• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,386 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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53. Forest of Nibel: Terms

Author's Note:

Took a while and fighting through several days of doctor visits but I finally finished the chapter.

When we finally reached base camp I noticed that everypony was fully on edge. Spitfire especially kept peering up into the sky as if looking for something. Kuro must have flown around the area even more after we breached her nest. That incident was unfortunately unavoidable at the time. Sunshower looked nervous as well though the set of tear marks from what we learned back in the nest were still very visible. I pointed my hoof to her eyes and she immediately wiped the remnants away.

“You sure about this? We’re gonna have to talk about things before we continue ya know.”

“I know. It’s best we talk about things with the others before we continue on. It's just… I really don't want to be reminded of it.” Sunshower whimpered as she seemed to think back to the events that had transpired.

“Better now than later.”

Sunshower nodded and paced around trying to psych herself up for what came next. The light had been changed in her eyes when she had confronted Sein. It wasn't a big change that most would notice and part of me felt as though it wasn't for the best. I was from a more morally gray world where right and wrong were sometimes relative.

On Equestria, from what I've seen, there is only black and white morality. Every single pony has had a universal sense of right and wrong placed in mind from the beginning of their life though that was only from my limited time with other ponies. It seemed ingrained but I was also working through my mindset. As we reached the rest of the group they rushed out to meet us though my arms were still sore from the constant attacks I parried against Kuro.

“Hey everypony. You all doing good?”

“Yeah though that owl’s been getting more dangerous lately. The only solace is that its destroying heartless as well.” Spitfire explained as the others checked over Sunshower and me.

There were a few scratches on us that we had forgotten to heal with a cure spell which Redheart took care of as soon as she saw us.

“Our fault I suppose.”

“What do you mean?” Octavia interjected before everypony could speak up. I was actually proud that she was taking charge and owning up to being a leader.

“Sunshower will explain.”

I didn't expect so many tears. Everypony was crying with Spitfire being the only one to weep silently. I didn't have any tears to shed and kept silent vigil while Ori sat on my back looking ashamed about what was done. Sein hadn't spoken at all through the explanation. I didn't want to ruin the mood but we had a world to say but I cared about them. It was a heavy dilemma to figure out how to actually act.

So I stayed silent and hugged everypony as they cried it out. Every few minutes Kuro would fly over and skim over another section of the forest. If I didn't know better I could see dark mist being kicked up as her talons skimmed across those trees. When everypony finally calmed down I still remained quiet. I didn't want to break the silence first. I even looked through the book for the heartless we had faced.

Cyclonic Wyvern

A large draconian like heartless that controls the skies around Nibel. Can create large cyclones that can tend rock walls though it has the tendency to go in close to attack with its talons.

“Gray?” Spitfire called out which I merely turned and nodded to her. “Are we still heading out?”

“Yeah. We need to save this world.”

“I know… it's just that… well, this seems messed up.” Spitfire groused as she stomped down on a clod of dirt smashing it into dust.

“It's another world Spitfire. There was always bound to be several things being different between them. This was just one of the extremes that we were going to face one day. I'm sad that I didn't expect this from happening so soon. I've been through a situation where there is no good or bad choices.”

“Can I… nevermind. Let's get going. I need to do something.” Spitfire growled as her wings ruffled in frustration.

“Octavia! Where are you?”

“Yes Gray?” Octavia sniffed as she trotted over to me.

“We need to keep this going. I know that you all need time but if Kuro is still out there we need to help this world before it gets worse.”

Octavia stared at me for a second before stepping up to me and kissing me on the cheek. She then hugged Spitfire in a tight embrace. I think that the hug made Spitfire tear up slightly but she kept her calm facade up as best she could.

“I shall wait for you all when you return. Please stay safe. Kuro has become more voracious in her attack. We're still safe here by the spirit tree but I've noticed that the heartless have also increased their attacks. I don't think this place is gonna last much longer with this many striking the planet.” Octavia explained finally managing to keep her sadness from growing.

