• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,386 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

  • ...

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16. Eclipse

Great… Once again within the confines of my dream realm and hopefully I won’t be dragged into anything… Again. Now let’s test out these new weapons...Wait... God damn it there’s someone in here… I’m not wasting a chance again. Time to channel my inner spirit animal. Heh heh heh…

And it was...another pony. Actually this is pretty good. It’s a unicorn but something felt off. The red eyes and the almost similar look to Twilight was something I was dreading. I hoped that it wasn’t a dream hopping Twilight… but then remembered I was in space. In fact, it looked like he was a guy… probably. Still having trouble with telling gender by sight but I guess when I finally troll them I’ll know for certain.

Ok I only got one chance to do this… Deep breathe and own your role Gray.

“Welcome master to this Dreamscape. I… am your spirit animal Nebula Gray. I welcome you to this realm and hope you are finding the rest suitable.”

He blinked a few times as the words sunk in. “This is a joke right?”

“Joke? Of course not Master. I’m am here to facilitate your arrival into this realm. I couldn’t reach you due to some interference with your… heart. Yeah that’s it.” I whispered the last part.

“Huh...makes sense having visited Kingdom Hearts, fighting myself on what feels like a day to day basis and a whole ton of other crap since I met Zeke.” the unicorn responded with a shrug. “Besides, I've learned to just roll with these things.”

“I’m here to warn you that the perverted thoughts you have had are starting an uprising and are making their way to the rational part of your head.”

“Okay now I know you are joking” He said starting to laugh. “It was a good one though. I'll give you that.”

“Then what’s that over there?” I pointed at the far wall and used the special ability of the Lexicon. The attribute it possessed was one of illusions. I quickly let it summon a version of Luna in a leather saddle with a bit in her mouth and a riding crop floating in her magic.

“Easy, Luna has been trying to convince me to do that since our first time by changing my dreams. Doesn't work and she gave up after finding out in lucid.” He shrugs again.

“Ugh… Well at least you’re more fun than that other guy. He reminded me of everything I left behind already. Said he was a Ventral. Didn’t really care though. I already locked that past away when the world started to end.”

“Ah, you’re another survivor then? Huh. Small multiverse. So, you got turned into a pony too?” He asked.

“Thestral. Sounded cooler and also got this keyblade as well. It’s a far call from what I used to do but I manage. Uh… Though my stories of my adventures aren’t up to snuff. Heck the only thing I’ve done so far is fight a version of Nightmare Moon.” I summoned my keyblade and let it hang in my hoof for a sec before putting it away.

“Ah, I get the feeling. I've dealt with my Nightmare just to have Zeke drop into my life...literally. Since then everything has been shit on the timeline. Name’s Eclipse.” He said, offering a hoof.

“Ah welcome Sparkplug. Nice to meet ya.” I bump his hoof and fly back up hanging upside down to watch his reaction.
“Sparkplug? That's a new one. And I was called a pedo because I'm mentally forty two.” Eclipse said, acting scarily chill.

“Pedo Plug then. I think the nickname rolls off the tongue. Perfect. I wish I had thumbs right now cause I would so give you a thumbs up for saying something that really didn’t need to be said. Woo Random names for the win!”

Eclipse laughed as he summoned Oblivion and Oathkeeper to his side. “ Oh ho you’re going to pay for that one.”

“You wanna hear something really funny…” My eyes begin to glow a deep yellow as the dreamscape begins to blur.

“Let me guess...your mind, your rules?” Eclipse said with a smile.

“That’s not the funny part. The funny part is when I send this conversation to Zeke for the express purpose of a laugh. That’s the funny part.”

“...you evil git.” Eclipse said in a tone I recognized as defeat...sweet, sweet defeat.

“But… I’m willing to go back to Sparkplug and forgetting all about that if you do me a little favor.”

“Fine, what is it?” Eclipse said, dismissing his keyblades.

“I need you to hit me with a stop level spell.”

“That's it? What level, Stop, Stopra, Stopga, what?”

“First level. I learn spells after being hit with them. I don’t think I’ll be finding any time lords in my reflection anytime soon. I also don’t want to deal with the Elements of Harmony in my world if I can avoid it. Too much timeline fuckery could happen. So dreamscape is the safest place so far.”

“Well, a few things first. First, a warning. Using the higher levels of this spell and even using it too much can and will lead to a massive migraine in the morning. Second, You exist in the world and I bet heartless do to...the timeline is already fucked by those details alone. And third, don’t say they won’t find you, they generally do right after you say that.” Eclipse said with surprising knowledgeability. “Now...for the spell. STOP!” He said, summoning Oathkeeper and raising it above his head.

I remained motionless in the spell. I didn’t know for how long but it was enough before this booming voice called out through the dreamscape.

Obtained the power of Time. Stop now available.

