• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,443 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

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29. Coma-Toes

I drifted in and out of pseudo consciousness. Never reaching full sentience, but at times vaguely aware that I was asleep. It’s pretty hard to keep track of time in this state, so I’m no help there. But I know a few things happened while I was unconscious. For one, the mind numbing pain I felt before was subsided. That was the first thing my mind recognized and cataloged. The second is...well, a feeling of wrongness? My mind felt like it was violated, and not in a sexual way, but...yah, no idea there. After that, I felt someone spend some time with me. It wasn’t too long, or so I think, but it was more than someone in the room with me, it was like sharing a dream. I have no experience with this but that's the best I can explain it.

At this point I realized I was conscious. Not physically but mentally.

“Shit am I in a coma?” I said within my mind. “The fuck am I to do with that?”

Well, as I heard before, if you’re in a coma, with lots of practice you can basically make your own world within your head. I have a hell of an imagination so I figured I’d give it a shot.

“Let there be light!” I said, bringing light to my new existence. “That was God, quoting God there.”

Instead of starting from scratch, I decided to start mashing together a bunch of video games together to create my new realm. I started with GTA, having the largest above ground map I could somewhat accurately recreate. I decided to put Peach's Castle from Mario 64 randomly in the northern section of the map that is typically empty. Also in that area I put a simple tin shed in a wheat field. Not too interesting if you didn't know of the massive labyrinth/testing facility below.

Off one of the main highways I put a large aircraft hangar and started filling it with cars, trucks, tanks, anything I could think of. Then I “spawned” my human form in the hanger right next to my old Jeep.

“Damn I missed you.” I said smiling and patting the hood. “As soon as we get the tech, I’m gonna have camden rebuild you. Or maybe we can get you from across the portal…”

I hopped in the driver seat and started it up. The familiar sound warmed my chest, from the uneven idle to the taps of the cracked header. It was exactly as I remembered it...obviously cuz it was in my head, but I digress.

“Lets get some tunes goin.” I said grabbing my phone from my pocket. I scrolled through and found my Excision album. “Good ol wubsteps. Damn I can't wait for the club to be finished.”

I hit play and my eardrums melted as my eyes tried to shake out of my head. A little exaggerated but whatever, it’s my world. I decided to do some driving, and immediately decided my jeep was too slow.

“Welp, I can't just go and change my baby...guess I’ll make a new fun car.” I said getting out my jeep and staring at a blank space in the hanger. “240z, monster truck, black Z and neon green piping, V12 supercharged, aaand big ass subs in the back.”

As I listed each part it came into existence. I may have been having a bit of a power trip. But holy hell was this thing epic looking. I managed to climb up to the cab and get in the driver seat. The interior was that of a 240Z...so I decided to change that. Now it was mostly stripped, internal roll cage, racing seats with 5 point harness, and lots of switches like the inside of a Nascar.

However the more detailed I got with the vehicle, the more strained I felt. Like I only had so much brain power to work with.

“Well this will keep me occupied for a while, I can let some stuff go.” I said dismissing everything but the GTA V Online map and my new vehicle. I suddenly felt loads better. “Huh, guess I’m not as smart as I thought.”

With that taken care of I had a blast. I drove around for hours, and when I finally got bored I just switched maps to play Portal 2. After that, Mario 64, then Killing Floor, then Kirby Air Ride. I played game after game fully immersed and with any hack I wanted. If my internal clock and the outside world lined up I was gaming for two and a half days.

I was taking a break on the roof of Peach's Castle next to Yoshi when I felt someone join me.

“Player 2 has entered.” I said hiding my surprise. I didn’t see anyone though, just felt their presence. “You need to choose a character.”

I broadcasted a sheet similar to character selection on Super Smash Brothers with random characters from across multiple games, and a few ponies I thought the visiting conscious could be. To my surprise they decided to go with GLaDOS, making me do a quick scene change to accommodate their choice.

“Hello Shawn.” GLaDOS said. “I finally got a hold of you.”

“Hey...you.” I said awkwardly. “Great to see you, it's been...a while?”

“O?” GLaDOS said smugly. “You don't recognize me? How cold.”

“Well you’re big, white, and an asshole...so I’d guess Celestia.” I deadpanned.

GLaDOS.exe stopped working. She was laughing so hard at that statement that she started sparking. I’m glad I didn’t link her with the entire Aperture Laboratories and just put us in the boss room. If she had any control she would have lost it.

“Oh my, I haven't laughed that hard...ever.” She said between laughter. “Bring up that character selection screen again.”

I brought up the screen again and Chloris was selected...oops.

“Ahh, well then. Hello Chloris. Fancy meeting you here.” I said bringing us back to the top of Peach’s Castle. “What brings you to my humble...mind?”

“Well, I came to hopefully wake you up.” She said calming down and acquiring a more serious tone. “I can see you were having fun in here but you’ve been unconscious for eight days, fifteen hours and thirty-seven minutes.”

“Really?” I said surprised. “Also oddly specific…what happened?”

“You want the long or short version?” She asked.

“Short, then I’ll decide if I want long now or later.” I answered.

“Ok, Celestia messed up.” She said quickly.

“Alright, give like a medium version.” I said frowning.

“Sure.” She said pausing for a second. “Because you teleported from zero gravity, you’re relation to the ground was obscured. Celestia teleported you both back into a building. The spell made space for her to materialize but not you. You were lucky to survive, but it wasn’t without problems obviously. Ninety percent of your left leg was teleported into a wall.”

“Da fuq?” I said confused. “Sooo, what's going on with my arm?”

“It was amputated...there was no saving it.” She said, quickly adding. “Don’t worry, you still have one!”

