• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 35 - Events at Eventa Pt. 3

As the secure motorcade moved along, so did the conversation about a certain threat that may have Twilight in their eyes. Or so Merry thought as she laid back and sighed in relief, enjoying the ride with the other Princesses. The vehicles, or Pods as they were called in Psera, were moving quickly through Section One's buildings of Events at Eventa. Lady Arcadia Nova and King Shimmering Madun continued to wave as they rode the half mile to a single street, then turned left onto another, going more at a speed that Sunset Shimmer was used to back at Canterlot High.

"Oooh," Rainbow moaned as the wind blew through her mane. "This is nice, I could get used to this." She tilted her head back, folded her hooves on the cushion behind her head and closed her eyes. She held a content smile on her face, loving the feeling of the wind blowing past her face and tickling her fur.

Applejack, Rarity, Starlight, Spike, and Pinkie had to admit too. This was good livin.' Royal livin.' It felt good to be treated with the most utmost of care and respect. Very good. "I think it's safe to say," Starlight moaned as she copied Rainbow Dash's position. "Psera is nice."

"Very nice," Applejack agreed. "If only they had some farms amongst this flair. Some good 'ol country."

"They do," Sunset admitted. Applejack turned her head to her for an explanation. "On Hearth's Warming, after you guys left, Lady Arcadia took Starlight, Trixie and I on an overhead night tour of Psera. She showed us all the cities, except for one apparently. There are nine cities in total. One of them is named.... Hmmmm...."

Starlight pointed a hoof and said, "Fenix. It was called Fenix."

"Yes, Fenix. Thanks, Starlight. It's a city, but the city part is very small and centralized in only one area. There's a tall skyscraper, fifty floors that serves as the offices for fifty massive farms making it up. You just have to see it for yourself, you'd like it. We didn't actually land there, but we saw it from overhead."

"Oh, I want to see it now!" Applejack responded enthusiastically. The Pod they were in began to slow, pulling their eyes away from each other and towards the front. They were at the end of the section, in front of a bunch of glass doors that held two guards per pair. Those were a lot of doors. It was at the bottom of a very tall gray steel wall.

Once the guards had setup a protective shield around the motorcade, the back door of the limo was opened, letting out the King of Psera. Then Lady Arcadia Nova. Once she was on the ground and the Equestrians regrouped with them, Arcadia motioned towards the doors and told them, "We're near the entrance of the stadium. Then you can see what we're working with."

Madun nodded and added, "You'll love it. But first? Breakfast."

The security walked towards the doors that the guard stationed there opened up earlier for them, letting all the ponies pile into a large and wide lobby holding staircases that went up and down. Along with empty information desks that had a sign on the tabletop that read "Closed". But all on the walls, hanging from the ceiling, and on more areas, were large display screens with the crest of Psera on it. It was as if they were in a very large surveillance room. Or a TV store back on Earth. "Oh...my...faust," Sunset whispered.

The Guard moved them along, heading towards a door on the right. "We're taking a large elevator to the area below," Lieutenant Sword instructed them. A button on the side was pressed then the waiting began.

Curious, Arcadia asked, "Have the technicians tested the LiVAMs weekly for the events?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lieutenant Sword responded. "Once a week. "

"Great." The elevator door dinged and the door slid over to the left, a large spacious bland area behind it. The King and future Queen of Psera walked in first, then the Lieutenant, then the Equestrians. But the guards turned around and stayed outside. The door softly closed shut behind them, rendering those inside in a moist silence that covered everything, save for the elevator itself that held a low hum as it quickly lowered.

"We're heading to the first floor of the facility," Lieutenant Sword educated them.

"Wait a minute!" She turned to Flurry Heart who was looking up at her in awe. "That was only a floor?" She asked in a cute filly voice.

The guard smiled and answered, "Yes it was."

Arcadia looked over her shoulder at Flurry and said, "Events at Eventa is huge. Guard, I want to see the machinery for the procedure during a Code Black when we're at the stage. I've never reviewed it."

