• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,386 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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65. Prydain: Mistakes

Author's Note:


Vinyl and Fresh Coat took point as they charged in against the Neoshadows. The few that didn't dive into the shadows were stuck in an uncompromising loop of being smacked by a keyblade or struck by magic. Spitfire and Octavia kept close to Dallben making certain that the heartless didn't get any closer to him.

That left the large bone knight heartless with the serrated tipped lance against Sunshower, Redheart and myself. With a deep breath I charged in followed by the other two as the heartless shook its head around as if it wasn't attached to its body and jumped into the air sending the lance downwards towards me.

A quick reflect spell knocked the lance off course where it regrew in our opponents hands within a few seconds. Redheart fired off a magnet spell dragging it back down to the ground only for it to use the momentum to lunge for us with its lance.

Sunshower took the initiative firing a blizzard spell to freeze it as we rolled out of the way. The lance embedded into the ground leaving it wide open as I flapped up and swung my keyblade around. Three hits into my combo though and it managed to knock me out of my rhythm meeting my swings blow for blow. The lance managing to meet the keyblade and lock with it in turn.

Unfortunately the heartless wasn’t strong enough to keep its footing and watch the multiple opponents on the field. Sunshower knocked the heartless into the air while Redheart released a stream of thunder spells striking it and the Neoshadows still wandering around the field trying to attack anypony who was within range. As the bone clad heartless fell towards the ground each of us managed a swing on it embedding our keyblades into it as it dissipated into darkness.

“Done.” Redheart muttered as the rest of the shadows soon fled into the darkness.

“So… Dallben was it? You know about keyblades then?”

“To an extent. It seems as though Yen Sid has chosen some promising students. Each played their part without complaint not letting personal stake or pride get in the way of their duties.” Dallben muttered to himself. “Still there is room for improvement and that usually comes with no end.”

“So this guy is like Yen Sid and Merlin then?” Octavia quietly whispered into my ear which I quickly nodded to wanting to hear what exactly was going on in this world.

“Ah yes, I am forgetting myself here. I am Dallben, a simple man who runs a farm out in the middle of nowhere.” Dallben bowed slightly clearly finding it hard to bend his back.

“Gray. This is Octavia and Redheart the earth ponies, Spitfire and Sunshower are the pegasi, Vinyl and Fresh Coat are the unicorn pair.”

“And you are a?” Dallben lowered his hand as if to coax out some information.

“A thestral or a bat pony I guess you could say.”

“Interesting. So the seven of you are handling the role of keyblade warriors then?” Dallben placed his index finger and thumb underneath his chin stroking his non existent beard in contemplation.

“Is there something going on around here? It seems like something bad is going on around here. I can smell it.”

“Hm… so you can tell. Yes there is something wrong going on around here and it is all due to the monster known only as the Horned King.” Dallben explained as he sat down on a nearby crate wringing his hands around the walking staff he carried. “He… it… I don’t know what that being is. He has been working towards a goal looking for the Black Cauldron.”

“The Black Cauldron? What in Tartarus is that thing?”Spitfire questioned taking a few steps forward.

“Sounds evil… Is it evil?” Sunshower brought up flapping idly off the ground.

“Yes… and no. The Black Cauldron is just that… a cauldron. But that doesn’t mean that those who created it weren’t trying to make something evil. Should it be found by him it would end this world blanketing it in a typhoon of undead which would slaughter everyone. The introduction of the heartless makes it worse should the Pureblood ones find a way here as well.” Dallben explained as he tapped his staff against the ground nearly gouging through the sod around the crate.

“We’ll head out to handle it. I’m certain we can do so.”

“Yeah. We’re all totally awesome at taking down heartless now. Some weirdo raising zombies has no chance against us.” Vinyl grinned as she hoof pumped a bit.

