• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 28 - Fiery Outburst

After the introductions and the Semi-friendly interaction, Lady Arcadia did a thorough check inside the laboratory with the other ponies. Running a few machine tests, engine runs, and more before she put in some commands for the solar panels on the roof from inside. They clanged and began to rotate towards the sun behind the building.

The Equestrians watched it move before Twilight, some guards, and the rest of S3 came back outside, trotting towards them. "Okay, here's the deal," she said before stopping in front of them. "The S3 Mobile Laboratory will be busy absorbing energy for a full twenty-four hours before everything boots up. In the meantime, my technicians will be collecting samples, forming theories, and running small tests before it finishes. And then they can move on to the big tests. If they find something, they will talk to Sunset Shimmer about it. Who I understand is the Equestrian-Psera Liaison, correct?"

Cadance nodded and answered, "Yes. Unofficially, but still."

"Good. Now. Please refrain from asking questions about S3. It's okay to ask about their research on Equestria's air. But other than that, please respect S3's privacy. Also, no one is allowed inside but those who are authorized by Bright Gold or myself."

"Alright," Princess Celestia agreed. "We'll leave uhhh.... S3 to their research. We will also continue our digging for the gems you require at the same time. You're welcome to come back to the castle if you have the time, Lady Arcadia."

"Great!" Twilight turned to Bright Gold and instructed, "Make sure security is up to code and that research is the second biggest priority behind security. Ponyville has always been a little nosey."

"Yes, ma'am," Bright Gold responded sternly.

"Good." Twilight turned back around and waved for Gardeen Daisy to follow her. She walked towards Ponyville with the Princesses , Gardeen, and her guards, who created a tight perimeter around the group. The Elements watched them walk away before turning back to S3, who were heading back to the lab with the Pseratep guards.

After the door to the area inside was closed, they all relaxed. "Well," Applejack spoke up. "That was... Somethin'."

Fluttershy nodded and said, "Twilight wasn't really fond of replenishing Equestria's grass. Which makes it harder for the animals here to repopulate."

Pinkie sighed and turned around, heading back to the town on a different route off of Twilight's. The others shared a worried look before they followed after her, hoping to find out what was going on.

"Grass gives ponies hope here," Pinkie explained when they caught up with her. "A symbol of change. Without it, they will think that nothing is going to change. All they'll see is... That." She waved her hoof towards the lab setup behind them.

"I wonder where Twilight got all those tools from," a new voice spoke. The group stopped and looked towards Starlight and Trixie coming from a side road. "They're really fancy."

"Definitely expensive," Trixie added.

Sunset shrugged and said, "Yeah. I wonder what's inside besides all of that machinery."

"Notes, notes, and more notes?" Rainbow suggested blandly from above.

"And 'S3'?" Rarity pondered aloud. "What does that stand for exactly?"

"All Twilight said was 'S3 is research," Sunset answered.

"Vague much?" Trixie responded before glancing back at the building. Two of the technicians were outside again, pulling a cart towards the town on a different road that had small boxes on it, some machinery, and more. They were both wearing hoof covers and had a mask hanging down from their mouths. One of them bore a strong resemblance to Fluttershy, making her do a double take. "And why are there two Fluttershys?"

"They act alike too," Rarity added. They turned to the technicians to watch what they were doing.

Rising Flutter and Blue Ivy kept a close eye out for some greatly needed samples of metal here in Equestria while they pulled the cart along the dirty and rough ground, shifting the sample boxes around a little. They would have asked Lady Arcadia for some but assumed that she had enough problems dealing with the Equestrian Princesses.

"See any yet?" Blue Ivy asked. She stopped and scruffed the ground, hoping to find something.

Rising Flutter stopped too and shook her head. "No. Maybe we should, um, ask those ponies. If that's okay with you." She pointed a hoof at the Mane Six—or Mane Five—watching from a safe distance.

Blue Ivy looked over and rubbed her chin. It wouldn't hurt to ask right? "Eh. Why the buck not?"

Rising Flutter squeaked and whispered, "Oh! Language, Blue. We're on somepony else's land." Blue Ivy rolled her eyes before they redirected their cart towards them.

