• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 9,800 Views, 526 Comments

Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 15 - Reconciliation(Longest Chapter Ever Written)

Author's Note:

HEY, EVERYONE!!! I have completed the challenge and made longest I have ever written! Enjoy!

PS If there are any typos, please let me know! I got tired and barely did any proofreading, so....yeah. thanks!

As for those who want to know why I tried to get the ponies to apologize so quickly, it's because there a few things that are going to happen.

After the butterfly kisses that Madun could barely escape from, he laughed and took out the necklace-ring to put it on his wife to be. Getting back up, he stretched it wider, shocking Arcadia.

Twilight bounced up from the grass and exclaimed, "It has a band in the gold?!"

"Yes it does." He reached up and slipped it over her head before it tightened around her neck comfortably, creating a seventeen inch necklace. She lifted a hoof and felt along the cold and golden design, the diamonds glistening like frost on this cold Hearth's Warming. "And it's very durable. I've never heard of a necklace-ring snapping before."

"It's so beautiful~," she cooed. Her eyes locked back up on her boyfriend's. No... Fiancee. "Thank you, Shimmering, I'm so happy!" She jumped forward into his hooves again, knocking them both down to the ground once more and capturing his lips in another love filled kiss. He chuckled in the middle of it and pulled back, giving her a dopey grin.

"You're very welcome. Ready to head back?"

"Yes!" She jumped off of him, allowing the King to get up while she helped pack everything using her magic. "Merry is going to begin asking questions and—"

"That's what it was!" Madun said suddenly. "Sorry for cutting you off. It's just that I totally forgot about my sister's antics. When she learns we're engaged, Merry is going to spread the news faster than you can fly."

"Really?" Arcadia asked. She used her magic to pick up the basket.

"Yeah, she did it with our cousin's wedding. I'll explain on the way." The two took to the air over Cop, feeling the wind rush past beneath their wings, and shuffling their feathers while Madun told his fiancee about his sister. Apparently, Merry can run. She had their whole family, who was located in Cop, knowing about Lion Heart and Royal Sound's, Madun's favorite cousin, wedding within ten minutes. Pretty fast.

"Now we are going to see how fast she can tell all of Psera," Madun continued before they landed softly in front of the castle's granite steps. "I'm guessing it will be an hour and some."

"Maybe. Let's go find out." The two ponies walked up the steps of the castle, waving to ponies coming out who stopped and stared at Arcadia for a moment. Something was different about her. Arcadia and Madun walked into the large lobby, waving to more ponies before they finally spotted the mare they were looking for talking to...Molten Ice?

"Did you set this up, sweetheart?" Arcadia whispered as they approached.

"No way. I'm not one to ruin a surprise. Hey, put your hoof over your ring. I want to see their reaction." Arcadia giggled and did just that before they stopped beside the two. It took them a few seconds to notice though.

"So I don't know what to do," Merry said to her mother. Now that the Lady in Waiting got a closer look, they looked alike just a different coat. "If I sew one dress for her, my business might go down because of who she is. But—Oh hey, you two. How was your date?" Molten Ice looked over, finally spotting the couple and smiled warmly at them.

"It was amazing," Arcadia answered. "We watched the sun setting over Merōl in a field of Dandelions. Madun spoils me."

"And she likes to be spoiled," the King added. "So that's why I... Bought her a ring."

Arcadia lowered her hoof, shocking the two royals before something started happening to Merry. She started shaking and her face had to have a grin that was much bigger than Pinkie Pie's. "IT HAPPENED! IT FINALLY HAPPENED! EEEEEEEEE!" She yelled, rushing forward and pulling the two into a massive hug. "MADUN FINALLY GOT A WIFE!"

The ponies walking around stopped and looked at her confusedly while the couple was trying to get out of her grip.

"Merry, let the lovebirds go," her mother chuckled. "They need air to get married."

The excitable Pseratep quickly let go and stepped back, letting the two breath. "Ooooo, I'm so happy for you! It's about time you got a wife. And for us to get a queen! Wait wait! I have to tell all of Psera! Then I have to make you a dress! A big one. A big FAT one!"

"A fat dress?" Arcadia asked. "Sorry, Merry. But I'm small."

"I'm talkin' about for your wings!" Merry zipped over quickly and pulled the mare's wings out to full size, which measured to around ten feet. She made a mental note to measure them later. "These babies need room to spread, not to stay trapped! So I am making you a dress. AFTER I tell everypony! Oh, wait wait." She trotted in front of Arcadia and bowed slightly, embarrassing her a little. "May I go spread the news, your highness?"

"Uhhh......" Arcadia looked at her for a moment before she chuckled. "Yes you may, Lady Merry." The ponies around were starting to mutter before Merry rose back up.

"Thank you, Lady Arcadia." She started to walk past them and towards the doors before she zoomed off, blowing the new couple's hair back.

"Congratulations, Shimmering Madun," Molten said, coming over and giving her son a nuzzle. Once that was done, she turned to the new royal and gave her a nuzzle too, making her freeze up. "And congratulations to you too, Arcadia Nova."

"Thanks mom. Now stop, you're embarrassing her." Arcadia's face was as red as a tomato, making the older queen laugh.

"Oh, she's just in shock that she's going to be a wife soon. As a matter of fact, I'm sure all of Psera is going to share that same reaction. See? Look around you, all of our citizens are currently not moving." Arcadia broke out of her frozen state of mind and looked around. Sure enough, all of the Pserateps in the castle looking around were just staring at the two of them in shock. It was only a matter of time before they unfreeze and start bowing or something. Just like how Merry was doing earlier. Arcadia should probably be expecting that now, being royalty and all.

"Yeah, I can see that," she said before turning to Her Majesty. "How long should I be waiting for them to......start?"

"In a few minutes or in a few seconds, you never know. Based on the history of Psera, the Pserateps will indubitably shower you with congratulations and presents of some sort. Try not to yell at them though."

"WE HAVE A NEW QUEEN!" Somepony yelled, finally figuring it out.

"And it begins. Good luck, Lady Arcadia." Molten Ice began walking away, leaving the two to gulp loudly at the barrage of hooves coming their way.

"We walked straight into the Lion's Den...again," Twilight said, glancing at her husband-to-be who was sharing the exact same expression. She gasped, getting an idea and raised up a firm hoof. "STOP!" The ponies all slid to a stop right in front of them, shocking the king and impressing Molten. "Yes. Me and King Madun are engaged. Please calmly ask your questions and try not to bombard us. It is getting late and we would more than likely try to answer more of your questions tomorrow sometime."

The Pserateps began politely raising their hooves and asking questions. Like the most obvious one, "Are you going to be a queen?" Madun would respond with, "After the marriage is when that would be decided by her and her alone. She would have to be married first. Although, the government of Psera is hoping she'd say yes."

After the round of questions, the royals left, leaving them to talk amongst themselves. Along the way, the two received congratulations from ponies who were beginning to retire on that Hearth's Warming night. Making their way to bed.

"I hope this Hearth's Warming was-"

"It was the best, Shimmering," Arcadia interruped, nuzzling up to him. "I love my gift as much as I love you."

"And I love you as much as I love Psera," the King replied, nuzzling her back. He walked her to her room, thinking that she'd prefer to sleep it off before she giggled.

"You propose to me, then drop me off like nothing happened, huh?"

"What? No! No, I m-mean uhh...ummm...stay—" Arcadia pressed a hoof up against his mouth, silencing him.

"Calm down, Madun," she calmed, removing her hoof. "I was only teasing. I'll be fine here."

"No, you're right. My lady deserves something better than a room like this." Madun walked towards the room before turning back. "Where are my manners? Can I go in?"

"Yes, you may." Arcadia walked forward and opened the door, walking inside to let him continue his little speech.

"My lady deserves something better than a room like this. She deserves....the Queen and Princess suite. Or the King and Prince suite. It's actually where I live. Would you like to move in with me since you legally can now?"

"Can I bring my stuff?"

"All of it. We have a lot of room." Arcadia went around her room and packed everything up, placing dresses on Madun's back while she carried her books. After that, Arcadia stuck a note on the door that said "Madun's" for Merry. No doubt she was going to come to her room in a few to talk about how he proposed and probably tease him.

The two walked towards the middle of the Castle, a very large area Arcadia has never been before that had three indoor fountains. They were twenty feet high, sending streams of water dancing through the air before landing in the pool below. High above was a skylight that was shaped like a dome, casting the area in a purple glow from the sun's twilight.

"Whoa," Lady Arcadia muttered before she actually looked around. Behind the fountains were a pair of grand doors, but above was another level with walkways along the walls, as well as rooms. The place was well guarded with Royal Guards on every space that was needed. Doors, rooms, and beside accessible areas. "This is the royal suite, huh?"

"Yes it is," he responded before the guards bowed to the two and opened the doors to the room, which was more like a mansion in a super mansion. "Welcome to my lonely home, which just became a lot less lonely."

Arcadia looked around in wonder at the large area. It had multiple hallways and took up all of the levels of the castle. "This must be the whole castle!"

"This area practically is," Madun replied. "These are actually the governmental offices of Psera. And this way is the living quarters for the royals." He led her down a hallway in the middle that held meeting rooms, offices, war rooms with electronics which had made Arcadia gasp in wonder, closets, giant libraries and more before coming out into a large space that looked like the last one.

But instead of fountains, there was a garden with doors behind it. Obviously leading towards the living areas. The guards in front of it opened them to reveal... A standard home. Not too big, not too small.

"Cozy," Arcadia replied, felling the velvet carpeting with her hoof. "I like it."

"Glad you do," the king said from the closet. He was hanging up his wife-to-be's dresses. "I'm not fond of areas that are too big. It's uncomfortable. The offices I can deal with, but the home? No."

Arcadia chuckled and set her books down on a nearby bookshelf, already arranged to her system before going over to her fiance, nuzzling up to him.

"Thank you, Madun. I love you."

"I love you too, Twilight." The two shared a small peck before Arcadia looked around. In the living room in front of the couches, there was a fireplace with book shelves beside it. There was a kitchen behind the couches, as well as a hallway across from the front doors that led to, what Arcadia counted, seven rooms. The one in the middle being the master bedroom. There were also two bathrooms.

