• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,442 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

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27. Same Situation, Just Different Faces

As Luna said, everyone was gathered in our impromptu town square. We should really put up a fountain or something...or at least start some sort of structure to our town. Can't just build stuff all willy-nilly forever. But that's a future problem, right now was time to alter everyone's form and laugh for a month...I mean help them.

“Sup hoes.” I greeted my friends, the main six, and Celestia kindly. “Heard you were gonna drop a big ol ball of genetic mutation in this hizouse. Thought I would come witness, ya heard?”

“What?” Twilight said kinda adorably. Had the head tilt and everything.

“Word.” Pinkie replied, leaning back on her hind legs and throwing up her hooves in a X.

“If your quite done, I think it would be wise to address your subjects.” Celestia said, reminding me I was the hip hop King of these bitches.

“Yah, probably a good idea.” I said dropping the silly for a bit. I turned and addressed the crowd. “Hello everyone, great to have you all here. Today is the day, today we transform you all into species of this land. I know not everyone is onboard but Celestia will be back soon to reverse it if you desire. And with nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not right?”

There was a general mumble of agreement, I’m pretty sure I said all this before but whatever.

“I am not certain on all of the possibilities, but rest assured any species you become will reflect your nature and will not hinder you for more than a few days. My group and I were all changed, and we still managed to do our jobs to get ready for the arrival of the rest of you, so I’m sure you guys can handle it too. We will be here to help anyone that needs it and so will the ponies that you have all come to know, don’t be afraid to ask for help! And with that said, let's get this show on the road!”

I nodded to Celestia, who began her own short speech.

“I will cast the spell on all of you collectively. This conserves magic and time. However, the spell will take a few minutes to charge and activate, but rest assured it will not hurt.”

With that she started charging her horn. It was slow at first as she readied the spell, then she selected the targets, a large ball of shimmering golden magic surrounded the group of humans. Some were a little scared but for the most part they were taking it better than Nyjill. After the targets were selected and the spell was ready, Celestia started pumpin up the power. Little by little the sphere and her horn got brighter and brighter. Soon I could no longer see into the big ball of magic, and it hurt to look at Celestia. Luna had sunglasses on and I have no idea where she got them from… Anyhow, just about the time I was going to make a snide remark, there was a bright flash of light as she shot a beam of magic at the sphere. The sphere shimmered and wiggled before dispersing, and just like that, the human population declined drastically. In their stead was a whole mix of ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, and more! Aaand most of them were lying on the ground or falling over because of the whole two to four leg thing. Lol.

“Take your time getting your balance guys, and forget about comparing it to crawling because for whatever reason, that makes it harder.” I said, holding my laughter as I watched the same unicorn fall onto his face at least four times.

“Ok everyone, look at your arm. If it's a hoof, listen up. Touch your head and look at your back. Unicorns go with Twilight to learn some basic magic stuffs, pegasi go with RD and Fluttershy to learn wing stuff, earth ponies...well learn to stand and the rest should come pretty natural.” Cody instructed.

“And if you have wings and a horn come to Celestia because that shouldn't have happened.” I added in.

The ponies of the group slowly filtered out to their instructors, it was a little more than half the population. No one came to us, so there were no new alicorns.

“Ok, the rest of you..Cody go get all the diamond dogs and give them a rundown.” I said to Cody. “Matthew, same with the Griffins. Nyjill, etc. If you were that species, go instruct them basically.”

My friends went off and gathered their groups and slowly made their way to areas they could teach the newly transformed humans how to not be human anymore. This left a handful of people that I had to figure out what to do with. See, we had about seven dragons. Like not full grown, they were actually just a little taller than a human, but we hadn't dealt with them before. Luckily Luna came to the rescue.

“I'll take the dragons.” She said nonchalantly. “Had a dragon boyfriend once.”

“What?” I said a little dumbfounded.

“Her rebellious stage.” Celestia sighed.

“Whatever that leaves...a changeling.” I said a little surprised. “Huh, didn't think that was gonna happen.”

“Sad that you aren't special anymore?” Celestia teased.

“Maybe.” I said in mock defense. “Nah, I’m just worried they’ll be like me.”

“O no, that would be bad.” Celestia said with a completely serious face. “I can barely handle you!”

“My thoughts exactly.” I replied. “Well, I guess I’ll have to put my club on hold and teach this Changeling how to Changeling...wait.”

Chloris, can you send a drone to teach a Changeling how to Changeling?” I sent over the mental link.

WHAT? You found more!?” She screamed over the link. Well, not really screamed..but it was more like it was marked mentally urgent and loud. But the voices in your head can't get louder or quieter soooo...whatever.

No, we just did the mass transformation thing and one of the humans turned changeling.” I explained. Still not sure why more changelings would be a problem anyhow.

