• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,385 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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67. Prydain: Trouble

Author's Note:

More chapters! Woo! Update! Woo!

It took a few minutes before we were ready to head out and figure out where they were keeping Hen Wen. I slowly edged into the first room noting that the walls were all poorly maintained and crumbling from what looked to be age. Spitfire and Vinyl kept pace with me in a small V formation while Taran and Redheart remained behind us.

It had taken a bit to get Taran to understand that he shouldn't rush into the danger and it was made more apparent when several heartless were roaming the halls with human handlers. The humans looked gaunt and were covered in very heavy armor. There were few instances of close calls as the heartless also brought in Rabid Dog types using them as hunting dogs.

“Quiet you! Let's head back!” A guard growled out pulling the heartless with them down another hall. It barely listened to them almost looking as though they were about to attack only to stop and follow quietly along.

As he left Vinyl sighed out in relief. She looked a slight bit bored with all the sneaking. I waited a bit before speaking about it.


“Huh? Yeah what?” Vinyl shook her head seemingly waking up from her stupor.

“Bored? You know stealth is important.”

“Yeah… but there are heartless. They probably know that we are here, ya know?” Vinyl muttered as she pointed out the Rabid Dog heartless as it followed the guard along.

“I don't think it matters if the guards aren't able to understand them.” Spitfire brought up.

“Why do you all know about those monsters? I've never seen any of them before or even heard about them.” Taran quietly asked as suspicion brushed against his eyes.

“We come from a faraway place and these creatures are only taught about if you are fighting them. We are fighting them but for now this is a rescue operation.”

“Hmph… as you say.” Taran mumbled under his breath.

“I'm a little worried about the guards here though.”

“What? Why would you be worried Gray?” Redheart managed to get out before the other three could ask their way.

“Heartless are opportunistic. The moment you show any weakness they tear your heart out of you without remorse. Anyone who tries to rule them usually winds up getting devoured by the darkness. And every evil being that says that they control the heartless are usually very deluded or loss to their hatred to understand that they will soon lose their heart.”

“So the guards… “ Redheart grimaced as she came to realize what I was implying.

Vinyl and Spitfire both joined her as their smiles hardened into glares. Taran seemed a bit more horrified at the implication as a guttural shriek sounded out. The guard that had walked past ran back towards us.

“Help me!” He screamed as he fell before us looking at us with a mixed look of confusion and shock.

Before he could voice anything else the heartless jumped on him. The Rabid Dog rammed into his chest pulling out a token of a crystalline heart token. Within seconds the guard was absorbed into darkness and slowly shifted into a new heartless. He resembled the Bone Lancer from earlier only it wielded a very large scimitar.

With a quick lunge it raced forward meeting my blade in the act. The clashing of one against metal cause the others to react with a quick blast of fire magic. I shoved it back causing it to fall into a writing pile of bone. It got back up charging once again as Spitfire took point knocking it up into the ceiling while Vinyl went low striking at the torso knocking it back. Redheart immediately fired off a short volley of fire magic burning the heartless as it released the heart token back into the aether.

“And that is why you don't want to turn to darkness. You need constant control and clarity to use darkness for anything and it's always a tough path to continually walk along. I haven't met anyone who could reliably do so and I wouldn't recommend trying it.”

“Geez… and I thought our training was tough.” Spitfire mumbled as she pulled back and returned to formation ushering the other two into their positions.

“Much worse than nursing school for sure.” Redheart muttered as she stood near Taran.

“What… what was that?” Taran whimpered slightly before smacking his face with his open palms to cause himself to hide the fear he was showing.

“It's what happens when you mess around with darkness without taking the proper precautions.”

Taran kept quiet and seemed to contemplate everything I had explained. In truth I didn't know the exact specifics given how most of this information came from a game world which I only had the information of up to a certain point. Darkness and Light were in an internal balance but like most stories when one got too high the other did something to balance it back up. It was in fact the impetus of what occurred most likely between Eraqus and Xehanort in the first place. At least that was my understanding as far as I knew it.

“Let's keep looking. No point in standing still. We just need to be careful since if that guard had trouble with the heartless that is probably a good indicator for the rest of them.”

Everypony nodded and Taran agreed with a quick nod. The building was still somewhat quiet and that meant that the guards were still none the wiser.

“So ya wanted to see me Horned King? Something important I guess?” Pete rumbled into the room making absolutely certain that something was up.

“Yes… your help has been killing my people. They need to stop that. I need them for later.” Horned King growled out as he channeled magic into a small crystal ball.

“They're under your will. If you stop thinking about them they go out of your control. Gotta keep a strong mind when dealing with heartless.” Pete answered before doing his low guffawing.

