• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 29 - Pre-fun!

A warm fireplace was the best place to think. It was warm, peaceful, mildly quiet, and easy on the eyes, the dancing fire seeming to appease Blueblood's wildly racing throughts. Filled with questions, statements, and Twilight's admittance.

I hate you.

He sighed and picked up his last bottle of wine, preparing to down, drown, and add it to the three empty ones by his hooves. He had taken off his coat and set it to the side with all of his medals.

I want you gone. I don't want to see you anymore. He drunk one half of the bottle then lowered it for a moment, eyes still trained on the dancing flames. And frankly, I don't know if any mare in their right mind would even consider dating you! He picked the bottle up one more time then down the rest of it. He pulled back with a tired sigh, then threw the bottle into the flames, the alcohol adding to them.

Who the hay was this King Madun anyway? Apparently it was Twilight's fiance. And she really likes this guy. Correction. Loves him, based off of what she yelled in his face a few hours ago. Pseratep ponies. That's what they're called. An evolved version of Pegasi. Can fly faster than the Element of Loyalty on a terrible day, and on her good day. Having never been in their land, he didn't know how advanced they were. But according to Celestia, they were beating Equestria by miles.

But Twilight wasn't a Pseratep. She was an Equestrian. She wasn't needed in Psera. She was needed here. In Equestria. Psera. The root to all of this drama in his eyes. It needs to be taken away from Twilight's hooves so she can see the more important things in life. Like him. He was important. Right? He actually meant something to Equestria... Right?

"Stupid bucking long winged ponies," he slurred. "Thinkin' they can take my girl. I'll show 'em. I'll show all of 'em I'm better than 'em."

The covers on the couch shifted when Twilight adjusted her position on the bed, lying on top of Madun, the most comfortable position in her mind. After dinner, she and Madun went back on the couch and slept together in silence, the only noise being the crackling of flames in the fireplace that by this point have cooled down into embers. The wood was black with glowing orange lights, its insides still in slight flames. Arcadia cracked open her eyes and stared at it. Her right ear pressed against Madun's chest, listening to his calm heartbeat, her favorite song.

She hummed and smiled, dragging her hooves up his chest to wrap around his neck before settling down again. He murmured something in his sleep before his own hooves drifted over her, running over her fur. She sighed and held onto him tighter while one hoof wrapped around her, holding her close while the other drifted much lower. Arcadia gasped in pleasure at his unconscious ministrations before the hoof glided over that one spot and rubbed it, which made her squeal in delight.

She buried her red face in his chest while he continued, trying to decide if she should stop him or just let him continue. In the end she settled for just moaning, "Madun~."

He leaned down and nuzzled the top of her head. Whispering, "I love you more than I'm loving this." Still asleep. Arcadia could tell by his calm heartbeat. How is this possible? This defies everything she knew! Arcadia shivered under his touch, his hoof alone causing a reaction that she didn't even know she had. Her pants consisted of moans and light quivering, her wings buzzing in excitement before she became tense and bucked lightly against his leg. And felt a small amount of liquid pour out from between her legs and Madun's hoof. While she quivered, she also felt a large mass trapped between her and him that was definitely not there a few minutes ago. She rolled over and looked between him and her, blushing deeply at her discovering. Her fiance was definitely having a very good dream. And she was the star of the show.

Madun hummed and his eyes fluttered open. The first thing he noticed was Arcadia's sweaty and red face. And the fact that she was looking down below at his... Crotch?! He followed her gaze and bore the same expression as Twilight. His hoof was deep between her thighs and he could feel slight moisture. And Madun Junior was out on full display. That was what his fiancee was looking at, frozen in a state of... What was that look in her eye?

Arcadia blinked, breaking out of her trance then quickly laid back down on top of him and his friend. Not even realizing Madun was awake. He glanced to his right at the fireplace, then his left towards the back of the couch. "...Twilight?" She quickly jumped up and looked him in the eyes, hers shifting nervously with excitement. "Uhh...I'm—"

Twilight placed a hoof on his lips and giggled, calming down his, and her own blushing. "It's okay," she whispered. Then leaned in and pecked his lips. Then pulled back with lidded eyes. "I...enjoyed it. Even if it was really sudden and I had absolutely no idea what was happening. And in your sleep nonetheless. I don't know how that happened but... I enjoyed it. A lot."