“I know. I've been smelling it even through the light bubble Ori gave me. It's strong. Really strong and getting worse every moment.”

“Then we shouldn't keep the planet waiting right?” Spitfire cockily grinned as she fanned her wings and took off with me still staying put. She quietly flapped back towards us though. “Where are we heading?”

“Follow me and we'll get where we need to be.”

I quickly went inside and gave everypony a kiss and hug, Spitfire getting hers fourth, before I headed out finishing up with Octavia. We zoomed off flying back towards the Valley of Winds once again.

Sorrow’s Pass

It took a few minutes to get back to the intersection that led to the Forlorn Ruins. What neither of us had expected were the intense gale force winds that had suddenly sprung up covering several paths up.

“Even with all my training my wings would be sheared off from those forces. There's a good reason why even though I'm the Wonderbolts captain I couldn't survive those small spaces with that much wind blasting away.” Spitfire scanned the area above us.

“Put on your armor. It helped Sunshower when we reawakened the winds. Ori can handle going up on his own.”

“Our armor can do that?” Spitfire seemed surprised entirely as she summoned it over her body.

I did as well and took off while Ori jumped up raising his feather and floating along the currents. Spitfire took it slow as she adjusted to the weight and floated up above me taking care to dodge the bramble patches. I followed after her weaving through as well while Ori kept pace with me. Heartless were very sparse since the winds kept slamming into the bramble.

That was when I noticed the large blockage in our way. I couldn't get a good angle to strike it with the tomahawk. Also it would create an updraft that would blow us off course to who knows where. Spitfire didn't say anything though. She kept quiet and fired off some fire spells whenever heartless would appear. For the most part only aerial knockers had appeared meaning we didn't have any real challenge. Spitfire handled them all with the finesse that a pegasus warrior in their prime could muster. It got to the point where we finally had a small place to rest while we gathered our bearings.

“Spitfire… what's on your mind? You've been real quiet lately.”

“Its… it's just that we're the good guys right? We use the light to battle evil. Then I hear this and I don't know what to think.” Spitfire groaned… though it seemed forced to my ears. It was as though she wanted to shift the subject a different way.

“We are. We have the capacity to choose what we want to do and make our own choices without worrying about the immediate consequences. Though I don't think that's what is bothering you.”

Spitfire didn't say anything though her ears were folded down. I waited a bit since I couldn't see her eyes. She still didn't answer me even as I trotted up to her. I held my hoof under her chin to have her look towards me. The opaque lenses used to for our helmets were still see through enough for me to see she wasn't looking me in the eye. I didn't want to force her though and she didn't fight me on this which was slightly weird.

I briefly wondered if it was a cultural thing about herds but Spitfire was the exception of what Vinyl told me about her ex was true. He was still in traction if what I heard was true. The stallion was protected but what I did forced all of them to adjust to my own rigid views on how relationships work. I don't know if they minded all that much seeing that each of them seemed happy that I would take charge more often than not. I couldn't really say for sure at this point. Spitfire, even being held in my hooves, remained silent about what was truly bothering her.

“We should keep moving then. Spitfire?”

“Yeah?” Spitfire tentatively answered.

“Ready to go on?”

“Yeah. Let's.” Spitfire nodded as we flapped off on another path.

We traveled around for a few hours at random. At this point we had come across several barriers and no way to actually get them out of our way. Spitfire remained tight lipped about what was bothering her and I hadn't made any more attempts to coax it out of her.

I knew it wasn't emotional. She was still very happy to show off her flexibility whenever Ori was looking through the smaller passages we couldn't fit through. I was distracted from actually dealing with the problem the more she wiggles her flank around while letting her legs stretch out as far as they could go. I couldn't not stare and her sudden stops whenever Ori returned didn't help things either. Even if I couldn't tell the look she was giving me because of the helmet I knew they were cocky smirks every single time she glanced at me when she did so.