“You don't say. You are the pinnacle of a strong mind.” Horned King deadpanned. His voice was dripping with so much sarcasm he was surprised at Pete’s response.

“Thanks pal. I do my best.” Pete proudly stated.

“Quiet! Take the heartless and scout the area before those idiots keep trying to make them out to be pets!” Horned King screamed causing Pete to fall over in shock.

“R-right! You got it boss!” Pete cried out as he rushed away.

Even as he ran the Horned King’s eyes burned a deep crimson as he watched the fat slob of a being rush off to control the heartless better. His relief was short lived as the scampering of more feet drew his attention.

“Sire! Sire! We have a multitude of problems. The guards are thinking that they are pets and taking them too lightly.” The shrill voice called out that he knew was his lackey Creeper coming to bother him with another thing he already knew.

“I know.” Horned King muttered as he grabbed Creeper by the neck to stop him from speaking.

“Sorry… sire. I'll… be good.” Creeper struggled to say as the hand gripped tighter around his neck.

“Get them ready. We've found the pig we needed.” Horned King growled out before tossing Creeper to the floor.

“Yes sire. I'll get to it now.” Creeper bowed and pleaded as he backed into the hall once again.

The Horned King growled out some more as he channeled more magic through his body. It looked as though his body was slowly ebbing away from the constant battle against time. With a deep roar of power he disappeared into his magic ready to join the rest of his troops and finally find the Black Cauldron.

Octavia looked over their impromptu campground hidden in a small glade where they could overlook the large castle off in the distance. She had made certain that the cottage like tent Gray had brought with him to keep them safe. Supposedly he had received one from talking with Stiltzkin.

“We're ready now Octavia. There’s been some weird things happening nearby though.” Sunshower called out as she flapped back down from her position.

“Really? You think it's the heartless or something else?” Fresh Coat spoke up as she came out of the cottage.

“Hm… what is it Sunshower?” Octavia asked as she came back from her viewpoint.

“There were weird lights floating over towards the forest but there weren't any heartless I could see. Still we should probably stick around here until the others get back.” Sunshower muttered the last part under her breath waiting for a decision to be made.

“We could check it out now, maybe? I don't think we've been fully prepared for all this though.” Fresh Coat announced in a slightly higher tone.

“What do you mean?” Octavia turned to her herd mate confused by her statement.

“We have been trained but we've mostly followed somepony else's lead. I think that we're being trained to be more independent, ya know? We're getting there from what I can tell but he’s hesitant to give us that chance just yet.” Fresh Coat parsed out trying her best to voice what she wanted to say.

“I can see that. Any idea why though? I mean we all have reasons for doing what we do. What about his?” Sunshower replied as she summoned her keyblade. “I think you can see where I'm getting at.”

“You really think we each need to earn our own keyblade first?” Octavia brought up.

“It's something to think of that's for sure. We don't exactly have much insight to how a trained keyblade master works but we are figuring some things out just by going on these adventures.” Sunshower exposited as she hid her keyblade again.

“Well for now let's stick around here. As interesting as it sounds we don't exactly know what this world entails. If heartless appear too close to us though we'll spring into action.” Octavia ordered and the two mares agreed.

As quiet as it was Fresh Coat decided to pull out her easel and quickly paint out the castle. It was interesting enough to do so since nopony had ever been to this world. While she painted Octavia and Sunshower continued to discuss what it meant to be a keyblade wielder and whether that insight would help them or not.

I knew it had gone a bit too smoothly as soon as we entered the castle. All the guards had been stuffing their face in a makeshift mess hall. We had managed to see it from one of the broken walls which looked down on its entirety.

“Jeez… look at all those losers. Any look threatening?” Vinyl smugly stated puffing up her chest fluff which I lightly brushed to get her to calm down. She had to hold her head down as her blush threatened to overtake her face.

“What's with her?” Taran quizzically stared at the small white unicorn.

“She's being cocky right now. This is something I’ve decided to do when any of them get that idea of charging in recklessly.”

“Oh really? I'd like to see you do it to me.” Spitfire chuckled as she kept just out of range without flying about.

“That'll have to wait till later.” I quietly turned to back to look over the guards eating away.

I did notice the sad look on her face until Redheart stopped her. I cursed the fact that she had noticed that I was smirking and waiting for her to get closer. Spitfire’s grin came back but she held back the sultriness due to Taran being around.

“Well let's get to it already. I can't wait to see what this guy thinks that he's doing.” Spitfire slyly chuckled as she trotted ahead ready to face whatever was in her way.

“Wait… something's happening.”