She lied back down and wrapped her hooves around his neck. Madun sighed in relief, then kissed her forehead. "You know," she whispered. "Any day now...we can...you know..."

Madun widened his eyes and looked down into her hopeful ones, complete with a smile. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Are you still..."

"Yeah," she replied. She grabbed his hoof and pulled it back down between her legs while maintaining eye contact. "I am. You... Would be my first. And I would love for it to be you, Shimmering."

"I've been waiting for your permission."

"Well now you have it. I actually wanted to save it for the honeymoon to be honest. But after what you just did... I don't think I can wait." She leaned up and nuzzled his muzzle. "Make it special for me. Okay?"

"You don't even have to ask," he replied, nuzzling her back. They kissed each other, which grew more intense when Twilight added her tongue into the mix. Soon they parted. So Twilight sat up to get off the couch and removed the blanket so she could climb off.

"I have to get ready to go out," she announced before glancing at the clock over the fireplace. Six thirty-eight. "Merry will more than likely be here soon. So I need to prepare. Could you—"

"Make your favorite Daffodil sandwich, have your guards prepared, and money by the door?" He finished. He hopped out the bed and stretched. "Sure."

Twilight darted forward and pressed her lips to his. "Thanks, sweetie," she whispered before going around him and making her way to their room. Madun watched her leave, which was teasingly slow. Her tail had an extra swish to it, revealing everything she was offering. Then looked over her shoulder and smirked before closing the door to the bathroom.

"You knew exactly what you were doing to me!" He called out in playful agony.

"When don't I?" She responded.


After Arcadia took her relaxing shower, she exited the bathroom and came muzzle to muzzle with Merry, who was grinning ear to ear with wide excited eyes. "Hurry up, already!" Merry cheered. She grabbed Arcadia's hoof and pulled her into the bedroom before she could even wrap a towel around her mane. She let Arcadia go while Merry ransacked the closet. "You need clothes, you need massages, you need relaxation~!" Merry sung loudly. Then grabbed a nice getup for Arcadia and threw it on the bed where she was sitting, trying to come out of her shock after being pulled through her mind. Shaking the cobwebs away, she turned back to Merry with intrigue.

"Why are you here so early?" Arcadia asked before standing up to look at the outfit on the bed. Well outfit was a large term. It was actually just a bunch of flowers sewn together that would be thrown across Arcadia's back and cascade behind her wings. Then another set that would attach to her wings. Then there was the piece that would let everypony in Psera know who it was walking down the street. The crown.

It was obviously for design and not meant for her status among the Pserateps. It was a silver piece with curved ends so it would curve around her ears like a pair of glasses. In the center of the crown was her cutie mark shaped out from a gem of some sort. She didn't really bother trying to figure it out. There was also a necklace of some sort that would go great with her promise necklace ring, telling anypony who saw it that she was happily engaged.

"Merry, this is beautiful," Arcadia whispered as she levitated the design onto her body. Once everything was set, she turned and walked closer to the mirror in the bedroom to gaze at herself. She gasped and brushed a hoof through her messy mane. Then doing it more feverently. "Oh no, my mane!"

"Don't worry, I gotcha'! Sit down, come on your majesty!" Arcadia rolled her eyes at her title, already sensing Merry using it for most of the day before she turned and made her way over to Merry. She sat down on the bed while Merry crawled on behind her with a comb in her mouth. "Now, my friends are waiting outside with Gardeen, your assistant. Is she helping—"

"No, she's going to relax too," Arcadia corrected quickly. "She's been working just as hard as I, she deserves this as well." Merry combed through her hair gently, untangling the curls and forming it into something much better. "What's the plan today?"