"Yes, ma'am." The elevator dinged then slid open once more. Twenty guards waited for the group to exit among a more lively lobby like the one above. Not only were there guards, but there were also standard Pserateps. Talking and conversing with each other. Including staff. The Equestrians walked out first and looked around. Then the Pserateps and Alicorn-Pseratep.

"Presenting King Shimmering Madun and Lady Arcadia Nova!" A guard announced. The Pserateps stopped what they were doing, set down their things, and bowed deeply. And this was just outside of what looked like a cafeteria. There were so many more Pserateps inside. Including press, journalists, and—oh my fausts news anchors?! Sunset just couldn't believe it. They were just like Earth in so many ways. Equestria didn't even have news anchors.

"Rise, my ponies," King Madun ordered kindly. All the Pserateps rose to their hooves and stood at attention. Cameras pointed right at the Royal's faces. "Today is the first day that you all get to show your skills."

"You are all very talented ponies," Arcadia added. "And you know you are. That is why you are here to tryout for our wedding and grow to stardom."

"But until then, we all need our energy," Madun stated. "Everypony, eat up! We begin in the Grand Stadium Ballroom for room designs!" The Pserateps cheered before the group was led through the crowd towards the door of the cafeteria. The Equestrians followed along. But they felt like total outcasts. Here they were with small wings, but the only one who held even a near semblance of a regular adult Pseratep was Princess Celestia. But her lack of Psera's magic told anyone that she was Equestrian. But none of that really mattered when the Pserateps walked right up to them in interest.

"Oh wow!"

"What are they called again?"

"What are their names?"

"They have horns too?!"

Cadance and the others were so caught off-guard by the questions that Arcadia came to their rescue. She whispered something to Madun then doubled back with her guards. "Everypony?" The pserateps shooting around questions turned to Arcadia with smiles. She pointed at the group and said, "These are ponies from Equestria."

They gasped and looked back at them with expressions of uncertainty. "I'm sure you know of my history with Equestria, my homeland," she continued. "And I have forgiven them for their transgressions against me. Although to a certain extent. I will never take up citizenship back with Equestria, but I am willing to give friendship and alliance with them another try. I am forever an Alicorn-Pseratep and my heart is forever with Psera's."

The Pserateps stomped their hooves and cheered, rearing up and flapping their wings. Satisfied, Arcadia turned around and made her way back to the cafeteria. Leaving the Equestrians to talk with the Pserateps.

"As you all know, I'm sure," Celestia started. "I'm Princess Celestia of Equestria."

"I'm Princess Luna."

"I'm Princess Cadance."

"And I'm Flurry!" They looked between the legs of Cadance at the small foal waving enthusiastically at them. They immediately began fawning over.

"Aww, she's so adorable!!"

"So cute."

"Super cute!!"

"Her wings are so small!!"

"Who's foal is this?" Flurry crawled out from underneath her mother and flew back on her head. Enjoying the attention.

While they were conversing outside, Madun and Arcadia were conversing inside with a few other Pserateps. They sat at a long table, Royalty at the end and flanked by the Guard of course. They were alone right now to enjoy their meals. But many chose to stick with themselves and eat amongst each other equally.

In the middle of her meal, Arcadia spotted the last Pseratep she expected to see at a contest grabbing some food. "Yellow Sage?!"

A bright yellow Pseratep with a pale yellow mane and tail wearing a lab coat looked over from the buffet line at the mention of her name and eagerly waved to Arcadia. She abandoned the line and immediately walked over with a plate of food balanced on her hoof. Mainly chortle and fruit. She set it down and bowed. "Your majesties! I thought you'd never arrive! And when you finally do, I didn't even see you! Congrats on your engagement!"

"Thank you. Madun, you know Yellow Sage."

The King nodded and said, "Our director of all mining operations in Psera in S2. Yes, I remember. How are you and the foals?"

"We're fantabulous, thank you!" Yellow replied.

"So what are you doing here?" Arcadia asked.

Yellow Sage sat down and reached into her lab coat, pulling out a large rolled up map. "Well I'm actually here helping the technicians. As you know, I'm retired from Eventa but still like to volunteer my time. And since you were coming here today, I figured I'd run this by you when I saw you. I know it's very important, today is. And—"

"Go ahead," Arcadia interrupted. "Show us." They failed to notice Cadance coming to them from the left side of the table with Flurry Heart on her back, Shining Armor, and her parents. Cadance's strong hearing picked up the conversation unexpectedly. Even with all the noise and Yellow Sage's whispering.