"Uh oh, they're coming over here," Starlight whispered.

"Play it cool," Rainbow responded before they got a few feet away.

"Hello, ponies," Blue Ivy greeted. She and Rising Flutter stopped in front of them with the guards. "We could use some of your assistance. Since we've never been here, we have no idea where to find useless remnants of metal to place under study."

Rising Flutter raised a hoof at them and asked, "You wouldn't, um, happen to know of a trash bin, or recycling kiosk here in Ponyville, would you?"

The group shared a look before they nodded. "Yeah," Sunset answered. "We have a small stockpile of utensils in the square. But I'd be careful. Since you're new and nopony's seen you before, that and you're touching highly valued Equestrian property, some ponies may become defensive."

Rising Flutter nodded eagerly and said, "We anticipated this."

Blue Ivy reached into a pocket on the outside of her lab coat and pulled out a violet crystal block that she held up to her mouth. "Blue to base, we need more security for town entry from possible hostilities. We're at the Town-Base corridor." She held it back from her mouth and smiled at the Equestrians confused expressions.

"Uhhh..." Starlight motioned towards the block and chuckled nervously. "Th-that's a crystal block. You realize that, right?"

Rising Flutter chuckled and nudged Blue Ivy who shook her head in amusement. The Elements and friends cast confused looks again before the crystal block suddenly turned blue and Bright Gold's voice came through it. "Ten-four, Blue. Five more guards are preparing. Do you need that shovel?"

The crystal changed back to violet before blue raised it back to her mouth, keeping her eyes on the town. "Yes, please."

"Okay, I'll send it with one of the guards. Stand by." She put the block back inside her coat while the group across stared at it in wonder.

Sunset blinked multiple times, then pointed at her coat and asked, "You have radios?!"

"What's a radio?"

While S3 were obtaining samples for tomorrow's test and project, Twilight and Gardeen were speaking with the Princesses about the wedding happening in Psera. They walked through Ponyville, looking at the foals who decided to play in the dirt and trees near the outside of town.

"How are the preparations coming along?" Luna asked while dodging a ball kicked under her hoofs. Two little fillies ran by to chase it.

Arcadia shrugged and said, "We're waiting for next week before we do anything. S3 will stay here and do what they can while we prepare. The Pserateps will be waiting for the chance to act and show their stuff back in Events at Eventa for a week. That Merry convinced me to let you and the others judge on. Speaking of which, she's taking me on a day out tomorrow and I'm bringing Gardeen because she's been such an excellent assistant." She pushed a hoof up to Gardeen's mouth before she could protest. Then smiled to her. "Don't be so humble. You're good and you know it."

She pulled back her hoof and let Gardeen smile again. "Yes, Lady Arcadia."

"And while we're not among other ponies, you can just call me Arcadia. Or Nova. Arcadia Nova got stuck on me." Arcadia leaned over and whispered, "Don't tell Her Majesty."

"Your secret's safe with me," Gardeen whispered back, chuckling at the Royal's playful attitude. She rarely got to see it. Anypony rarely got to see it.

"What about Spike?" Cadance asked. The Princesses and assistant stopped and watched a group of foals run up to them with flowers they found. Three of them, that Arcadia recognized almost immediately.

"Here's some flowers, Princesses!" Scootaloo announced with a mouthful of them. "We got them from the Whitetail Woods!" She pulled them out her mouth and held them up to Celestia.

She smiled and took them in her magic. Then scruffed Scootaloo's mane. "Thank you, kind pony." The others did the same before Sweetie Belle hoofed one to Gardeen. Gardeen chuckled nervously before she grabbed it and hoofed it over to Arcadia. Sweetie Belle looked at her confused before she recognized the mare smelling the flowers.

She gasped loudly and yelled, "Twilight?!!"

Arcadia jumped and looked down at Sweetie Belle, smiling. "Hello, Sweetie Belle."

"Where have you been?!" She asked. Scootaloo and Applebloom came over and had the exact same reaction.

Arcadia chuckled and walked around them with the princesses, walking once more towards an empty field. "I was here a few days ago. You three were on my fiance's back, remember?"

