• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,386 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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26. Revealed

Author's Note:

Song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I own no copyrights on it.
I wrote this after working on this immediately after I finished the last chapter. It took a over nighter but I'm glad I finished this one already.

As the sun hit my eyes I finally decided it was time to work on more concrete plan of dealing with the Nightmare that was hiding out in the forest. Tonight I would have to go out there like bait and destroy it. I didn’t exactly have any insights into where it was hiding nor did I have anything that would stop it from summoning heartless if it did indeed get that strong. All I had was my sense of smell and a bit more training to hopefully deal with the problem outright. I was confident enough in the idea of the plan. The execution though, not so much.

“I should really come up with a better plan.”

I ignored my misgivings and flew off for the Library which I had remembered was the tree with the door carved into it. I really didn’t want to come here when Twilight Sparkle was around if only because she was way too inquisitive. I was trying to keep a low profile and not get roped into things that would destroy the natural order. So far most of the things that happened when the show was running in the human world had happened. Eventually I would be out of range of this planet once again but I needed to make sure that I was prepared for any changes that occurred on Equestria due in no small part to my appearance.

So far my entrance and duel with Nightmare Moon and her summoning of heartless had gone unnoticed and unobtrusive upon the world that is Equestria. That didn’t mean that Luna couldn’t remember it either. There would be a chance that she could in fact recall what happened that night eventually. For now I noticed that no one tried to get into my dreams and my own nightmares had been pacified by my dreams overwhelming them. That still left the chance that anything could happen from the moment I entered this building and the moment I left it as well. I also had to prepare for my trek into the forest. I knocked on the door as soon as seven bell tolled on the clock tower. What I was welcomed to was… strange.

In the center room was a very yellow Spike, I think his name was, standing in front of a Twilight while her horn was shining.

“That’s spell number 14. You have been getting better at this Twilight.”

“Oh Spike these are pretty easy spells. Let’s get ready for the next couple of- Oh hello there mister…”

Twilight stopped talking for a moment and stared at me. It was very concerning when I trotted over to Spike and waited till she spoke again. She still didn’t. It didn’t look like love sickness, which meant it was the beginnings of discovery. I really should have gotten food before I left the house this morning. This was going to be migraine inducing.

“Hi there. I need a book on combat through the ages and relationships through the ages.”

I directed all my questions to the dragon who at least kept his wits about him. Twilight, on the other hand, seemed to be pondering something.

“Uh… sure. Just give me a second and I’ll get you something.”

When he left I realized the true weight of my folly. I was stuck with Twilight waiting for some new information. She was still in pondering mode though I did note she looked at my wings at least once.

“So… is something wrong with me?”


“Well you keep staring at me… It’s a bit… disconcerting.”

She started to stutter and push out apologies stating that she was not creepy in any way shape or form. I merely blinked and accepted the apology. Better we stay on the right side of being acquaintances.We sat there in relative silence and I could already tell this was going to be awkward as all hell. Spike finally came back after a few minutes with three books. One seemed to be about major battle fought within Equestria. Another was about something called Heart Song. The last was about relationships for dummies… which was heavily edited to have multiple tabs already in place.

“This seems good… thanks. Do I need anything to check them out?”

Immediately Twilight perked up summoning a scroll and quill while I merely looked on in amusement.

“Sure just need your name and I’ll check out your books for you. By the way, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike.”

“Pleasure. Nebula Gray.”

“Ok Mr. Gray I’ll expect these back in two weeks. See you then.”

“Thanks. I’ll be off then.”

That went easier than expected. She was whispering to Spike who was dismissively shaking his head. I didn’t want to figure out what the disagreement was about in case it was about me. I quickly trotted out the door and took a few turns in case she was still watching me leave. I did overhear one last thing though.

“Was that who Rarity was speaking about?”

“Probably. Look Twi I know you wanna know things but we need to go meet with the others today. If you wanted to talk with him you could have spoken up.”

“I blanked out. You know thestrals are really rare. Even when I lived near the princess I never met any of the night guards. Not even Shining had any pull over them. They remained independent until Luna returned.”

“Asking him about it probably wouldn’t answer anything. He isn’t part of the Night Guard.”

“I know but he could answer other things about thestrals perhaps.”