"As you know, Psera is made entirely of metal," she stated quietly. Cadance's eyes quickly glanced to them and shifted back to placing Flurry in a high chair. Ear twitching slightly. Shining had moved away to get some of the food, leaving her with the parents. Some information on Psera's secret. Finally. "Yes, we have soil, grass, clay. And all of that. But directly underneath it, gold. Nothing but gold."

"I am entirely aware, yes. I was recently informed by letter from S2 that it... regenerates?" Arcadia asked just as quietly.

"Yes, ma'am. One day one of our teams outside of Fenix mined out a field. A week and a half later, we had the opportunity to grab more in the exact same location and spot. Thanks to you, our steel is nearly on par in amount with the gold held in Serl."

"Great, is that all?"

"Not yet. We never understood how it works, the regeneration. But recently, we found something. This." Cadance heard paper shuffling while she "looked around" the hall, eyes focusing on Arcadia for just a moment. She noticed that any other Pseratep that was there earlier had now vacated, abandoning their presence.

"Wha... What is this?" Arcadia whispered. "Madun. Look at this."

A brief silence then a shuffle. "What is that?" Madun inquired in awe.

"It's gold," Yellow Sage responded.

"But it's blue," Arcadia responded. She looked at the image again before Madun took hold of it.

"We took a sample back to S2 to have them look at it. It still has the chemical and molecular makeup of gold, it's just... Blue. This was found a few miles deep inside. But we worked our way back out and found more. But this looked just like our standard gold with the exception of a few blue spots. We stopped in between the points and found gold that had an equal amount of both blue and gold. The guys at Serl theorized that—"

"This stuff isn't regenerating," Arcadia interrupted. "It's...growing. Like bread when you put it in an oven."

"Yes, or a compressed and dried out sponge when you place it in water," Yellow Sage added. "Do you realize what this implies?"

"I see bad things and good things. If we use all of this gold that is constantly growing from... From somewhere, it could hurt our economy. But I also see a chance for expansion of Psera. Keep a large sample of Blue Gold in S2 and tell the team there to have a morning meeting scheduled surrounding it next... Tuesday. I have something scheduled Sunday and Monday may be... Taxing. tell them to keep this information top secret, stash their finds in 'the room,' and study that Blue Gold. Brush everything else to the side and study it. "

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thanks for bringing this to my attention." Cadance was in shock, although her face didn't show it. Psera...was made out of metal? That was growing? On its own?! No wonder they could create a building this huge and still make others like it! It explains the "discovery" she remembered Merry talking about that caused a war between Psera and another kind! The wall of water outside of Equestria's borders that kept anypony else from coming! The huge castle! The block of steel Arcadia promised to trade for gems!! The terrorist organization that possibly wants Twilight dead because the Equestrians were on their land!! On their gold!! It all made sense! Except for one thing... What was Serl?

"Cadance, you have to try this!" She looked up behind her at Celestia holding a coffee saucer with a slice of cake. She laughed happily and stated, "It's like Lemon and Strawberry put together! Delicious!" She placed it in front of Cadance and shot a piece into her mouth. "Great, isn't it?"

A little caught off guard, Cadance chewed and swallowed. "Yes, it's fine Celestia," she responded, then glanced at Twilight and Madun, both having a conversation and nuzzle as if nothing were going on. She would talk to Celestia about her find later. Right now, they were enjoying Psera while they could.


Code Black. Code Black. That term rang in Rarity's head like a white noise. The last time it was used was on Her Majesty Molten Ice. There was no telling when it would be used again. And Rarity was positive she didn't want it to. Whoever these Pserateps were, they had to be caught. There must be some way to catch even the invisible. Nothing can exactly be invisible when you throw white powder on them.

"Is Twilight alright?" Rarity looked up from her meal of Chortle—which was absolutely delicious—and followed Fluttershy's worried gaze down the table towards Arcadia and Madun. The former was looking rather squeamish.