She knew what she was doing. Every time I was about to get some answers she stretch as far as she could. By the time we found the small ancestral tree that Ori needed to be stronger I was certain I could imagine a lot of things I would do to Spitfire the moment she was all alone. Unlike the others though she was doing this for a different reason rather than a roll in the hay.

Ori finally took in the light of the tree making me realize that I have been in a daze the entire time we've gone through Sorrow’s Pass. Not even the heartless that attacked us were able to gain my attention. The last aerial knocker that tried to uppercut me was knocked into the brambles before the wind dragged it against the craggily rock wall while I wasn't really paying attention. That in particular was unsettling since I was building up a fighting instinct without even meaning to.

Over the month I've held my keyblade I've noticed that I have gotten good enough to react about half the speed of my reaction command ability. I was fast but not any better than a Sunshower when it came to flight combat, albeit, still decently good at it if compared to her. Spitfire was our best aerial combat specialist. It was her zone. Sunshower was near that zone but occupied aerial magic specialist.

I, on the other hoof - I finally settled on hoof at that point - , was a jack of all trades. Master of none but adept at all. Each weapon I switched to would specialize me into a different role allowing me to fluidly wisp around the battlefield to cover any flaws. That, in turn, made me realize that I was getting better at fighting every single time I went out on the field. Enough to strike an enemy without even realizing that they were there… or I was distracted by one of my herd trying to cover her deeper thoughts through seduction rather than confrontation.

As Ori led the way, Spitfire seemed to notice that her stretches weren't doing the trick anymore. It's not to say that I wasn't interested in wrecking her plot the next moment I had with all of them but I wanted to get to the bottom of this problem she was hiding. She actually started to fidget as we flew to the next safe spot to let Ori perform his magic. With a quick burst he slammed into the blocked passage knocking the rocks out of the way. As the rocks fell the wind suddenly shot through the shaft sending Ori flying into me.

A little dazed he wriggled in my grasp until he managed to regather his senses. The wind had gotten stronger as we all flew up to the second set of passages above noticing that new heartless were starting to pop up attached to the walls. Covered in dark slime several worm like figures with yellow eyes popped out through the thorny walls. They each eyed us down and a targeting reticle appeared on each of us.

“Well… that's gonna suck…”

“Wait. What does this mean?” Spitfire whirled her eyebrow, I think, because of the helmet it was hard to tell.

Before I could answer the triangle button appeared in my mind and the three heartless that appeared immediately shot their salvo at us. Ori and Spitfire kept moving while I swung my keyblade at the last second knocking the heartless off the wall and get blown away by the wind. The focus fire caused me to stop knocking the volleyed shot back which made both Ori and Spitfire step up to the plate and tear into the heartless. With me acting as bait the heartless were quickly routed.

“I see why you said that this would suck. What were those things anyways?” Spitfire huffed as she regained her breath. The constant barrage in a small space caused her to waste a lot energy.

“More newly discovered heartless. I'll check in the Lexicon later when there is less wind stopping us.”

She nodded and we continued through the next area. Ori always took the lead making certain to break any of the paths that would block us off. Those same heartless would pop out of the walls constantly targeting us forcing one of us to act as bait. Luckily, they were fast while I was able to knock their attacks back. I had noticed that while we were limited in teammates we were still very powerful and more dangerous than any of the heartless that had appeared so far. Regardless of their lucky shots, and they only had lucky shots against me.

After making it through more of them we found a switch which Ori stomped on giving us another path up. The wind was actually blowing too fast for the heartless to keep clinging to the walls knocking them into oblivion with the speed it was going.

“So… I have a plan.”

“Which is…?” Spitfire gulped slightly while Ori wanted to just rush in to fly off through the air.

“Well Ori can deal with the wind and I could probably deal with the wind and use the tomahawk to create divots in the wall as hoof holds. You'd just have to hold on to me.”

