• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,376 Views, 372 Comments

Locksmith - QuartzScale

The world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change that.

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64. Prydain: Alliances

Author's Note:

Thus we start the Black Cauldron.

The world is called Prydain. The Main Characters are Taran, Princess Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam, Gurgi, Hen Wen the pig, and Dallben.
Villain is The Horned King.

It's an underrated movie that nearly spelled the end of the disney animation studios. I liked it and it really should be used for a Kingdom Hearts world someday.

I didn't sleep for very long and this time I wasn't mobbed in bed as I was last time. While I waited for the others to wake up I flew around the tower looking at all the different constellations that made up the night sky. They were different than that of an Equestrian night. The stars were fixed in one place and not created by a mare. So that was quite a difference that might have boggles the normal pony mind.

With my wings stretched out I trotted back into Yen Sid’s study to an empty room. Even he slept it seemed. All I had to do was wait.

“Ah Gray, there you are.” Merlin stepped into the room holding a few items under his arm.

“Morning… I think it's morning. What's all that?” I pointed at his clutch of baubles and knick knacks.

“Some components for more spells though I do have something you may need for this world in particular.” Merlin answered as he placed the items on the writing desk and searched through the mess.

“How bad is this world?”

“It is one of the darkest in the history of the Disney Kingdoms history. You may need these items to bargain with the locals there… three in particular.” Merlin grimaced as he pulled out a scroll and an amulet.

“So mystical artifacts for mystical artifacts then? The amulet does something, I assume.”

“Yes and no. It holds a lot of magic but that is it. Without context it looks especially powerful. It merely lights up and replenishes magic when it is used up. It's the scroll that is more important, my boy.” Merlin explained.

I opened the scroll carefully noting several runic characters and several circular seals on it. After rolling it back up I handed it back to Merlin.

“Is it a sealing scroll? It feels like that is what it is.”

“Sort of. I know there is an object there that exudes pure evil. This scroll will keep it from activating and allowing its consequences to blanket the rest of that world. It is indestructible Gray. Don't try to bash it with your keyblade. It would probably win that fight.” Merlin chuckled slightly.

“Would it even work?”

“I don't know. This is merely a precautionary. Even my magic is not omnipotent. I have limitations as well.” Merlin sighed as he gathered up him a things. “I'm sorry to say that none of us will be able to see you off today. We are searching for those who are trying to attack Equestria so ruthlessly. They are very tricky though… fighting our magic with theirs. It's become a stalemate of wills at this point.”

“When you find them I'll make sure to be ready for them.”

“Even I'm unsure if that is a wise plan. Still prepare well and think for yourself. Only you are the master of your destiny.” Merlin bowed slightly before he blinked out of the room with his items except for the amulet and the scroll.

“Morning sleepy ponies… slept a little too well didn't you?”

“Morning Nebby… drop the beat!” Vinyl shouted before falling face first and snoring. Truly she was a lovely vision with her flank in the air.

“Vinyl, wake up! We need to get ready to leave.” Octavia chided as she shook the sleepy mare back to her hooves.

“So… where is everyone? Are they going to see us off?” Spitfire peered around the room noting the lack of old wizard like people.

“Not today. After the attack on Equestria they are using their magic to search out where their base is. It's not going as well as they planned though.”

“Its not? What's going on?” Fresh Coat chimed in stretching out as she did.

“They are fighting them magic for magic it seems. So we don't have a head count for how many they have on their side or how powerful they actually are.”

“Which means even if we help we'd be liabilities instead of assets.” Redheart surmised.

“But we're all really well trained. Aren't we?” Sunshower asked though a part of her didn't feel ready.

“Yeah… you all are but there is always room for improvement and we still haven't gotten you all your official keyblades. I can't exactly give it to you. It's unlocked by you embracing something special.”

“So what would be our specialty? Since wubs are mine, obviously.” Vinyl grinned as she wiggles her eyebrows.

“As true as that is it's not exactly what I meant. This is more along the lines of, well, in Yen Sid’s words: Following your heart and it shall lead you to your truth. So that's what we're trying to do.”

“So adventure and hope we find some stimuli that unlocks that sensation?” Octavia questioned as she took a step forward.

“At this point… yes. I can't figure out what motivates you for you. You'll all find the answers you're looking for as we continue on.”