She saw Gardeen lean over and whisper something to her. Arcadia blinked rapidly and widened her eyes for maybe half a second. Then shook her head. This was not a good time for morning sickness. Madun looked behind him and ushered Lieutenant Sword over. Nodding, she raised her hoof and said something to the Comm Block. King Madun stood up with Arcadia and quickly walked with her towards the exit of the room, escorted by the guard and Gardeen. Eyes and murmurs followed along as they watched them quickly walk out, nearly running to the point that Pserateps had to zip out of the way.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked mainly to herself. Once the final guard vacated the room, Celestia and the others walked towards the other Element Bearers.

"So what happened?" Starlight asked.

"Lady Arcadia had become queasy," Cadance explained. She had her eyes on the double doors just like everyone else. "I'm not sure how, but... Celestia, I have to tell you something." She leaned up to Celestia's ear and whispered, "I think I figured out Psera's secret. You'll never believe it. I'll tell you once we are back in Equestria."

While they spoke, Arcadia's assistant rushed back into the room, grabbed a bottle of water, then rushed back out. "Something definitely happened," Applejack whispered. Then watched Merry calmly walk out behind them. The Guard blocking the doors parted to let her through then joined once she was out. "I just noticed that Merry doesn't have any type of Guard with her," Applejack stated. "Why is that?"

"So you're the ponies from Equestria," a voice said from behind Celestia. They turned around and saw the mare Arcadia was speaking to earlier. The yellow one wearing a lab coat. She was eating something that looked like an orange with spikes, wearing a strange smirk on her face. Alarm bells rang through Luna's mind. "Hi, Yellow Sage. One of the technicians here in Events at Eventa."

Celestia smiled and introduced herself. "Hello. I'm Princess Celestia."

"I know. I know all of you ponies. When Lady Arcadia first mentioned you, she used... Magic to recreate images of you."

"...oh." Celestia looked at the others who were also sporting confused looks. Starlight even shrugged. Eager to change this conversation, Celestia turned back and asked, "So do you work with S3? I thought they were all in Equestria."

Yellow Sage was about to say something about them knowing about S3 as highly illegal until she remembered them being assigned to help out in Equestria. Common news at Serl. So instead, she shook her head and answered, "Nope. Although I am also a technician in a similar department at the same location. I can't tell you the location, don't ask please."

"Oh okay," Twilight Velvet relented. "So what do you do?"

"I manage different operations in all of Psera, scientific technician, and director of technology here in Events at Eventa. Volunteer. The lights, display screens, the Code Black tracks that are underneath your hooves as we speak? All of that is me. I manage and direct all of that with a very good team of actual paid technicians. We're doing a drill later on today that I must tell their majesties about. Are you excited for the wedding?"

Twilight Velvet gasped as if she were hurt. "Of course! My little filly is getting married! Both of my foals have amazing spouses."

Shining rolled his eyes and moaned, "Mom, I'm not a foal anymore."

"Oh I know dear. You're a big strong stallion! Now make mommy proud and eat your... What is this anyway?" She pointed to the round shaped food on Shining's plate. "It's really good." The other Equestrians agreed with nods and murmurs just as the Guards walked back in with the King and Lady in Waiting. Looking much better.

Yellow Sage smiled and answered, "It is called Chortle. Food that heals a Pseratep overnight. Full of nutrients that you find in both fruits and vegetables while keeping a meaty texture."

"Yes, the meat texture is... Interesting," Luna admitted. She was really interested in why it had to feel like meat in the first place. Hopefully they don't eat meat. It'd be a disaster.

"It's just for softness against the teeth," Yellow Sage replied. "Pserateps do not eat meat. I assure you. Ah, your highness! How are you feeling?" She abandoned their conversation and made her way down the long table towards Arcadia eating alone at the moment. Madun had stepped back out. Her worried friends and family quickly followed along.

Looking up from her meal, Arcadia smiled at the group. "Hello, Yellow. I'm fine, thank you."

"Are you sure, dear?" Her mother asked. "You left out of here as if there was an emergency."