“Look Twi if it means so much to you I’ll ask around town later about him.”

“Thanks Spike that means a lot to me.”

I quietly dived back into the shadows and reappeared back in my home. I half expected Pinkie to be within but she wasn’t. From my window I spotted a cerulean unicorn moving a cart along into town. Probably not important but I made a note of it. She also had a wand for a mark. It seemed familiar but I couldn’t place my hoof on it. Damn, I really need to decide where I stand on hoof or hand.

I looked through the books I received and found out exactly what constituted as combat around Equestria… It was entirely underwhelming though not unexpected based on what I saw of the ponies around Ponyville. After Celestia began her solo rule it seems combat was settled with baked goods and pastry wars. It was really silly and kind of stupid though with a human mind set I guess it of course would be stupid. Unfortunately all pastry wars were ones of attrition rather than strategy.

Heart Song, on the other hoof, was something more interesting all together. Apparently singing while fighting actually made you nearly untouchable and more powerful than ever before. Then I looked at the warnings page which included the whole obligatory ‘You are not Invincible’ phrase in the text. It also noted that the whole song had to be sung while you were fighting and afterwards it would leave you partially open to counters. Something to look into at a later time but regardless it would be useful.should I remember a song I was willing to sing aloud.

The last book was hard to actually look through. Not out of nervousness but how cringey some sections were. There were a lot of notes within about doing things better or how some things were wrong and didn’t work. I did find a section on herds which didn’t have any notes on it. It seemed that everything Sunshower told me was correct. That might actually cause a problem if they expect me to pick an Alpha.

“Well at least that gives me some headway into figuring out things. The whole battles are fought with sweets angle made this place weirder than it should be. Now I have to wait until tonight and I’ll make my move on the forest.”

It was already the afternoon when I finally put down the books. I merely skimmed them and ate whatever leftovers I received during the dates I had. I knew I should have gotten more food but I was leaving soon and I needed to get ready for anything.

(Third Person POV)

It had taken all morning for the ladies to meet up with each other. Spitfire took a few hours due to needing to get some time off leaving Fleetfoot to take over the team for a bit. Soarin was apparently still in traction. Sunshower managed to get some time off from weather patrol and met up with her outside of Vinyl and Octavia’s home. They didn’t saw much and waited till they were let in. Vinyl was the one to open the door and led the two in. Octavia, Redheart, and Fresh Coat were already sitting around the dining table they owned in rapt silence.

“So I take it we came to a decision on this already?” Spitfire questioned.

“Yes. The four of us are in agreement that we should make this herd official now that we’ve all had one on one time with him.” Octavia mused.

The other mares around agreed. Each were curious of the other’s time with Gray. They were certain that Vinyl was going to be the one to breach the question.

“So what did everypony do for their date?” Vinyl slammed her hooves on the table as if to make their point. The only one to rise to the occasion was Spitfire.

“I took him back to the Wonderbolts Academy and put him through his paces.”

“What?” Four mares screamed out.

“Yeah I found out he is a bit of a fighter. He’s pretty strong too. He managed to pin me down after a half hour. So that was a plus.” Spitfire chuckled out while the others calmed their embarrassment. Nopony really wanted to speak next until Vinyl kept the ball rolling.

“I took him clubbing. We did run into trouble but he stepped up when he needed to.” Vinyl boasted proudly.

“What do you mean he stepped up?” Octavia leered over towards Vinyl.

“Neon was there… He was hitting the salt again. Took a swing at Gray but he kept going and knocked his flank out. Then he carried me back even though he was hit by a magically enhanced hit. The bucking fool was more worried about me. Idiot…” Vinyl muttered the last part out.

A few of the girls were speechless. They really didn’t expect that.

“Why didn’t he check into the hospital after that!?” Redheart nearly screeched out.

“I don’t know.” Vinyl countered out.

“He didn’t look injured when he came to see me the next morning…” Redheart managed to croak out.


“How’s that possible…”

“I don’t know… let’s just move on. What else did you girls do for your dates?”

“We went out for coffee. Then that boorish jerk Treble Clef tried to once again get my attention by saying something rude about Gray dating other mares. I knew he meant your girls. He was really displeased when I nuzzled into him.” Octavia tittered nervously while her cheeks turned a bit red.