"We're spending the day at Northern Heights," Merry answered. She reached into Arcadia's mane and pulled her hoof through to make it smoother. "The mall on Psera Skies North that I know you haven't seen yet. There's a spa up there that the six of us are going to enjoy, shop through, then it's out for lunch and park."

Arcadia shot her a humorous look in the mirror. "Lunch and park?

Merry set down the comb and got off the bed. "Lunch at the park. It's much more calmer than you might expect during lunch. Which is why my friends and I usually go there. It's peaceful."

Arcadia shrugged before she stood up and looked back in the mirror at her hair, satisfied by how it worked out. She swung her head a few times then smiled. "That's so much better." She turned back to her friend. "Thanks, Merry."

"You're welcome. Now with all due respect your majesty, can we leave now?" Arcadia chuckled and nodded, walking towards the door. She opened it then quickly trotted out. Hearing the noise, Madun stepped out the kitchen and met her in the hallway, smiling at her ensemble with something on an outstretched wing.

"You look beautiful as always, love," he complimented. She giggled and leaned in to peck him on his lips. After they pulled away, he moved his wing into view and gave her a small container, along with a bag of bits that she grabbed in her magic. Then pulled back and gave him a half-lidded look. He leaned into her ear and whispered, "I'll keep the bed warm for you."

Arcadia blushed and quickly pressed her lips to his again. Merry was standing to the side trying to avoid the sounds and noises being made. So much smacking, she thought. After a few seconds, Arcadia pulled back. Then whispered, "Wait until I return... So we can burn it up."

Madun nodded before Arcadia walked past and towards the door, flicking her tail to his muzzle. She looked over her shoulder and winked while Merry rolled her eyes and opened the door. Ready to take on the day. The second Arcadia stepped outside, she saw four mares, one of them being her obviously tired assistant. They bowed when she smiled at them.

"Lady Arcadia, these are my friends," Merry introduced. "Meet Fast Right, Dark Shadow, and Light Pink. Girls, meet Lady in Waiting, Lady Arcadia." Light Pink was pink. That's all Arcadia could think of. She had a light pink coat, a straight dark pink mane, and dark blue eyes. She seemed quiet. Dark Shadow seemed to be the more calm one. Based off that simple smile on her face. She had a dark green coat with a black and white mane and dark brown eyes. Fast Right had a dark blue coat with a white mane and tail and dark brown eyes. She seemed to be the more lively one. Since she ran straight up to Arcadia, grabbed her hoof and started shaking it.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh~!" She exhaled before taking a deep breath. "Oh my gosh! It's an honor to meet you! I have seen, and heard all the great things you've done for Psera! Thank you so much!" She reached behind her and wrapped her hoof around Dark Shadow's neck. Then pulled her over, successfully earning her ire. "This is my sister. She's really chill. But we don't need chill! We need crazy! And wild! And—"

"Whoa, slow down!" Merry interrupted. She plugged a hoof into Fast's mouth. "Arcadia isn't a 'crazy' mare like us. She's peaceful and calm. Don't worry about her your highness, she's just crazy. Now let's go! Wake up, Gardeen!"

The assistant jolted into a sitting position beside Light Pink. "I'm awake, your majesty!" Worn Weather smirked by the door. Then waved to the group of departing mares.

"Have fun, Arcadia!" He called to her. "Try not to read!"

Arcadia blushed and waved back to him with a large wing. "Thanks, Worn! No promises!" Merry glanced to her with a knowing look. Arcadia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It's not like I read all the time. He just sees me when I do."

"Uh huh."

Gardeen chuckled then let out a yawn. "Whew, excuse me. Is there any coffee where we're going?" Merry nodded.

They walked through the offices of the castle, buzzing with activity from different diplomats, executives, directors, law makers and Representatives. Guards were also standing by, placed there by the pony in charge who was informed of Arcadia's vacation. Those in the hall stopped and bowed as she and the group walked past. "Have a wonderful day your highness," one of the representatives at the entrance to the residential area greeted.