"Are you tired?" Madun asked, walking into the master bedroom. Inside were medals, photographs, bookshelves, scrolls, and a desk.

"Yeah. We have a big day tomorrow. Myself especially."

Madun flipped open the covers, which smelled like roses, and climbed in before asking. "Why?"

"I'm inviting some ponies I know that I can trust to help us with the wedding." The mare climbed in and cuddled up to Madun before the covers were draped over her. "I would contact them but I don't want to risk getting an interference or being tracked. So I'll grab and bring her here tomorrow."

Madun wrapped a wing around her keeping her warmer than she already was and making her hum in comfort. "This time, try not to be seen."

"I promise. Good night."

"Good night." The two quickly clonked out after that from the day's events. So much has happened. With one having a much bigger impact than the other.

The next morning Twilight woke up to the smell of food being cooked. She moaned in her sleep and reach out to the side across from her. But instead of meeting a warm embrace, she met cold sheets. She moaned again in confusion and open her eyes. Seeing no one there, she looked around the room and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Madun? You in here?" She called out tiredly.

"Cooking!" He called out.

"You can...oh yeah, you told me you could." She got out of bed and stretched while he responded.

"You like eggs?"

"Yes, scrambled. Wait, you're cooking eggs?!" She quickly trotted out of the room and towards the kitchen to see the king at work. And he indeed was at work. There was a carton of eggs sitting on the table that had half of them gone, as well as some peppers, onions, cheese... "You're making omelets, I take it."

"Keen eye, Ms. Sparkle," Madun complimented. He leaned over and pecked Twilight's cheek. "Good morning."

"Good morning. I have to get ready to head out and grab them. Try to make my omelet to go, okay?"

"Awww, so I don't get to have the first breakfast with my wife-to-be?" Arcadia stopped and turned around, wide-eyed.

"Uhh....umm...well....." She sighed and gave him a smile. "They can wait. You're right. I want to spend time with my stallion and you want to spend time-"

"With my mare, yes!" He flipped the omelette over, making it sizzle. The Alicorn-Pseratep rolled her eyes and chuckled before going to the bathroom to prep herself. "I hope you like onions!"

"I do! And peppers too!" Arcadia walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Me three, try to make me some." Madun gasped and looked behind him at the door and sighed, seeing his sister come in with...oh my Psera, two other mares with measuring tapes, needles, tables, the works. "Good morning, brother!"

"Who let you in?" Madun asked blandly, making her groan. "Arcadia, your friend is here!"

"I'm surprised she didn't show up while we were sleeping!" Arcadia yelled from the shower. "She did that to me one time."

"You were in her room while she was sleeping?" Madun asked, taking the omelet off the skillet and placing it on a plate.

Merry was directing where to place everything while talking to the king. "Uh...yes. Yes I was."

"Good morning your highness," one of the ponies greeted him as they both bowed.

"Good morning, fellow ponies," he replied, preparing another omelet. He turned around and faced them, making them look at him standing at attention. "How much did my sister tell the public?"

"She said that you became engaged with Lady Arcadia last night," one of them answered. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. Lady Arcadia should be coming out to meet you soon. Although you still might have to wait a little while. Merry, you brought them here too early. Arcadia was going to grab some friends from somewhere to help her make fashion choices for her wedding dress and we were going to have our first breakfast together."

"Oh. Do they know fashion?" Merry challenged.

"The best in Canterlot...on Earth that is." Arcadia walked out of the back completely refreshed with a towel wrapped around her barrel to dry her wings. "The large wings are such a burden when I'm in the shower."

"Good morning, Lady Arcadia," one of the ponies greeted as they all bowed down to her.

"Good morning, Pserateps!" She greeted. Then turned to Merry and asked, "How do you dry these things in such a constricted area? Like the bathroom? I've never had this problem before, but now..."

"Oh, that's easy! Let me help you." Merry trotted forward and removed the towel, seeing the wet wings. Correction. Drenched wings. "Let's go out in the hall and fix this."

The four ladies went outside to help her with her wing issues while Madun continued flipping omelets, hoping that they wouldn't get the guards wet. Once out in the hall, Twilight was met with brightness from a spherical skylight that she didn't notice last night. Made sense considering that there was a garden in front of them. Complete with statues, benches, grass....the works.

"Good morning, Lady Arcadia." She turned around, and looked towards the two guards standing by the doors.

"Good morning, Shining Sword and Worn Weather," she greeted to the guards. "I see you two a lot around Psera."

"That's because we're stationed her in Cop, where you stay at," Worn answered. "Congratulations on your engagement. We wish you the best of happiness."

"Thank you very much, Worn. Try not to get wet okay?" She asked, confusing them.

The two guards shared a look then turned back to her. "What?"

"Okay, girl," Merry called, catching her attention while the guards were trying to figure out what she meant. "Lift your wings all the way up..." Arcadia followed her instructions before moving onto the next thing. "And flap them lightly. But don't push them down. You do it fast too. Like a bee." Merry demonstrated by fluttering her wings lightly, as fast as a hummingbird and confusing Arcadia in the process. But she went ahead and did it, finding her wings to be very fast if they were barely moving. And the water was getting everywhere. But mostly on the guards.

"Hey! H-Hey! No! Why?!"

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Arcadia said, once her wings were dry. She walked over quickly, frantically checking them over. "Hold still." The two soaked guards were being laughed at by the other mares while she lit her horn and enveloped them in an aura, drying and letting them go, stifling her own giggles in the process.

"Thank you, your highness," Silver sword sighed, fixing his helmet. "Do you need any assistance this morning?"

"Actually, yes. In a little while, I have to go to a different world and grab some friends who will be helping me with the fashion."

"Are they experienced in fashion?" Merry asked again, walking over to her, soaked as well. "Because if she isn't, I recommend trying out a fashionista here that I know."

"Oh she is." Arcadia enveloped her in an aura, drying her off before doing the same to her assistants. "She's actually a copy of one of my acquaintances in Equestria. Just in another dimension. I'm not giving the real one any chances this way until they apologize."

"I understand. I just want this wedding to be perfect for you and my brother. You two deserve this." Arcadia smiled and pulled her friend into a hug.

"Thanks, Merry. Come inside and have breakfast with us, I'm sure Madun wouldn't mind."

"Oh he would definitely mind. But I'm going to do it just to make you happy. There's a difference." Arcadia chuckled and led them all inside. Ready to begin a breakfast that would have her fiance groaning and pulling his hair in annoyance. Poor king.

During the night in Equestria, Pinkie Pie kept getting some weird Pinkie Sense involving happiness and life changes. Revolving around Twilight. The next morning, she got up and ran to the damaged castle where everyone was situated to talk about how their Hearth's Warming were yesterday.

"Guys! Guys!" Pinkie yelled, bouncing up and down and shaking uncontrollably. The Elements, Spike, Trixie and Starlight, and Sunset all looked to her, trying to figure out what was going. And why in Equestria was she literally bouncing on the walls. "I got a P-P-P-P-Pinkie S-Sense!" She jumped in the air and hit her head on the crystal ceiling before landing on her hooves again. "And it revolves around Twilight!"

"What?! Is it bad?!" Sunset asked in concern, getting up and approaching her. She had heard about Pinkie's Pinkie Sense through Twilight's reports a few years ago. And the Pinkie on Earth had the same thing going on. But she didn't know what it was.

"No! It's good! Life changing good! I don't know what exactly, but it's hu-u-u-u-ge!" She fell over on her side and started vibrating like a phone, freaking out Trixie.

"I don't think I like this," she said. "Can somebody cut her off?"

"Yeah most of the time, we just throw her down in the basement and see if that'll help," Spike said, turning to Sunset. "Can we do that?"


After the breakfast, and fixing her fiance's hair after random strands kept popping up and making her laugh, she gathered the two guards and stood outside of the room, looking at the two.

"Okay, here's what's going to happen," she said. "We're going to go through a portal that I learned how to create weeks ago that can send us to a different dimension and retrieve her. You're going to feel different and look different as well. Just try not to freak out. We're going to arrive in front of a building that I have tracked them to. When I was just a basic Alicorn I wouldn't be able to do this because of the magic required for it. However, with the magical reservoir that I now have, it's a piece of cake. Sound good?"

"Yes, your highness!"

"Any questions?"

"Are they ponies?"

"No. They're humans. But they become ponies on this side. Here we go." Twilight turned her back to them and lit her horn creating a portal that she continued pouring magic into. Eventually, after two more minutes, she stopped and backed away. Creating an object that she thought she'd never see again.

A mirror. "This is the portal. Are you ready?"

"Yes, your highness!" Twilight turned around and walked through the glass, and into the vortex with the guards right on her trail, screaming and hugging each other in the vortex. It was a completely new experience for them. After a bright flash, they landed on something hard. By the chin.

"Ow!" Silver Sword yelped, feeling his chin. "What happened?" He stopped feeling his face and gasped as Twilight lifted him onto his feet with her magic. Doing the same with Worn Weather.

"You just arrived on earth and changed into humans," she explained. "You may feel dizzy for a while. Try not freak out...but you don't have hooves anymore. They're called hands and feet."

"What and what?" Worn asked, looking at his body. He gasped a little at the digits on his body, which were in gloves and his feet which were in boots. "Wh-what am I wearing?!"

"Oh you're still in your armor. We've never actually tried to see what would happen if we put guards through the portal." The two guards finally looked up at Lady Arcadia who...looked young.

"You look......weird," Silver commented, smirking. Arcadia slowly shook her head at him.

"Thanks....I think. Now come on. Try to move your feet."

After teaching the guards how to walk and pick up their swords and weapons, the royal led them away from the school statue and towards the fashionista's location, which she was tracking using her magic. Good news? She was headed right for them. Bad news? she had everyone else with her. Looks like they were discussing their Christmas here.

"Okay, guards, they're coming this way," Twilight said, ignoring the honking of cars. "Hold still and try not to intimidate."

"Yes, your highness," they both saluted before taking up their positions on both sides of Twilight, waiting for the voices to come from around the corner.