“I didn’t think you were that kind of mare Octavia.” Vinyl slyly nudged Octavia’s side causing her to flinch.

“I didn’t do anything else than that that day.” Octavia quickly added.

“I bet you did.” Vinyl challenged.

“No I didn’t. I certainly didn’t lay with him on a cloud for a while…” Octavia slammed her hooves in front of her mouth before burying her face on the table while she turned a deep crimson shade.

“See. I knew Tavi was party animal.” Vinyl nudged the now hidden Octavia while she pointed at Fresh Coat to continue.

“I just painted with him… I did ride on his back a lot… He’s really muscle-ly. Especially his neck. He was really really comfortable.” Fresh Coat lost herself in a giggling fit while she turned red. Most of the mares would have rolled their eyes had they not been lost in their own giggling fits.

“Redheart?” Vinyl pointed to.

“Me? Uh… we just went out for dinner over in Baltimare. I did get a kiss from him… though I may have been a bit overwhelmed by the moment… heh heh…” Redheart grinned whle rubbing the back of her head with her hoof.

“So what about you Sunshower?” Vinyl asked.

“I made him cuddle me. A lot. I mean a lot, a lot. I even slept on top of him. He’s a bit comfy when positioned right. Then we danced on some clouds. What was weird about that was that he managed to tame some of the Everfree clouds by chance. It was weird.”

The mares looked a bit perturbed by Sunshower’s confession but pushed it to the side. There would be plenty of time to determine what they would do about it but first came the more serious part.

“So we know a lot more about him now then don’t we? He keeps a lot hidden but I can see why he does so.” Redheart somberly explained.

“Yeah…” The murmurs of each mare came out. Vinyl had told Spitfire the information after they had pulled it together. Sunshower had learned the details that day. They each weighed the emotional baggage he carried against their own. He also didn’t deal with it just yet meaning it was a recent thing.

“So we’re going to help him through that eventually, right?” Fresh Coat brought up while the others mulled things over.

“Of course we are. If we want this to succeed then we’re gonna need to get him to open up fully. It’s been slow going the entire time and we still haven’t even figured out who the Alpha is.” Spitfire replied matter of factly.

“I kind of told him he could decide that…” Sunshower squeaked out.

There was a collective groan from the mares but no sounds of disapproval. Nopony seemed to know what to say at that point. They all were collectively figuring out how to tip the scales in their favor.

“So where is he right now then?” Octavia finally asked.

“He’s probably at his house from what I’ve seen. Though I think he went to the library while I was flying through town.” Sunshower explained.

“It’s already sunset so he was probably done with the library ages ago. Let’s go find him already and see if we can get him to decide.” Spitfire explained.

“The moon is already coming up. Let’s go he’s probably already awake.” Vinyl took the first steps from the table.

The mares all got up from the table following Vinyl out into the night towards Gray’s home. The crisp air seemed to raise their spirits as they walked through town to the other side of town. They were all smiles until they saw Gray start trotting into the Everfree Forest. At any other time they would stop him but this was a golden opportunity to figure out what he did whenever he was alone.

Fresh Coat had wanted to call out to him but Vinyl had covered her mouth before she could. The slowly trotted to keep pace with Gray which they did feel a bit bad for but he was acting suspicious. When he had gone in through the tree line they all noticed a lot of the path was wider and more spacious than it should have been. The trees had been razed to the ground leaving not even stumps behind. Gray stopped for a moment and sniffed at the air.

“They’ve been busy…” He muttered under his breath. Spitfire managed to catch what he had said.

“What does he mean that ‘they’ve been busy’? What’s hiding in here?” She growled to the others in low tones. It was a sign that she wanted to fight whatever was doing this kind of destruction, at least, as far as Vinyl knew.

He sniffed at the air and his muzzle instantly scrunched up. The others sniffed at the air but they didn’t smell anything wrong in the air. When they looked back at Gray he took a low stance and in a flash of light a weapon appeared clinging from his wing. It looked like a giant golden key with a very fancy white hoofguard.

“He can use magic…” Octavia muttered breathlessly. The murmurs from the others quieted down as Gray took a few steps forward.

