• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 44 - Tensions Rising

Everyone thought Twilight was gone by now. The mask over her muzzle was providing oxygen, but if that were taken away the only thing keeping her steady was whatever she was doing with her magic to keep her blood flowing through her and the foal. Her horn was alight but she herself unconscious. Anything could happen. Violet Triage could tell that from behind the Nurse's Station, eyes trained on the monitors displaying Arcadia's heart rate and blood pressure.

She wasn't Critical. But she also wasn't stable. If her heart rate dropped, she could go into Sudden Cardiac Arrest. There was just too much blood loss. That pony's arrow just happened to hit a major artery, carrying a lot of blood. And all of it was on that stage, enjoying the camera flashes from detectives, Military Police, and some press. Images were already surfacing all over Psera. Including the video when Twilight was suddenly hit by a seemingly blue beam if it were slowed down. A beam. Magic.


Psera was furious. Violet Triage admitted to herself she was too. Thanks to Arcadia they were able to rebuild again and this was how they repay her? But right now they were trying to make it right by supplying as much blood as they could. So much that the fire maned one was walking around all dizzy. What was her name? Summer?

Violet blinked those thoughts away and watched them try to avoid eye contact from across the desk with everyone after they distributed. The little foal the pink one was holding was crying into her chest while the nurses prepared a blood transfusion. If Arcadia didn't make it, Equestria could possibly experience a war in the future. Because Arcadia, a mare voted to be in office as Queen of Psera was assassinated on her wedding day.

Just thinking about this made Triage blow hot air through her nose. Then focus back on her task. The foal was affected too. Blood stopped flowing through. A fifty percent chance of a miscarriage. The arrow cut an artery and pierced through a forming ear, causing internal bleeding. If the foal made it and was born, there will be a permanent hole inside of their right ear. A permanent reminder.

Triage needed a cold drink to cool her rising nerves.


Voices were muffled inside of Twilight's mind. All she could see was darkness. Her heart sounded like a drum in her ears while something wet rubbed against her hoof. Then something sharp edged into it. She couldn't tell what it was, but it was filling her up. Twilight couldn't move. Barely breath. She knew what was happening though. It was scary. Scary enough to make her heart rate spike.

After a few seconds, she heard more coherent voices. "Your highness? We need you to calm down," someone said. "We need to put more blood in your body."

After a few more minutes, Arcadia's heart slowed back to a normal pace, letting the excited doctors and nurses relax. When it spiked, everyone authorized pretty much rushed to her room and did what they could to calm her down. The only thing really possible was talk to her. But that worked. So the final conclusion as to why she wouldn't wake up was—

"Comatose." The friends and family looked up from their seats towards one of the doctors walking over to them from her room.

Shining repeated, "Comatose? Twilight's Comatose?"

The doctor nodded and answered, "Twilight's comatose. But she's also not stable, not until her blood pressure rises. The anesthesia we applied wore off two hours ago, yet she's still out of it. We're doing everything we can to insure she stays alive. As of this moment, it's a twenty-five percent chance. But we're doing everything to ensure that Twenty-Five at least bumps to fifty."

Madun strode forward with tears in his eyes and stated, "Make sure you can."

The doctor nodded. Then bowed before shuffling back off to do whatever it was he was doing before. Madun sighed then thought about what to do. He needed an update on that pony. As a matter of fact, he needed to make sure he was locked away. For good.

"Guard!" He called. An Elite Guard on the side trotted over and saluted. "Have Lavender send me the papers to sign. They'll know what I'm talking about."

"Yes, sir." He turned around and made his way for the entrance to the unit, soon disappearing from sight of the confused ponies.

Concerned, Molten walked over and asked, "Madun, are you—"

"I'm ordering him to be placed in Chamber Nine," he interrupted. "But I'm doing everything from here, I'm not leaving Twilight's side. Not until she wakes up. That pony ruined our day. I'm going to ruin his week. He's going straight to Chamber Nine."

Celestia didn't know if this was a good time, but she had to ask. After she opened her mouth, Luna bumped her aside and asked, "What's Chamber Nine?" Celestia slowly shook her head. Insensitivity is strong in her.

