• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,385 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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28. Discovery

Author's Note:

Can you readers guess the worlds?

When I finally warped into the ship I saw the six mares all shocked and looking out into the stars from the cockpit’s dome. They were all slack jawed and slightly lost in their excitement. Out the dome was the planet of Equus floating in all its splendor. The starry background shined in the background receiving a few gasps of wonder when a comet shot past.

“All of you ok there?”

They all flinched and turned their attention back to me. I don’t think any of them could articulate what they wanted to say but we didn’t have all the time in the world to stand around in awe. Fresh Coat actually was able to speak.eventually.

“Is this all real?”

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure it is. Now I would like all of you to take a seat before we take off. The warp system for the ship is really powerful.”

Before any of them could get in a seat Vinyl stepped over to the console looking over the console at all the buttons. I could tell something bad was gonna happen at that moment.

“Vinyl don’t touch the buttons please. The warp system may already have the coordinates for Mysterious Tower but it’s a bit too powerful.”

“What does it do?”

“It’s an instant warp to a world I’ve been to. Just don’t press that button until everypony gets in their seat-”

She pressed the button and I instantly dug my hooves into the floor in an attempt to not get dragged away by the momentum. Each of the girls hit the far wall and were stuck there with Vinyl being the last to hit the wall. I skidded against the ground being dragged closer until the warp system finally finished bringing us to the Tower.

I breathed a sigh of relief until I felt something land on my back sending me to the ground from the suddenness of it. Vinyl landed on me first followed by Fresh Coat, Redheart, Sunshower, Spitfire, and finally Octavia. Each of them glared down at Vinyl and I groaned from the immediate weight.

“As much as I like having all of you on top of me please get up so I can feel my legs again…”

Each of them made a squeak and got off of me. When I looked at all of them they couldn’t look me in the eye and they were all blushing intensely. The mutterings of ‘sorry’ permeated the room and I trotted back to the controls to make sure we were already near Yen Sid’s tower. We were luckily out in orbit around the Tower. A few of them were grumbling to Vinyl but I quickly walked over to the controls and flew the ship down to the planet. The girls all stumbled around a bit until I landed.

“We’re here. Welcome to The Mysterious Tower. Yes that is the world’s name even if it is only a tower. This is where my master lives.”

“Are you sure it’s ok for us to be here?” Sunshower slightly grimaced.

“Yup. You are all Keyblade wielders in training now. I’m not a master, mind you, but I’d rather we be equals instead.”

“So what would we be doing here? I mean we’re so new at this and this is a bit… It’s just overwhelming. I didn’t expect us to go out into an adventure so soon.” Octavia voiced her concerns.

“Well… this is the best place to learn and it won’t take you long to figure things out. Hopefully, the others are still here with Master Yen Sid.”

“What do they do?” Spitfire bluntly asked.

“Merlin is the one who teaches magic while Fairy Godmother works with Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to make armor. I’m gonna ask them if they can get you girls ready better than I could ever do. I can train you more on the mental aspects of fighting which is just as important when we deal with other worlds. I’ll talk more about it later after we meet with them.”

“What do you mean mental aspects?”

“On Equestria how do battles usually go?”

“Honestly most battles were fought with pastries and usually is laughed away afterwards when the pastries are all used. A few times though the Wonderbolts fight with the weather strikes but that has only been used on really dangerous dragon attacks.”

“On other worlds we go to there might be beings who believe in the idea of ‘Might is Right’. Other places don’t exactly find the magic of friendship so universal as Equestria does. There have been moments where I had to make an important decision within a split second and sometimes I didn’t win those decisions. I’ll talk about those later… much later.” I got distracted for a moment and looked off into space before Redheart got my attention back.

“You ok there Gray?” She looked worried as did the others. Crap I got lost in the past again.

“Yeah… Yes sorry. Thinking too much. It happens sometimes. Um… Let’s go ahead and head for the Tower.”

I opened the ramp and started to trot for it when I felt something fall on my back. Fresh Coat had fallen onto my back and clung to me somewhat tightly. I looked behind me and saw the the other girls were looking a bit jealous. I actually froze cause I was in an entirely new situation I never had been in.

“I’m staying right here until we get up to see your master.” Fresh Coat stated to the others more than me. I merely sighed… then thought up a compromise.

“Fine then… But everybody takes turns. This is using your turn now Got it Fresh?”

“Yes. I’m good with this.” She stated while snuggling into my neck. The others seemed to calm down but I could tell they were being very envious at this point.