"Thank you, my fellow Pseratep," she greeted back. The guards opened the doors for the group, letting in the sounds. Or serenity. The first thing Arcadia noticed was the quiet atmosphere. The lights were dimmed too.

Noticing her confusion, Merry leaned in and whispered, "Pserateps like to sleep in here. So the lights are mostly turned off in the less-active halls in the castle to conserve energy."

Arcadia nodded in understanding. Their hooves were nearly silent as they strode along, trying not to disturb the residence. Arcadia even spotted her own previous residence, which had a bronze plaque by the door. Arcadia stopped and read it for a moment. "'The Legendary Lady Arcadia's place of residence. Pre-marriage.'" She looked at Gardeen.

The assistant pointed at her and whispered, "You've made history in Psera. It'd make sense for your name to be spread and locations of interests to be noticed." Twilight nodded before they continued walking. After three minutes of silent pressing, the guards on the far end finally opened the doors, letting them out into the corridor. This area was more lively. She could tell just by listening to the loud sounds of the Pserateps talking and lounging about down below. Even at seven in the morning. She walked slowly towards the railing of the ledge while the others stood behind her, watching. There was a line of guards down there waiting for her and her "tour group", as she called them. Fit with armor, and blades for protection. Around them but not paying any attention were the mass of ponies talking and walking about, handling business and possibly visiting the stores in the first level that she had yet to visit. She smiled. It felt good to actually watch over a pony and do something good that serves a far bigger purpose than guarding and watching over magical items, and assisting other ponies with her knowledge.

Hey," she said without taking her eyes off of the level. "Will the ponies in the residency hear me if I yelled?"

Merry tapped her chin. Then turned to the guards by the door for an answer. One of them shook their head. "No, your highness," they, a mare, replied. "The doors are sealed for protection against fires, floods, and anything else that may happen in the castle. Even sound can't get through."

Arcadia nodded then reared up on her hind legs to place her front hooves on the bar. She extended her wings to their full length and shouted, "GOOD MORNING, FELLOW PSERATEPS!"

Everyone down below stopped and looked up to the upper level. "GOOD MORNING, LADY ARCADIA!" They replied before they bowed. Arcadia chuckled then began to make her way down by the steps. Like a proper pony. Once reaching the bottom, she smiled. "Rise, please." The ponies rose to their hooves while she and her friends walked through towards the line of guards. Bold Shoulder was standing with the line of what seemed to be fifty guards, who all saluted to the Lady in Waiting when she approached.

Arcadia chuckled nervously, motioned towards the Guards and asked, "Is this really necessary? Not too much?"

Bold Shoulder shook his head and commented, "Most of these guards will be stationed around the mall while maybe ten or fifteen are with you and your group, ma'am. Psera is an overall safe place, but I'm not taking any chances. Especially considering what happened with Her Majesty many years ago."

Arcadia shrugged and said, "Okay. As long as you're sure of this."

"I'll leave you with the lieutenant of this unit, then." He pointed to a female Pseratep on his right that had a gray coat, light blue eyes, and light blue mane. She was the same size as Arcadia, but with obviously shorter wings. "This is Lieutenant Gliding Sword. She's assigned to be the head of your security from here on out."

Arcadia looked to him in confusion. "What happened to Dark Silver? I thought he was in charge."

"Oh no, Dark Silver is actually just the head of the guard here in the castle. He's the one that sets up all the Guard stations and positions here. Lieutenant Gliding Sword is the head of your security outside and inside the castle. There is another guard assigned to your fiance as well."

"Oh, okay," Arcadia agreed. "Very well. It's nice to meet you, Lieutenant."

Gliding Sword bowed and said, "Likewise, your majesty. I hope I can fulfill my duty in keeping you safe."

"You'll be fine. Please rise. We're going to Northern Heights, since I've never been there. Merry and her friends are trying to teach me how to 'have fun.' Isn't that ridiculous?"

Bold Shoulder leaned over Lady Arcadia's shoulder and made eye contact with Merry. "Great idea!" Arcadia scoffed and flapped her wing, hitting his shoulder playfully.