“Sounds dangerous. If you're not ready that kind of wind could shear your wings off.” Spitfire looked up the shaft noting a large section of cloud blocking the exit.

“I'm honestly trying not to think about it.”

Spitfire crossed her fore hooves but with a quiet sigh she gripped onto my barrel as I pulled out the tomahawk. With that Ori went first zooming up through the shaft. I jumped up next gripping onto the wall with the tomahawk. Thankfully keeping my wings closed only let me have a higher jump while Spitfire kept her wings clutched to her side. It took several minutes just to reach the cloud layer. When we did I jumped into the fray and used my wings at the last moment. The opening had diluted the winds enough that it no longer was contained in a tube.

The sudden rush through the clouds finally brought us out to the clear skies where the sun was shining down on the three of us. I placed Spitfire down and we both took off the armor unsummoning it. There was no sign of the corruption or darkness spreading through the open air anymore but the clouds were still thick and covering most of the world. There were open pockets over both the Ginso Tree and the Spirit Tree.

Over on a small pedestal of rock and autumn colored leaves was floating a large crystal. Ori stepped over to it waiting for the two of us to follow. Spitfire seemed hesitant or something to that effect since she never looked away from the horizon of rolling clouds and trees poking through the cover.

With a few tentative steps the crystal broke when I got close enough though Spitfire still hadn't deemed it important enough to join us.

“The Sunstone, that makes sense. Kuro could not handle this level of sunlight so it remained safe. Even the heartless have left this place untouched. This shall help you enter Mount Horu.”

“I see you've finally joined us Sein.”

“I have been… preoccupied dealing with some matters in mind. There are regrets… even spirits like I can feel them too. Never is there a chance for second meetings only less partings if I am lucky. I am not sure if there were no better options at the time but I regret the outcome. I do not wish to make excuses but every word I seem to think of sounds like it to me.”

“I cast no judgement. Regrets… well, regrets have a way of muddling a path you may want to take… or stop you from performing something unforgivable.”

Sein didn't answer and once again faded back into Ori. Taking the Sunstone in paw he stored it away with his light and began leading the way back down. I didn't move though. My gaze had focused on one of my lovers, I suppose is the right term at this point, and I couldn't leave just yet.

“Ori can you secure the path down? I doubt anything would appear but I need to handle something.”

Ori cautiously stared at Spitfire but she hadn't deigned to look at either of us. With a slow thumbs up he jumped through the wind tunnel and used his feather sparingly to reach the floor we left. Thankfully none of the heartless had respawned on the way down. I trotted over to Spitfire who was still staring out at the horizon and sat my flank down.

“You know… as a Wonderbolt I've traveled the entirety of Equestria. I've seen the zebra lands, fought over the badlands, even visited a forbidden jungle. I've seen wondrous things thanks to my training and my drive to be the best leader I could be. You know what’s sad though?” Spitfire quietly intoned before turned into a harsh sigh.

“What is it?”

“Even for all I've ever done for Equestria as a Wonderbolt it pales in comparison to what I'm doing now. This sight right here of the open skies untamed by any pony ever with a sun that doesn't move because of a princess and over a world far removed from our own makes me question a lot of things.” Spitfire complained slightly not really revealing what it was that truly was bothering her from my perspective.

“And what is the question then? Stop dancing around the problem.”

“Gray… what is the point of me being a Wonderbolt when being a keyblade wielder actually gives me me the chance to do more for others? I've been looking back on most of my missions and while successful nothing really changed. We saved some places in Equestria from wild weather but when I look out at this world I see that even with wild weather the planet continues to thrive. We stopped some bandits in lesser places but they would get away at the last minute, digging through the ground and disappearing. We stopped the heartless from devouring the Lost Empire and made visible progress in keeping it safe.” Spitfire almost started to tear up stopping due to her own stubbornness.

“You're becoming disillusioned with it because of all we've done?”