I felt those stares and wondered who was going to do this next time when I trotted out into the tower’s courtyard. All of us were clumped together as we made our way to the stairwell. The girls kept their eyes peeled looking at everything in complete wonder though I did notice that several times their eyes would look at Fresh Coat. This was gonna be a long, long day.

When we made it inside the main hall and near the door leading to Yen Sid I tapped Fresh Coat with my wing and she climbed off my back. I then knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

“Enter.” Yen Sid called from within the room.

I opened the door to the familiar man sitting at the desk who seemed surprised when he saw the entourage I had brought behind me. He motioned me to enter and I let everypony else enter first the trotted in closing the door behind me.

“I see you have found those you can trust Gray. Hello ladies it is a pleasure to make your acquaintances. I am Yen Sid, master of this tower and retired Keyblade Master. May I know all of your names?” He waved his hands to them and I waited until they could introduce themselves.

“I’m Spitfire. Captain of the Wonderbolts from Equestria. Nice to meet you Master Yen Sid.” Spitfire diplomatically spoke. I suppose she had dealt with a lot of dignitaries before hand.

“I’m Octavia. I’m a cellist in the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra. Charmed.” Octavia regally bowed showcasing her more proper etiquette.

“I’m Sunshower Raindrops. I’m one of the weather mares in the Ponyville Weather Patrol. It’s great to meet you mister Yen Sid.” Sunshower shyly waved her hoof at the wizened wizard.

“I’m Redheart. I’m one of the nurses in Ponyville General.” Redheart demurely bowed slightly. She seemed overly nervous about what was going on.

“I’m Fresh Coat. I’m a painter. I kind of want to paint your portrait if that’s ok…” Fresh Coat knocked her hooves together. When Yen Sid nodded she let out a gleeful squeal and covered her mouth with her hooves to muffle the sound.

“Yo there wizard dude. I’m Vinyl Scratch, DJ extraordinaire. Sup.” Vinyl belted out which made every mare cringe but made both Yen Sid and I laugh at her nonchalant demeanor.

“Yo indeed. I can see that you have all been drawn in through the bonds you’ve forged from your hearts. It seems as though you haven’t had time to do much just yet.” Yen Sid steepled his hands together as he lost himself in thought.

Each of the girls were blushing intensely even though the bonds of the heart weren’t meant to be taken romantically. Still from the sly smile he was hiding behind his hands I knew he knew what our relationship was like.

“Master Yen Sid I was told you had something important to discuss with me? You went through the trouble of getting Montblanc to reach out to me so I came as quickly as I could.”

He woke from his thoughts and nodded at me. I stood up from near the desk as a book floated down from one of the bookshelves and right in front of him. The pages flipped open until the images magically floated up into the air. Six different worlds appeared right in front of me.

“This world has started to develop a small portion of darkness at this point. From the records I’ve found it is only known as Lost Empire. I know it has another name but it has been lost to the ages.” Yen Sid pointed towards the world covered in water, ice, and one city in particular that looked like Victorian London.

“I feel a sense of familiarity from it…”

“That place looks weird… It’s covered almost entirely in water.” Sunshower mentioned in passing.

“Indeed. It is still on the cusp of darkness trying to take hold but I fear it might fall if left unchecked. I need you to head there and keep things going smoothly.” Yen Sid mused before the second world took its place. It was a large tree surrounded by three quadrants of mountains, a volcano, and a cave system. It seemed to be covered entirely in darkness but kept in a stable mode.

“This world is the strangest I’ve ever seen possible. It’s covered in darkness and seems to be close to falling but it isn’t going down at all. The light of the world is stuck in a stasis mode.” Yen Sid waved his hand over the world sending it back into the book.

“It looks like it is falling apart at this point…” Redheart frowned at the world averting her eyes at the last moment.

The third world came up and it was a castle surrounded by the reanimated remnants of skeletons of all sorts. Darkness pervaded all facets of the world but the world kept spinning at a leisurely pace.

“This world is home to a terrifying tyrant of unimaginable power over death itself. He has been getting more ambitious lately and I fear that he may find a way to get off planet. For now he can’t but I would not put it past him that he would eventually figure it out.” Yen Sid warned cautiously.

“Buck that pony. We could handle him whenever we have the chance to do so. I’m sure we can handle him someday.” Vinyl groused as she glared at the world in question.