"I do know how to have fun. Safe fun." Bold Shoulder smirked and raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Let's just go," she groaned before making her way towards the door. The guards quickly stepped ahead and pushed them open for her, letting in the cool breeze of winter that ruffled her fur.

"Have a great day, your highness!" Bold Shoulder called after her as she and the others made their way outside down the stairs.

Lieutenant Sword trotted up to walk down beside her. "A few questions, your highness. Just for security purposes." Arcadia looked over and happily nodded. "Where are you headed first?"

Arcadia stopped on the steps and turned to her. She motioned to Merry with a hoof and said, "Merry said we're pretty much staying at the mall the whole day. So the food court, a massage parlor—"

"The park," Merry added.

"Yes, the park. And, since I'm with her, a few clothing stores."

Fast Right chuckled and said, "A few? Try every last one. That's more Merry's style. Gardeen, sweetie? You have got to wake up." They turned to Gardeen, who was standing with her head tilted to the right and eyes closed, slight drool dripping from her mouth.

Arcadia grinned and said, "But first? We need breakfast. I brought my own, but Gardeen needs her coffee."

The lieutenant nodded and lifted her front hoof. Arcadia's innovation communication block was strapped to it with a band. She held it up to her mouth and ordered, "Team Steel? Take positions in between stores. Team Gold? Take positions around the food court. Team Silver? You're with me to escort Her Highness up to Northern Heights." She turned and looked behind her at Arcadia. "Are you taking Chariot?"

"No, we're flying on our own."

The lieutenant nodded and lifted her wrist up to her mouth again. "Form a three hundred sixty degree radius around Group Arcadia until we arrive. We're on our way." she lowered her hoof then turned back to the Lady in Waiting. "Whenever you're ready." Arcadia nodded then opened her wings, looking determinedly towards the sky. The sun was rising in the distance, giving the sky an orange glow that bounced off her fur. Flapping them a few times, she lifted into the air, followed immediately by her entourage and then the guards who did as instructed, creating a defensive bubble around them with the Lieutenant taking up the rear.

"So," Gardeen yawned. "Merry, what places do you have an eye on for her Highness?"

"Well," Merry teased. Arcadia shook her head, already knowing where this was going. "First we're going shopping."

"Called it!" Fast Right called. "I called it earlier! Pay up, Light!" The shy Pseratep reached into her bag and pulled out three coins. Then placed them into the bag Fast was holding down in front of her face. "Oh, yeah! I wonder how much more money I'm going to get today." Twilight only rolled her eyes. These were some crazy mares. Merry's crowd.

When the sun rose back in Equestria, its citizens stayed in. Too afraid to face the cold day that was destined with dirt, pain, and rationed food. The discolored tents brightened as Celestia rose the sun from the castle, as well as the S3 mobile remote facility, alive with action. The building's machines and tools had yet to see any use due to the energy build up for back up and night time energy. But the team was still on the move, evident by a single S3 technician walking out the building with a clipboard in hoof, observing the area.

Bright Gold arched her eyebrows at the deathly quiet atmosphere. Even the birds weren't chirping. Strange. No creature seemed to want to move, even at seven in the morning. She sighed and focused her attention back on the clipboard. They needed samples from Canterlot and the Crystal Empire today. Those two places were farther apart and could possibly let them know the oddity of the situation.

Bright grabbed a pen with her mouth from her lab coat and wrote a few things down. They needed a safe travel to the empire. Based off the information they received, the Crystal Empire is practically an oasis in the middle of a snow storm.

"Interesting," she mumbled. She placed the pen back in her coat then turned back to the lab. "Bright Light, Rising Flutter, and Green Rush!" She called, then looked back towards the slowly waking town. The one known as Applejack was pulling a cart into the middle of the square, filled with apples and fruits. S3 had their own food.