Everypony accepted the thought as two of the broom servants brought in two trays of breakfast for all of us to enjoy. We eagerly finished it off and I even got to have some steamed fish… which was eaten quickly and without incident except for a couple interested looks from the mares.

“What? I like fish.”

Octavia grimaced but kept her distaste to herself. She was still getting used to seeing meat be eaten. At the very least I finally had some meat of some kind so I was content. Fish was delicious. She reluctantly tasted some… surprisingly she liked it as well. As the very least she was open to it. Her courage actually got the rest to try it and a few liked it as well. Redheart wasn’t a fan though but she managed to keep it down.

I briefly wondered if I was a bad influence on these mares… though with everything that happened it was probably for the better that they grew nerves of steel. So far only Princess Cadence had shown any when they heartless attacked Manehattan. Shining Armor had been hyperventilating throughout the first meeting we had. I was certain that the other princesses were nervous as well about these monsters.

“Come on. Let’s head on out for the next world.”

We left the plated behind as the same two broom servants cleared the table and another opened the door back to the landing area. Vinyl, the ever curious mare she was, poked at the broom who in turn patted her head. It was a strange sight since it treated her like a cat.

“Vinyl! Let’s head out!”

“Gotcha Nebby!” Vinyl cried back as she rushed after me… slamming into me as we rolled down the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom. She was on top of me with her flank on my head. It certainly wasn’t the weirdest position we’ve wound up in but it was the most awkward.

“Vinyl… please get off.”

“Yeah… sorry.” Vinyl blushed as I rolled my eyes and gave her a one hoof hug just to alleviate any fears she might have been having because of that little mistake.

“I don’t mind ya on me. There’s just better places for it.”

As I whispered that into her ear she got even redder. I would not deny that I enjoy making each mare blush. I prided myself into doing so because it felt like an honor to be able to do so. Everypony was already on the ship as we joined them as well and strapped in.

“Okay… the route is connected with the Lost Empire world. We make a short hop there and the new route should be open.”

“Roger!” All of them called out… acting like we were an actual crew. My heart swelled a little… I think it was mostly pride from how far a lot of them had come.

The first jump went easy enough and we looked out into space at the fruits of our handiwork. The world was safe and no heartless armada was patrolling the area. There were still a few meandering ships but that was to be expected. Darkness was just as necessary as Light. They worked in balance and not even the greatest of keyblade masters could make a world completely pure… in either direction.

I quickly found the route we needed. It seemed to unlock the moment we got closer. I looked at everypony getting an unflinching stare from each of them. They were ready for it.

“Here we go…” I muttered under my breath.

Mausoleum Row

A soon as we started down the gummi ship route several heartless ships appeared though… they looked destroyed, dessicated even. A lot of ghost ships littered the area appearing as tombs for those who could not make it through. Several structures dotted the area appearing like grave markers.

“Ech… this looked like a graveyard.” Spitfire coughed out.

Before I could answered three very large skeletal draconic snakes popped out of the largest tombs and started to fly after us. Right on their forehead was the mark of an emblem heartless. That immediately threw me into high gear as I maneuvered the ship through the debris to the constant screaming of my companions.

The first two pursued from behind as the third surfed around into the debris field leaving me to have Octavia man the turrets and laser cannon. While she fired away from the controls I immediately dove through several of the open tombs using it to break away from the two chasing after us. The third immediately appeared in front of us forcing me to pitch the ship off in a wild course dodging the mashing jaws of the monsters before us.

There was more screaming as I turned the ship further onto its side sliding it through a very thin gap. The two dragons chasing us slammed into the graves dissipating from the impact while the third immediately flew around the junk. It met us halfway between the graves and the planet making a pseudo final stand of sorts. The head faced the ship as I turned on the stabilizers on the ship keeping us stationary compared to the dragon which circled around us.

Octavia handed back controls of the weapons system allowing me full control. The skeleton dragon detached whatever limbs it had allowing them to circle us in a manner resembling a ballista array.

I immediately kept the ship in constant movement strafing through the limbs as I kept the weapons trained on the heartless’ face. The dragon opened it’s bony maw to try and bite us… only to lose its jaw from the constant barrage.

A bright white fire flared out from the skull’s mouth which burst through its eyes as well as it attempted to charge for us. I caused the ship to pitch out of the way knocking into one of the limbs which spun out of control.