"So we ate sweets, sweets, and more-WHOA~ that's a doozy!" Pinkie Pie began shaking while her friends who were walking down the sidewalk stopped and stared at her.

"What now, Pinkie Pie, a cupcake nearby?" Rainbow joked, patting her pink friend on the back.

"No, it's.......Twilight!"

"I'm right here, Pinkie," Sci-Twi said blandly, waving her hand in front of her face.

"No, the other one!" They looked at her strangely before she explained. "She's here and she's super duper close! Very, very close! Up ahead somewhere!"

"What?! Where?!" Twilight quickly strode forward and looked around, trying to figure out where she was while the others helped out. "I don't see her! Are you sure she—oh."

"Hey, Twilight!" Queen Arcadia greeted waving at her. The girl in front of her pushed up her glasses and waved back shyly, too intimidated by the big guys wearing armor behind her.

"Hey.....Princess. Wh-who are your friends?" The others came around the corner and gaped at the two soldiers standing there.

"This is Worn Weather and Silver Sword. My personal detail. Don't mind them, they're logheads."

"Hey!" Silver sword said, looking down to her. "I am not a....whatever that is."

"It means very smart."

"Oh in that case, I'm a better loghead than Weather here." Twilight snorted before focusing her attention back on her friends.

"Egghead!" Rainbow cheered. She darted forward and pulled her into a strong hug with the others piling behind. "You went missing for almost a year!"

"Were you here this whole time, darling?" Rarity asked, joining in.

"No. I'm still on the other side of the portal. They just can't find me. It's better that way...for them. Anyway....I need your help Rarity. But you have to come back with me. It's about fashion that will become a trend for a certain time."

"Uhh...sure. Can the others come?" Twilight looked back at them to see them all giving her puppy dog eyes, causing her to grimace and sigh.

"I guess. I was actually expecting you to ask. But you have to Pinkie Promise, right now, that whatever you see and hear, you do not, I repeat, do not tell anypony....or anyone. At all. Under any circumstances."

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," they all repeated. Fluttershy gave a tiny "ouch" from poking herself. The guards tilted their heads before waving it off as some type of thing they have here.

"Okay. Follow along." She turned around and began walking away with the guards right behind her. The Equestria Girls looked at each other and shrugged before they followed right after her. She was still their friend. Even if things were a little suspicious. So they were going to help as best as they could. Eventually they came to the portal, which looked a little different than before. Instead of it being the gray stone, there was a violet overlay on top. Twilight raised her hand behind her and ordered, "Guards, you'll be last to make sure we aren't followed!"

They saluted and responded, "Yes, your highness!" Then took up positions beside the portal. Twilight waved before going into the portal, the other girls following after. Once they were through, the guards jumped in after, thankful to get out of that world.


Back in Psera, King Madun was busy looking at the designs at the dinner table with Merry, who had created them for the wedding, which in his mind were way too full of flowers.

"Merry, we need some sparkle," Madun said, pulling her away from her drawing. "These designs have way too many flowers in them. We need to leave some space, some real estate on these dresses. I'm sure Arcadia would think so as well."

"I think they look great, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that these ponies want to be awed, not flowered. We need some variety. Your designs are great. Really. It's just that...it needs something other than just flowers."

"Like what?"

"Diamonds! Jewels! Gems!" The two looked to the opposite side of Merry to see a white coated, dark purple maned unicorn sorting through the drawings, telling them the problem. "It needs color and contrast to bring it out. Now....why am I here, Twilight darling?"

Madun looked behind him and saw a group of ponies looking around while his fiancee was walking towards him. "Sorry it took so long. Rarity insisted I bring the others."

"It's alright, I guess," he said, nuzzling her. Rainbow and the others stared at her and giggled.

"Hey Twilight......who's your friend?" Rainbow asked. "I never thought I'd say this, since I'm a pony at this moment and it's so not me, but he's a hunk." The Pserateps nearby yelped before diving behind the couch, confusing the pegasus. "Did I....say something?"

"You see girls, this is King Madun of the land we are in right now," Arcadia said. "He's my.....fiance." Their mouths dropped open before Rainbow started stuttering.

"I....I-I'm so sorry, Twilight!" She yelled, coming over and giving her a tight hug. "I didn't mean to hit on your man!"


"Stallion! And......did you get fatter?"

"This pony is so disrespectful!" One of the long winged ponies yelled pointing a hoof at the cyan Pegasus. "How dare she insult-"

"It's okay, Merry," Arcadia chuckled, waving a hoof at her. "This is just Rainbow Dash. She's just as bad as you. At least you use the door to invade my privacy. Rainbow here, if I remember correctly, breaks through windows."

"She also crashes through my roof," Sci-Twi added, making everyone do a double take. They looked at Arcadia then at Sci-Twi, muttering and scratching their heads in confusion.

"Uhh.......sweetheart, why are there two of you?" Madun asked, rubbing his chin with a hoof. "Is that part of your magic thing again?"

"Well I didn't go to Equestria, I went to a different dimension where there are versions of my acquaintances and I in Equestria, and grabbed these girls. That includes Twilight here. But instead of being a mage in magic, she's ahead in science. Like we have here."

"You have Science here?" Sci-Twi asked, trotting up to the king.

"My husband is a professor here in Psera," Merry said, approaching her. "I am Merry Fire. A widely known fashion designer as well as Psera Royalty here in Psera. These are my assistants and this is my BROTHER!" She punctuated the last bit to Rainbow Dash, who gave an innocent grin and a shrug.

"I didn't know!"

"Merry..." Arcadia said, trotting up to her with an upset look on her face. Merry instantly backed down.

"Lady Arcadia-"

"We are not going to chastise our guests from another world. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your highness," Merry replied, bowing to her. "I apologize."

"Rise. It's okay, you were defending your brother's honor. If it makes you feel better, you and Rarity can design my dresses and make them a surprise. Then I'll have to choose one."

"It's a deal, best friend!" The two mares hugged before Merry turned to Rarity, smiling. "So you're a fashion designer? What's your niche?"

"Gems," Rarity replied, looking over Twilight's figure. "The Rarity in Equestria was kind enough to give me some gems that I put into my designs on earth. Here, they are low quality. But on earth, they would sell for over one thousand dollars. And I am very interested in these designs you have, but your brother is right. They need some shimmer."

"And Rarity has a talent that we all wish we could have," Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah, she can find gems," Rainbow finished, trying to get on Merry's good side.

"The gems here are really expensive and we aren't really abundant in them," Madun informed them. "But if you wish to find some, you can go around and check out the rest of the land. I would be happy to show you around."

"Really?" Arcadia asked in surprise, looking up to him.

"Yes. Wouldn't it be polite to get to know my fiancee's friends?" He replied, giving her a smile. Arcadia giggled in response.

"Alright. Girls? Don't flirt with my stallion. I mean it."

"Especially the Cyan one," Merry said, pointing at the pegasus and making her grimace. A new place and already on somepony's bad side. Is this good? Or is it bad?


While Twilight was getting measured, the King took the time to take the five friends out to look around. Including Sci-Twi, who he couldn't stop staring at because she looked just like the Twilight he first met when she first arrived. Except without the wings. The guards were walking beside them, four of them were apparently needed for this task. They walked through the doors leading into the Governmental Offices while Rainbow tried to figure out why these ponies looked so different. And why Twilight looked bigger. Eventually she spotted it.

"So......" Rainbow said from Madun's right, trying to create a conversation with the long winged pony. "Your wings are like super large. What's up with that?"

"I've noticed that as well," Twilight said, looking at his wings. "Even Twilight had them and she didn't have wings that long before. They were even longer than yours!"

"Our wings come from the admiration of other ponies," he answered as they walked through the doors leading into the Castle's residence rooms.

"Wait, so like......love?" Applejack asked.

"Yes. And Arcadia's are officially the biggest in Psera. She beats mine by an inch."

"Wow, so everyone loves her," Fluttershy whispered as they walked towards the stairs. "Can I ask why? I mean, if that's okay with you, your highness."

"Of course you can. A year ago, Psera was......destroyed."

"Wait, destroyed?" Sci-Twi asked, stopping for a moment. "What do you mean destroyed?"

"You will see." He turned right and headed down some stairs. A lot of stairs. "We are on the tenth floor. I would take the elevator, but they are used strictly only for royalty." After two minutes of the stairs, they arrived on the floor. And were immediately bombarded by Pserateps.

"Congratulations, you highness!"

"How's the bride?"

"Give Lady Arcadia our thanks for everything she's done for Psera!"

"Lady Arcadia is well, she is currently looking at dresses! And I will let her know!" The king reassured. They began walking through the large lobby to the other side of the building, where there were photos and drawings on display, protected by glass. "This is what Psera was like."

They looked at the photos and gasped lightly. There was an overhead one of the entire continent that displayed the ground...which was brown and dead. You can tell from thousands of feet.

"Wha... What happened?" Fluttershy asked, her mouth agape like the others.

"Nine months before Twilight arrived, there was an attack by what we called 'a giant glowing bear' which was later know as an Ursa Major. Or so we thought. In the time between Twilight's arrival and the attack, there was anger, grief, pain, suffering. Not to mention death. When Twilight arrived, she said she could help, but the Pserateps here were not so easily convinced.......until she made a whole city have grass again. That city was Merōl." He pointed a hoof at the next photograph, which was of Twilight with her head held low walking through Merōl, creating grass.

"We had never heard of Magic before," he continued. "Nopony here had. And she introduced it to us. Once Twilight came and painted the city green again, that was when she got her first dose of admiration. Thus her wings grew. In reality, I never told Twilight this, the ponies who give you admiration are actually giving their love to you in very tiny doses not even a centimeter. Twilight's wings grew a foot after that."

"THAT is a lot of love," Rainbow commented, still gazing at the photos. "So what happened next?"

"I was told there was a pony who was restoring the land by a guard. I quickly grabbed my advisors and met them at Merōl, intent to make a bargain of some sort to at least see my people happy once again. And then....I saw her."

"Instantly fell in love, huh loverboy?" Applejack asked, teasingly.