“Ok… so where are you then. I’ve kept watch on you every night for the past week. Stop hiding right now.” Gray called out loudly enough that they could hear but it wouldn’t pierce its way back to Ponyville. He was being cautious. “Should I sing a little song for you? Would help out when you finally decide to show your face.” He sneered seemingly tense about the situation.

“He’s like a different pony all together now. He never seemed to be that mean when he spoke with us.” Sunshower stated worriedly. They finally saw a bit of what Gray was hiding and it was far above what they expected. Then he started to sing.

I'm waking up to ash and dust

I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust

I'm breathing in the chemicals

As he took a deep breath a large demon came shooting out of the darkness of the forest. It had two large horns and looked like an emaciated minotaur but with torn shredded wings and a long tail. It it’s hand they supposed was a large blue sword with a strange helix pattern. It charged straight at Gray who didn’t move a muscle. Before Spitfire could charge out to stop it or the girls could cry out to him Gray parried the blow meant for his neck. Spinning around he swung his key sword straight through the demon’s neck decapitating it. The creature faded into dark smoke before Gray exhaled. He kept singing.

I’m breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on a prison bus.

This is it, the apocalypse. Whoa~

Several small shadowy creatures crawled out of the darkness surrounding Gray. He lifted the blade up and lightning suddenly shot down striking the twelve shadows that had appeared. All of them dissipated into smoke as well. Vinyl closed Octavia’s jaw and she returned the favor back. This was impossible.

I’m waking up!

I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my system blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

Several more taller shadows climbed out of the forest lunging for Gray while one jumped into the air spinning down to attack him. Gray immediately jumped up to the high flying one spinning with him as they tore through the others that were on the ground. A few still stood back up while eyeing Gray. He calmly kept singing.

I raise my flag and dye my clothes

It’s a revolution I suppose

We’ll paint it red to fit right in. Whoa oh~

The first gangly shadow charged in swiping at him. Only for him to dodge and strike back. A second one came in sending a scratch across his side which he answered with a strong buck that sent the creature back to the ground. He grimaced but destroyed the first opponent as another popped out of the ground. Gray grabbed its arm and flung it into the one that was on the floor. The singing resumed.

I’m waking up!

I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my system blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

Gray’s key weapon immediately changed as several daggers seemed to wrap around his hooves. He dropped them on the ground and sat down waiting for the next opponent. He then sat down which forced all the mares present to hold down both Spitfire and Vinyl before they could charge in, to help. A large fat bipedal creature with the same eyes lunged belly first at Gray. He didn’t flinch as the daggers activated linking together through electricity and vaporizing the creature in its track. A strange heart emblem floated into the sky which caused Gray to sigh in a somewhat melancholic tone.

All system go, sun hasn’t died

Deep in my bones, straight from inside

Another demon looking creature floated out of the darkness pointing it’s sword at Gray who brought back the key sword he was wielding ready to answer the fight. The daggers had also disappeared. He started singing again what almost felt like a finale.

I’m waking up!

I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my system blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh. Whoa, oh, oh, oh I’m radioactive. Radioactive.

They locked blades a few time slicing through each other. The demon got the upper hand managing to tear one of his wings with a lucky strike. The blade went cleanly through and blood began to fall to the ground. Gray was luckier knocking the demon to the side and slicing off its arm. Unfortunately the demon saw them hiding in the brush. It recklessly charged for them blade ready when Gray raised his weapon back up into the air.

“Gather!” A large rune appeared in the air as the creature was dragged back towards Gray. He tossed the keyblade in a circular matter at it impaled the creature’s head. It dissipated back into smoke letting Gray finally relax somewhat. He looked over his wing grimacing the entire time.

“Heal.” He muttered as a small green hued flower appeared above his head. He extended his wing to check it out. The girls were stunned. The large gash and the cuts he received earlier had healed back up. Redheart immediately wanted to go find out what he did until Fresh Coat grabbed her with her magic and held her down.

“So are you gonna come out or do I have to drag you. I could fight all day and all night if necessary. Get. Out. Here.” His voice was harsh and low. It was full of certainty and danger. As if on cue a large shadowed alicorn strode out of the darkness. Unlike the princesses this one was made of smoke and had piercing blue snake eyes. Nightmare Moon was something they all saw as scary. This was on a whole other level.