Thus started a series of unfortunate events which I didn't believe at first until Octavia pointed out what happened. The limb spun out of control striking one of the grave markers into another limb which cracked in two. The two parts shot out hitting the last two limbs which hit the same grave marker which slammed into the dragon skull. The shock on the skull was slowly stopped as the grave slammed the skull into another marker. It caused the heartless to dissipate.

We were left staring out the viewport of the ship. I tapped at the steering controls ready to zoom off and just leaned back into my seat. Nopony wanted to say anything.

Pinkie looked over her domino surprise only to find that it had been knocked over by the wind. She uncharacteristically glared at the spot still feeling stressed from not throwing Nebula Gray a party yet. It had been nagging and nagging at her and she was frustrated.

“Why does it feel like I've missed something slapstick like…?” Pinkie groused as the feeling washed over her. She continued making her domino surprise for the birthday to be held in a short while.

“We're gonna pretend that didn't happen…”

“Agreed.” Octavia and Spitfire answered.

“Didn't see a thing.” Fresh Coat giggled.

“It's still too early for this.” Redheart groaned.

“See what? I blinked too fast and missed it.” Vinyl shot out.

“That was pretty cool…” Sunshower quietly stated to the look of everypony else. “I mean what happened? I didn't see a thing.” Sunshower quickly covered up.

“Let's… let's just head to the planet already.”

A pig squealed as it rushed around trying to scurry from something that wasn't even there. The young man with red hair wearing a yellow green tunic over a long green shirt and green slacks ran around trying to comfort the pig.

“Hen Wen! Calm down girl! What's gotten into you anyways!?” Taran struggled to keep the pig from racing off for parts unknown as an old man stepped out of the cottage holding a small parchment in his left hand.

“I didn't think it would be so soon. Taran! Bring her in we must be quick!” The old man stated as he hobbled back inside his small hut.

“Okay Dallben.” Taran groused as he carried the frightened pig into the hut.

This was Caer Dallben. A small farm situated in the middle of the forest far from prying eyes in the land of Prydain. The world was stuck in crisis as the dreaded Horned King was looking for a mystical item known as the Black Cauldron. A seemingly ordinary cauldron that holds power over death. A body tossed into the cauldron would create the aptly known army of the Cauldron Born. That was what the monster known as The Horned King was looking for.

“Place Hen Wen on the floor. I hate having to use this but we must be prepared for what is to come.” Dallben muttered as he placed a bowl of water on the floor.

“What are you going to do Dallben?” Taran wondered as he placed Hen Wen down on the ground.

“This is something that needed to be kept quiet. You must be made aware of something… this is to be kept secret from everyone and you have to remain vigilant. Taking care of Hen Wen is more important that you could possibly know. That means this must be kept secret.” Dallben stressed as he looked Taran in the eye.

“I understand. I’ll keep mum about it.” Taran swore.

Dallben nodded and took his staff and slowly stirred the small bowl of water.

“Hen Wen, from you, I do beseech… knowledge that lies beyond my reach, troubled thoughts beyond your heart. Pray you now those thoughts impart.” Dallben chanted.

Within the bowl of water images started to appear. The visage of the Horned King… followed by the sight of the Black Cauldron. As they kept watching the appearance of a large blade that looked like a giant key. After that seven small equine shaped things floated through the waters… until the Horned King reappeared looking even more menacing than before.

“That explains everything… Taran, you must get Hen Wen out of here before his forces appear. It is far too dangerous for her to stay here. Take her off into hiding before they come. You will receive aid in a short time.” Dallben quickly got supplies for Taran to get on his way.

“Who is it?” Taran quickly asked as he placed a leash on Hen Wen to get ready for anything out there.

“A Master. You need to quit dreaming to make certain that Hen Wen remains safe. I’m worried where your dreams will take you.” Dallben quietly whispered as Taran gave him a quick hug.

“I know I can do more Dallben… but I will do my best. I will prove to you that I can be more than an assistant pig keeper.” Taran proudly raised his head.

“For now boy, focus on keeping Hen Wen safe.” Dallben hushed him off. “Stay safe please Taran. The Horned King’s men will be searching for you. Do not think you can handle them just as you are.”

Taran gave a confident nod as he placed the leash around Hen Wen and led her outside. It was time to head out on his adventure. The world wasn’t going to save itself.