The king chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I did. She was stunning. Absolutely stunning. The ground here in Psera was extremely dusty with dirt and other chemicals that rusted my crown. And she restored it in a few seconds. As if it were brand new. We asked her if she wanted anything in return for her services."

"And she said no," Sci-Twi guessed, turning around to face him with the others.

"She said, 'not a thing'...or something like that. Either way, she didn't want anything in return. She said she came from Equestria after she was deceived by the entire land. If I ever meet the ruler of that land, I am going to give them the wrath of Psera that nopony has never seen." At that moment Madun's eyes turned dark for a second before taking a deep breath and going back to normal. "Anyway, she said she found us after discovering some clouds that came over the land of Equestria, bearing dirt and Carbon Monoxide. She said there was a massive fire here. And there was, two months before she arrived. That was how she found us. She flew four hundred miles away from Equestria just to help us. And she did. A few months later, Psera went from this-" He pointed to the brown continent. "To this." He walked towards the doors and pushed them open, letting in the light and revealing the outside world, making the visitors gasp.

They looked around at the huge city full of buildings that were houses, stores, companies. But mostly at the guarded giant obelisk that took up most of their vision. There were also a few skyscrapers here and there.

"What.......Twilight did all this?!" Sci-Twi asked in disbelief. "Are those cities in the sky?!"

"Yes, Arcadia created that as well. They're called Psera Skies. We were becoming overpopulated at a time, so Arcadia returned to Equestria to grab some books on a place called Cloudsdale."

"We were there!" Rainbow yelled in realization. "I remember that! We saw her grabbing a whole bunch of books and teleported out of there as fast as she came. And she stopped the Rainbow Dash from Equestria without even trying!"

"Yes, she told me they tried to attack her as soon as she arrived. Follow me and I'll show you around Cop. The casual acronym for Capital of Psera. Which is a continent that is, according to Arcadia, twice as big as Equestria at the same elevation of observation, whatever that means." He trotted down the steps with everyone in tow. Then walked across the street, waving at the Pserateps who greeted and congratulated him on his engagement.

"It means at the fixed height of what you look down from," Sci-Twi said as they walked. "This must be a massive place."

"Yes it is," he responded while waving to another pony. "Psera is really big. The marriage will be held in Events at Eventa, a stadium as big as a city, where very important events are held."

"You have a stadium as big as a city?!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping and hovering in the air. Madun looked at her quizzically before Applejack reassured him.

"Don't even question it," she said. "Pinkie does what Pinkie does." Madun looked from her back up to the Pink earth pony before shaking his head and clearing his throat.

"Well, to answer your question, yes. We have a massive stadium that can house mostly all the Pserateps on this continent. Hopefully we will show you sometime. Let me give you the tour." The ponies finally walked down the stairwell while the Pserateps nearby bowed to the king and congratulated him on the engagement. "The obelisk here was created by Arcadia."

"Who's Arcadia?" Twilight asked, the same question on everyone's minds. "You've said that a lot."

"It's Twilight. Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle. She wanted to change her name to start a new life here in Psera and we supported it."

"She changed her name?!" Rainbow asked, jumping a little. "Well....I guess she really doesn't want anything to do with Equestria, then."

"I'll let her tell you all about that. This Obelisk was created by Arcadia as a security system in case of another attack. And it came in handy. It has become a very important asset. Recently, maybe four months ago, the bear returned. And this let us know it did."


"One hundred miles off the coast of Psera are three hundred smaller, but still visible, versions of this that work as detectors, that send a signal back here, letting us know about any incoming objects. It does not matter how high they go, the detection system will spot it."

"An early warning system," Twilight muttered.

"Yes. When the bear returned, me and Arcadia were walking through the halls while she was telling me about our armor being completely gold. So she decided that we should change the gold we get to steel and then use some of the gold as a cover. When it did land on our soil, Arcadia went to face it and try to put it to sleep. But it didn't go to sleep. It was then discovered that it was not an Ursa Major. But an insane swarm of Changelings, that she described as creatures who can change their form to whatever or whoever they wish.

"So she put it in a spell, erased their memories of this place, and sent them back to Equestria, where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and another Princess engaged her in combat over the Element of Magic. She returned it a little while after and is now waiting for something that they are supposed to be giving her."

"Which is?"

"Next up we have the mountain range," Madun continued, ignoring Rainbow's question and pointing towards the area. "It is over twenty five thousand feet and you can see all of the cities from atop them. That is where I proposed to Arcadia yesterday."

"Awww, on Christmas?" Fluttershy asked.

"What's a Christmas?"

"That is so sweet~! Oooh~, we need to help with this wedding! Oh can we can we please?" The others all agreed, voicing their opinions. Madun tried not to show any emotion at their begging but eventually caved.

He sighed and motioned back towards the castle. "You have to ask Arcadia since she's the one who brought you here."

"Yes!" Rainbow zoomed back towards the Castle before stopping and turning around, looking at King Madun sheepishly. "Yeah, I uhh don't know where to go. Could you...."

"Guard, please escort..."

Twilight leaned up to his ear and whispered, "Rainbow Dash."

"Ms. Dash to the room please," he ordered. One of the guards saluted before making his way back up the steps with Rainbow in tow. "While she is asking my fiancee about your help, let me tell you more about Psera."


"Arcadia, are you sure those ponies of yours aren't going to give away our location? And our information?" Merry asked, measuring her barrel. "No offense, Ms. Rarity."

"Don't worry darling," Rarity reassured, measuring Twilight's head. "It's completely normal for a person to be cautious of someone else in their place of residence. Although, I am very confused as to why you are being kept secret."

"The continent is very rich in metals," Arcadia explained. "Gold, actually."

"Extremely rich," Merry added, catching Rarity's attention. "The whole continent is made out of it. We just have a thick layer of dirt over it."

"Psera... Is made out of gold?" Rarity asked quietly.

"That is why Psera is kept secret," Lady Arcadia explained. She yelped and flinched from a needle prick. "Be careful back there."

"Sorry, your highness," one of the assistants apologized.

"But yes. That is the reason Psera is kept secret. Equestria is practically scavenging for metals like what we have here. That and I have made some alloys as well that are kept in Serl. A city of science that is two hundred miles away from Cop. Here. And the reservoir is growing everyday. Speaking of which, I have to create some more at twelve today, along with steel for our tools. What time is it, Merry?"

"Eleven thirty-two, Arcadia."

"Okay twenty eight minutes. While I'm gone, try to surprise me with the designs! I can't wait to see them!"

"You bet your right wing that they'll be great!" Merry said before writing down some more measurements. "Ms. Rarity, did you measure her wings?"

"I did, they are eleven feet. Darling, you have very long wings. Why is that?"

"That's a story for another time. Or I'll let somebody else tell it. Right now, I have to get out of here. Thanks, everypony. And Rarity? Do not tell ANYPONY about that. At all. Under any circumstances."

They all bowed, Rarity a little later before the doors opened, revealing Rainbow Dash. "Twilight, can we help with the wedding puh-leaaaase?!" Arcadia yelped at the intrusion, nearly blasting Rainbow back out by instinct before taking some deep breaths.

"Rainbow? You never walk into a house without knocking first. That is really rude," she scolded. "And two? I'm not sure. What can you offer?"

Rainbow took a deep breath and responded really quickly. "Fluttershy can do the music, Pinkie can help with the reception, Applejack can help with the food, the geek can help with the organization, Rarity is obviously doing the clothes and Sunset can help by being your advisor!" Arcadia looked at her in shock, trying to track her voice from the intense speed she just spoke at. "You're inviting Sunset... Right?"

"I really didn't think about her until now." Arcadia put her hoof by her mouth, tapping it and thinking. "Well....I guess it wouldn't hurt to actually have one pony originally from Equestria that hasn't lied to me help out." Finally she sighed and looked back up. "Fine, I'll send Sunset a message and tell her to cross over. And Rainbow?"


"It's Arcadia. Arcadia from here on out. My name is Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle. Okay?"

"Sure thing, egghead!" The royal sighed before walking back into the house to grab her book. To call on a friend she hasn't seen in a while. She should still be in Equestria right now for a break or something she does.

"So you used the Element of Magic to enslave humans?" Starlight Glimmer asked as they walked down the dirt road towards Applejack's farm.

"Yep," Sunset sighed. "I heard you had some bad times too. Twilight told me about the Cutie Mark stealing. I don't know how that works, but apparently you do."

"Yeah," she replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck as they turned into the fence, making their way towards the farmhouse. "That wasn't my best moment."

"We all have bad moments. It's what we learn from them that make us who we are today."

"That's true. Why did we come here again?"

Sunset looked up at their location. They were approaching the barn by now. "The Princesses wanted to start an investigation," she explained. "On possible places Twilight could have gone to around Equestria that have a big building. I don't know what type of building would be that big and be hidden away from the Princesses, but apparently it is. So we're going to try and look for places all around and in Equestria that match the description. Hopefully they'll find something."

The two walked into the barn to see the princesses, Twilight's parents, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and the Elements all centered around a large map that Celestia had conjured, along with a large stack of books on the side. The histories of certain countries and nations surrounding Equestria. Flurry Heart wasn't really paying attention. Too busy, playing with Rarity's tail.

"Thank you for coming," Celestia greeted as the two sat down. "Let's begin. I know you all are wondering why we would meet here in Ponyville instead of at the castle. Well......I thought it'd be a better base. No other reason. Now. The reason we have all called you here is so we can try and track the building that Rainbow spotted. It should be easy enough to spot. A castle the size of two hoofball fields and taller than the Crystal Empire's should have made a big enough spot in history.

"So we have books—" Luna pointed to the left at the large stack of books. There had to be over twenty of them there! "As well as a map of everything surrounding Equestria. Hopefully we can find something."

After that, everyone immediately went to work. Reading books, looking at the map, checking records of abandoned buildings. This went on for maybe three hours, everyone checking everything but still not finding anything. Until Sunset's book vibrated.

They all looked up at her while she rummaged in her saddlebag and pulled it out, seeing it pulsing a purple glow along with the vibration. "Yep. It's Twilight."