“Confidence is nice… but never forget that he is a dark magic user capable of bringing death to those around him. Don’t let arrogance overshadow your abilities.” Dallben warned. “First things first though. I sent my protege out to the next town over but he is a dreamer.”

“Nothing wrong with being a dreamer.” Fresh Coat muttered under her breath making certain Dallben didn’t hear her.

“Is that bad?”

“Not by itself no… but I entrusted him with the key that would lead towards the Black Cauldron. He is a danger to himself but I needed to show him I trusted him to handle these problems. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this truly is. You must head out now to make certain nothing happens to him or the key to the Black Cauldron. You must head out now… you’ll know who you are looking for because the key is actually a pig.” Dallben chuckled at the confused look from the ponies though I noted that he noticed I wasn’t surprised.

“We’ll head out then… got a direction he headed in?”

“I sent him west right now. Should he not get distracted then he would reach the town within a day. Seeing as you are far more mobile I’m confident you’ll run into him quickly. Try not to take his words personally… he’s a child still and slightly still naive about his own abilities.” Dallben grimaced as he pointed us in the right direction.

“Ok let’s head out then. We’ll find your protege and get him to safety.”

“My thanks in advance. I shan’t worry with keyblade warriors on the job.” Dallben smiled as he waved us off and I raced off in the direction he pointed out.

Forest of Idris

It took a few minutes before we entered the forest proper. Several times over we were accosted by more heartless similar to the strange skeleton one though these held either an axe or a sword. They moved almost as erratically as the first though the axe one lumbered around like a snail while the sword one spun around arcing its blade like a top.

“These things get annoying… “ Vinyl muttered as she took a spot next to me in our trek.

“I take it you don't like the undead?”

“Not even a bit. Most of the time they are fake and look like rubber masks. Now these wannabe heartless are trying their… claw, at this and it looks like they're mocking us.” Vinyl groused as she clenched onto her keyblade tighter.

“That is the point though.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Vinyl stopped in place which attracted the attention of everypony else.

“The heartless take on goofy forms because you wouldn't take them seriously. Look at how they move around exaggerating actions or just acting extremely silly. They do that because they know that acting that way makes anyone they face lower their guard. They revel in that since they know their prey can be extremely stupid when they think the threat is negligible.”

“That makes sense though some of them were really scary looking. Especially those we fought in Nibel.” Spitfire mentioned as she remembered the pictures she was shown from the Lexicon.

“They can't always be goofy. They are intelligent enough to know how to psychologically attack anyone. They know how to travel between worlds and break through the barriers. There are exceptions to that but those are exceptions not the rule.”

“So those things were the combat forms they take?” Redheart questioned which caused each of the ladies to ponder things over.

“Pretty much. That's from everything I was able to read from Yen Sid. There's probably more to it but for now we should find this kid.”

“Did that guy tell us what they looked like?” Vinyl brought up.

There was a tense silence after that question. I hadn't asked him anything of the young protégés appearance. I saw the looks of incredulity on everypony’s faces and I knew the most appropriate answer to this. My right forehoof went up and connected to my forehead. There were six other slaps which followed and everyone else did the same thing.

“How did we forget to ask something as important as that!?” Octavia shouted as she buried her head into her hooves.

“Wait! He mentioned something about a pig, didn't he?” Fresh Coat shouted out dragging our attention to her.

“He did? He did!” Sunshower remembered as relief washed over everypony.

We immediately set off looking for somebody with a pig… it was vaguer than I wanted but it was the only lead we had.

Taran walked along at a brisk pace keeping a decent eye on Hen Wen as they escaped through the forest.

“If only they'd give me the chance. You'd know I could do it, right Hen Wen.” Taran sighed aloud as he swung the small birch branch he managed to find.

Hen Wen merely smiled and nodded. Confidentially, she was a little uncertain of his prowess… seeing as a goat easily took him out when he wasn't paying attention.

“I would take that Horned King like it was nothing. My skills have no comparison.” Taran boasted slightly though from her perspective she could still see the uncertainty hidden beneath his gaze.