“Da fuq!?” I said louder and confused-er.

“Changelings have great healing abilities.” She explained. “Not while unconscious obviously but we got around that.”

“And how is that?” I asked. “I don't even know how to heal.”

“Exactly, so we had to use...extreme measures.” She said looking a bit guilty. “I had to take control of your mind for a little bit to start the process.”

“Ok, so that explains some stuff.” I said thinking back. “I’m not mad about it if you’re worried. I’d rather have an arm.”

“Ok, good.” She said relaxing. “I was really worried, I know how people can be about mind control. I won’t do it again, I know it’s a bad thing. But like you said, it was to save you’re limb.”

“Ok, well I have a grasp on the situation now.” I said. “How does one wake up from a coma?”

“Easy, I just let you wake up.” She said simply. “You’re not quite in a coma, I just bought your consciousness into the hive mind for safekeeping while your body recovered.”

“Da fuq?” I repeated, telegraphing my confusion.

“I made...a sandbox to use your terms.” She explained. “You’re grand adventures put quite a tax on our collective conscious I’ll have you know. I had to put a few changelings to sleep because they kept losing motor functions.”

“You’re hive mind works like a computer.” I half asked and half just said. “That’s really interesting.”

“Enough of that, I’ve stalled long enough.” She said. “Celestia and some others are waiting for you to wake up. I will warn you though, I kept you separate from your pain all this time. It shouldn't be unbearable, but keep in mind you lost your arm.”

“O goodie, I’ve missed pain.” I said sarcastically. “Beam me down Scotty.”

She shook her head and the world melted from around us. I was going to make yet another smart ass remark but I was flung into my body before I could.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH.” I screamed as soon as I returned to my body, thoroughly scaring the collective shit out of the people gathered around. “Just kidding. Hello.”

“You are a piece of shit.” Camden deadpanned.

“Not a piece, he is an entire shit.” Cody corrected.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Celestia chided. “How are you feeling?”

“Well, my throat is a bit sore.” I said grinning a bit. “Probably from all that sleeping, can I have some water?”

“Yes, sleeping.” Twilight said floating a glass over to me. “That's what did it.”

“I wanted to apologize Shawn.” Celestia said looking downright pathetic, wasting no time in letting me know how sorry she was. “You were put into this mess because of my irrational decisions. I didn’t think things through and you were hurt as a result. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Pshh.” I dismissed, earning a gasp from twilight. “I’m pretty sure I got here because I said you were a big mare and you trashed me from one dimension to the next.”

“Nonetheless, I mean it when I say I will do anything for you.” She said dismissing my dismissal. That's just rude.

“Careful there, I may get ideas when a mare says she’ll do anything for me.” I said smiling and winking. I caught Twilight blushing out of the corner of my eye, while everyone else was pretty used to my shit. “So when can I not be here?”

“There it is.” Cody said. “Told you he would want to get out of bead as soon as he could.”

“We predicted this outcome and made preparations.” Camden added. “I made some alloys and had a blacksmith create a pivoting cast for you.”

“Then I enchanted it for strength, weight, and healing properties.” Twilight chimed in.

“I tried to enchant it to let it transform with you if you ever revert to human form but failed.” Chloris said. “It will however unlatch and fall off if you do change to avoid any more unnecessary maiming.”

“And I added tentacles.” Celestia said with a completely serious face. “To act as fingers if you really needed a hand but didn’t want to change form.”

Everyone was quiet. We all looked at Celestia, wondering what the fuck was going through her head. Tentacles...really? She had to be messing with us. I looked down to see I was already wearing the brace...thing.

“Tentacles…” I questioned. “Of all things, tentacles.”

“Yes?” She seemed genuinely confused. As did Twilight now that i noticed. “Is that a problem?”

“Uhh. No, I guess.” I said scratching the back of my head. “How do I use them?”

“They should act just like fingers.” Chloris said seeming a little too happy with this. She had my memories so she knows why tentacles were...an interesting choice. “So just bring them out and use them like you would your hand.”

“Here goes nothing.” I said ominously. Nothing ever goes bad after that line is spoken, noooo.

I imagined my left hoof was a hand, and on the end were tentacle finger abominations. Sure enough, five black wriggly things sprouted from the end of my metal brace thing. I moved them around, they acted just like fingers. Only a few inches long and bending like they had joints. I decided to try and grab my water glass and that's when things got weird. Instead of waiting for my arm to reach for the glass, they flew over to the water glass and wrapped around it. Much like fingers do not act.

“Ahh!” I exclaimed surprised.

“Nope.” Camden and Cody said simultaneously, as they turned to the door.

“Glad you’re better, have fun, bye.” Cody said as they scurried out the room.

“That's interesting.” Celestia said curiously.

Deciding that I had to experiment some more, I did the obvious thing and thought of grabbing Celestia. On cue, the tentacles put down the glass and shot over to a surprised Celestia. They wrapped around her middle and lifted her up with little to no effort from me.

“Weird, this requires almost no effort.” I said, spinning her upside down to emphasize my point.

“I guess I didn’t quite get that right, I can change it if you’d like.” She said surprisingly calm for being upside down and grasped by tentacles.

“No, this is cool.” I said smiling a bit.

At this very interesting moment in time, the door opened. Letting in one Vinyl Scratch.

“Yo, Shawn, I heard you were...up.” She trailed off. “Yah, I’m gonna come back later.”

She slowly backed out of the room and closed the door.

I’m pretty sure you could here our laughter from miles around.

Author's Note:

This was a fun chapter to wright. Freedom to do literally whatever because coma and whatnot. Enjoy!