The three forementioned Pserateps walked out of the building, packed and ready to go. Once again pulling a cart filled with tools and containers. Bright Gold turned and informed them, "Our next step is to get samples of a healthy environment. So go to Canterlot, and find out how to get to the Crystal Empire. Then get to the Crystal Empire, collect samples, then get back here. The power for the facility should come on by this evening. The Castle in the city known as Canterlot should have a landing lane for us specifically in front of the castle to help you when you land with the cart."

"Yes, ma'am," Bright Light responded. Bright Gold nodded and then waved over a few guards. She told them the deal and their mission before the group hooked themselves up then took to the air, headed towards the castle of Canterlot in the distance. They would be back by later on this afternoon. Hopefully, the generator would be finished by that time.


After Rarity had arrived with a cart full of blankets, Applejack rang the bell so everyone could get their breakfast. "Breakfast!" She called. "Foals first, adults second! Breakfast!" The foals and other children stalked out of their tents to make their way quickly towards the carts. Nurse Redheart was beside Rarity doing a checkup on the foals first. Then afterwards, they were allowed to get their breakfast.

While passing out new blankets, and watching out for old ones, Rarity turned to Applejack and asked, "Have you seen Pinkie Pie?"

"She's with Starlight Glimmer doing something," she responded, digging through the cart for another orange. "Some plan of some sort. It looks like S3's up." She motioned with her hoof towards the large facility in front of the abandoned Castle of Friendship. "Do they use that library in there?"

Rarity turned back and took an old blanket from one of the foals, trading it for a new one. "Not sure. But they seem ready to work today."

"Yep." A loud roar overhead forced everyone to look up. Five Pserateps quickly zoomed past overhead, heading for Canterlot. Somehow, their wings had created a small trail when they flew past. Applejack whistled and went back to passing out apples. "Yeah, they're about to get busy."


Celestia looked down at the city of Canterlot... The Camp of Canterlot as the ponies began to make their way towards the food depot. Hopefully, they had enough. Food would be hard to grow with cold soil. It seems the bad times were coming. But worse than they expected yesterday, thanks to the cold air that was breezing along their coats today. Celestia glanced over at Luna and Cadance who decided to stay and help in the center of things. "It's cold," Cadance whispered, stating the obvious.

"It is," Luna responded. "Winter is upon us. And she is not caring at all for the ponies out in the open."

"No," Celestia agreed. "We need thicker blankets. But we are already using most of our surplus."

"We need assistance for the cold," Cadance suggested. "Because it is certainly coming. Especially in the Crystal Empire. The Heart may be able to stop most of the air from coming in, but it still comes in." Celestia sighed and looked at the trail of clouds headed their way.

She flapped her wing to nudge Luna. Then motioned towards it. "S3 maybe?"

"Possibly," Luna responded. "Whatever it stands for. It is certainly not 'Psera'. Maybe they are aligned with another nation."

"No, Psera is too inclined to keep to themselves. For safety. The only country they've spoken to in hundreds of years was Equestria. And according to Arcadia, they were reluctant. Highly reluctant. So I doubt that."

"So they are with Psera then—Goodness they fly fast!" Cadance exclaimed as they watched them land. The leading guards zoomed low first and glided over the land. Then sort of ran to a stop, followed by S3 and the Guards taking up the rear. Their wings created a dust cloud behind them. Not too big, but can still be noticed from yards away.

"Let's meet them," Celestia ordered. She teleported down to the runway with the other two Princesses and smiled at the group walking up to them. "Good morning."

"Good morning, your Majesty," Bright Light greeted. He and the other Pserateps bowed before rising again. "How are you?"

Luna sighed and said, "Not the greatest, nor the best, but are still pushing to get there. And you?"

"Busy," he replied. "We need to get to the Crystal Empire. That is the only place that is not affected by this... Plague, correct?"

"Yes," Cadance told him. "We are doing what we can on our end. Of course there is only so much since The Crystal Empire is set apart lightly from the rest of Equestria. And travel is tough without the right equipment. The most we really do in the Crystal Empire is business and politics. You need to get there? What for?"

