• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,442 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

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Bonus Chapter 3: Lighting Design

When was the last time you noticed the lighting? Probably not too long ago really. You walked into a room and it was dark, so you flipped on the lights and moved on with life.

What about in nature? Did you watch the sunset last night? Or maybe you admired how the sun filtered through the clouds and trees.

Those are what people usually notice. But lets go further. Have you ever admired the lighting in a movie? Regardless of the shot, people spent time on just the lighting aspect. For every night time scene, ideas were pitched, concepts were scrapped, hours were spent making the lights look just so, all to portray darkness with light.

Lighting design is the most underappreciated aspect of any production. Sound design is a close second, only because it usually includes music, and everyone notices musical aspects.

Now we get into the really fun part of lighting, the one part that everyone notices, concert lighting. Concert lighting, for many types of music, IS the show. Sure there are artists, and music, but it's the combo of music and lighting that has fueled millions of LSD fulled, ball tripping individuals to euphoria.

This my friends, was my happy place and my element. I’m that guy that you swear is high out of his mind, but is actually totally sober. The music will give me goosebumps, the lighting will bring tears. It’s a stupid and overused saying, but music is my drug.

Anyways, back on track. When setting up lighting for a musical venue such as the one I was, you have a guideline to go by. In the industry we lovingly refer to it as “Flash and Trash”. Most of your lights are actually facing outwards towards the crowd. And they don't care about how you can replicate sunlight on stage, they want atmospherics and lasers.

So this all went into the plot for my venue. Lots of RGB strobe bars facing the crowd, a bunch of moving head fixtures in a perimeter, and some RGB PARs to wash the stage. Then, to add some more pizazz, more moving heads on the back wall. These can be used for more effects or as spotlights as needed.

Now I don't currently have lasers...and that needs to change. I’m also going to have to bother Camden about getting some hazers in there as well. Lighting is cool as is, but you really need the haze to make it awesome. Seeing the beam is half the fun of the show.

The one part I’m kinda bummed about is not having a LED screen behind the DJ. It can really take a show to the next level, but it’s also a lot of work. And I would need a semi-powerful computer to design whatever I’m putting on there if it’s any more complicated than color washes or a rainbow scroll. I can wait for that one, can’t put all my mind blowing eggs in one basket now. Gotta save some insanity for later to blow the ponies minds again.

Now we get to the heart of the design and execution, the light board. I don’t have one, but Camden said it should be ready soon. To make it easier overall, we decided on a light board that would let me design and cue light shows. So basically a laptop in a light board case. I can attach a keyboard, mouse, and screen and use it like a laptop to do some of the more complicated designing, and use the sliders and buttons to cue up the more simple stuff.

So, even after setting up all my lights, I couldn’t test them. A sad day to be sure, it’s half the point of hang and focus. But with these being moving lights and washes, focus isn’t really that big a deal. But I would like to know if I somehow reversed a DMX cable somewhere or if one of my lights wasn’t getting power. So instead I just did a once over after setting up and before cable management/cleanup.

And with lights set, there was nothing left to do but enjoy the music until I got my board. Or I would if my assistants weren't asleep. Guess it took longer than I realized to set all the lights. Well, there’s always tomorrow.

Author's Note:

This chapter doubles as somewhat educational!

Comments ( 5 )

Didn't understand a word beyond light and RGB.
But still.

Story isn't dead. Just not updating like I, nor you probably, would like. Stay tuned though, I'm working on it.

Not gonna lie, this chapter was written so long ago I forget the specifics. But what you say does sound right, so for now we'll just call it Celestial foresight or something.

Good point. fixed it.

Thanks! I am still working on it but just really slowly lol.

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