The world returned to the book as another took its place. This world was surrounded by golden plains and pegasi architecture. A large coliseum loomed in the background while on the underside was a dark tower that seemed to put Tartarus to shame.

“This is a world of great heroes but lately things have been strange there. I fear the hero there requires help against the enemies of that world. There are other problems but there is only so much that could be done before things become worse there.”

“A place of heroes huh? Sounds like my kind of place.” Spitfire mused to herself.

The world lowered and this cartoonish looking beings head appeared. It looked like bomberman from those old games I knew so long ago. Only in planet form. I remembered that game well enough but I had no idea which game was being represented.

“This is a world of intergalactic space cops who seem to be in stress due to appearance of heartless. There have been other problems as well but I am uncertain at the threats they are facing.”

“Those poor ponies probably need help.” Fresh Coat motioned towards the world lifting a hoof at it.

The world lowered into the book and another took its place. This was a large forest with a medieval castle in the background with a small hamlet on the outskirts. It was picturesque but something felt off.

“This place is still within light’s reign but there have been problems there with the incursion of the heartless. There are hidden evils within this world and there are more problems on the horizon. These worlds will hold out due to Merlin’s machinations but they do require assistance eventually.” Yen Sid mentioned almost offhandedly.

“These are the worlds that require our help then I see. Perhaps we should visit that Lost Empire first before things get more dire there then we take on the next challenge as we go.” Octavia muttered as she seemed to try and make a schedule around the problems.

After looking over the worlds he presented he pulled out one more world from the book. It looked like a grand mountain of some sort but it felt bigger than it should have been. It felt like something was off of the entire world in question.

“Why does this place feel so different than the others?”

“This world is surrounded by a barrier of some sort but something is wrong here. I’m uncertain at this point due to the barrier preventing any form of scrying. I’ll keep monitoring this particular world but until I gather more information for it you must stay away from it Gray.”

I looked over the world one last time as it slipped back into the book. Seven worlds already placed before me. None of the girls were trained even to a small degree to use their training keyblades. They still needed to acquire their true keyblades.

“On another note it seems as though we have multiple keyblade wielders before us who still haven’t been able to try out their weapons. Merlin is waiting over in the next room. Perhaps you ladies would like to learn a bit before you travel with Gray?”

Everypony seemed to nod and started trotting out to the next room with me following behind them to see how well they would do. I didn’t get very far before someone got my attention.

“Gray I still need to discuss things with you right now. Please stick around.” Yen Sid requested me to stay behind.

Octavia looked at me briefly a bit worried before she turned it to a confident smile and ushered the other mares into the next room. There were a few complaints, mostly from Vinyl, about leaving me behind but I merely shrugged and gave them a sign I would be fine in the long run. Still unsatisfied by that answer, they all reluctantly went to the next room while I took my seat across from Yen Sid. Truthfully, I had been standing the entire time I had been looking at the worlds in question which left my legs feel a bit stiff. As the door closed I knew it was going to be something serious.

“Gray, are you certain it was wise to give so many this destiny?” Yen Sid gave me an appraising look.

“Not entirely at this point. I tried to keep it as secret as I could but unfortunately curiosity was the enemy that I couldn’t fight against. A threat appeared and managed to summon the heartless under their thrall. Unfortunately they managed to follow me and see what I could do. I panicked and then there is also the fact that all of them want to be romantically involved with me. Let’s just say on matters of the heart I’m a bit of a sucker sometimes.”

“I won’t say it’s a bad choice just one you should be wary of. Regardless it is something you will have to deal with when the time comes. Now, onto other matters, we must discuss about your armor. You haven’t used it have you?” Yen Sid held out his hand as I gave him the pauldron on my shoulder. It took a little finagling to actually give it to him since my wing got caught on the strap.

“I haven’t. I never needed to but it might have been useful if I did.”

“It’s best you didn’t. It was not working right when we gave it to you. It had faulty construction due to the gem that was used to contain the magic. Hm… now this is strange indeed.” Yen Sid paused as he examined the gem intently.

“What’s the matter Master?”

“It seems as though it has been repaired and prepared exactly for what it was needed for. Tell me Gray… Are gems on Equestria plentiful or magical in nature?” Yen Sid locked his eyes on the gem looking for flaws of any kind.

I racked my brain and remembered seeing a lot of gems when I went to get my tie for the date with Redheart. It was more a passing glance than anything but all the gems were large and held the most brilliant shine within them. That meant that they were polished to perfection but also they looked to have been brought in the same day. I didn’t ask at the time mostly due to the worry of going out with another pony and following the customs that Equestria had.