Merry answered, "Chamber Nine is literally... A hole. Since he's going there I guess it's alright to tell you now. Back in the Wars, when ponies wouldn't talk, we'd throw them into Chamber Nine. Nothing but silence and darkness. You are left in there, in silence and darkness until we see fit to let you out."

"Technically, Chamber Nine is a bare stone room deep underground without any lights," Madun clarified. "We toss you in there, lock the door, and leave. Then let the room do the rest."

The Equestrians were shocked. Sunset Shimmer came to the conclusion that the room was Mental Torture while Celestia asked the questions just to get everything in place. "No bathroom?"


"No air conditioning?"


"No lights?"

"No! It's a completely bare room! Like a really large closet with no clothes!!" Gardeen yelled. Light Pink shushed her and slowly rubbed a wing up and down her back. Gardeen stood up and took a deep breath. "I'm going for some food." Then turned and left with Light Pink right behind her. She obviously needed some time to herself.

Madun watched her walk away then faced the Equestrians and family. "You'll have to excuse her, she looks up to Arcadia like a daughter to a mother." Celestia and everyone else turned to Spike who had cried himself to sleep in Rarity's hooves. According to Arcadia she had raised him by herself after he hatched from an egg. An impressive feat on her part. And she said she wasn't ready to be a mother. If she could handle a dragon, she could handle a filly.

The events of the day played a major role for the events of the future. Twilight's possible assassination was the main topic. All over Psera, news spread like wildfire. Twilight was currently in a coma. And there was a chance she'd never wake up. Since Twilight's out of action, and Madun was going to watch over her, Molten was taking over the Equestria-Psera Relations apparently. The day of celebration was quickly turned into a day of deep tense emotions. Especially when they were allowed to walk into Twilight's room.

Madun was the first to gulp down his fear and make his way inside, followed by the rest of her family. Twilight's bed was on the left when they stepped in. Her wings going through a washing at this hour. They were spread out on two different platforms for support while her body stayed in the middle between them, lying face up on a hospital bed. Just like the doctor said, she had an oxygen mask over her mouth with closed eyes, facing the ceiling. The only thing active was her horn. Whatever it was doing they couldn't see it.

There was a thick white blanket to keep her warm in the cold atmosphere of her room. Unlike most of the patients there, Twilight was settled on a large bed with a bunch of technology around. A heart monitor connected to a display screen, a cuff around her right hoof, and two needles—one going through the blood transfusion, and the other full of nutrients connected to an IV bag above. And a few more under the sheets.

Madun sighed and walked over to her right with everyone from Psera while her Equestrian family took her left. Unlike most of the time when she looked strong and independent, she looked completely vulnerable. Sunset looked up at the Heart Monitor. There was a horizontal red line an inch beneath the pulses of her heart. She had a feeling if it reached that line, it would be code blue.

Pinkie sniffed and placed a hoof on the bed, tearful eyes on Twilight. "You got this, Twilight," she whispered. "You're a strong mare, you got this."

Secretary Manny was angry. Beyond it really. She watched a playback of the recording the moment Twilight was hit with an arrow multiple times. Saw the evidence of another arrow and the large pool of blood on the stage they had to clean up. Saw the disappointed and scared faces of the attendees. The newspapers that spread through all the cities. But now she was headed to the Castle to speak with Her Majesty Molten Ice. Just like Madun said, he wasn't leaving that hospital until Twilight's current state changed. Dead or alive. The nation hoped the latter.

According to Captain Dark Silver, Her Majesty was located in the Royal Dining Hall, thinking to herself. Even as she walked, Manny sensed anger coming from the two large doors at the end, guarded by two Royal Guard. It made her fearful as she passed and knocked.

No sound was heard on the other side for a moment. "WHO IS IT?!!"

Secretary Manny jumped a little and answered, "Secretary Manny, ma'am."

"Just the pony I need to see. Enter." Secretary Manny didn't know if that was a good thing. Or a bad thing. Either way, she followed command and pushed the door open meekly. The Queen was sitting at the end of the glossy long table, eyeing the door with narrowed eyes while her hooves were pressed together, sitting straight up in the chair. Manny gulped down her fear and walked in, heading for the left side of the table for the chair closer to the Queen. The door's closing boomed behind her, resonating around the room before it died out, shrouding everything in silence. The Queen watched Manny take a seat in the chair on the right. After she was comfortable, she said behind her hooves, "I am very disappointed."