He was still young, reckless, inexperienced even but she knew that he would do something to cement himself as a brave individual. The two stopped at a stream drinking from the crisp clean source.

“Oh, why does Maleficent give me all the hard jobs… I reckon she needs a masseuse or something.” The large cat like figure muddled off as he traveled around the forest. “And now I gotta take orders from that freak with the skull mask. Geez, that guy is scary enough as it us and he wants to make more of him.”

This being was known as Pete, also known as Peg Leg Pete, a.k.a. Big Bad Pete, a.k.a. Pistol Pete, a.k.a. Bootleg Pete. He had had a varied history that had led him throughout the worlds around him using the Corridors of Darkness to create the legions of heartless. Now he was on brat detail and finding a random pig… it was humiliating.

“Where is that brat…? Dang forest here, spookier than the days when Peg makes chili. Wait a minute… there he is. Heh heh ha ha!” Pete guffawed as he summoned up some of his heartless soldiers including a large collection of Gargoyle heartless and one Wyvern heartless. “Come on boys. Let’s get us a new heart now!” Pete commanded raising his arm out as the heartless started to swarm.

“What is that?” Taran muttered as he strained his ears.

“Run! Run fast! Or else you’ll get the smashing and the crashing!” A voice called out of the underbrush. A small man beast ran through the brush jumping onto Taran as several ghastly figures tore through the forest.

The first ones were dark grey bipedal flying creatures wearing blue bodysuits with green sleeves and bright pink horns. Each were adorned by flame like orange and yellow wings that seemed to enhanced their deep yellow eyes and large broken maw. Each dove down trying to capture the running beast man and as soon as Taran was in sight they charged after him.

“Come on Hen Wen!” Taran shouted as he picked up the scared piglet and raced off while being followed by the beast man as well.

Hen Wen squealed in fear as Taran swiftly raced over the river they had passed by. While he attempted to keep himself from screaming but when the large wyvern, a draconic heartless with wings and legs swooped down upon him he couldn’t safely get away. The heartless surrounded him and kept watch as both the beast man and the pig clung to Taran.

“Well lookie here. Seems as though I found me a lost boy. Heh… if Hook were around you'd walk the plank or something but for now… gimme that pig.” Pete stepped forward using his size to his advantage and menacingly stomping up to Taran.

“Never!” Taran answered in response keeping Hen Wen trapped in his embrace.

“Suit yourself kid. I'll make sure you regret those words.” Pete answered in kind as he grabbed Taran by his head lifting him off the ground and with a little shaking managed to get Hen Wen to drop from his grasp.

Before she could race off and try to escape the wyvern heartless grabbed her in its talons and kept floating in mid air. Pete dropped Taran and the mystery beast man who cowered from the monsters surrounding him… and to Taran’s shock he began to get frightened as well.

“Well I reckon we've done business well. The Horned King said he needed some pig so we'll see if your pig is the lucky winner… if not, well, we could always use more bacon!” Pete guffawed as he snapped his fingers and the wyvern flew off for the encampment of the Horned King’s men.

“You'll not get away with this!” Taran defiantly shouted as he stood back on his feet.

“Heh heh ha ha! That's what everyone says! Don't worry you'll be joining me soon enough, once these heartless take your heart.” Pete explained as he snapped his fingers again and the collection of gargoyle heartless swarmed down ready to attack.

As they did so there was a whistling shriek speeding through the air. Pete looked around utterly confused… until a large axe like weapon slammed into the gargoyles sending them flying. They even managed to appear like stars in the night sky when Pete focused on their form.

“Well… they sure got some distance.” Pete muttered as seven pastel colored ponies stumbled into his sight. “What?”

“Why do all the forests we go to feel so weird?” Octavia muttered as she felt the trees noting that they were all full of wild magic, growing without any discernible assistance.