Every step it took cracked the ground yet it was made entirely out of smoke. The smoldering glare it gave Gray was unsettling. It never took its eyes off of him.

“Looks like the fool returned for round two. I almost killed you last time. I supposed once a fool always a fool.” The voice was cold and full of mocking bite behind every word. It smiled wickedly but the eyes kept focused on Gray never letting its guard down.

“Well I did hear it’s a good career choice. Putting idiots in their place was always an enjoyable task. I mean look at you, groveling in the dirt after I struck you down while I was barely better than a corpse. I suppose being a teacher of fools makes you the biggest fool around here.” Gray smirked and the alicorn was enveloped in an aura of magical hatred.

“Whelp, when I finish with you the stain you leave will never be found.” The alicorn smoke creature charged up some magic.

“So you’re a maid now too? Guess you really have fallen on hard times.” Gray muttered out.

The alicorn instantly charged forward smacking Gray into the ground. He managed to roll with the hit landing back on his feet and skidding to the ground. The key sword aimed for the smoke creature and shot out beams of light at it only to miss by the smallest of measures.

“I shall not fall for that again knave!” The smoke alicorn took up flight and dove down after Gray. He stood his ground and blocked the alicorn’s charge smashing it to the ground and firing a beam of light into it. It instantly screamed bloody murder which was drowned out by the roar of a large bear out in the distance.

“I don’t have time for this.” Gray mumbled as he smacked the alicorn across the head multiple times until the light faded from the smoke. It immediately bucked Gray away who hit one of the trees still standing. The creature charged straight forward only to be hit with another light beam and fell to the ground thrashing like an animal.

Gray charged forward constantly smacking the creature with his sword knocking it up into the air and taking flight. The light faded again as the two locked in battle in the sky. Eventually the alicorn made its last mistake and swung too far. Another beam of light hit it and Gray took as much strength as he possessed and down swung the creature back to the ground. As it impacted and created the crater it was now stuck in another roar sounded out through Ponyville.

“So close… so close to getting a body back… I hate you Gray… I HATE YOU…” The shadow cried out before it was silenced by the key being shoved through its head.

“I hate you too you manifestation of a nightmarish bitch…” Gray muttered as he stared down at the now dissipating smoke. It hadn’t used a host.

“Crap… crap… Is it like a goddamn lich… Now I got to watch out for it again.” Gray rubbed his forehead with his hoof. In that moment he looked just like his old self… only more tired and older than he should be. His wings drooped and the scars he had were covered in dirt and blood.

Before the mares could answer a beam of magic roared out the forest directly at Gray. He say it and raised his weapon again. The mares were already besides themselves in both awe and concern. This was far above what they had ever seen in their lives. Spitfire even had to admit that most of the creatures she saw would be too much for even a trained Wonderbolt at least for now. Since she saw them as they fought against Gray she started thinking up strategies to use against them.

“Reflect!” A small reflective shield appeared around Gray causing the beam to dissipate and release energy outwards. The true creature, one not made of smoke, came out of the forest.

“Once again you survive… you worthless pile of refuse. Still you refuse to die for your ruler.” The now physical body of the alicorn sneered at Gray looking really pissed that he was still standing.

“What can I say? I’ve never been one for listening to assholes. So long as you don’t start monologuing then I’d rather we hurry up and get to the part where I beat you into the ground. The nightmare routine got old a while back. Also you’re still the worse voyeur in the history of this world. Six days of watching me and six other mares still are braver than you are.” Gray chuckled out which caused the Alicorn to charge at Gray. It was the same size as Nightmare Moon and the same look except it had no cutie mark and the armor it wore looked as though it was growing off of it.

When it got close the girls saw Gray still sitting. He muttered something only to let his sword do the talking as it severed the Alicorn’s horn clean off it’s body. It stumbled backwards while striking Gray with a lucky hoof strike sending Gray sprawling onto the ground near the crater.

“You still hit worse than a foal…” Gray mumbled as he stumbled out of the crater. He lifted the keyblade into the air while the alicorn was still fumbling around from the loss of its horn. A green flower appeared above Gray healing him back up. He rubbed his head as the alicorn charged at him. It took Gray a few swings to get it out of its rage. At this point it was a battle of attrition as both sides kept striking each other stumbling about while regaining footing or trying to pull each other into feints.