Sort of was, Twilight thought to herself. Nodding, she replied, "Positive. Now I think it's time we all got started with the event. Guard?"

A guard behind her cleared his throat and yelled, "All ears and eyes trained on her highness!"

The Pserateps instantly stopped talking and walked towards the table, ears and eyes trained on Arcadia. Those in the hall also came back in. Followed by Madun and Merry. As well as her Majesty Molten Ice who possibly just arrived. Once all were in, eyes and cameras trained, Arcadia cleared her throat and said, "Once again, thank you all for participating in this event today, which will continue for four more this week. This is a very happy time for Madun and I and we appreciate your willingness." The Pserateps sat down and tapped their hooves together in applaud.

"Today, as you all know, we are doing the room design portion. Each pony will have a shot to wow us. So give it your all. Now if you all will make your way towards the East Ballroom in the Grand Stadium, we will begin by giving you an hour and a half to setup without our presence. We begin at eleven." Yellow Sage raised a hoof then leaned into her ear to whisper something. Nodding, Arcadia added, "And please remember that a Code Black drill is being commenced at twelve. So please have all tools and items away from the tracks at a minimum of five feet please. For those that don't know, just look on the ground and locate the split. Now let the event begin!"

After the mass of participants had eagerly left the room to prepare, leaving the Equestrians with Yellow Sage, Merry, Twilight and Madun, Molten Ice and twenty guards around them alone, Yellow Sage decided to lay down how the drill would play out. "Alright, your majesties." She flopped down into one of the seats next to Arcadia with a bag she retrieved from her previous chair. "If you'll allow me, I'd like to go through the drills today with you."

Arcadia and Madun shared a look then focused back on Yellow Sage. "As long as it isn't too long," Madun stated.

"It should only take a few minutes." She opened her bag and pulled out a notebook, wowing the Equestrians that they even had that. Sunset just decided that somepony had somehow gotten on Earth and innovated a few things. Flipping open the notebook, Yellow showed what looked like a bunch of lines in different colors running their way through, apparently, the "Grand Stadium", as it were titled on the top.

"In the midst of an attack," Yellow Sage began. "The facility will be shut down into a Code Red. The automatic doors you supplied will be activated and locked in every single entrance. Even the restrooms. The Security Director with his team here will check all cameras and be in direct contact with the Pseratopian Guard, while the teams outside will keep anypony wishing to come out inside, and those wishing to come in outside.

"Once all areas are cleared, which will take an hour or two, the Code Red will be lifted and we will proceed with normal scheduling. Now, in the case of a Code Black, everything will be entirely different. If it is a minor scratch, and the Security, Guard, or Military manage to catch the pony, then everyone in the room will be checked. If it is in the Grand Stadium, we will be watching the cameras closely if there are many Pserateps, checking bodies and belongings if there are only a few.

"Now in the case of a major wound, such as an impale, large cut, or anything that bleeds and can become life threatening, every single pony that is not a Guard, Elite Guard or Military is to get down on their hooves, wings outstretched, and muzzles to the ground. That includes Security, Administrators, directors, no exceptions. They just can't lay on the tracks. If you look behind your seats, you will see this room's hidden tracks."

Everyone in the room that were sitting in chairs turned around and looked towards the ground. There were long slabs of metal that had a split in the middle that seemed to circle the table that obviously lifted up when activated, revealing something underneath it. "The tracks will be activated as such." Yellow Sage reached into the bag and pulled out a long controller, similar to a master mixer with a lot of knobs and sliders for channels and placed it on the table. "This is the controller the operator will use inside the security room. For today, I only assigned this room. There are twenty modular versions of these that can be assigned to different things, such as the doors, lights, anything we want. But during these events, they're assigned exclusively to the tracks.

"Only a trained professional can operate these, such as myself. This is what will happen. After all the ponies are on the ground and unmoving in the building, and the medics are supplying first response procedures to the victim, we flip two switches synchronously. One is to widen the doorways—" She flipped a yellow switch on top of one of the channels that lit up green. The loud whirring noise at the front caught everypony's ear when the wall at the entrance of the room that held the doors separated, creating a much larger path in a quick manner. Once it was fully parted, the entrance was maybe thirty feet wide. Celestia was beyond impressed. "And another for the tracks. Now the tracks in the facility were recently supplied by our Professionals in Magnetic Conductivity in Psera at you-know-where. It works like a regular chain in the Code Black Hangar. However, they do not need chains. See this strange hole in the ceiling?"

