• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,442 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

  • ...

26. Wub-A-Dub-Dub, Camden Making Subs

“That's titanium.” He replied nonchalantly from the tent. “Uranium is number twenty three and I only need .75 pounds.”

“My bad, guess I no read good.” I said going over the list again. “Hey, can you maybe put something on your to-do list for me?”

“Sure thing, what is it our king desires?” He said poking his head out of the tent.

“I know we brought petabytes of info from Earth did any of that include music?” I asked hesitantly.

“Sure did, just about all of it.” He said easily. “However, for optimal storage we had to compress it to the point that it lost some fidelity. It won't be as clear as it was before compression.”

“Camden I listen to dubstep, it’s all distorted anyways.” I said flatly. “And that brings me to my request, I want an iPod. But not apple because that's the devil, just a music device about the size of a smartphone, touchscreen if possible, headphones that work on...wait do I have ears? Ok, skip the headphones for now, and battery life that doesn't suck eggs.”

“Alright, I’ll do my best.” He said, popping back into the tent.

“Now I need to figure out if I have ears..” I said, getting ready to open the link to Chloris.

“Done.” Camden said walking to me with a device in his hand.

“That was fast...were you already working on something like this?” I said taking what I realized was my phone. “O, it’s my phone...I forgot you kept this.”

“Yup, made you task super easy. I did add a solar pad to the back so it can charge in the sunlight. Now about those headphones, I would recommend vibration ‘speakers’ that put the sound into your head.”

“That's a good idea, hook me up with a set of those.” I said, knowing this time it wouldn't be instant. “And I’ll get started on your materials list.”

I was about to leave when another thought struck me.

“Hey Camden, I have another, more demanding but less urgent request.”

“What is it?” He asked, getting tired of me distracting him.

“I wanna DJ. So if you could make some subs, PA’s, amps, mixers, and a computational device to hold the music, I would really appreciate it.” I said smiling. “O, and the lights to go with it. No rush on this, but we said we’d show the princesses how we party and what better way than a Rave?”

“I will need to make amendments to the list I gave you.” He said flatly. “I am doing important work but I can take a side project, helps to break up large projects with other ones so you don't grow tired of the same work. It should take about three months to complete.”

“Awesome, I’m gonna get a venue started. Think a DJ bar would be well accepted?” I asked, even though that really wasn't Camdens scene.

“I think it will be received well.” He said walking back to the lab. “DJ King in the house.”

I paused to think about that last statement. Not because it was an awful DJ name, but because he was right. I was the king of a country, and I wanted to DJ at a bar...life is weird.

“Now I need to get this building schematic out of my head and into AJ’s hooves.” I said making my way to the house. I knew there was some blueprint paper in there. “Time to exercise my drafting skills again.”

Before I got too far into my work I sent a mental snapshot of the list to Chloris. It was a test more than anything but it worked. Chloris was more surprised that I figured out how to do it than she was that she got it. But after that brief conversation about what Camden needed, and how he will ask for some more soon, I dove into drafting. I was almost halfway done when there was a knock on the door.

“Hey, I have the extra materials list.” Cody said poking his head in. “Sorry it took so long, Camden was busy doing stuff and I had no idea where you were.”

“No problem.” I said taking another mental snapshot and sending it to Chloris before handing the paper back. “She has it now.”

“Wut..?” Cody said confused. “How, you hardly even looked at it?”

“I took a mental picture of it and sent it to her...well it's more like I sent a millisecond of what I was seeing to her conscience. It's super useful though.” I said explaining it like Chloris explained it to me.

“Huh, well some other people were looking for you so I’ll let them know you’re in here. You’ll probably be bothered for a little. He said closing the door.

“I guess I could use a break, I have been working for...actually I have no idea how long I’ve been in here.” I said out loud. The room had no windows, and my phone hadn't been charged yet so I didn’t know the time.

“Eighteen hours.” Twilight said opening the door and walking into the room. “That's how long it’s been since you talked with Camden that is. And no one had seen you since so it’s a good guess you’ve been in here the whole time.”

“Well damn, time flies when you're doing work I guess.” I said awkwardly. “So what brings you here Twilight?”

“I came to ask if a few more ponies could come here and help us help you help us all.” She said, her words eerily close to a Portal quote.
“Sure, I’m down for some more help.” I said grinning. “I’m actually working on a new building schematic right now, once I’m done I was going to get it to AJ so we can get it going.”

“What is this, some sort of ballroom?” She asked looking at the blueprint. The shape was there, I was just working on some minor details.

“Close, it's a club-bar-venue-whatever.” I said, unsure what description to use. “I’m building it based off of a place I went back on earth for concerts. Camden is working on the technical stuff now so I want the building to be up for when he finishes.”

“Interesting.” She said genuinely. “I’m excited to hear human music and see this building from your home world.”

“I’m sure you’ll find it fascinating...until the music starts that is.” I said smiling as I imagined her face when the bass drops and takes her breath away. “Good times.”

