• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,442 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

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13. Channeling Changeling Charisma

My changeling mentor showed up the next day with Celestia and the main six. By this time we were all pretty good at walking. The rest of the previous day was spent going over basics. Nyjill and Matthew were learning to fly with the help of Twilight and Fluttershy, RD opting out due to a schedule conflict. Apparently “awesomeness practice” took priority over teaching a different species in a new body how to fly. Twilight also helped Rarity with teaching Camden and I magic. Camden really just wanted to learn levitation so he could get back to work but we convinced him to learn a little more with us. Twilight brought us books like Magic: 101, My First Spell book, and Mana and You: Guide to Understanding to read through when she wasn’t around. Today was more flight practice for Nyjill and Matthew and changeling practice for me. Camden and Cody had locked themselves in the lab...to the best of their ability with it being a canvas tent and all. But they made it clear they’ve neglected their duty for too long and were not to be bothered. So, time to meet Celestia’s changeling compadre and learn how to not be hated by the entire populous of Equis.

“Good morning Shawn.” Celestia greeted walking to me with who I assumed was a changeling. She was a cream colored mare with a light pink mane, but it was probably a disguise. “This is my friend whom I was talking about earlier. She has agreed to help you, however she wishes to be called nothing more than teacher and her disguise will stay up at all times. She is very cautious around other changelings, even though I told her your situation.”

“Hello...Teacher.” I greeted awkwardly as Celestia left us to do what we were to do. “My name is Shawn and I am truly grateful for your help.”

“Let's get started.” She replied tersely. “Do you know the basics of mana manipulation and telepathy?”

“I only know what I read from the books Twilight gave us.” I replied sheepishly. “But I think I have a fair grasp on both subjects.”

“Good.” She replied quickly. “Next you need to have a very clear picture of what you want to look like. Every detail must be accounted for. Height, color, muscularity, mane style, tail length, teeth shape, eye color, cutie mark, and more.”

“Uhh, well I have some of those.” I replied slightly overwhelmed. I had an OC but I never considered the shape of my teeth or how muscular I was. “I may need help with what a normal pony is like so I can fill in the gaps.”

“That is something you can do on your own time.” She said seemingly annoyed that I even suggested it. “I am merely here to help you transform and hold that form for extended periods. That includes while sleeping and if you are knocked unconscious by force.”

“Oddly specific..” I said worriedly. “How long will all this take?”

“It took me three years to master my disguise.” She said harshly. “You have my instruction for one day. The rest you will do on your own time. When I am done with you, you will be able to hold your disguise for an entire day, the rest is up to you. I would suggest taking notes.”

“I need to get some supplies…” I said mostly to myself as I looked around. I saw Twilight pointing at a floating pad of paper with a quill scribbling on it. Automatic note taking spell? Noice. “On second thought, I have a good memory.”

“Then let's begin.” She said with no hesitation. “First you need to get accustomed to your body and how mana flows through it. Do this and let me know when you are ready to move on.”

“Time to take another trip.” I said to myself. I did this before as a human so it shouldn't be too hard to do again. I closed my eyes and tried to find that trickle but to my surprise it was gone. I mean I guess I wasn’t actively using magic but I should at least sense something. Ok, calm down...let's start from the beginning like last time. I addressed all my senses and dismissed them, leaving only a flowy sensation all over my body. It seemed to all converge at my forehead...duh, horn. I spent a few minutes following the flow all around my body. Maybe it had to do with being a changeling but it felt like I had thousands of tiny focal points all around my body. Maybe that's the illusion stuff? Anyhow, I felt I had a good grasp on the flow of my mana so I opened my eyes to tell my teacher.

“Ok, I think I have it down.” I said looking to her. She hadn't moved an inch and had the exact same look as before...even though I’m pretty sure it had been like five minutes since she told me to do whatever.

“Good next you will transform into me.” She said nonchalantly. “You do not need to focus on the details yet, just get the basics down.”

“Wait what?” I said exasperated. “How did we go from step one to transform? Shouldn't there be more steps in the middle?”

“You’re understanding of your mana propelled you past those steps.” She said in basically a monotone. “You are ready to do your first transformation.”

“Ok, so do I just think of you and posh magic or what?” I asked, still not completely grasping the situation. Or how she knew how well I understood mana stuffs.

“Just think it through.” She said a little warmer. “You are much closer than you think.”

“Ok, lets see.” I said closing my eyes. I addressed my mana and found all the tiny focal points. I made a pony shape in my mind and imagined my focal points on it. The ones around my body I mentally assigned a cream colored fur to, the ones in my mane and tail I assigned light pink and shaped them, her eyes were blue so I copied that into my eyes focal points. I continued to do this for everything I could remember. I didn't catch her cutie mark so I just put a black question mark in its place. After what felt like forever I finally had a pony in my mind. Taking a shot in the dark I sent mana to my focal points and imagined myself stepping into this pony skin I had made. I didn't feel any different so I opened my eyes to find...I was a changeling.