I ushered everyone back to the hole in the wall as a bright light pulsed into the room and stopped at one of the highest points in the room. Everyone remained quiet as a figure in a red robe with four curved horns appeared. His face was hidden in shadow but his deep red eyes balefully gazed upon the soldiers who all quieted down and did their best to kneel before their master… even if they were in an awkward position to do so.

With careful steps he walked through the crowd as a small green goblin creature ran up to him. It looked as though as if someone had beaten him with an ugly stick with the position of his eye bulging slightly. He, from the tone of his voice, sounded like a sniveling coward.

“Sire, we've found it! We've found it! That blasted cat found the pig!” Creeper called out laughing like a loon the entire way through.

“So I've been told.” Horned King growled out.

“Is that the Horned King?” Redheart spoke up as light finally reached beneath the hood revealing a ghastly skeletal face. She immediately shook her hoof and looked away not wanting to see that visage anymore.

“Yes. We have to find Hen Wen before this gets out of hand.” Taran scowled as he placed his hands against the edge of the hole.

“We need to move before things get out of hand. He doesn't know how the pig works so we just get her when they try to cook her. It allows us the easiest way to get Hen Wen and escape with the least resistance.”

There were a few reluctant nods but it would at the very least get us out of the castle quickly enough. Taran was still looking out the holes when Hen Wen was dragged back into the room before the Horned King who watched with vested interest.

“Okay pig! You'll tell us what we want to know and if you know what's good for you you'll tell us!” Creeper called out as he got in the pig’s face. She turned her head and ignored the goblin and his ranting.

“So you won't do so…?” The Horned King coldly stated.

As the threats started Taran immediately rushed off while we were still watching, silently running towards the dining hall apparently. When I turned to make sure he was still close by, he was nowhere to be seen.

A loud clang came from somewhere in the hall which caused the guards there to immediately stand back up and look around. The Horned King looked at his hesitant guards and he jumped to his feet, his eyes swirling with hatred as he gazed out upon the masses.

“Intruders! The lot of you find this rat immediately! Stop standing around and do something!” He screamed as he summoned three more of those bone knight heartless. The one with the lance and sword were familiar enough… but the third apparently had a large bone axe hefted in its grasp.

All parties scoured the room as Taran snuck under the tables using the darkness to his advantage. As we watched from the upper hallways I placed my hoof on Spitfire which she took as an order to stand by with the others as I dove into the shadows near Taran.

“We gotta get ready to run ladies.” Spitfire whispered under her breath getting Vinyl and Redheart to gulp at the prospect.

“I would have expected one of us to rush in honestly.” Redheart shifted her eyes towards Vinyl who noticed.

“Hey… I'm not that dumb. Even I know that that was a bad idea.” Vinyl admitted knowing that she was the one most itching for a fight till Gray took the wind out of her smug sails.

“It's fine. I wanted to fight some more too but let's take this one step at a time. We'll get our chance.” Spitfire added as she peered into the hole overlooking the hall and held open her wing, three feathers extended.

I appeared near Taran using the shadows to my advantage as he stood a small distance from Hen Wen. The goblin was still too close and meandered on the spot as he was want to do. He never seemed to wander far from his master unless forced to. Instead of waiting for a better chance Taran rushed out from under the table before I could grab onto him. Cursing silently I remained under the table in the shadows as Taran kicked the goblin off to the side and grabbed the pig before trying to run off into an adjoining hallways.

“Well well well… our rat has come out for their cheese. How about you join us boy?” The Horned King sneered at the child as the guards surrounded him menacing him with their weapons. “Fools rush in where heroes fear to tread.”

“Wait sire! I think this is the one who we stole the pig from if that fool’s information was right. He might know.” Creeper sinisterly snickered as the guards forced him forwards.

“Talk boy. Show us how this pig can see the future.” The Horned King ordered making absolutely certain to keep his eyes trained on the boy.

“But - but I don't know how… I was never shown.” Taran winced under the gaze doing his best to lie.

“Do you now? That's too bad. Creeper it seems the men shall be devouring ham in the near future.” The Horned King sneered as one of his guards brought out a very disturbing looking axe which had notches on the blade… as if to make it hurt even worse when it struck something.

“No!” Taran shouted as I watched. I wasn't entirely helpless to help him but timing would be everything.

“Then reveal that which I seek!” Horned King yelled as Creeper forced a small bowl of wine before Taran.

Reluctantly… Taran urged Hen Wen near the bowl placing her about at the edge. Hen Wen slowly went into a trance as Taran swirled his finger in the liquid and recited the short spell he learned.

“Hen Wen, from you, I do beseech… knowledge that lies beyond my reach, troubled thoughts beyond your heart. Pray you now those thoughts impart.” Taran uttered out as Hen Wen brought to bear images of the Black Cauldron and three other figures holding on to it.