They all dropped, or in Pinkie's case, threw their books to the side and scurried to her as she flipped it open to the message. "'Dear Sunset Shimmer. Due to a request, I have decided to enlist your help in a very important event that is happening. Do not worry, it is a celebration. A very very VERY important celebration. It would mean a lot if you came and became an advisor. Please respond asap.

-A.N. of P.'"

"Huh?" Pinkie said, pointing to the name. "Who's A.N of P?"

"It's an alias, Pinkie," Rarity clarified. "It means a different persona, or name to cover your real one. Are you going to reply back?"

"Of course!" Sunset said, writing in a response. "'Dear Twilight Sparkle. What the hoof is an A. N. Of P? And I would love to help you! How do I get there?'"

She set the book down before Celestia said something. "If there is a portal, we are all going through. I just realized we haven't apologized to Twilight about our mistake."

"Are you NOW just realizing that?" Starlight said blandly. "It's been almost a year."

"We've had bigger things on our plates," Luna argued. "Like the high metal shortage."

"The what?" They all asked.

"What the hay is a metal shortage?" Trixie asked, confused like everyone else.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. Shortage of metals." Celestia pointed up at one of the high beams of the barn. "Metals. Anything between copper and chromium. We only have around seven percent left. Which is an extremely small amount."

"Without metals, we will have to resort to products such as wood and plastic," Luna clarified. "Which means more trees will have to be cut down, leaving animals homeless, ponies shelterless because of rationing, and more issues. Forests that have a history will have to be cut down as well. Such as the white tail woods, and the forests around Ghastly Gorge, Neighagra Falls, Vanhoover, and so on."

"We are asking for help from neighboring countries," Celestia continued. "But so far, we haven't gotten any responses. So unless we find a mine filled with metal...."

"Then those critters won't have any place to sleep," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Right now, we're keeping the shortage quiet. We don't want panic. Although we are trying to look for ways to recycle the metals that doesn't destroy it. We have put steel, iron, copper, and other metals into the flames. But it completely disintegrates it. We aren't sure why."

The book began vibrating again, stopping the explanation and catching everyone's attention. Sunset picked it up and opened it, reading the message. "'Just step through the portal.' What portal?" A sudden flash in front of them forced them to cover their eyes with a hoof. Lowering them, they saw a violet portal spinning slowly in front of them.

"Welp....that answers that question." Sunset stood up and packed her bag before jumping in, leaving the others shocked before following after. This wasn't going to be good.


Arcadia opened the portal outside where the Equestria girls and guards could watch it, allowing her to go to the metal factory in Merōl and fulfill her plans. She was already late, something that she had never been before. But Along the way she totally forgot to remind something to Sunset, causing her to gasp and her guards, including Madun who came along, to stop beside her.

"What is it?" He asked her, a little worried.

"I forgot to tell her not to bring the Equestrians!" She cried, turning back around to fly to Cop. "And if that portal closes, I won't be able to open it again for two hours! Which means they'll be here for two hours! Learning!!"

Sunset trotted out first, raising an eyebrow at the grinning faces of her ponified friends. The six waved at her and she waved back awkwardly. "Uhhh....hey. When'd you get here?"

"Three hours ago!" Pinkie cheered, pulling her into a hug.

"We could use your help!" Rainbow said before everyone else came out of the portal, piling on top of them. "Now we could REALLY use your help! Where'd they come from?! Get off of me!!" The Pserateps walking by quickly zipped away and ducked into buildings, leaving the guards to handle the situation.

"Hey!" Celestia jumped off of the top, allowing everyone else movement, while she turned to face Bold Shoulder, who was approaching towards them briskly with four guards. "Who are you?" Bold Shoulder asked.

She cleared her throat and pointed to herself. "I am Princess Celestia of—" The guards gasped and immediately pointed their spears and crossbows at her. Celestia stood back and lit her horn. "What in Equestria?!"

"How dare you point weapons at your rulers!" Luna yelled. She trotted up beside Celestia and lit her own. Before she could fire it, a transparent orb encased her and everyone else from Equestria, save for Sunset.

"What is this?" Trixie asked, trying to fire a spell at it. It hit and caused a ripple. But that was it. "What? It didn't even damage it!"

Celestia gasped and did the same, finding the same response. "This is very strong magic!"

"Release your ruler now, fiends! Or I will—" Luna growled before she was interrupted.

"What exactly will you do, Luna?" A familiar voice said calmly from behind them. They all turned around and gasped, seeing a few guards walking up with Twilight and Madun protectively. And Twilight looked peeved. "Last time I checked, which I have plenty of times, you don't rule here."

"Twilight, sweetheart!" Twilight looked over and gasped lightly. There was a light gray unicorn with purple and white hair, and another deep blue unicorn beside her.

"Mom? Dad? What...." Twilight groaned before turning to her fiance. "I am so sorry about this, love."

"I'm not upset with you," he reassured, giving her a smile before glaring at the three princesses. "I'm upset with them who have responded with violence in our peaceful country! Especially the dark-blue one!"

"I as well," Molten Ice agreed, stopping beside Twilight. "Never thought I'd see Nightmare Moon again. Guards! Please escort... Wait. Why don't you try?" She gestured to Arcadia, catching her attention. "You need to exercise your power, Lady Arcadia."

"Uh...alright. Guards! Please escort me while I take the Equestrians, except......her, her, her, and her, to the Prisons! We will decide what to do with them in a little bit." Arcadia released the ponies she pointed to while everyone else was in shock.

"PRISONS?!" Shining Armor, Cadance, Celestia, Luna, the parents, and the elements all screamed.

"You can't put us in prisons!" Celestia demanded. "You have no right—"

"Actually, she does!" Madun interrupted. "As of yesterday, Twilight had ascended from citizen and advisor to Lady in waiting! She has gained royal rights as a royal of Psera! Take them away!"

"Actually, I have to do that," Twilight told them, catching their attention. "I have them in my spell and there's no telling what they would do if I let them go to place the chains on them. I'll be back." She leaned up and pecked his cheek before walking away and levitating those she didn't let go to the prisons, leaving Flurry Heart, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer with the others, staring in shock.

"What... What just happened?" Sunset asked, watching as they were carried away with a platoon of guards around them.

"Are you Sunset?" She looked over at the pony with a crown on his head before she yelped and bowed in respect.

"Yes, your highness," she responded, her face in the concrete. "Twilight requested my presence to help her with an important event."

"Yes. Please rise." She stood up and looked at him closely, blushing at his physique. "I am King Madun of Psera. Welcome. And who are these mares with you? I have already met the ponies from another dimension." He gestured to the Equestria Girls conversing to the side. "But I have yet to meet you four."

"Yes, well... I am Sunset Shimmer. I was originally from Equestria, but I moved to Earth due to some troubles."

"I'm Starlight Glimmer, your highness," Starlight introduced, bowing and rising. "I'm from Equestria, and student of Twilight."

"And I am Trixie Lulamoon," the magician said, bowing. "I am a magician in Equestria."

"And I'm Flurry!" The little alicorn said, tapping him on his hoof. Molten Ice chuckled before bending low to her.

"You must be Arcadia's niece," she asked. Flurry nodded before gesturing to her necklace.

"Yeah! She gave me this necklace that I haven't taken off yet! It's really pretty!"

"I see! Madun, you better be a good husband or her niece will come after you."

"Yeah! Wait.... What?" The other three were also looking at the king confusedly before he explained.

"Apparently, Arcadia wanted to tell you in person. Twilight is now a Lady in Waiting. She and I are going to be married in the coming months."


"Young lady, what do you think you're doing?!" Night Light scolded from the wide line of bubbles being led towards the guarded facility. "This is no way to treat your parents!"

"And lying for four years is no way to treat your daughter," she retorted calmly.

"Are you still on about that Egghead?!" Rainbow screamed, annoyed. "Do you even realize—"

"SILENCE!!!" Any normal Pserateps around yelped before running away, soaring into buildings and such. The birds quickly took to the air screeching. And the other ponies back at the castle glanced towards the location of the yell in shock. That had to be heard all over Cop. The prisoners instantly shut up before the gate to the facility was opened and she carried them inside. The guards bowed and saluted to her, armed with their weapons before following after her in case she needed assistance. "You have no right to speak to me that way, Rainbow Dash," Arcadia said calmly. "Especially on this domain. None of you do. You are not ruining my special time. All I have to do is erase your memories of this place and send you back in an hour and thirty minutes to Equestria."

"Twilight, think of what you are doing!" Rarity argued, looking at Twilight sadly.

"Yeah, this ain't the Twilight we know!" Applejack agreed, trying to buck her way out of the bubble. "We'll get out of these bubbles and fix ya'! Princess can't you help us?"

"No we cannot," Celestia said, shocking them. "This is not Equestria. I don't know where we are, but it definitely isn't Equestria. Or any kingdom around it. Look." She pointed a hoof at the sky, making them gasp and see the giant obelisk, Psera Skies in all their glory, and the Castle of the Gods. Just like Rainbow described. It. Was. Huge.

"Oh my....." Rarity said, missing Twilight's smirk.

"I see you all have seen what we can do." She said, stepping inside the building. "Thanks to the Pserateps working together, we have rebuilt the continent of Psera back to its original glory. Along with more room for the growing population called Psera Skies. Or, more specifically.... Eight superpowered Cloudsdales. Psera has a total of...." She stopped and counted in her mind, muttering before finally coming up with the numbers. "Seventeen cities. Eight of which I planned myself."

"Once again, thank you Lady Arcadia," one of the guards said before they all bowed to her.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat, my fellow Pserateps," she responded, bowing back.

"Arcadia?" Cadance asked before Arcadia pushed them into a cell before a guard closed the bars back. "That's what you call yourself?"

"Arcadia Nova. The 'Nova' is what her highness Molten Ice added and I love it. That is the name I have chosen and the name that has become a legend here in Psera. The pony that arrived on a desolate world by sea. A world that was completely destroyed. No hope. And has returned hope once more. I cleared the dust, gave the land grass, fixed the military, fixed the armor, provided so much for them. And I am appreciated. That was all I wanted in Equestria. Appreciation. And I barely got that. Instead, I was made out of a fool for four years. I found out after I overheard all of you walking towards Applejack's barn. I then later learned from some snooping that Cadance, my brother, and my parents, my own PARENTS!...Knew I was being lied to and did absolutely nothing to stop it. I am ashamed of you all. Guard Captain?"