The spell wore off and I flew back down to the floor… I think it was the floor. Dream realms were weird and I was pretty sure we were actually on the ceiling now but that didn’t matter… Unless I thought about gravity...Shit… We both fell to what was now the floor with me on my back and him on his stomach.

“A...bit of warning would be...nice” He groaned as he stood back up.

“I starting thinking about gravity… Woops. Well at least it was funny. Not so much when I fell but you get the picture.” I stood up and stretched out my wings. Why does this hurt in my dream too?

“Because you think you should be feeling pain...and because it’s your mind it affects me.” Eclipse said like I was supposed to know this.

“Did you just read my mind?”

“Actually, yea.” He said, pointing to the ground where it showed that exact thought. “It just kinda popped up there.”

“Hm… well what do you know. So quick question. How did you deal with your Nightmare Moon?”

“Long answer or short one?”

“The one that doesn’t put you in a catapult that shoots you to the dream moon. Short.”

“Kay then. I started to fight her during her monologue, found out she was a keyblade wielder, fought her in her heart to help free Luna, then the elements did the rest.”

“Weird. I called mine a whorse to piss her off then I smacked her upside the chin with my keyblade. Then she summoned a Demon Tide on me. Oh well, whatcha gonna do about that. I at least can cross off insulting royalty on my bucket list.”

“Yeah…kinda did that most of my childhood, much to Twilight’s sanity, or lack there of.” Eclipse said. “Let me tell you, it feels awesome calling Celestia sunbutt to her face!”

“Hah. There’s no such thing as sanity. Crazy Sparkplug. Sanity is a myth. And my next bucket list item goes much farther than Sunspot. I’m going straight into madness. I will punch him in the face just cause I want to.”

“Wait… You are going to punch John de Lancey in the face?!”

“Yup. It’s a god given right to punch people in the face. Plus I have a loophole to logic. I don’t have fists. I have hooves.”

“Well played my friend… wait….aw shit! I forgot to tell my Luna and Flutters I was home!... I’m dead.”

I quietly used the Lexicon to make an open casket for Eclipse. Then quietly let bugles play their tune. Then I tap him on the head with the book in order to attach a more secure link to message him whenever necessary.

“Goodbye...old friend.” Eclipse says dramatically before falling into the coffin.

I wondered if I should have told him that since my mind is weird it would make the death seem real. I close the casket with that thought before sending him back to the world of the living. I looked down to see a single letter on the ground with my name on it.

I let the Lexicon create a clone of me to open the letter far away from me. Trust must be earned of course. So I waited and let the clone read the letter for me as a object also fell out.

‘Well, I thought it would be rude to not offer you anything, and even if it is only a dream, maybe you’d like it. So here you go, your very own Wayfinder! Have fun with those D-Links! -Eclipse’

“Yup… should have really told him that I think Core’s track us by using Doors to Darkness. I’ll send a letter when I wake up.”

After returning back from the constant talks with dream ponies… people. Whatever they were I managed to at least figure out some new spells. I probably overshot my own cards when I made the whole joke on being a Spirit Animal.

Either way I merely put the Wayfinder away in my dream pack. Due to my delusions I would get it in the real world soon enough… I hate dream logic sometimes. I returned back to my spot and pulled out my new weapon. The Kunai knives wrapped around both my front hooves. I jabbed my hoof forward only for a knife to fly off. An arc of electricity trailed off of my hoof and reattached the knife back to my hoof.

I looked closer at my hooves noticing that the knives were all at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions and were held together by a thin band of lightning curling around my hooves. I practiced for a while throwing the knives around. I couldn’t catch them very well. After a while I got a good rhythm in getting close enough to allow the electricity to reconnect it back to my hooves.

“Well I got a good idea for this so far.”

I then switched back to the Lexicon. I apparently used it to make illusions even though I didn’t know exactly how. What one will do to prank somebody when pressed for time. Also I apparently mocked a guy that was stronger than me and got away with it… Will have to make sure I get the reflect spell up to third tier.

Taking a few minutes I willed the book to summon a clone of myself. I had to stare closely because there were very few minute details which were different. The eyes of the clone were brown instead of the strange amber yellow I had. The fur was also not gray but a very light purple. Once again I curse my friend for talking so much about colors to me. Damn art snob… only friend I kept after high school and his color talks are the only thing distinct about him… kind of miss him...

“Forget it. It’s time to wake up I should be reaching the Tower by now.”

Before I left I wrote out the letter in the Lexicon and delivered it to Eclipse about the Cores possibly finding us whenever we use Doors to Darkness. I finally opened my eyes from my… restful slumber and saw the strange tower floating within the heavens surprisingly not attached to Twilight Town for some reason.

Investigation for later but right now I have a meeting with a wizened wizard.

Author's Note:

Hi there. Another crossover this time with Lancerot and his story Keys to the Harmony.

Enjoy. Regular adventure coming very soon.

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