Manny nodded and replied, "I understand, your majesty. We could have done better."

"I am not disappointed in the Guard," she clarified. "I am disappointed in Equestria. From what I was told on multiple occasions, Blueblood was a lone assailant who is beyond spoiled. Equestria could have done more to prevent this from ever happening. Trained him that the word 'No' means no, and not shower him with medals because of lineage. If that were the case, this could have been prevented years ago. Now a pony I greatly care for lies in the hospital from an arrow that cut an artery, pregnant with a foal. Both of which may or may not survive all because of bad parenting. Which will affect my son so much he may even step down from the throne. This has become personal."

Manny nodded and replied, "I understand your majesty."

Her Majesty turned fully to Manny. Angry eyes bore into hers, sending a chill down her spine. "I want Equestria away from Psera. Twilight is out of office right now and Madun is by her side. What is the status on the assailant?"

"He is being held inside Chamber Nine back in Lavender."

"Horn inhibitor?"


"Good. Now focus on Equestria. If Arcadia dies... I want all of the military ready to invade their borders. I'm having a meeting tomorrow morning with the Princesses of Equestria in the Senate Hall, with the rest of the nation. I want all relations with them to cease. No communication, nothing. Break the portal once they are back through once the meeting is over tomorrow. Narmeelah forbid should this ever happen. But if Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle dies, we are going to war."

Celestia couldn't stop pacing. As the primary ruler of Equestria, this land millions live in, it was up to her to assure that her ponies were safe from threats. She called a last minute mandatory Press conference a few minutes ago in the Castle's Throne room and was now awaiting for them to arrive. What she was going to tell them was going to shake them all. Especially her old Canterlot friends from so long ago. Minuette and the others. Turns out she got a job with the Canterlot News Network and was covering everything politics. She's a very close friend of Twilight and was scared out of her fur when she disappeared nearly a year ago.

After everyone left Psera with well wishes and sadness, she, Luna, and Cadance bolted right back to the castle in Canterlot. Luna and Cadance were somewhere else at the moment, leaving Celestia to face her anxiety alone. The Guards at the foot of the throne were watching her pace back and forth, tears leaking from her eyes. Something definitely happened. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to make Celestia cry. Something nopony has ever seen before.

The doors to the throne room opened, letting in the Press of Equestria to set up. Ironically, they all arrived at the same time. Something she wasn't really prepared for. Minuette was there, ready with a camera and notepad floating in front of her. Aw, jeez. This was going to hurt her.

Once they were all setup, Celestia took a deep calming breath then sat down. "Good evening everypony," she started off. "Today, the wedding of Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle was set to commence at eleven o'clock. As expected, it was a rather large turnout, the entire nation of Psera chose to attend at a very large building that was able to house every last one of them."

"Must've been an extremely large building," one of the representatives stated.

"You have no idea. The wedding hall was beautiful. There was a choir. But everything... turned chaotic that could cause a possible war between Equestria and Psera." Minuette glanced up from her notes. "The wedding was tragically interrupted when... An Equestrian Noble, Prince Blueblood, who was believed to be jealous, shot an arrow and... Hit Twilight."

The news had the expected reaction. The Press gasped and dropped their notes, immediately asking questions all at once. The Guards in the room were also interested. But Celestia pushed on, silencing them. "As of this moment, Twilight is believed to be in a coma with her fiance by her side. They never made it to the kiss. We are hoping to have good news soon on the status of her condition. But since the shot was fired, tensions between our two nations are thick. From what we fear, if Twilight..." Celestia covered her mouth for a moment and blinked away her tears. "If Twilight loses her life in that hospital bed... Equestria could possibly be going to war with a nation twenty times as strong as ours. Her survival determines our survival."

Gardeen couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her comfortable bed, a mile away from the castle. The two floored home seemed even more lonely than usual. On nights like this, they weren't nearly this quiet. In fact it was noisy. But when she and everyone except Madun were forced to leave the hospital, she felt herself rip apart. Arcadia could die.

Gardeen used her hoof to throw the covers off of her, then sat up on the side of the bed to growl and stare at the carpeted floor. No doubt Eventa was still on lockdown. So Pink was still there. But three timid knocks on the door downstairs told her otherwise.