“This is how it is for almost every world. Only Equestria and maybe a few more are exceptions not the norm.”

“So every world is like the Everfree forest? I mean I was starting to get that over at Nibel but I didn't really think that would be the case for all of them.” Vinyl announced which several mares agreed with.

“That's nature for you. It's always naturally complicated. This place though… it's actually pretty tame overall. Nice weather… it just feels real dark right now.”

“Gray?” Fresh Coat tapped my shoulder breaking me out of my little trance. I could smell darkness once again… and it was growing.

“Spitfire. Sunshower. Can you survey the area? I think there are heartless conglomeration somewhere nearby.”

“Sure thing.” Spitfire answered.

“You got it.” Sunshower replied as the two flew straight up and began flying in concentric patterns getting wider with every rotation.

“Got it! Northwest from where we are!” Spitfire yelled out while Sunshower shook her head vigorously.

“Well let's get a move on in case there’s any wounded.” Redheart announced as the lot of us galloped to the source.

Spitfire and Sunshower kept up highto surprise any heartless that might try to escape. I stayed to the ground in case there was any need for support or surprise strikes that necessitated a lower angle. Redheart and Octavia kept somewhat ahead of me since they were the strongest strikers of the group. I only hit harder whenever the tomahawk was equipped. Vinyl and Fresh kept somewhat behind me since they enjoyed their role as artillery. I could use more magic but they were precise with their shots.

For the most part I found myself as the jack of all trades. The only area I found myself being expertise in was using darkness to my advantage… albeit I hadn't had need of using it yet. The farthest I've reached with the skill is sensing the general direction that those feelings came from and rushing head first into the fray.

As we got closer we noted a young boy being accosted by several heartless and… Pete?

‘Huh… so that's what he looks like in person… or is that pony? Whatever. I better strike first and get rid of those heartless before it gets any worse.’ I mused as I summoned my tomahawk and threw it out as our foes.

It spun in a wide arc shifting around the trees before swing straight for the heartless surrounding the young man and the beast looking guy clinging to him.

“Seems like we got here in the nick of time.”

“What is that? Is that a cat? Do we have any balls of yarn to keep him distracted?” Vinyl questioned as she looked out at the large portly knight who immediately took offense to that.

“Hey! Watch what you're saying! The name’s Pete and don't you forget it!” Pete steamed as he shook his fist and stomped around. “Hey wait a minute… you all got keyblades. This'll be my chance!”

With a quick chuckle and a stomp he summoned several more heartless. The young man and beast man immediately ran for us as the heartless all turned their attention to us make by their escape a bit poorly timed.

“I'll just make ya all give up your hearts and give them over to Maleficent and I'll be getting that raise for sure. Heh heh ha ha!” Pete guffawed as he immediately stared us down. “You little girls dream gifts are going down!”

“Hey!” Each mare shouted clearly offended at implicitly being called a toy.

Without a word from me we jumped into battle striking at the gargoyle while Pete took his chance throwing bombs at us as he lumbered away to get some distance. I charged forward casting an aero spell before the explosives could go off. Vinyl followed suit as we charged ahead leaving the constant stream of heartless for the others to deal with.

As I tanked the explosions, diminishing them down to firecracker pops instead of grenade level strength, I managed to connect with Pete smacking him upside the head with my keyblade. When he stumbled back Vinyl followed suit striking him back to me. Before I could strike again Pete managed to get his wits back about him.

“Get out of my way!” Pete shouted as he slammed his fists against my blade knocking me back into a skid against the forest floors.

Before Vinyl could strike again he raised his arms out and summoned a shield around his body. Vinyl struck the sphere and began shaking around like she hit a gong.

“W-w-what w-w-was t-t-that?” Vinyl vibrated in place while Pete pointed and laughed at her.

“Heh heh ha ha! Look at the prancing pulsating pony promptly plunging down!” Pete guffawed as he did.