Everyone looked up at the ceiling. There was a small but still noticeable gap in the center of the room that Yellow Sage was pointing at. Arcadia nodded and answered, "Yes, what is it?"

"It's more like a projector that activates the tracks using...a small dose of microwaves. Microwaves work by causing the molecules to shift and rub against each other, creating heat. However, we're going to use them to activate these electro magnets wirelessly. Everypony, you may feel a tiny bristle in your coat and a small rise in body temperature for less than a second—"

"Wait!" Arcadia and Madun yelled at the same time. Arcadia motioned for her to come closer then whispered something in her ear that made her eyes bug out. She pulled back and smiled at her, eyeing Arcadia up and down while she blushed.

"No, ma'am! Are you serious about..." She motioned with her eyes at Madun.

Arcadia nodded and said, "Nopony knows yet. Neither do we, but we're not taking any chances with microwaves."

"Well you have nothing to worry about, your highness." She looked her up and down, adding, "Look at you go. It'll be our little secret. Now everyone, you may feel a rise in body temperature for a quick second and a bristle along your coat in three, two..." Yellow Sage used her hoof to twist a knob. Everyone felt their coats vibrate at the same time the metal covers on the floor shot open. Single metal lines with strange spikes popped out and began speeding forward along long steel bars, disappearing underground at the end. But what had the Equestrians in awe and surprise was that the spikes were running along the metals at an angle that should be completely impossible. They moved around a curb. The Princesses noticed that the Pserateps were entirely nonchalant about it while they were completely confused.

"All of the tracks in the building run along their own channel classified by level, section, and room number, which can be found here on the wall." She pointed a hoof at the wall behind the Equestrians' heads. There was a panel behind them that held a strange code, reading SEC0101124. "We find that code amongst the many many channels in the security room on the modular controllers we assign them to, and create an active path towards that location starting with the Code Black Hangar using the many tracks in this facility."

"Excellent. But how does the injured victim board it?" Madun inquired.

"Excellent question. The transport is a tall and long table that is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, then kept in a clean room every day. It's ten feet wide and has been tested to support all shapes and sizes of Pserateps. Including wing length. You having the largest wing size on the whole continent Lady Arcadia proved as a challenge, but my crew succeeded in modifications. It moves fast, going at a staggering seventy mph, or miles per hour for transport in the building. Like the pods here for Pseratep Royalty. These sliders—" She pointed to the black sliders on the board and began to slowly pull it down. The noisy tracks on the ground slowly stopped then rotated in the opposite direction they were going previously. "—control the speed and direction. The medics will help you board by stretcher which is an attachment to the table. Once you are prepared and the medics are on board, the technicians put it in reverse and you're on your way back to Code Black Hangar, where you'll be flown quickly to the Main Hospital in Capita and given thorough procedure. You'll see a live demonstration today."

"Sounds good," Arcadia responded. She looked to Madun who suddenly stood up and stretched. "I think it's time we looked at the Grand Stadium."

"I as well," he responded. He turned to Lieutenant Sword and stated, "We're moving out."

After Yellow Sage disengaged the Code Black partition, everyone filed out and walked straight into the lobby, led by the Guard who were as stoic as Maud Pie. "So this Stadium," Celestia inquired beside Madun. He glanced her way as they moved along the quiet halls. "What is its sole purpose?"

"Parties," Madun answered. "Celebrations. National Announcements. All in one area. Last time it was used was when my fiancee restored all the cities in Psera, and removed the Changelings. We had our very first date here in a restaurant directly above the stage."

"Where he beat Merry at a date saying I wouldn't enjoy it," Twilight inserted. She leaned in and nuzzled his cheek, which he happily returned. "I absolutely treasure it to this day."

"I can't believe you actually got this far," Merry commented in surprise. "It's totally rare."