The alicorn finally fell to the ground as the darkness it was made of started to fade. Gray was breathing heavily as he sat back down. Fatigue was not healed by the spell he used. The alicorn pulled itself back up to its front hooves and tried to crawl over to Gray.

“I won’t go. I’ll make sure to come back for you Gray. You can’t get rid of nightmares that easily. I know what you fear and I will make sure I come back for you.” The alicorn answered plainly, None of them could see what kind of face she was making but Gray looked unimpressed by it.

“Then I’ll crush whatever part you leave behind. If you couldn’t match me now what makes you think you could match me then. No matter what you try you’ll never win. I’ll make sure of it.” He glared down at the alicorn who just started to laugh as it dissolve into darkness. In the center of the mass was a beetle. Gray brought his hoof down on it crushing it as a large amount of darkness pulsed out of it and dissolved back into the aether.


Gray walked around covering as much of the ground where the smoke alicorn hit the ground. It took him a while to accomplish everything and by then the moon was at its highest point. The girls hadn’t moved the entire time they were there. All of them were lost in their own thoughts at this point. Something this amazing and wondrous that happened nearly without any of them knowing.

Gray had held a load of secrets and this was the one that colored their perceptions. The single most defining thought on each of their minds was a resounding… Who is Nebula Gray and could I be a part of this. As he was walking past their hiding spot luck worked against them. Fresh Coat who had been holding both Vinyl and Redheart fumbled over Vinyl and fell out of the brush right in front of Gray.

Still covered in bruises and suddenly looking very shocked and terrified saw one of the mares he had became entangled with in front of him looking extremely guilty. Soon the whole cadre of those mares trotted out of the bush looking equally as guilty. Gray lost his train of thought and merely stared at them.

“So… you all saw that then?” He uttered out though his tone was far from confident. Each of them nodded quietly though they let their guilt falter a bit. They were just curious after all.

“None of you got hurt?” He asked first off surprising them all. He was covered in welts and bruises though after see him use spells they realized he could just heal them up. Though that didn’t cut the worry.

“Perhaps we should head to my home to discuss this matter… Better that way in the long run…” Gray sighed as he started trotting back into Ponyville proper. Each of the mares were concerned but followed along to find out the truth.


What was left of the nightmare tried to reform into something with more substance but the strain was too much for it. It ended up racing into a quarry far outside of Ponyville. Most of its body was damaged beyond repair and the key weapon had once again eluded it. Taking refuge within a gem just to keep its physical form during the daylight hours it waited to finally be repaired.

“Thank you so much for helping me darling. I wouldn’t have been able to get this many gems without you,”

“It’s no problem Rarity. I’d do anything for you.”

The pony and dragon both collected gems until Rarity saw one of the most unique gems in her life. It almost seemed to be alive.


Gray’s Thoughts throughout the night

Great now I know it managed to get heartless back on Equestria. I’m gonna need a plan… or maybe I could try out that heart song idea. Maybe it would do something interesting.So I sang and barely managed to get hurt by the heartless at all.

The dagger worked similarly to the tests I ran in the dream realm. They can be used for traps. I wonder if there will be a section in the book that would answer that.

Crap he hit me. Now I’m gonna have to use a heal spell too. Wait why is that one trying to run. Better get it before it does.

Oh god its going to start monologuing. Hopefully insulting it will stop it from talking like that. Wait… this isn’t the real one. Damn it it’s trying to weaken me before things get worse for it. I need to figure out where the real one is before… wait what is that?

Shit… It managed to make a body… No wonder I smelled so much darkness in here. That crazy entity managed to make a flesh body from the darkness just to make sure it could face me down.

Finally its down. I hope I don’t have to fight another alicorn again… even a fake one scares me shitless. Now to get home heal my wounds and hope none of the girls made it to my house this night.

Shit...shit shit shit shit… What are they doing here? Why are they here? How did they follow me? What the fuck is that bear roar in the background? Crap… I promised myself something really stupid that I’m regretting just now… Let’s see how receptive they are to actually helping me out with my mission...

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