I didn't take that lying down and I was certain Vinyl wouldn't either… had she control over her body at the moment. I immediately got up close noticing that the triangle button was once again appearing in my head. As I focused on it I jumped up and using my keyblade slammed the sphere from above sending it hurtling against one of the gargoyles which was turning into its ghost fire mode… which shattered the shield sending Pete flying.

“Woah… anyone got… the number of that… bus.” Pete dazedly stated as he stumbled around.

Vinyl quickly shook her head regaining her senses as she raced forward slamming her keyblade into Pete sending him into a flurry of combos before sending him over to me. I answered in kind with my own flurry of combos and slammed him into ground sending him bouncing around until he came to a rest against a tree. The heartless all disappeared as soon as Pete landed clearly not liking the odds they were now against.

“Hey! I was enjoying that fight.” Spitfire called out as she and Sunshower landed.

Both seemed excited as their wings twitched and flapped from the adrenaline coursing through their veins. Octavia and Redheart looked a bit more surly since their gaze was focused on Pete instead. Fresh Coat merely smiled as she waved over to the young man and beast man who nervously returned the wave clearly uncertain of what was going on.

“Why do pastel colored ponies hit so hard…?” Pete groaned as his eyes rolled around and… tweeting birds circled around his head.

“So… what were you planning to do here Pete, was it?”

“Huh? I wasn't doing anything but my job. And if you think I'm saying anymore than that then you got another thing coming.” Pete growled out as he managed to get back on his feet though he didn't look as confident when he noticed everyone but me was wielding their keyblade.

“I don't think you got a choice right now.” Vinyl smirked while she lifted her glasses focusing her red eyes on his.

“Now hold up buddy! Don't do nothing drastic! We can talk about this like civilized gents!” Pete tried backing up as he realized that his back was up against a tree.

“Then talk!” Spitfire growled out.

“You got it! I'll tell you what you want to know.” Pete stammered out… then grinned maliciously.

A small collection of small explosives rolled from Pete's hands at our hooves forcing us to quickly back up as they went off. With that distraction Pete rolled around the tree dodging the explosion and ran off.

“See ya suckers!” Pete called out as a Corridor to Darkness opened up letting him race through without too much trouble. “Oomph… my poor back…”

“Damn! He got away.” Spitfire groused as she kicked up some dirt as she landed.

“Uh… excuse me… “ A voice called out behind us.

“Ah hello there. Sorry about that. Are you the one we were looking for?”

“Uh… I don’t… what I mean is… um… what are you?” The young man asked while the beast man creature kept quiet and slumped next to him shyly looking around as if something was wrong.

“Oh… right. We’re friends of Dallben and we’re magical creatures… so we’re exactly what we are on the tin.”

“You’re tiny pastel horses…?” The boy muttered.

“Ponies actually.” Redheart corrected him.

“Right… um anyways I don’t have time for this. Hen Wen was taken by that weirdo directly to the Horned King.” The young man stated.

“And we’ll go save her soon. But first things first… you are?” Vinyl piped up and then looked at both beings.

“Taran.” The boy mentioned and stared over at the beast man.

“Gurgi is Gurgi master swordsman. With the whacking and the smacking you managed to beat those monsters back. But going to the Annuvin leads to death. Please… please don’t go to that place. Gurgi would never see you ever again.” Gurgi uttered in a gravelly voice.

“Sorry… but we have to go. That pig is apparently important.” Octavia uttered though the truth was that we had no idea how it was.

“I'm going as well. She was my responsibility!” Taran shouted and with a headstrong stride raced off in the direction he thought the pig had gone.

“Hey! Don't rush ahead!”

With a quick trot the seven of us chased after the boy hoping his nature wouldn't get the better of him.

“Oh no… oh no, oh no, oh no. Gurgi can't go there. Gurgi wishes he was not afraid…” Gurgi muttered as he watched all of us race off for Annuvin and the home of the Horned King.

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