“I think so. I never got a clear answer on that particular topic if only because I was still figuring out the societal norms of the world. I do know that they are plentiful with most of them appearing to be more intricate and grander than the one I wear on my shoulder. What is wrong with this particular jewel?”

“It’s similar to obsidian now and it absorbed enough magic to make it into an eternal battery of sorts, or something similar. I shall run some tests before you leave for one of those worlds. Remember to take your time and do things right, not fast.” Yen Sid explained while putting the pauldron to the side.

“Anything else on your mind Master Yen Sid?”

“Yes… It seems too soon but you have forced my hand albeit unintentionally. Being responsible for other keyblade wielders you need to perform your Mark of Mastery in order to be an effective leader over others. As you are right now you could only hope to stem the tide of darkness for so long. While it is too early I do know of the best task I could perform for you to become a worthy master. Are you ready Gray?” Yen Sid looked down at me. While his gaze was harsh I could feel the expectations from him reaching astronomical heights.

“As I’ll ever be master, I’ll take on any challenge you deem necessary.”

“Excellent. For your Mark of Mastery you must forge your bonds with your students and, I suppose lovers as well, to the pinnacle of their growth. They must all have their keyblades prepared by the time you have completed these seven worlds. If you have accomplished this then you shall receive your mark and be counted amongst the cavalcade of masters from the days of yore.” Yen Sid smirked at me with a confident look.

“You mean they have to have accepted their hearts and become the best that they could be?”

“Yes. I look forward to your progress Gray. I expect great things of you.” Yen Sid mused as he stood up from his chair, “Perhaps we should check on the others training with Merlin. I know for a fact he has created a room with some time dilation effect for whenever you decided you required more training. We felt that there was a chance that you would choose others to wield a keyblade eventually… when you learned to trust once again.”

I nodded and eagerly followed after him. While I had done the training effectively enough to not die… I was still worried about the others. Octavia, Fresh Coat, and Sunshower had no formal training from what I had seen. Had Redheart not told me she had some royal guard training she would be part of that worry. The problem I kept seeing in my mind was how they would wield the keyblade since the mouthguard was made specifically for ponies after they had measured my jaws and accounted for the weight. They were specifically enchanted to fit their wielder and whatever biology they were born with. I had only been speaking with Yen sid for twenty minutes. How much could they have learned from then to now?


The six mares all stepped into a new room where another of the creatures that Gray spoke to as a master stood looking through a large book which was floating in mid air. On the side were four other beings, three with wings, floating nearby and seemingly creating something on the table they were at. Vinyl was still the most confident of the group and called out to them.

“Hello? We’re here to meet with Merlin.” Vinyl called out to the mages in the room.

All of them stopped and turned to face the ponies in the room… who were now all self conscious that they were the only ponies in the room. Octavia took the initiative and took a step forward while Merlin turned around and faced them fully holding his wand at his side in a more relaxed position. He didn’t look wary nor did he seem surprised at all by the intrusion.

“Come in, Come in. Pleasure to meet you all. Welcome to my humble dwellings while I stay here within the tower. I take it you are the ponies Gray mentioned a while back… though to be fair I only know of three of you. Which of you are Octavia, Vinyl, and Sunshower?” The three corresponding ponies raised their hooves and Merlin motioned to the other three, “And you three are?”

“Spitfire.” The fiery pegasus answered.

“Fresh Coat.” The orange unicorn tipped her hat.

“Redheart.” The earth pony bowed her head slightly.

“Charmed, I’m sure young ladies. I am Merlin and these are my friends Fairy Godmother, Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather.” Merlin pointed to the corresponding fairies who all politely waved but continued with their work, “If possible I realize that this has been a trying day learning more than is imaginable for all of you. Perhaps if you are up to it we could teach you more.”

“That would be most welcome, sir. We would like to make sure we could keep up with Gray…” Octavia tapped her hooves together while the others all nervously nodded.

“Of course. I suspect it’s more than that but time is of the essence. We need to get all of you ready for things to come. If you would follow me and we’ll begin your training.” Merlin waved his wand and a door appeared behind him. The fairies all matched it casting a spell on the door as well before continuing with their work. The mares just stared confused at the door before walking through the doorway.

“I can only do this with the help of other magi so this will give us enough time to get you all prepared. Can all of you summon your keyblades?” Merlin looked over the mares as several flashes of light appeared and six mares were each holding a training blade. It wasn’t what he expected but he knew they were all still working on strengthening their hearts.