A pony wearing gold plated steel armor walked forward and saluted. "Have your men stand guard please until I or any of the other royals return to release them. I have to go and speak with my fiance."

"Yes, your highness!" Arcadia glanced at them one last time before sighing and walking away with her personal guards beside her. The captain ordered his men to line the halls before the doors closed at the end of the, pushing the air into silence and signalling that Arcadia had left.

"I... I can't believe it," Rainbow muttered in disbelief. She walked towards the steel bars and peeked out. There had to be at least thirty guards lining the hall. "I can't believe she locked us up!"

"You know, that would've been a good time to apologize," Shining Armor reminded before laying down with his wife. "No time like the present."

"And 'Arcadia'?" Rarity asked herself. "I guess that's what the alias meant on the message. 'A. N. of P.' I'm guessing the P means something else."

"It's Psera," one of the guards said, catching their attention. It seemed he was the captain. "Arcadia Nova of Psera. The savior of this land. She restored it all on her own after a large swarm of Changelings destroyed it, leaving us to die and rot."

"What?! You were attacked by Changelings?!" Celestia exclaimed, trotting forward towards the bars.

"Yes. They came back, but thanks to the PSD her highness created, Arcadia was able to stop the whole swarm on her own. Without the land being damaged."

"Twilight did all of that?" Cadance asked in disbelief. The captain nodded before walking away, leaving the ponies to look around stunned. How?


"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!" Sunset yelled happily before pulling Twilight into a tight loving hug, choking her a little.

"Yes, I am," Arcadia answered before Sunset let go. "And I could use your help."

"Sure, Twilight—er, Arcadia. What do you need?"

"I need an advisor on choices. And last time I checked, you had a keen eye on good choices lately. You and my student, Starlight Glimmer. I may not have been a real Princess of Equestria. But I was still a teacher."

"That's right," Starlight confirmed before taking a look around. Her mouth gaped at the huge castle behind her that she did not see earlier. "Whooooa... Trixie..."

Trixie turned around and followed her sights, eventually sharing her same expression. Then without tearing her gaze away from the wonder she tapped Sunset on the shoulder. She turned around and looked before her mouth gaped open. "What in Equestria?!"

Arcadia looked over from looking over her Fiance's ruffled wings and followed their gaze, smiling at the building. "It's not in Equestria. One of Psera's best works."

"A church?" Sunset gasped.

"Nope. A castle. Our castle," Madun answered. He draped a wing over Arcadia and gazed up at the castle. "It's called the Castle of the Gods."

"I can see why!" Sunset responded. "Why is it so big?!"

"It mostly serves as a place of business," Molten Ice answered. "Along with obviously the throne room, dining room, dining halls, offices, etcetera."

"We're heading inside right now to continue the discussion on the prisoners from Equestria," Arcadia added, piquing the innocent Equestrians' curiosity. "They have arrived on our land and responded with violence. They will more than likely be banished and memories erased of Psera. And... Oh dear, I need to fix your wings, sweetheart." Madun looked at her quizzically before she lifted her own and his, comparing the two. "Your wings haven't been preened! When was the last time you preened them?"


"Last week," Merry answered. She lifted a hoof and patted Madun's back a little hard. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "He drives himself ragged over Psera that he forgets to preen."

Arcadia silently chuckled and responded, "In that case, I'll be fixing your wings once we have alone time. But in the meantime, we shall show our guests around."

"I agree," Molten Ice said. Then began walking towards the castle. "I will be in my quarters while you are doing that." Pserateps walking around quickly bowed at the sight of her while she made her way towards the doors.

"Come on, everypony!" Arcadia picked up Flurry Heart and placed her on her back before they made their way inside.


In the prison, two hours later outside the middle of Cop, the Equestrians sat in silence in their cell, listening to the sound of their breathing as well as the casual shuffling. Along with the calls outside for a specific pony to walk through the doors. "Lady Arcadia is asking for the ponies to be delivered to the main throne room," a guard said, catching their attention. They looked up to see a regular steel suited guard saluting. It looked like one of Twilight's personal guards. He was talking to the guard captain. "The royals have made their decision."

"I thought she was going to gather them herself," the Captain responded.

"She and the other royals are planning for the wedding of the century as well as what to do with them, sir."

"That is a good reason. SALUTE!" The guards on the hall quickly got in posture. "We are escorting the offenders to the Castle of the Gods! Do not dawdle! Open the cell doors." The pony on the right took a pair of keys in his mouth from her waist and stuck it in the keyhole, unlocked it, and pulled it open. "Follow Arcadia's personal detail!" The captain instructed, letting the ponies go. "And if you so much as try to take off, you will be subjected to imprisonment here on Psera under Her Majesty Molten Ice's name until a term is met. And trust me. If you try to take flight... We WILL catch you!" They stood up and quickly walked out, following the guard with the silver armor.

Pinkie's mane was deflated, saddened by what's going on while everyone else was trying to keep high hopes. They were escorted out of the building by a platoon of guards before being led through the town. There were Pserateps walking and talking before they looked towards the ponies being escorted. Now that Rainbow had a good look, she realized they were.....

"Pegasi," she said, catching the Princesses attention. "They're Pegasi. All of them. But highly evolved." The princess looked at her confusedly and looked around. Sure enough, all of them had wings. Long wings. Even the foals running around playing, who's had to be five feet alone.

"They are," Celestia gasped. "How did we not notice this?"

"Girls?" Rarity called quietly, obviously a little shaken. "I think we're going into... The building." She pointed to the massive building they were beginning to walk into where a whole bunch of guards were stationed. Once they passed through the doors, they gasped at the size of the lobby. It was beautiful. The floors were marble with an insignia right in the middle. Stone columns held up the very high roof above their heads. And yards away you could see the many levels of the castle, connected by a staircase. There were many hallways on each floor that went deeper inside the castle. At least twenty or thirty on the first floor alone.

"The royals are situated in the royal throne room," a guard up ahead informed Silver Sword, saluting.

"That room hasn't been used in so long," he commented before leading them towards the stairs.

"Are we seriously walking up those?!" Rainbow asked in disbelief, pointing at the tall flight of stairs that had to go up at least forty floors.

"Prisoners keep their hooves on the ground and their mouths shut!" The guard yelled over his shoulder, stopping at the start of the stairs. He lifted a hoof and pointed at them. "Now go!"

After walking up to the tenth floor, they were met with a hallway that held golden alloy statues of past rulers on the side and a tall pair of doors at the very end with the symbol of Psera embossed on it. But it was so far away.

"These are a lot of statues," Applejack commented. "And expensive too. They even have diamonds and gems on them. Look! There's one of Twilight!" She pointed at the very end where there was indeed one of Twilight. But unlike the others that only had a small amount of gems, this one was practically drenched.

The statue had her in a majestic pose with long hair, her eleven foot wings outstretched, head held high, and her horn sharp. Not the mention the gems covering it. The statue was literally glistening.

"'Saviour of Psera. Bestower of Magic,'" Celestia read aloud from the plaque. "Bestower of magic?"

"Is there no magic here?" Cadance asked.

"Silence!" Silver sword as they stopped in front of the doors. "We are about to enter the Royal Throne Room! Show respect!" He knocked and waited for a response.

A resonating voice yelled, "Enter!" He pushed the doors open and led them towards the thrones occupied by only two ponies. Madun was on the left and Arcadia on the right, discussing something that had to do with the King's wings.

"See, isn't that better?" Arcadia asked kindly while rubbing his side. "Your wings look great, you're comfortable, and I'm not bothered that they're out of place."

Madun looked at his neatly groomed wing before turning his head. "Awww don't be like that. It looks really good." Madun didn't move before she tried something else. "You're so adorable when you're upset." The king got a red tint to his cheeks, which became even worse when Twilight nuzzled him. "I fixed your wings because our ponies will be watching us more. And you have to make a good first impression."

Madun smiled and captured Arcadia's lips in his own, making her giggle and flap her own wings in surprise. Rainbow Dash was entranced at their length, which had nearly reached them from twelve feet away.

The king let her go and whispered "I love you" in her ear, her doing the same before facing the audience. "Thank you for bringing the prisoners, Silver Sword," King Madun said. "Why don't you, Worn Weather, and Dark Silver take three days off?"

"Really?" Silver asked in surprise.

"Yes. You have been keeping my fiancee safe ever since she arrived. Go and take a load off. Inform the others and Bold Shoulder." Cadance and everyone else was taken back. Fiancee?!

"Thank you, your highness!" He replied. Then bowed deeply to them. "And the prisoners?"

"Leave us with them," Arcadia ordered him. Her eyes glared into the eyes of the ponies in a line in front of them. She had a plan for them. "We will be fine." He bowed before he and the rest of the guards left the room, and closed the doors, leaving the king and Lady in Waiting alone with the prisoners. It was silent for a few seconds before Arcadia sighed.

"I am going to ask a simple question," she said, glaring down at them. "I only asked for Sunset Shimmer's presence during this time as my advisor. None of your names were on that message. Why did you come?"

"We needed to find you, Twily," Shining Armor answered.


"I'm sorry?"

"My name is Arcadia, and you will call me Arcadia."

"Your name is Twilight."

"Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Lady of Psera, and soon to be Queen of Psera." She walked off her throne and towards her brother. "You will call me Arcadia, or I will make you paddle all the way to Equestria."

"If I may ask," Fluttershy squeaked, attracting Arcadia's attention. "Where exactly are we?"

"Four hundred miles away from you know where." All their jaws dropped before she continued. "On a land that is now stronger, bigger, and is classified as a superpower. It was not like this when I arrived."

"And when she did," Madun said proudly, trotting up beside her. "She made the biggest impact on Psera. And my life."

Arcadia chuckled and gave him a peck. "You're too sweet. And is that all? To find me? What for?"

"To bring you home," Twilight Velvet cried. "I wanted to see and hold my little filly again!"

"I will not be coming to Equestria. My place is here."