"Yes. We need samples of the air and other metals to see the difference between it and the rusted metals. Then we can sort out any molecules that may all of a sudden pop up during the increased oxidation process, and use those molecules to research. Because they would be the key to getting back your metals."

"Of course," Cadance responded. "I would be happy to escort you there. However, since the train is down, we will have to use chariot and fly there. The path there is extremely cold due to a curse put on the empire many years ago. We would have to be in one group."

"Great," he responded. "Our guards will be accompanying us."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Follow me and we'll get you setup."

The surprise of the day for Arcadia would be the large amount of Pserateps already at Northern Heights. Merry did tell her it was really popular. Especially among teenagers and millenials. Northern Heights was a really large mall that she did not intend to be created here on the largest cloud here in Psera, Psera Skies North, complete with neighborhoods and other outside things besides the mall in the distance.

"We're here!" Merry yelled in Arcadia's ear. "Why haven't you been up here again?"

Arcadia rolled her eyes and playfully answered, "Because I've been too busy working for Psera and their defense? You know, for nearly a year? I didn't have any time for relaxation."

"Well now you're about to relax!" The group flew slowly over the neighborhoods down below. The Pserateps down there waved at them then continued along their day. There were office buildings, schools, and more before they actually reached the crowded mall. The twenty guards ahead of Arcadia zoomed further while the guards behind her stayed with. "So, I order you to relax."

"Merry, I—"

"Madun orders you to relax too!" She quickly added. "Let's not forget him! Or the rest of Psera! Relax, your majesty. And take a load off for at least two days. With me, your best friend in all of Psera. The most attractive mare here in this group with her less than attractive friends."

"Gee, thanks," Dark Shadow commented sarcastically.

Arcadia chuckled and said, "I'll try to. Does that satisfy you at least?"

"Eh, I can deal with that." The group rolled their eyes.

They soon lowered to land by the front doors of the building, already busy with swinging doors and walking ponies in packs. There even happened to be a field trip coming around the corner from a chariot that was about to land with them. According to her studies, the school was from Merōl based off the construction of the chariot, which was made mostly out of metal. It was being pulled by two more Pserateps who were coming in for a fast landing before one of her guards swooped over and spoke to—who Arcadia guessed—the teacher in charge who quickly looked over and gasped loudly. Then ordered the ponies pulling the chariot to quickly slow down.

Lieutenant Gliding Sword lifted her Communication Block and spoke into it. "Team Arcadia's coming in for a landing at the Eastern Entrance. Teams sound off." Arcadia heard them sound off before Sword responded. "All groups keep an eye out." She lowered her hoof and turned to Lady Arcadia. "All clear. Land when you're ready."

"Great." Arcadia flapped her wings and slowed her descent with the rest of her crew. Then pulled up slightly, beating her wings as she landed on the soft cloud that supported practically anything. Except that steel block in Serl. That would crush this. Once she landed, the guards immediately spread out and gazed out at the rest of the ponies watching and pointing. Merry landed next to Arcadia and wrapped a wing around her back, pulling her in.

"We're here!" She yelled. Arcadia jumped slightly from that outburst. "Now it's time we wake up Gardeen. Gardeen, come on!"

"Huh, what?" She mumbled, drawing herself from the brink of sleep once more. She looked around and asked, "What happened?"

Arcadia giggled and said, "Well we've landed at Northern Heights and are about to go and get some breakfast for you and everypony else." She turned to Merry and asked, "Where is the food court?"

"Follow me," she answered before walking towards the mall's entrance. Along the way, Arcadia spotted the school group standing to the side and the teacher pointing and teaching them a few things.

Gardeen brushed up next to her and joked, "Thinking about being a school teacher now, are we?"

Arcadia blushed and said, "No, I just... I just adore children. That's all. Besides, I teach Psera a lot of things already. Although..." She looked back at the foals on the side watching with their teacher and the other Pserateps. Then turned back to Gardeen. "It wouldn't hurt to say hi right? I love children!"

"You're about to become the queen of Psera. I'm super positive saying hello to little foals is not a big issue. Besides, this is your day. You get to do what you want without Psera going crazy over it."