“What are you going to teach us?” Spitfire perked up as she held the training blade with her wing.

“Everything.” Merlin answered as he summoned several training dummies and had each of the mares get ready with their opponent.

“Now Ms. Octavia how do you handle a weapon?” Merlin answered as he made the training dummy attack her in random patterns always making sure only to tap her when it struck.

Octavia managed to block a few shots and merely powered through the other strikes. As an earth pony she knew she could handle anything that came her way. She actually managed to fully use her strength as she knocked the training dummy against the wall smashing it to pieces only for Merlin’s magic to reconstruct it.

“This is much harder than I thought it would be…” Octavia groaned as the dummy kept up its attack.

“Such are things that we truly want. Let’s keep going. I want you to be as prepared as possible.” Merlin explained as he fired off a fire spell which Octavia blocked with a swing of her blade knocking the fireball back at Merlin which he blocked with his hand reabsorbing the magic.

“Let’s keep it up. It seems fire isn’t your forte. Perhaps we should try another spell.” Merlin kept up his plethora of spells. Octavia was forced to dodge the lightning strikes and frost spells. The magnet spells were impossible to completely dodge but every couple of times Octavia would manage to keep her footing. It was frustrating but she was learning. She could be better and do more than play in front of a crowd. She could show them all that she could do more than the mark on her flank.

“This one is a specialty spell that was forged only a while ago. Think you can master it?” Merlin chuckled before chanting a new spell. “Quake!”

A large chunk of dirt appeared and tried to slam into Octavia who sliced it with her training blade. She pointed the blade back at the training dummy and shouted, “Quake!”

A large earthen clump attacked the dummy turning it into splinters before it magically reformed itself. Merlin stroked at his beard and smiled. It looked as though she found her element.

“Good work. Let’s keep going.”

Spitfire kept weaving through attacks as she flew through the swing. Merlin had to compromise and give her three training dummies because her speed allowed her strike the dummies down too fast. Merlin actually managed to keep her on her hooves.

“Is that all you got Merlin?” Spitfire cockily spoke and he obliged by bringing in two more dummies.

While she managed to keep them at bay every couple of swings one would get lucky enough to strike against her side. Not overly pleased, she took to the sky and flew circles around the dummies until she heard Merlin use two spells.

“Fire! Aero!” Merlin called out as a shield of wind surrounded the dummies and a fireball shot forth for Spitfire.

“Oh horseapples!” Spitfire cried out as she began to dodge and weave through the hail of spells. She lifted her own training blade at the dummies.

“Fire!” A small plume of fire surrounded her before charring the dummies down to ash. She looked over her handiwork and smiled. She truly did spit fire at this point. She hated the pun but even she had to admit that it was wonderful to use magic regardless.

“Hm… Looks as though we’ve found your element, haven’t we?” Merlin smiled as he set the dummies up again and prepared for another round.

Fresh Coat was working through the constant barrage of spells. Surprisingly she managed to learn spells easier than all the others. While magic wasn’t her forte as painting was she managed to learn spells faster than the others and take the dummies out with said magic.

“Thunder!” A lightning spell struck a dummy electrocuting it into ash before it reformed.

“Blizzard!” A cone of cold air struck the reformed dummy and managed to freeze it solid.

“Seems as though these spells are your forte young lady.” Merlin complimented her as she smiled and struck the next reformed dummy with her blade.

“Thanks. I never knew that this magic would actually be easier to perform than the magic back on Equestria.” Fresh Coat answered.

“What do you mean my dear?” Merlin asked more curious than he thought he would be at this point.

“Magic on Equestria needs a lot of concentration to make certain that the spells you cast actually get cast. So far most of these spells were really intuitive and are mostly point and cast through the blade instead of my horn. It’s just so much faster at some points like this.” Fresh Coat explained as she wrung her hooves in nervousness.

“I can see your point Ms. Coat. Though you are concentrating actually whenever you are casting these spells. It’s just more direct and the keyblade regardless of whether it was a training blade or not act as great conduits for magic to flow through. You’re apparent use of telekinesis just made it easier to cast these spells.” Merlin surmised as he watch the young mare’s eyes open in understanding. She knew there was still more to go to get up to Gray’s level… especially if she wanted to stay on his back more often… he was comfortable to her.