“Of course! That's where it is!” The Horned King cheered as his face emerged from his hood revealing a skeletal visage and burning red eyes. It was so disturbing that Taran immediately freaked out throwing the wine in his face as he grabbed Hen Wen and rushed off.

I burst from under the table tackling the two into the shadows as we appeared near the girls. They got the idea as we rushed back to the parapet that we descended from as the guards all mobilized rushing grouch the castle.

“Sorry… but we got Hen Wen back. That's good right?” Taran weakly stated but I stared at the boy. He knew I wasn't happy but I didn't say anything about it. There was no time as I urged the two to rush ahead of me.

As we reached the edge of the balcony I noted that the wyvern heartless were circling the sky. That left Spitfire and I in a very bad position to fly. I looked over the edge into the water. With a great sigh I urged Spitfire to jump.

“Right now? Argh… okay I'm diving in. Don't take too long will ya?” Spitfire groaned as she stepped up to the edge.

“Right behind ya. Redheart you're with me. Vinyl make sure Taran follows closely.”

“Gotcha. I'll take care of it.” Vinyl answered with a smug grin.

Spitfire nodded quietly and jumped off the edge in a perfect dive into the water. I followed afterwards with Redheart next to me. The sheer height made her shy away from the edge. I wrapped my wing around her and forced us to hop over the edge into the water below. She was so rigid from fear that she didn't scream because of how far we fell from.

“C’mon we need to follow them!” Vinyl commanded Taran and Hen Wen as she noticed the cries of the guards. “Now! Today!”

“Let me get Hen Wen over first.” Taran answered with a worried tone as he placed her on the edge. “I know you're scared but we need to jump. Just do it Hen Wen we need to get out of here.”

“There's the intruder! And he has an accomplice! Capture them now!” Creeper, the tiny goblin, screamed out sending both the regular guards and some heartless as well rushing for the two. Taran quickly pushed Hen Wen into the water as the wyvern heartless dove down upon them.

Before she could pull out her keyblade she was tackled down by a very burly wyvern heartless. Taran attempted to shove it off her tackling into it… only to be brushed off by the wings.

“We have them! Quickly throw them in a cell until master knows what he wants to do with these interlopers!” Creeper ordered as the two were locked in chains and carried off into a cell. Vinyl didn't make it easy as she kicked the human guards whenever she could forcing a Bone Lancer to carry her instead.

The heartless were restless but the malice of the Horned King complied them to obey. And they carried out their order faithfully.

It had taken Pete an hour to break through the reinforced steel door. Apparently magic had been used to strengthen it that the Defender heartless had nearly mangled its shield leaving the face on it looking sad and lifeless.

“Good work. Maybe now we can see what this guy has hiding around here then.” Pete guffawed as he stepped through the threshold finding several tomes resting upon pedestals within.

The Defender heartless dissipated leaving him to scowl alone at the meager prize before him. He had wasted all this time on some worthless books and Maleficent would most likely bonk him on the head for the waste of time.

“Aw dang it all. If Maleficent knows I didn't come back with something she's gonna let me have it. Oh whatever… I'll just take these books for her. Maybe this will be enough to not get in trouble.” Pete groaned as he grabbed the books and placed them in his satchel ignoring all the sparks that came off of them as he grabbed them. It wasn't that important at the moment before he ducked into a portal of darkness. He decided that he might as well check in with Maleficent.

I swam back up with a panicky Redheart who was grabbing hold of me, nearly choking me by the neck. Spitfire came up behind me spitting up water as she looked around.

“Uh… Gray? I think we're missing somepony and someone…” Spitfire muttered as her eyes went wide.

“What!? Augh… Red, calm down!”

Redheart kept kicking at the water as I grabbed onto a rock just to get her to stop being in the water and from choking me. It barely worked as she looked around and finally started to relax… it just didn't relax her grip. Spitfire came over patting her back which helped immensely as I regained my ability to breath.

“First thing when we get back… swimming lessons… “

“Gray! It's Vinyl, she's not here!?” Redheart cried out as she started to notice how quiet it was.

“What!? Fuck!”

“Should we go back?” Spitfire looked up as the heartless started to swarm around the castle.

“Not yet… we regroup with the others first. Then I'll sneak back in and get them. I'm more worried what's gonna happen if Vinyl decides to fight back. I'm certain they didn't give her a chance to pull out her keyblade… which means she has the element of surprise.”

“I doubt that would last long.” Spitfire muttered as she realized what she was saying. “We're on a time limit then…”

“Oh Celestia… she's gonna go buck wild in there.” Redheart coughed out as she was starting to realize that she was still near water.

“We'll get her back soon… let's just hope she won't do what I think she'll do.”

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