"THAT was you?!" Scootaloo responded. "I thought that was somepony else!"

"Nope, that was me."

"You look different now. More big."

Arcadia froze in mid step with a scrunched up aghast facial expression. The others gasped and turned to the confused Cutie Mark Crusaders. Especially Scootaloo. "Uhhh... was it something I said?"

"I think you girls have made quite the impression on Lady Arcadia," Gardeen told them. "You can run along now and continue playing."

"Er, okay?" Sweetie Belle responded awkwardly before she turned around and walked back to Ponyville with the other two. Once they were a good distance away, she turned back to Arcadia.

"Are you okay, Lady Arcadia?" She asked timidly. The other princesses were looking at her frozen facial expression. That comment had taken a huge blow to her self-esteem.

She sniffed and turned to Gardeen with tears. "I'm not big, am I?!" She cried.

"No, your highness. Those fillies just didn't know what they were talking about. Or watching what they were saying. Foals will be foals."

Cadance draped a wing over her back and cooed, "It's okay. You're not fat. I think she was referring to your wings."

"You are definitely not fat, Twilight!" A familiar haughty voice said from behind them.

Arcadia croaked and quickly turned around. Blueblood walked up casually towards the group with his signature smirk and eyes closed. His clothes much cleaner than anypony else in Ponyville. And possibly Equestria. He grabbed Arcadia's hoof about to give it a kiss before Gardeen hit it away with her wing, protecting her. "Ow!" He yelped and pulled back. He glared at Gardeen and said, "You lousy peasant! I'll have you locked away in chains in the dirtiest cell I can find!"

Luna gasped before the Pseratep guards stepped forward to apprhend him. "Wait!" They froze and stepped to the side at Arcadia's command. She was mad. No, angry. No, furious that he'd disrespect her friend like that. That was the last straw. She has had it. She strode forward with wide and narrowed eyes. Then stopped directly in front of Blueblood's snide face.

"I only have three words for you," she whispered loudly. "I have never said them to anypony in my life, never even crossed my mind until this very moment when you said what you just said to my hard-working and amazing assistant. I. Hate. You." The group accompanying Arcadia gasped lightly. "I want you gone. I don't want to see you anymore. I don't know why you continue following me, I don't like you. I have never liked you. I don't know where you even got the idea that I would actually consider ever going on a date with you after how you act! All high and mighty! You don't even act like royalty! All you do is go around and act like you own everything! I've told you hundreds of times, 'No!' Yet you still continue to harrass me about going on a date with you! The answer is no!" Arcadia stomped her hoof with each, "No, no, no! I don't like you! And frankly, I don't know if any mare in their right mind would even consider dating you! I'd rather date anypony else here than you because they actually did something during the shortage while you're still literally gleaming and shining! Even the Princesses themselves more than likely hoofed over some of their own belongings! My heart belongs to Shimmering Madun! And only him! Because he treats the Pserateps right, he listens to others, he's kind, gentle, understanding, genuinely smiles, protective, humble, and loyal. He acts like a King! And even if he weren't, I'd still marry him because he's everything you're not! I love him!! And I hate you!! Now leave my sight!"

He gawked at her, just like everyone else around her. The air around them was silent, giving Gardeen a cold chill. She had never seen Lady Arcadia act like that. Never even heard her yell. Twilight had her wings flared out in anger, breathing hot air through her nose. Realizing what she said, she quickly backpedaled. "Look, Blueblood. I'm—"

He raised a hoof, silencing her and said sadly, "Don't bother." Then teleported away, leaving Arcadia with drooped ears. After a few quiet seconds, she sniffed and closed her eyes. Ready to full out cry before Cadance softly pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry you all had to see that," she explained. "It was completely unprofessional and—"

"Twilight," Celestia interrupted. She walked over and lifted her chin so she could look into her kind eyes. Celestia smiled and whispered, "It's okay. We're sorry that we were never able to take affirmative action so Blueblood could actually leave you alone for once whenever he saw you. It would've prevented your sudden outburst."