Redheart was more attuned to fighting smarter than the other girls. She deftly handled the blade more in accord with a spear for some reason but she managed the finesse somehow. The dummy would get struck in the throat and fall apart or have the weapon arm torn off when it would least have expected it. The problem came more when she tried to cast magic. Ironically enough the more eccentric spells became her forte.

“Magnet!” A large rune appeared drawing the dummies in and tossing them to the side. Redheart took her time and managed to strike down the assembled dummies.

“Aero!” A shield of wind appeared around Redheart letting her take on more than one opponent. She dove head first into the dummies turning them to splinters and forcing them to reform once again.

“You are doing well… I think you may need to learn a healing spell as well.” Merlin pondered for a moment since her mark made him think of the Red Cross from the human world. It was a very obvious mark.

“Please.” Redheart looked up to Merlin eyes shining brightly because she wanted to know the healing spell since the moment she saw Gray use it. With a little subtlety she could heal everypony who came to Ponyville General.

“Then let us begin.” Merlin answered as he prepared for the lesson.

Vinyl struck down another dummy through sheer force and kept on going. While not as adept at magic she picked up thunder easily enough with how much electricity she used on average. It wasn’t her best move but she could handle herself in a fight.

“Vinyl, was it? You are far too tense. Is something wrong?” Merlin looked over his new charge who fumbled with her blade when he asked.

“I feel a bit bad still…” Vinyl mumbled more to herself but Merlin still heard.

“How come?” Merlin looked at the small unicorn unsure of what had happened to make her feel so bad.

“I pressed the warp button in the ship without letting everypony strap in and secure themselves. Heh… I’m scared my curiosity might be a hindrance if we go to these worlds.” Vinyl kept her ears down clearly uncomfortable of that particular train of thought.

“Ah dear Vinyl, curiosity is how we learn. It’s how we continue to grow. A little truth between the two of us is that I’ve sometimes forgotten to strap in when I was using the warp system. It’s actually a bit exhilarating when it happens. Don’t worry too much about it. I’m sure a few of them wanted to do so themselves.” Merlin nudged her with his elbow and winked at her making her giggle at the prospect of her herd mates acting so rashly as well.

“Thanks… I’ll still apologize later.” Vinyl muttered before setting her sights back on the dummies.

“We need to get you ready for more. Shall we learn some more spells?” Merlin chuckled out.

“Yes please.” Vinyl nodded enthusiastically as she used the light spell Spark correctly for the first time.

Sunshower was having a weird time. For some reason aero and blizzard were her spells of choice managing to give her the easiest casting abilities. She was more frustrated at what that affinity could mean.

“I thought I wouldn’t be that cold... “ Sunshower muttered.

“Are you alright?” Merlin let one of his eyebrows perk up while he looked over the small pegasus.

“Yes… I’m just a bit unsure if I’m performing the magic right.” Sunshower quietly lied.

“You are my dear. Though you still haven’t found your affinity for magic just yet.” Merlin summarized his thoughts aloud.

“Really?” Sunshower seemed lost in her thoughts.

“Yes really Sunshower.” Merlin answered to her now jubilant expression.

Sunshower threw herself back into her spells managing to fire off a gravity spell as well. Sunshower was pleased that she was able to perform the spell just right and looked forward to the next dummy. It turned to paste before reforming back into a dummy again. She was going to stand on Gray’s level through her motivation. She was going to be his equal if possible.

“Good work. Let’s move on to the next step.” Merlin announced before summoning more dummies for each of the girls to fight against.

I walked into the room and instantly have to block with my keyblade. Vinyl had used a spark spell which flew too far and hit me. I felt a little heat off it and suddenly a wave of pain.

Obtained the power of light. Spark now available.

Before I could prepare myself a chunk of earth flew out hitting my side sending me into Sunshower who had a shield of wind up around her.

Obtained the power of earth. Quake now available.

Obtained the power of wind. Aero now available.

Before I could get back up Redheart instantly cured me up and I looked around confused and slightly worried about any other spell that might hit me. I knew that I could learn spells I just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly and one right after the other. I was lost in a blinking fit and waited until I didn’t feel like something bad was going to happen again. I have now learned a lot of spells including ones I didn’t know existed in Kingdom Hearts lore.

Cure was the first, Thunder from my dream battle, Gravity from Nightmare Moon, Magnet and Reflect from Merlin, Stop from Eclipse, and now Spark, Quake, and Aero from all my marefriends. I felt as though this gift could have been given a bit more warning before I received it. Still I laughed and prepared to train alongside all those I loved to make sure we would work together while we explored other worlds.

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