The Castle of the Horned King rested in the darkest area of Prydain amongst a dead wasteland full of crag like monoliths. The boisterous guards all ate and enjoyed their food and drink while their lord and master remained up in the highest tower… with his strange guest.

The Horned King was a tall figure with a skeletal face and two curved horns. He walked with a low gait from what appeared to be a dead body. The large robe and hood covering his body made it an uncertain showing. Those that looked into his eyes noted the blood red glare and the look of death beaming from his visage. Most would assume he was nothing but a dead body. Those same people would also be dead.

Across from him was a woman… with green complexion wearing a large black robe with a fitted hood with horns upon it. On her shoulder was a dangerous looking raven and in her off hand was a long staff with a glowing green orb atop of it. She remained quiet but her cold stare kept on the Horned King pondering her next move. This was Maleficent, the Mistress of all Evil.

“So… you wish me… The Great Horned King to join your… little collection of powerful figures for what was it? The heart of all worlds if I recall right?” The Horned King growled out.

“Yes, your highness. I have collected several figures to assist in these events from gods to mortals. With your impressive magical ability we should be able to handle those wretched keyblade wielders like that foolish mouse king. What do you say?” Maleficent quietly asked wrenching her fingers over her staff.

“Fine… Give me those heartless creatures and once I have my army I shall put them into your service and plan. They will be more dangerous than these shadow creatures.” The Horned King waved his hand which Maleficent took as a sign summoning several Neoshadows who stood at the Horned King’s side.

“A word of caution. Never show weakness. They prey on it.” Maleficent warned before opening a portal into the darkness. “I shall send my assistant later to check on you. He is a bumbling oaf… but he is useful as a meat shield.”

“As you wish…” Horned King muttered as she finally left the room. “You heartless witch. Join a cadre of worthless beings who want to make the Heart of All Worlds theirs. I will make it my own through the Cauldron Born while you shall assist me in getting the Cauldron.”

The heartless merely bobbed in place waiting for more concrete orders and with a wave of his hand they dive into the shadows. There were more important matters to handle at the moment. He needed to find that pig. He growled out as his two pet Gwynthaints out to hunt for the oracular swine.

“Keep track of anything that looks like a keyblade. If nothing else that wench has at least given me the information necessary to deal with them.” Horned King muttered as new heartless appeared out of the ground. Each dressed in bone style armor holding lances. The Bone Lancers remained up and raced out the window picked up by the gwynthaints to assist in the endeavor.

Caer Dallben

We landed around a small wooden farm situated in a small copse of trees alongside multiple animals of varying sizes. I seized up slightly as the smell of darkness permeated the air and remained for a short while… then mysteriously disappeared shortly after that. The heartless had found their way somehow into this world. It was certainly dark before but something had occurred to make it even worse than it was.

“Hello! Is anyone there?” Vinyl called out to the farm waiting for any sign that someone was within.

“Coming! I’m coming! Hold your horses!” A voice called out. Everypony looked offended for some reason… which clicked in my head since whorses was an awfully poignant insult of epic proportions.

I had a few seconds and quickly explained what it meant… to deaf ears. When an old man waddled out of the hut it made all the mares ease up slightly. They couldn’t control the thoughts of an old man.

“Ah… so you are what I foresaw earlier this evening… and you are all pastel colored ponies. Didn’t expect that, that’s for sure. Though Merlin said he would be sending someone along eventually.” Dallben answered as he took a seat on an overturned wash tub.

“You know about us?” Spitfire glared slightly uncertain of whether he was a threat or not. Merlin’s name merely made us tense slightly.

“So… what’s wrong with being a pony?”

“Nothing really. Just wondering how you’ll be able to carry anything with hooves. A real mind puzzler there but I think it best you head out now. I sent my protege out to protect our pig and it would be important for you to get out there and find him before our enemy does.” Dallben explained as he lit up a small pipe and smoked it.

“Why would you send him away?” Redheart asked completely ignoring the interest about hooves. A child was in danger and that was all she needed to know.

“That.” Dallben pointed behind him as several Neoshadows and a strange knight heartless dressed in bone armor warped in through the darkness.

Bone Lancer

A medium sized knight wielding a lance made from a very large femur and sharpened to incredible means. It enjoys riding atop other quadrupedal heartless to charge its enemies down skewering them without remorse. Tends to forget to attack when there are no rideable heartless are around.

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