“Damn it!” I said angrily. “That was a lot of work to not do anything.”

“You were actually very close to succeeding.” She said...smiling? She was actually smiling. Weird. “You just need to apply the mana after putting on your pony suit.”

“Ok lady!” I said worriedly. “How the hell do you know what I’m thinking.”

“Simple, I’m reading your mind.” She said like it was no big deal. “It’s a taxing spell but it is the fastest way to teach. I got permission from Celestia before using it and I only get the thoughts associated with the task at hand.”

“You could have asked me for permission to you know.” I said slightly angry. “Just reading my mind like that is not cool.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t clear it with you first.” She said getting less friendly again. “Just do what I told you.”

Pushing all thoughts of how angry I was at her, I went through the steps again. This time it took much less time and I was in my pony suit in less than a minute. I then applied mana to all my focal points, minus my main horn one, and opened my eyes. This time I was not a changeling but a poor replica of the pony in front of me.

“Ok, keep this up.” She said walking around me, looking me over. “We are going to do some tweaking now. First change your cutie mark to match mine, a magnifying glass.”

I took note of her mark and did a quick edit to my mind pony. I pushed a little extra mana through those focal points for good measure.

“Perfect.” She praised. “That was exactly right. Now change your mane and tail to black instead of pink.”

Again I made the changes on my mind pony and pushed a little extra mana.

“Good.” She said now standing back in front of me. “Now we are going to play a little game of Simon says. You know how to play that correct?”

“Yup.” I replied. “As long as it's the same as on earth. You tell me to do things and if you don't say ‘Simon says’ before and I do it I loose.”

“Exactly.” She replied. “I will be telling you to change various parts of your body and you will do them or not do them respectively.”

With that we launched into a game of changeling Simon Says. She brought a mirror over so I could see what I was doing. It was difficult at first but effective. By the end I could change any part of me by just thinking it. I no longer had to change the pony in my mind, I just changed myself. I didn't even have to close my eyes any more. We played for about an hour until she told me to change and I couldn’t. I tried again and y disguise dropped altogether.

“Well, it looks like 358 tweaks is your current limit.” She said smiling. She had really warmed up to me during the game. “Not bad. You could probably transform 20 times in a row before your mana was depleted. And as far as holding a disguise, you shouldn't have any problems. Usually when starting out a changeling can only hold a disguise so long before they need to drop it and recharge their mana. But your mana charges faster than you use it while holding a disguise so you shouldn’t have a problem with that. Just work on holding your form while unconscious and you’ll be ready.”

“Really?” I asked sitting down panting. I was tired. “That's it? You don't have anything else to teach me?”

“No.” She said simply. “You excelled very quickly and during that game we covered everything you need to know along with getting you accustomed to changing form. I’m done here, good luck Shawn.”

“Thank you!” I called after her as she left. “I guess I’ll let my mana recharge and get to work on my form.”

“Hey Shawn.” Twilight called over to me. “We were about to head back to town to get lunch. You want to join us?”

“Yes!” I said excitedly before pausing. “Give me a few to recharge and get my disguise up.”

“No problem.” She replied. “Let us know when you’re ready.”

As she trotted back to the others I started putting together my OC in my mind. I filled in the gaps with what I learned during the game of Simon says and build a mental pony. This was really just to get accustomed to it. It helps solidify the form in my mind, and if I’m going to be holding this form for a long time I’d like to be real familiar with it. I spent at least ten minutes going over what was going to be my new form before I felt I had enough mana to change again.

“Here goes nothing” I said as I stepped into my pony suit, changing my form. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the new me!”

I looked in the mirror to find my OC. But it was me. I had officially become my OC! I am...going to have to think of a new name. Shawn isn’t very pony like. I'll ask Twilight about it.

“Twilight, I’m ready.” I said trotting over to Twilight. “Hey, quick question. Is Shawn a strange name for a pony?”

“Wow.” Was all she said at first. “You look good.”

“Umm, thanks?” I said awkwardly.

“EEP!” Twilight eeped, blushing furiously. “I meant good, you look like a pony. Not that you look good. Well you do look good it's just...what was the question?”

“Is Shawn a strange pony name?” I said grinning at the flustered Twilight.

“Well, for here yes.” She said, her blush fading. “But Equestrians are the only ones to name their foals after character traits or future occupies. How the parents know is a magical phenomenon.”

“So I’m Shawn the unicorn from the Griffin lands.” I said looking myself over. “Would that work?”

“Sure.” Twilight said walking towards the kitchen patio where everyone else was. “Let's get going.”

“Fine by me.” I said following after her.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry...soon though.

New Shawn