Twilight pulled back and wiped her eyes. "It was still highly unprofessional of me. I'm sorry everypony that you had to see that. I think I need to go home and speak with Madun about this. And take some time to myself." She turned to the side and began opening a portal. Then looked back at the Equestrian princesses. "I'm sorry we had to cut this meeting a little short, Celestia."

"It's alright, Twilight," she appeased. "I understand. Go and have some time. We'll be in touch." Arcadia nodded before the portal finished and she walked through, followed by Gardeen and her guards. Once on the other side, the portal closed, leaving the Princesses alone with each other. The only sound was the wind and the nearby sounds of ponies talking and conversing at the camp.

"That was surprising," Cadance finally said, breaking the deafening silence that was eating away at Luna. Then turned worriedly to Celestia and asked, "Do you know—"

"I don't know where Blueblood went," Celestia interrupted sternly. "Nor do I care at this moment. He had pushed Twilight to the point where she lashed out. To be honest, I'm more worried about her than Blueblood. Hopefully Madun can help her. He's been a very good influence on Arcadia Nova. So much so that I believe she could build her own kingdom from scratch and without a template like with Psera."

Luna sighed and began walking back to Ponyville. "I just hope Twilight's okay," she whispered before the other Princesses followed along. Hoping for the best.

Once the last guard stepped out in the middle of the Castle lobby, Arcadia quickly closed the portal to Equestria. Then sighed with her head down. "You're all dismissed," she instructed. They saluted and left to head back to their quarters, leaving her with Gardeen and a few of the waving and greeting Pserateps. But Arcadia didn't respond. Barely acknowledged.

Gardeen walked over and gently placed her wing on Arcadia's back. Then led her towards the elevator. Since she was Royalty's assistant, she was allowed in there with her. "I can't believe," Arcadia whispered. "That I said that."

"Don't beat yourself up too much, Arcadia," Gardeen replied as he elevator moved up. "I'm sure it was just a fit of frustration."

"I know, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings," Arcadia responded quietly. "I only wanted him to stop pestering me about dating him. And all of that frustration blew up in both of our faces. I wasn't supposed to—"

"Arcadia," Gardeen interrupted. Arcadia looked over at her fiery eyes, filled with determination before they stepped out of the elevator. "Don't worry about him. You were just defending my honor. Why?"

"Because you're my friend. But—"

"But nothing, Lady Arcadia." Gardeen held a hoof out in front of her chest to stop her. Then walked out and stood to face her with eyes full of determination. "I might get fired for this. But I love you like a sister. So here it is. Buck up." Twilight raised an eyebrow at her language. "Yes, you hurt somepony's feelings. But things like that happen. Yes, you're a diplomat. But you're also a pony. With feelings, emotions. And you are a mare who needs love and care just like any mare in the world. But above all of that. You. Are still. A pony. You get angry, you get sad, you get happy, you get mad. You cry, you smile. It's the way of life. Yes, you have magic, and yes you are a foreigner that has helped Psera and has been rebuilding it to its high glory. You have so much credit here. And nopony here doubts that you will have the same amount in Equestria in the future. But out of all of it, out of everything that you have done and are still doing. Again. You. Are still. A pony. Hey, I get mad and I blow up too! I am not going to deny it. That doesn't make me a bad pony. Somepony that should be fired from her job." Gardeen leaned in and quickly whispered, "Please don't fire me" for a moment before regaining her composure. Arcadia giggled and smiled while she continued. "You are not a bad pony, Arcadia. Bluebird is the bad pony."

Arcadia smiled and rolled her eyes at the misuse of his name once more before she walked over and pulled Gardeen into a hug. "Thank you, Gardeen," she whispered.

Gardeen lovingly hugged her back and whispered, "My pleasure, Lady Arcadia." After a few more seconds, they pulled back and smiled at each other. "Now let's go and get you ready for tomorrow. I know you can't wait to get this vacation started, no matter how short it is."

Arcadia scoffed and said, "Forty-eight hours is a long time."

"Well you're going to be sleeping between fifteen and twenty of those hours away. So that makes it..." She started mumbling numbers before they walked into the quiet area for the Royal suite. Passing by the garden that Twilight made a mental note to tend to in the future. She rarely visits it. "Twenty three hours at least for you to enjoy Psera. Less than a day."