“I think so. I still feel pride in being the captain of the Wonderbolts but I'm not seeing a big contribution we've made in the past five years. Even our retired cadets who joined the royal guard were effortlessly tossed aside when Nightmare Moon attacked. We're famous for our derbies and stunt shows but that's about it. How do I continue being excited about it when I have to compare it to fighting in an inactive volcano while monsters fly around me or working my way through cavernous areas surrounded by thorns and monsters at every turn? How do I keep thinking it relevant when I have seen that my own cadets are sometimes grandstanders or incredibly arrogant enough to think themselves above other ponies?” Spitfire openly sobbed as I wrapped my hoof around her shoulder pulling her in close.

“I take it that something else triggered this line of thought?”

“Soarin.” Spitfire croaked out.

I didn't expect to hear her ex’s name this soon. Vinyl had told me he was caught with a younger mare though she wasn't sure that it was entirely his fault. I actually froze up before I could say whatever I was thinking of. I forced it out though.

“I see. He must have done something big to get you in this mood from what I've seen of you so far.”

“It was the third time I found him in another mare’s hooves. I forgave him the first two times but this was the last straw. I also work with him… so that will be awkward when we go home and he gets better.” Spitfire growled out snarling as her words finished.

“I'm surprised you forgave him the first time.”

“The first time I was certain was just a mistake. The second time was coincidence, at least, at first. I found out from an old friend of mine that that particular one had gone on for weeks. He promised he ended it but I could never trust him again.” Spitfire spoke as if in a trance.

“Like I said… surprised with how forgiving you were.”

“I shouldn't be crying over this. It's a stupid thing to feel sad about since I've managed to move on but… it still hurts.” Spitfire sniffed as she burning her head on my shoulder while tears streamed down onto my wings.

“Well… I'm glad you told me but you shouldn't bottle it up like this. I get it sucked so much you want to bury it but you have to go through with it and let it out. Boxing it up is just gonna ruin everything else you've built up in your life. You got a lot of us on your side now and we'll help you through it.”

Spitfire looked at me, a thoughtful stare as if she was looking at me for the first time. I didn't know if it was going to be good or not but she seemed contemplative about things.

“Vinyl’s right. You are kind of a dork. Still maybe that's why you seem like a good pick even in this herd structure.” She giggled slightly causing me to roll my eyes in exasperation.

“Fine fine. Look… we'll sit down more later to figure out what will keep the Wonderbolts interesting to you in Equestria. Just remember that I've come to l- enjoy having all of you with me and happy with your choices.”

“Sure you don't mean love there Nebby.” Spitfire gave me a playful wink as she used her tail to flick my nose.

When she did my wing shot out and gave her flank a very rough caress managing to hit a few more sensitive places causing her to squeak in aroused confusion.

“That… was for teasing me the entire time we were down there.”

She confidently smirked as she jumped on top of me sending me on my back. I was forced into a battle of wills at this point and with the tomahawk as my weapon I managed to flip her on her back pinning her down with my front hooves on her front hooves and my back hooves between her back hooves so she couldn't kick out.

“Forgot that you had more strength with that weapon equipped.” Spitfire nervously chuckled.

“Yeah… I'll admit that I really, really want to give you some punishment for the teasing with some teasing of my own right now but I'd rather we be home for this. Besides while your body might want it your heart doesn't seem in it, at least, not right now.”

“Yeah… would be exciting though.” Spitfire reluctantly agreed.

“When we get home then. Still we should equip our armors already and you should hold on. We gotta go back the way we came.”

With a quiet smirk our armors returned and her hooves found a comfortable spot to latch on to me. With a little tilt of her head we jumped back down to where Ori waited and made certain that we went back to camp, together.

Shadow Worm

A small manifestation of the heartless that dwells on cliffsides and targets prey with their internal organic looking maching gun. Covered in a viscous dark slime it is very difficult to hit the solid portions of their bodies but a fast enough speed can bypass their defenses.

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