Twilight was just confused at this point and, having got what she wanted from me already, made her way out of the room. This peace didn't last long however because before I could get back to my project someone else knocked on the door.

“Come in, I’m here, hello.” I said in rapid succession as a human male entered. “What can I do for you today?”

“Hello Mr. Shawn sir.” He said a little nervously.

“O please, just call me Shawn. Formalities are just titles to make people feel more important.” I said waving off his politeness. “So what is it I can help you with?”

“Well, first I’d like to apologize.” He said wringing his hands. “I overheard your conversation with Camden the other day and...well I’m very interested in the venue you’re currently working on.”

“No worries…” I said pausing, giving him the hint to tell me his name.

“Billy.” He said quickly.

“No worries Billy, it wasn’t a secret or anything. I’m actually glad someone else is interested, now it doesn't feel like it's all for me. What specifically interests you?”

“Management actually.” He said shrugging. “I was manager of a club before the zombie outbreak and I miss that life. So, I came to get my name in the mix before anyone else.”

“Holy crap, you're hired.” I said amused. “And before you protest, think about it from my perspective. You came to me, you have experience, you were first, and I hadn’t even thought about staff yet. So now you can do the dirty work and I can have all the fun!”

“It’s not dirty work, it has its charm.” He said a little defensively.

“Good, now you are in charge of all that. I’ll get you more info soon, but for now think of potential employees.” I said looking back to my drawing. “Our equipment is about three months out and our venues shell should be completed in a month. We will still need to get the inside done but that requires more knowledge than AJ and her helpers have.”

“That blueprint looks really similar to where I worked.” He said also looking at the paper. “What venue did you base it off of?”

“Echostage in DC.” I answered, reminiscing on all the concerts I attended there.

“That's where I worked!” He said smiling. “How accurate were you going for?”

“Pretty close, but it needs to accommodate ponies and other species too.” I replied also smiling. “But the sound system is getting a major upgrade. I’ve also tweaked the structure to reverberate better.”

“I think we’re going to get along just fine Shawn.” He said now grinning madly.

“I wonder how much bass a pony can take before they lose consciousness.” I said smiling just as crazily.

“Well, I’m gonna got out of your hair.” Billy said backing out the door. “Let me know when you need me again.”

“Will do.” I said waving as he left. “Thanks for coming in.”

*Knock knock*

“Son of an asshole.” I said under my breath. “Come in.”

“I came for specifics on the speakers.” Camden said as he entered. Also to give you these.” He tossed the headphone things onto my desk.

“Cool, thanks.” I said picking up the...thing and looking it over. “Speakers right...well I was hoping for my ten to fifty hertz to be as loud as my fifty to one hundred hertz. So that would require some good sized subs, powered excessively. If I had to say, I’d go with four twenty’s powered with two to four thousand watts a piece, maybe eight fifteens powered with a grand each, and eight twelves to cover the mids, a grand a piece. Then add in an array of highs, twenty covering five hundred hertz and up powered with two-fifty or five hundred a pair should do.”

“I figured you’d go crazy like this.” He said as he took notes. “I’ll take your idea over your guesstimate though. Thirty-four thousand watts is a lot, but the speaker coverage was pretty close. This is all from a mathematical perspective that is, you’re more experienced in the actual field.”

“Well, back then I could browse what was there and get what I wanted, it’s different when it's all custom.” I said shrugging. “I want more bass than I can legally use. So much that I can knock someone out."

“Note taken. I would suggest you add steel supports and cement to your plans because I won’t hold back.” He said plainly. “And it won't require a nuclear reactor to power it. If my calculations are right, I can build a solar battery that can power the club all night. Including the lights.”

“You brilliant son of a bitch, I leave my dreams in your capable hands.” I said, my maniac smile returning. “We’re gonna show this world how to party!”

“Sure, I’m going to get back to work.” He said leaving, not even waiting for a reply. But that's Camden.

“Now, can I get back to work or is someone else here?” I said out loud, waiting for another knock. But none came. “Ok, I’m gonna start working now..”

I did actually get back to work, for about five minutes before there was a knock at the door.

“Whats up motha fucka.” I said in my best Samuel L Jackson tone, hoping it was someone that got the reference.

“Hello to you too Shawn.” Luna said entering. “A quote from earth I assume?”

“Yah, glad you got that much.” I said equal parts embarrassed and relieved. “What brings you here Luna?”

“Well, I heard you were constructing a club and I was interested in it.” She said gesturing at the blueprint in front of me.

“What, really?” I said shocked. “How did you even hear of it?”

“I’m kidding, I just saw the blueprint and decided to mess with you.” She said smiling. “It is interesting, but that's not why I’m here.”

“O, you sly bugger you.” I smiled. “So what really brings you here?”

“I’m just here to get you for the mass transformation.” She replied. “Celestia is already here and most of your people have been gathered. We’re just waiting for you.”

“O shit.” I said jumping up. “Let's go then!”

Author's Note:

Side quest, making a place for people to party!
Also the time for mass transforming of the people is now soon!