"Then we have to get ready to have a blast," Arcadia responded before she pushed the door open. The two mares walked inside before Gardeen "eeped" and backed out. Arcadia paused and turned around to face her confused. Then chuckled and asked, "What are you doing?"

She pointed at the house and said, "This is the King and Queen's quarters. I can't just let myself inside."

Arcadia smiled sweetly and ushered her in. "Gardeen? You're my friend. If Rarity can walk inside and Madun wouldn't say anything, then I'm beyond positive he won't say anything to you." Arcadia walked in and looked around, trying to find Madun. She saw the fireplace was lit and had some pictures of him and Arcadia on the top of it, the building lit only by that at the moment.

"Arcadia!" She turned around and looked back by the bedroom. Madun was walking out of their shared room and towards the two. "You'll never guess who happened to stop by today. Come on in, Gardeen, I see you cowering back there." Gardeen slowly inched her way inside before Arcadia used her magic to shut the door, giving her assistant an "I told you so" look. Then stood beside the Lady in Waiting.

"Who?" Arcadia asked before she said, "Also, I uh...have to tell you something that I thought you may want to hear."

"Oh. Okay. Well my cousin came over and wanted to meet you. But you were out and about. So she went to Merry's for a moment. Come to the couch, love. And let's talk about what had you upset earlier."

Arcadia gawked and pointed a hoof, then asked, "How did you know I..."

Madun chuckled and placed a wing over her back. Then led her towards the couch, leaving Gardeen to follow along. He sighed and said, "You make the cutest little faces whenever you make a mistake and try to explain it, or worry about it. Now." he set her down on one side of the couch while he sat on the other. Then gave her his full attention. "What's bugging you, baby?"

Arcadia blushed and rolled her eyes while Gardeen was trying her hardest not to giggle from a couch on the side. Then she told him what happened in Equestria. The introduction of S3, the Cutie Mark Crusaders' comment, Blueblood's mysterious disappearance, and her outburst that had left her partly depressed for a second and ashamed at herself before Gardeen told her the truth.

"I always had an itch for that Bluebird stallion," Madun grunted.

"Why do all of you—nevermind," Arcadia interrupted herself.

"He was trying to hit on my fiancee," he stated matter-of-factly. He was obviously irked. Before he took a deep breath and calmed down. "Although I am a little surprised you'd say those things, Gardeen was right. Out of everything you've done in the past, and the things you are doing now, you are still a pony. And the worst you could do is try to take over the world. Which I highly doubt. You have emotions that were building up and blew up in front of everypony. And that is why you are going out with Merry tomorrow. To relax. Try to be up early. Merry is an early bird herself."

Arcadia giggled and got up to go do something. "Okay. I'll make sure that I am." She began to make her way to the kitchen before Madun grabbed her hoof, getting her to turn around.

He was smirking and asked, "And where do you think you're going?"

She glanced at Gardeen who shrugged. Then looked back to Madun. "I was going to make a sandwich."

"Not without having this moment, you're not. Sit down."


"The sandwich can wait, come on." Arcadia sighed and rolled her eyes. But did as requested and sat back down. He wrapped a wing and hoof around her and pulled her close so she could lean on his chest. They turned and faced the fireplace, snuggling up against each other. "See? Isn't this nice."

"Mmmm... Yeah," she hummed.

"That is so beautiful." They turned to face Gardeen who was wiping her eyes and smiling at the two of them. "You two make the best couple. I need a picture. Can I take a picture? Please?" Madun and Twilight looked at each other. Then shrugged and turned back to Gardeen.

"Sure you can," the two said. Madun pointed to a dresser next to her and said, "The camera's in there." Gardeen squealed and immediately went fishing. Then pulled it out and positioned it towards the couple on the couch. She snapped the shutter, sealing the view in memory. And in history.

Author's Note:

How did you guys like the end of this chapter? I wasn't actually going to put it in, but i was motivated by Sia's Broken Glass song, which was playing while i was wrapping this up.

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