"Twilight... Arcadia, your home is Equestria!" Cadance retorted.

"Home is where the heart is and there was no heart for me there!" She yelled back. "If there was, you would not have lied to me for four years!"

"Egghead, it's not that big a deal!" Rainbow said angrily. "You need to grow up!"

"Oh? Not that big a deal?... NOT THAT BIG A DEAL?!!" Arcadia yelled while she stalked towards her, a strange look in her eyes. But Rainbow didn't wither. Nor did anyone else, although there was some flinching from her voice of anger. "Let me ask you Rainbow. How would you feel if somepony told you that you had the highest speed record in all of Equestria? Honestly. How. Would. You. Feel."

"Ummm.....I'd feel pretty good. Insanely happy even. To be honest, I'd fly everywhere."

"Good. Because guess what? That pony just lied to you. Everypony lied to you. Big time. Turns out, you are the fourth fastest, that medal you just received is a fake plastic, all those ponies who cheered you on at your shows and contests weren't cheering for your speed. They were cheering because your color trail was pretty. And your friends, your so-called friends, were insulting what you have done, and what you could do, behind your back. And your parents, even Scootaloo for that matter, were in on the action. For four years, you've been living in a dessert, looking at a mirage. And everypony else was dancing through the Daffodils on the other side having a great time. And when they saw you, they would point you out, saying 'Uh oh! Here comes that wannabe again! Quick! Cheer to make her feel better!'"

All of them, except Madun, were looking at her appalled. "Oh, but grow up Rainbow Dash. It's not that big a deal." Arcadia got out of Rainbow's tear streaked face and stepped back. "Now you know how I feel. Actually... on Psera, you kind of do. Most of the Pserateps here actually do fly faster than you. I alone go......"

"One thousand twenty six, when we checked last week," Madun reminded her.

"Right, right, one thousand twenty six miles per hour. Our guards are over nine hundred, citizens have an average of eight hundred thirty eight, and the foals fly like average Pegasi at around a hundred something. Believe it or not, I am the second fastest. With the fastest being Merry Fire, my future sister-in-law who has been begging for me and Madun to be married for the longest. I brought her up because she's hiding behind my fiance."

"What?" He turned around and jumped nearly a foot in the air at the green coated Pseratep smiling at him. "Merry!!"

"Sorry, bro! Ms. Rarity from the other dimension wanted me to measure Lady Arcadia's neck circumference." She walked briskly over to Arcadia, ignoring her groans of disapproval and wrapped the tape measure around her neck. "Twenty eight centimeters! Alright! Sorry your highness, we're on a schedule."

"There's no date yet, Merry."

"Me and Ms. Rarity's schedule. Fashion doesn't design itself! I'll see ya' later for the concepts!" Merry literally blinked out of existence with a burst of wind, confusing the Equestrians.

"I want you all, especially Ms. Dash, to think on what you have put me through," Arcadia continued, grabbing their attention. "Because apparently it hasn't gotten into those thick skulls of yours. Although, I should thank you. If you would have never ran me away, Psera would be lifeless by now and I would have never met the love of my life. I am sending you all back to Equestria. I have to grab my niece and send her back with you two. She actually enjoys it here. She was dancing about when she saw the different rooms!" She motioned towards her brother and Princess Cadance before lighting her horn.

A purple portal opened up behind her, grabbing their attention before she teleported out to grab Flurry Heart.

Once she was gone, they shifted their sights to the king. "Are you... Are you on board with this?" Luna asked Madun, who had taken a seat back on his throne.

"I'm on the side of what's right," he responded. "And Arcadia has done so much for Psera. She's restored our land, grew our crops, strengthened our military armor and defeated a large swarm of Changelings from invading all on her own. Erased their minds and sent them back to Equestria before we had a big celebration for the first success of the PDS that she herself created. But my Fiancee is really angry at Equestria. You can see it in her eyes if you look close enough. If you do what you have done today again, she will do what she has done to Rainbow Dash at a far worse scale. If I were you, I'd be stuttering out those apologies by now."

The Equestrians looked towards the Cyan pegasus who had her face buried in her hooves, crying silent tears before Arcadia returned with Flurry Heart.

"But I don't wanna go! I wanna see Eventa!" Flurry whined.

"Maybe someday, little Flurry," she cooed, giving her niece a nuzzle. "Now go back to mommy and daddy." The little Alicorn groaned before walking back to the Equestrian Royals.

Arcadia stood beside the Portal with a hoof outstretched. "Unless you have something else to say, your time is up."

"Twilight, we are really sorry, sweetheart!" Twilight Velvet said, trying to approach her daughter. "We didn't realize we were causing you so much pain. Please! What can we do to fix this?"

Arcadia looked from her to everyone else. Thinking.

"I want you all to, at least, at the VERY LEAST....apologize. Starting.....with you. She pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash and trotted towards her, catching her attention and making her look up with slightly red eyes. "Now that you know what it feels like to have everything that you have worked towards go down the drain, you have yet to apologize for telling me to 'grow up'. And if you don't apologize, I'll throw you all through the portal and you'll never have to worry about seeing me again."

Rainbow steadily got to her hooves. "Twilight, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! None of us did! if I could take it back, I could! I've been a horrible friend and I'll understand if you never want to be my friend again!" Rainbow looked deep into the anger of Twilight's eyes, which didn't waver.

"Okay. Then we have... Fluttershy. You would b the very last pony I'd expect to lie." Arcadia went over to the withering yellow pegasus and stared at her nonchalantly.

"Twilight, I am so sorry," she said, softly. "I wish I could've told you sooner, but you're right. We treated you horribly and we should have never done that. As your friends, we should have told you about what was going on. There was no excuse." Arcadia slowly nodded her head before moving onto....her parents. Well, her father. Her mother had already apologized.

"Twilight, sweetheart. I am very sorry that we offended you......"

King Madun listened to the apologizing from his seat, happy that Arcadia was at least getting some restitution for what these ponies did to her. But he still had a little irking to the one known as Celestia. It seemed she was the ruler of Equestria. But she was something else too. Finally, Arcadia got to the last apparent one. The Princess of the Sun herself.

"Twilight... I am very sorry. I did not intend to cause you grief, pain, and humiliation amongst our subjects. I would gladly take it back and have you be the mage that Equestria needed the most during the trying times, as well as the head of the Public Library Association, since you always love to read. I wanted you to have a level of respect. But I did not see where it would go. And for that, I am very sorry."

Acadia backed up slowly to get a good look at the line of visitors, who accidentally came through a portal and threatened her ponies, and are now begging her for their forgiveness. But before she could... There was one more.

"GUARD!" She called. The doors slammed open before three guards came in and saluted next to her. Not taking her eyes off the line of ponies, she gave them the command. "I need you to go through that portal behind me....and retrieve the purple baby dragon in the castle, sleeping in the room at the very back. He is in a library with a comic book over his face. Grab him, and bring him here. The portal will stay open."

"Yes, ma'am!" The three soldiers quickly walked through the portal while Arcadia went back up to the throne, settling down next to her fiance.

"Only Spike is left," she said while Madun draped a warm wing over her. "After that, I will make my decision."

"How long do you think it will take?" Madun asked her. "Because I need to make sure Merry isn't destroying everything."

"Are you the oldest?" Arcadia asked, just now realizing that she didn't know who was the oldest.

"Yes. She's the youngest....by three minutes." Arcadia looked at him in shock. "Before you start asking and yelling in my ear, yes. We are twins. I've never told you that?"

"No! No, you haven't! Your twin sister's been coming in my room at night while I'm sleeping and also while I'm in the shower!" Rainbow Dash pulled in her lips to keep in her laughter.

Madun chuckled before leaning over to nuzzle her. "Well, that's not new. She did the same thing to me when we were foals. But she was going through my stuff at the time. She'll stop soon, I promise. Well.....she'll have to, you're living in my room now."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." She looked out the window on the side, checking the time. "It's two twenty-three. We missed lunch and we promised to answer the citizens' questions today regarding the wedding. What would be the best day to have it?"

"February or March, the month you first arrived." Arcadia smiled and shook her head.

"You are absolutely crazy about this, huh?"

Madun shrugged then gave her a wink. "Maybe."

Before Arcadia could reply, a small purple object was thrown through the portal and slid across the floor. "OWWW!" Spike yelled before bouncing back up. He turned and walked back towards the portal threateningly before the guards shot back out and pointed their spears at him. "Those spears aren't going to stop me from throttling you for waking me up!"

"As long as you are here on this domain, you will NOT lay a claw on them," a familiar sounding voice said, making him pause and look around. First he spotted everyone in a line looking a little sad before turning to where they were looking at. He gasped lightly before running towards the area. "HALT!" Arcadia ordered. The guards put their spears out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

"TWILIGHT! Where have you been, I've been worried sick!" Spike yelled.

"Those empty tubs of Ice Cream in the library of your residence begs to differ, Spike," she said, approaching him. She was still upset. There was still a noticeable sliver of her anger there in her eyes. "Do you know why you are here?"

"No, I don't. Now, Twilight where have you been?"

"The name is Arcadia," she said, stopping in front of him. The guards removed their spears, but she still put up a shield just in case. "Arcadia Nova. The ponies behind me have done a deed that they have apologized for. But I still am missing one. From. You." She pointed a firm hoof towards Spike, nearly touching him. "After all, I heard some things you were saying too. I was there, but here at the same time."

"Where exactly is 'here'?"

"Don't worry about that. Right now, you need to worry about yourself and whether to, or not to, apologize. What will it be, Spike?"

The dragon looked to her in disbelief before turning to the other Equestrians looking at him in a line. "Did you put everyone in a line and make them apologize?!"

"What will it be Spike? You have been talking a lot about me in my absence. Most of it, not good. Last time I checked, there were a few names that were used to insult me during Hearth's Warming. Such as 'The Bookworm', 'The Egghead', 'Ms. Strictly Organized', and a bunch more that I cannot recall at this time."

Spike looked at her open mouthed before he- "TWILIGHT-"


"ARCADIA, I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INSULT YOU LIKE THAT! I MEAN, I DID, BUT I DIDN'T DO IT TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD, I PROMISE!" Arcadia looked at the dragon kneeling in front of her with her eyes wide. She did not expect any of that! But she could still tell that it wasn't genuine.