O.” There was a long pause. “Yes, I’ll send a drone right away.

Thanks Chloris. You’re the best!” I said ending our link conversation.

“Problem solved, gonna talk with this one and tell em what’s up.” I said making my way to the Changeling in the clearing. Instead of having green frills and stuff, it was closer to the changelings I saw back in the show. Their shell was black and the highlights were light blue. It was hard to tell since they were laying down, but it seemed taller than a normal drone. Maybe it's due to the whole importance to size thing, no idea.

“Will you be my instructor?” She asked, finally ending the dreaded they/it thing I had to do because I couldn't tell if she was a she or not.

“No, I'm having Chloris send a drone to teach you. I just learned myself and having an actual Changeling teach you will probably do better.” I said, explaining the situation.

“O, ok.” She said, looking a little disappointed.

“You sound familiar.” I unintentionally said out loud. “Sorry if we met before, I was never good at matching names to faces and yours is a little different.”

“I’m Lianna.” She said laughing a bit. “I don't blame you for not recognizing me, I’m having trouble myself!”

“Hah, I knew I knew you.” I said remembering the time we talked about zombies and stuff. “I don't know what's stranger, that you out of everyone became a changeling. Or that out of everyone you became a changeling.”

“Are those two different points?” A voice spoke up behind me. I totally didn't jump.

“Ahhyes.” I covered my scream with affirmations. “One is that of all people she became a changeling and the other is that out of all people she became a changeling.”

“Wait, that's what you said before.” Lianna pointed out.

“Did I?” I said confusing even myself. “Ok, take two. Many people were changed but only one was changed into a changeling. (Say that three times fast) And out of all the people that could have been this one changeling, it was her.”

“Pretty sure the possibilities are the same?” Lianna chimed in. “I never took statistics, but I feel like this was completely random so both scenarios have theoretically the same possibility.”


“I’m totally bothering Camden about this later.” I said facepalming out of ridiculousness. “Anywho, Lianna, this will be your instructor-”

I sent a drone called Mirage, let me know if there are any problems.” Chloris interrupted, unknowingly saving me.

“-Mirage.” I finished with minimal awkward pause. I mean Mirage,really? Such a cliche name for a changeling. “If you have any troubles or queries, she can contact me over the link...or at least contact Chloris who will forward the message to me.”

“Ok, bye Shawn.” Lianna said as Mirage helped her stand.

“Back to getting this club going.” I said as I made my way back to the house...that wasn’t quite a house anymore but more of a government building...screw it, it's the office now. On my way there I saw Camden heading for the lab.

“Hey Camden, Twilight not need you?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“No, and I didn’t want to stick around and listen to all she had to say.” He replied. “I’m going to get back to my work. A couple changelings delivered all the materials I needed a few hours ago so I can finally get some progres going now.”

“Sounds good, I’ll try to have the club ready for your additions before you finish, no promises though.” I said. He nodded and went on his way.

Once I made it back to the room I was using before, I reverted to changeling form, put on my vibrating headphone things, and got to work listing to some awesome dubstep. The best part of the vibrating tech was they could hit notes that normal headphones couldn't, the ultra low bass. The mix I had playing used a song at the beginning that went as low as 17 hertz, and I could feel it. I was so lost in my working/jamming trance that I didn’t notice Billy enter.

“Yo!” He half yelled, finally grabbing my attention.

“Hey, whats up...you.” I said, looking at the orange unicorn in front of me with a dark grey, jaggid main and tail. “Sorry if I don't recognize you.”

“It's cool, I’m Billy.” He said smiling. He understood, that's good.

“O hey Billy, what’s up?” I said smiling and lowering the volume on the music only I could hear. “I was just about to get AJ to get these plans rolling.”

“Well, I escaped from Twilight's magic lessons and figured that I needed an excuse...so I came to see you.” He said smiling a little sheepishly. Suddenly he seemed to remember something. “O, I also found some more people that are interested in your club!”

“Neat!” I said, I didn't really care he was skipping magic lessons, honestly I should have thought about what giving Twilight the task entailed. Those poor unicorns… “Keep it up, I’m gonna go get AJ now if you want to tag along.”

“Sure It’ll make it look more like I had something important to do.” He said stepping out of the office to let me out.

We found AJ fairly easily. Just go towards the construction noises and she was there. That gal loved menial labor. I gave her the plans and explained what I wanted and where. She was surprisingly good with schematics and not only understood everything I wanted but even made some improvements. Clearing them with me first obviously. She even promised completion of the structure in less than two weeks. And once she finished the shell, I could start getting the inside ready for Camden's part of the build. Everything was coming together, soon we would have an epic club to party at. Now what should I name it..?

Author's Note:
