least we were. Regardless, if we are not isolated we may...unintentionally change day to day life world wide.”

“That will happen regardless” Atom said not looking up from his breakfast. “But it will be slowly integrated if we were isolated.”

“What kind of technology could I expect?” Celestia asked.

“Well, transportation would be the first thing we would probably change up.” I said pondering. “Humans are lazy and impatient. We want to be from point A to B and we want to be there yesterday. Working with magic I think we could make a very efficient car. And learning from past mistakes it would be much less pollute-y.”

“Already made a small engine that uses a magical battery to create nitrogen and ignite it in a combustion engine.” Atom said finally looking up after finishing his eggs. “At the moment you need to power it yourself but with some more time I may be able to keep it running off of the magic found in the air. I also made lights that are powered off of the ambient magic.”

“Now Atom here is an exceptionally smart individual, and he has Blue working with him too, but we have only been here for a few weeks and he has already one upped your technology.” I said looking to Celestia who was calmly sipping her tea.

“We have magic lights already but they are inefficient.” Celestia said. “This engine however is intriguing.”

Pinkie hopped over with a plate of ‘Prench Toast’ and a cup of black coffee and set it at the table. We all looked pointedly at the door wondering who it was for and saw Twilight walk in. Pinkie pointer her over to the table as she bounded back to the kitchen.

“Good morning Princess.” Twilight bowed slightly and Celestia nodded her head. “Flash.” I gave her a salute. “Atom.” He nodded his head slightly. “How did you all sleep?”

“On the floor.” I said smart assedly.

“Fine.” Atom said eating his toast.

Celestia said giggled. “By the time the party was over it was almost time to raise the sun. So I forwent sleeping.”

“I’m surprised to see you up so early Flash.” Twilight said tilting her head inquisitively. “Especially after seeing how drunk you were last night.”

“Yes, yes, I heard.” I said waving my hand. “Humans are better at holding their liquor, and I’ve had my share of ragers. I know how to take care of myself to prevent hangovers. Apparently even when black out drunk.”

“Impressive.” Twilight said pouring syrup on her breakfast. "What were you guys talking about before I came in?”

“We were just talking about how we should get our own island so we don’t pollute your way of life with technology and general human-ness.” I said smiling at Celestia.

“That's not a bad idea.” Twilight said. “But how many humans would there be?”

“I estimated like a thousand but there’s no way to be sure.” I said tracing the rim of my cup with a hoof.

“I just want to be a human again.” Atom said pointedly. “Being a pony sucks.”

“He means it in the best way possible.” I said seeing the shock on Twilight's face. “But I have to agree, these are not our forms and we would really like to continue the human legacy as, you know, humans.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Twilight said scratching her chin.

“Well I have a lot to consider.” Celestia said standing up. “I will see you all soon. By my calculations you have about two weeks before the portal opens again. I need to sort some things out.”

And with that the Princess teleported away. We all sat there a little surprised at the suddenness of her departure.

“I think we messed up.” Atom said getting up himself.

“It was a lot of info but we had to get it out eventually.” I said finishing my coffee. “Sorry Twilight but I’m gonna gather my crew and get them back to camp.”

“That's fine.” Twilight said somewhat distracted. “Tell spike I’ll be back soon.”

“Will do.” And with that we walked out the door back to Twilight's castle.

“I wonder why Princess Celestia left so suddenly…” Twilight mused. “They totally left me with the bill didn't they.”

Pinkie stuck her head from the kitchen and nodded at Twilight and then disappeared.

“Marvelous.” Twilight sighed.

Author's Note:

So I had a direction I wanted to take the story...but I just drastically changed it this chapter. I'm sure you can tell where it's going now. But don't get too comfortable, there are bound to be more twists! And you can count on the bad puns, internet references, and general silliness.