"So is my fiancee," Madun replied before draping a protective wing on her back. "No other mare like her."

"You two are just adorable!" Rarity cried from behind. "It's not everyday you get to court a king. Let alone talk to a King. The nearest King in Equestria is Thorax."

"Poor guy would have all his hooves in the air lying on his back trying to manage a country like this," Rainbow Dash sighed.

Molten Ice silently chuckled and stated, "Not everyone is built to handle Psera, and could not if they didn't have the right tools. Lady Arcadia is practically popping with the knowledge that will help stabilize Psera and has helped to do so the second she landed on our shores. The inhabitants of Merōl were following her while she did the deed, sending her love that had made her much stronger. Lady Arcadia has become a legend of Psera. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Molten," Arcadia responded. The group walked out of the hallway into what resembled the lobby when they first entered the section. But much bigger, wider, had a lot of decoration, and the stairs... There were so many. The area was definitely the entrance to the Grand Stadium. The stairs were glass and there were multiple levels inside, as well as a few guards walking by who would bow for a moment. Then continue on their way. Other than that, it was completely silent. There were doors that lined the far area in front of them made out of glass. But the area behind them was dark. And that was for all the levels. All five that Rainbow Dash could see.

The group walked up to one of them that were flanked by two guards. Who bowed as the Royals of Psera approached. Arcadia looked over her shoulder and smirked. "Everyone? Welcome to the Grand Stadium. Events at Eventa." The guards walked forward and unlocked the doors. Then pulled them open, allowing them into the dark area.

Lieutenant Sword motioned to Yellow Sage. Who lifted her own hoof and spoke in some commands. "Chief to team, we need lights on in the Stadium."

"Understood." She lowered her hoof and looked around with the rest of the group. Waiting. They were in a very large space, that much was obvious since there was a small echo. Barely noticeable. A very bright light appeared above right behind them, making them all jump.

A Pseratep wearing a reflective suit was on what appeared to be another level directly above them, wearing a hardhat with a flashlight. The Pseratep looked down over the balcony at the strange white color of Celestia's wing. Then finally noticed the others. Jumping in surprise, she yelled, "Oh jeez! I'm sorry everyone. We were doing final power checks and weren't informed of your sudden arrival until later! Let me get these lights on right now!" She turned around and faced a large wall that had a key lock to it. Lifting a key with her mouth, she pushed it in and unlocked it. Then pushed the wall to the side, revealing a hidden wall of metal boxes with levers on the side. She went to the first one and pulled down a lever loudly. Then continued down the line.

Immediately a giant flash exploded over their heads that disappeared as fast as it came. Then gradually began to get brighter when another happened. The Element Bearers, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight all strode forward and looked over the protective glass barrier towards the dimly lit ground that was becoming easier to see. Even though it was very, very far down. Soon the lights where they were located at were on at full brightness, lightning up a pretty bland black floor. But above was entirely different.

Giant screens. Large enough that anypony could see them from yards away. They were black, had to be two hundred feet across and one hundred vertically, and were off at the moment. The mare operating the power supply overhead peeked down and yelled, "Would you like the screens on?!"

Madun looked up and motioned yes. The mare lifted her wrist and barked some orders. "A01 to Master. We need A02, A03, A04, and A05 to turn on their power supplies please. King Madun, Lady Arcadia, Princess Merry, and Her Majesty Molten Ice are here waiting."

[ir]"I haven't seen Master at all today!" Someone yelled back.

"Anyone else?"

A chorus of "no" blared from her hoof. The mare ahead groaned in annoyance then peered down at the visitors, mouthing "sorry" quickly over and over. Then lifted her hoof back up and yelled, "Will someone PLEASE turn on the lights and screens?! Do I have to do everything?!!"

Everyone saw the lights in the far distance start flashing from the far right, farther than they could really see all the way down. Then the glass panels lit up with possible blue LED lights in a constant straight line, never ending. It was a dark blue. Then the screens finally turned on. None of them except the Pserateps and Arcadia noticed they were actually around the balconies. Right behind them over the doors, on the walls. And on the ceiling hanging over the massive floor beneath them that could definitely hold thousands upon thousands of Pserateps.

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