"Oh, okay."

"Just don't start reading about biotechnology. That is working. Well, for you." Arcadia sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I won't read a book about Biotechnology. Just going to say hi." Arcadia turned and made her way over to the school kids, catching the Lieutenant's attention. She lifted her wrist and spoke in some new orders while following after her. The guards created a new formation around Arcadia's radius as she made her way over to the field trip group. The teacher quickly became ecstatic.

"Oh, your highness!" She greeted before bowing with the rest of the chaperones and staff. "It's an honor to meet you!"

"Hello," Arcadia greeted before turning to the foals. "Is this your class?"

"Yes, your majesty. We're with a school in Merōl. We saved up money for a day out with the class and decided to visit Psera Skies' famous Northern Skies Mall just for fun because these kids have been so hard at work there."

"That's great!" Arcadia replied enthusiastically. "Hard work gives you great things. So keep at it, okay?" She told the class of foals.

"Yes, ma'am!" They responded.

"Good. I better get back to my own group before Gardeen falls asleep again. She needs her coffee. Have a great day." Arcadia turned around and made her way back to the nodding off assistant and nudged her with her hoof. "Gardeen, wake up. We're going to go and get your coffee."

"Oh... yaaayy," she responded tiredly before Arcadia and the group finally walked into the large mall. They first walked into a department store that Merry wanted to start rummaging through. But managed down her seamstress urges for Gardeen's sake. After that, they walked out and into the large atrium of the three story mall, filled with many Pserateps that were either shopping, working, flying, or just casually talking about. There was always the average Pseratep couple walking around with family, a spouse, or some other pony. The floors were marble and everything was colorful. There were staircases and elevators that led up to the different floors.

"Alright, Arcadia," Merry said from her left. "The food court is right over there on the first floor. Right now, we're on the second floor. So we need to get down those stairs."

Lieutenant Sword sent down her orders to her guards. Five of the guards situated in between stores already down there positioned themselves at the foot of the staircase as Arcadia made her way down, keeping an eye for any ponies with ill will. It was highly rare, but it still happened. And the guards weren't taking chances. After Arcadia and everyone else walked down the stairs, Light Pink trotted over and asked, "So... How's everything with Madun?"

"It's great," Arcadia replied, waving to a few ponies as she walked past. "We had a little embarrassing moment that happened when we woke up, but besides that everything's fine. We're planning one more date before the wedding. This time I'm going to do something he'll like. He's been doing all the planning and I've just been enjoying it. I think it's my turn now, don't you think?"

"Oh of course," she responded. "Madun I'm sure likes to be pampered by his fiancee. How's the wedding planning going?"

"We'll we're holding the competition in a few days at Events at Eventa. So everypony is kind of tense. That and S3 is in Equestria working on solving their air issue. This is the worst timing for them to have a plague."

"I'll say. Things were much simpler when we had nopony to worry about."

"Yeah. How Equestria managed to lure me back in is a mystery. No wait... It was Sunset. She guilt tripped me."

"How appropriate. Well I hope you can get some relaxation before your wedding. And then some intimate relaxation afterwards, if you catch my drift."

Arcadia blushed and looked around in embarrassment. "I'm not thinking about that right now," she whispered.

Merry poked her head in and whispered, "What are we whispering about?" Arcadia pushed her head back out.

"Nothing that concerns you," she teased. "Are we there yet?"

"Oh yeah, we're in here already."

"What?" Arcadia looked around and sure enough they were in a crowded food court. Complete with the onlookers of ponies at the restaurants set up and around them. They were all staring and pointing. Her guards had already spread out and taken position at different areas, keeping a close eye per their mission.

Merry trotted over and stood beside her with a grin plastered on her face. She leaned over and whispered, "And the fun begins.... Ugh, after Gardeen wakes. Gardeen, wake up already!"

"Huh, wha?!"

Author's Note:

Wow, funny huh? Well... I tried at least. You love this story, you know it. Shoot a scootangel (:scootangel:) in the comments if you agree!

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