"Uhhhh.....okay. Guards, please take the Equestrians to the waiting room! Including the dragon." The guards standing outside the door quickly rushed in and escorted them all out, including Spike, who was confused as to why these ponies were at her beck and call. Once they were all out, the guards closed the door, leaving the Royal couple to discuss what just happened.

"So... What's the verdict, Judge Arcadia?" Arcadia snorted before putting a hoof to her mouth and trotting back up to the throne, bopping her fiance. "Ow."

"Well... I'm not convinced. But I do sympathize. Problem is..." She took a seat and faced the door, her eyes in a suspicious gaze. "What will they do?"

"They'll more than likely pull you into a bone crushing hug, to express how much they missed you. And then they'll ask you to come home."

"Which I'll say no to. Like I said before, home is where the heart is. And my heart is no longer in Equestria. It's now in Psera." Madun leaned over and gave her a kiss, causing her to blush and lose that serious look. "Stop that."

The King chuckled before focusing his attention back on the problem. "So, what exactly are you fearing?"

Arcadia looked at him and told him with a worried face. "Exposure. Pinkie Pie isn't one to keep secrets, and neither is Applejack. Applejack is the Element of Honesty and Pinkie Pie just can't keep a secret. And I don't want to erase their minds of Psera. I'll have to go through everything else inside to get there."

"Apparently, we don't have a lot of options," Madun sighed. "Their arrival has caused a few problems in our secrecy. With peace comes trouble."

"And those come with ponies. You will have to put our military up to par. Yes, we are a mighty bunch, but we need them to move around now instead of staying in one area. From here on out, the security will be upgraded in all cities, including Psera Skies. There is not a lot up there I noticed."

"We will schedule a meeting with Bold Shoulder and the Captains of every city about patrols."


"AFTER the wedding and coronation. This is a time of happiness and celebration. Psera is about to have a queen after fifty years. It was mostly ruled by Kings and queens alone. Now we have three things to celebrate. Our marriage, your rule, and the fact that we have a new queen."

"It's a big time for Psera I take it." Arcadia stood up and started to make her way off the throne, destination for the entry.

"An immense time. Should I gather my family?" The king stood up and made his way towards the door behind her.

"More than likely. My parents would like to meet your mother and then my father would try to interrogate you. Even without my approval. Now Madun?"

"Yes?" He looked up as the two walked out the doors, motioning to the guards saluting them.

"Try not to interrogate Celestia. Or anypony else."

"Not even a little bit?"

"Madun...." The king sighed and coalesced with a kiss on the cheek.

"I promise I won't interrogate her. But can I stare her down?"

"No." Madun deflated before Twilight giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"It's okay. If it makes you feel better, you can pamper me with a session later." The king grinned making Arcadia chuckle and shake her head.

"So... What just happened?" Spike asked carefully, looking around. They were in exactly what Twilight ordered earlier. A waiting room. It had seats, pictures and symbols on the walls. It was like a doctor's office waiting room.

"Apparently, we are on a different continent that is nowhere near Equestria that Twilight managed to connect a portal to," Celestia explained. She was looking around at the pictures. "That she helped create within a span of nine months. I don't know the exact story, but apparently she has made a big enough impact where the ponies here want her to become Queen."

"So... She's royalty now?"

"Technically, yes. She is officially a Lady in Waiting. She is engaged to the King here." She looked at the photo of the large winged ponies taking up a stance.

"I wonder how advanced they are," Rarity asked herself, looking at the photos as well. "It looks like they are simple minded. But based on the large sized castle and large amount of cloud cities outside, I beg to differ."

"Cloud cities?!" Spike exclaimed. "They have—" The door clicked open, catching their attention as Arcadia and a guard walked inside, looking at all of them unamused. Madun had went to go grab his people while she talked to her family and potential friends.

She shut the door behind her with her magic and walked forward, taking a seat in front of all of them and sighed. "Here's the deal," she said. "I will allow you visitation rights to Psera. I haven't even slightly forgiven you yet, and I don't know if I can even trust you. So I am giving you a chance. But how do I know if you will do what you did to me in Equestria again? I don't. Lucky for you, Madun convinced me to make it work on the way to this hall. So... I will experiment with this. I will not erase your memories. And, as much as it pains me, you are invited to attend my wedding...and coronation."

The Equestrians sighed in relief before Twilight Velvet rushed forward and pulled her long winged daughter into a hug. "Ooo, I'm so proud of you~!"

"Moooom, Let me go!" Twilight cried, blushing a little.

"Now, that is adorable." Arcadia shot her head to the left and gasped. Merry was standing at the back of the room grinning at her. "If only mom could see this."

"No, mom is not seeing this." Arcadia calmly pushed her mother back with her wing and made her way to Merry. "You better not have a camera on you."

"Don't worry your highness, I don't." Merry replied. Then teasingly slinked her way to the door. "I'll leave you to your family and ponies that look like the other ones. Seriously, what is with that?" She opened the door and stepped out, leaving Arcadia to shake her head and follow along after her before stopping short, remembering something.

"One more thing I forgot to mention. This is gravely important so pay attention closely." They all leaned in closely to hear what the Lady in Waiting had to say. "Do not, I repeat, do NOT, tell anypony, any person, any creature, any organism, or anything alive, sleeping peacefully, that includes any inanimate object, about this place. Do not tell anything about what you have seen, felt, heard, learned, or anything else. Do not repeat any references or anything of any kind that is classified as a clue. At all. Do I make myself clear? Psera is a secret and will ALWAYS remain a secret until we are forced to come out publicly to the world about our existence. We will have no other attacks on this beautiful soil that we call home. Understand?"

They all nodded eagerly, obeying the royal's words. "You too, Flurry Heart. Don't even talk to that couch about it." She pointed a hoof at the velvet couch that was seated on the far wall underneath a large photo.

"Ummm....I promise, Aunty Twilight!" The little Alicorn quickly scampered up and situated herself on her aunt's back, making her chuckle.

"Well everypony... Welcome to Psera."

Arcadia led the group down the hall and away from the room to go to her own home in the castle while she explained the continent and all its grandeur. "This castle, as you can already tell, is bigger than Canterlot's and the Crystal Empire's combined," she said, turning and walking down the steps. "It not only serves as a place where the royals and officials of Psera reside at. But also, apparently, as a type of mall that I have yet to see. I also have to... Go do a few very important errands as well before I retire for the day and suffer the wrath of Rarity and Merry tomorrow. They're more than likely going to put me in some type of fancy dress for the wedding."

"Where is this wedding being held, if you don't mind me asking," Cadance requested. They touched down onto the fifth floor where Arcadia walked through the halls, heading for the offices and room.

"Events at Eventa. The stadium that's as big as a city in Eventa."

"Big as a city?" Rainbow asked. Looks like she was out of her earlier depressed state. "You're kidding."

"When I first saw the arena, I was speechless. It's exactly how as I described it. As big as a city. No exaggerations, no playing around. It's as big as a city. Technically, Eventa is the biggest city here." They walked towards the two doors on the end guarded by two guards, who pushed them open upon their arrival, revealing the fountains and rooms up ahead.

They started to walk through before Celestia asked the question. "So what area is this?"

"This is the suite for the officials and royals. Meeting rooms, war rooms, libraries, archives, and more. Which leads up to our home." They looked around in wonder at the two floored room, spotting the guards standing firm at attention and unmoving. Definitely trained.

They walked through the halls, seeing the rooms and facilities used. And especially the war room, which looked super futuristic. There were electronic screens, knobs, and obviously a table.

"What...in the....." Rarity muttered. They continued on before stopping at a pair of golden alloy doors that had to have just been put in. Her curiosity now piqued, Arcadia decided to ask.

"Were these just put in?" she asked to one of the the guards who were saluting to her.

"They were put in after you left this morning, Lady Arcadia," he replied he replied happily. "King Madun himself ordered it."

"Are they... You know?"

"Yes ma'am. Test it." Arcadia stepped back a little before bending low and thrusting her horn towards it, putting up a soft shield just in case. It impacted it with a shrill clang before she stepped back, pleased.

"Good. Just right. Good job, Pserateps." They bowed slightly before she pushed the doors open with her magic. The others were in front of the garden of their suite. er fiancee wasn't nearby, but she had a feeling they were in the suite.

"There's the Queen!" EQG Rainbow shouted she jetted over and Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle into a hug.

"Hey, Rainbow," Arcadia greeted calmly. "Where's Madun?"

"He's talking with Her Majesty Molten Ice about something."

"Did you hit on him again?"

"No, Twilight."

"Good." Sunset snickered and shook her head while Pinkie Pie pulled a cake out of nowhere that had the names Arcadia Nova and Shimmering Madun on it. Arcadia immediately shook her head. "No way, Pinkie."

"Aww, you don't like my cake?" She asked in disappointment. "I pulled it out of my tail just for you." Arcadia let that sink in before responding.

"It's not that I don't like your cake... It's just... This is going to be a big celebration. I'm not talking about your average school party either."

"How big are we talking, Twilight?" Sunset asked. She was a little scared of the answer.

"Two billion hyperactive Pserateps that can fly faster than Rainbow Dash when they are NOT on sugar." All the ponies looked to her insanely before Madun, Merry, Blazing Fire, and Molten Ice walked out of the two doors.

"So.....why are they all frozen?" The king asked, waving a hoof in front of EQG Fluttershy's face.

"I just informed them about the possible attendance of our wedding," Arcadia said. "And apparently...they couldn't handle it."

"WHAT?!" Arcadia looked behind her at EQG Rainbow who had a look of disbelief on her face. "What you talkin' 'bout, egghead?! I can sooo handle it!"


"Yeah! Since when has Rainbow Dash not been able to handle anything?!" The other one boasted, standing beside her counterpart and taking up the same pose.

"Yeah we all can do somethin'," Applejack proposed, approaching the royal couple. The visitors all approached her, trying to gain a position in Arcadia's wedding, making the two sigh. This was going to be a big event. A big event indeed.

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