Gardeen jumped off the bed and zipped down the stairs, nearly bumping into a bookcase in the process littered with pictures. She didn't even need to peek through the peephole. Instead swung the door wide open. Sure enough, Light Pink was on the other side of the door.

Before she could even squeak, Gardeen grabbed and pulled her inside. Then shut the door behind her. Light Pink's ears folded down when Gardeen turned back to her. "I-I'm sorry if you were asleep," she whispered. Her timid attitude was one of the very things about her that made Gardeen smile. "I just couldn't."

A hoof raised Light Pink's head up so she could meet her girlfriend's warm gaze. "I couldn't either. Keep me company?"

She immediately nodded while Gardeen led her towards the kitchen. Speaking all the while. "...she didn't deserve that," Gardeen whispered. A switch was flipped, illuminating the kitchen. There was a small round glass table in the center with a low hanging lamp above it, a refrigerator on the wall directly across, a sink on the right, and a window on the left. It was small and cozy.

Light Pink sat beside Gardeen, who laid her head on the table between her hooves. "She was supposed to get married, happy, and be spending the time of her life with her husband in RayRay. Now, because of that pony, she's fighting for her life and another in that hospital bed. In a coma. There's no telling when she'll wake up."

Light Pink pulled Gardeen into a hug before she started crying again. At least this time it was in her coat.

"I know, sweetie," Pink whispered.

"Wh-When she looked in my eyes on that stage," Gardeen added. "I saw... Pain. The first time I ever witnessed her in pain. Hurting. Tears, crying. I witnessed all of it. But for what, jealousy? What was wrong with that pony? Because he couldn't have her, and Madun rightfully swooned her in like a stallion should, with respect, dignity, honor and loyalty he had to kill her?? It makes no sense! He's a crazy stallion and I'm glad he's locked up in that Cell."

"Shhh," Pink cooed. Then bent and nuzzled the top of her mane. "We have to believe she'll wake up. Arcadia has never let us down before, let alone yet. She'll pull through."

Gardeen sat up and asked, "And if she doesn't?"

"Then we'll face it head on. Together." Pink pecked Gardeen on the cheek, then nuzzled where the kiss took place. "Believe in her."

Just like the rest of the nation, Madun couldn't sleep. The night shift had moved in and were doing routine check ups on Twilight every thirty minutes. Madun sat aside and watched them work from her bedside. She hadn't even moved, let alone twitched. There was just no telling what was going on in there. He sighed and looked out the window of the hospital, eyeing the brightly lit streets below of Capita. Even at this hour, Radwoods were moving up and down the streets. But they had to stay two hundred hoofs away from the hospital. As a matter of fact, the road leading up to the hospital was guarded by more of Psera's military, watching chariots and more come in. Providing as much protection as they could for Her Highness while she slumbers.

Madun was furious, but he was keeping it in check while in the hospital. It would hurt his reputation if he were to show out. Merry stopped by earlier to check on them and informed him that their mother was taking over everything for now. Merry had guards with her for once. Something she wasn't really fond about but relished in nonetheless.

A meeting with the royalty, defense, and justice system of Equestria was in place for tomorrow morning at nine. Madun, and the rest of Psera were furious with those ponies. They may have been Twilight's family. But they've seen them possibly assassinate one of their own. If Arcadia, Madun's one true love dies... He may never love again. Let alone smile. Madun sighed and closed his eyes, letting sleep overtake him. He needed this. He and Twilight were supposed to be cuddling in RayRay. But here they were in the hospital, one watching over the other while she was in a coma.

At first sunrise, all of Equestria knew. Twilight was nearly killed yesterday. By one of their own. Prince Blueblood. The entire nation knew what was at stake by this point. All the buildings currently being built in Canterlot and other major cities like Manehattan could, and would possibly be taken apart if Psera chose to invade. And it were their fault to blame. No hooves moved across dirt that morning. Barely anypony stepped outside their tents. Even Applejack was less than enthusiastic about calling for breakfast. The pony that helped them get back to normal could die.

After raising the sun, from the balcony in her room, Celestia sighed and blinked back tears. A meeting was set up this morning at the last minute in the Castle of the Gods to discuss what happened yesterday, and the repercussions of it. All because of Blueblood, Equestria could be turned to ashes. And they were just coming out of a landscape of one.

Once the sun was set in the sky, Celestia turned around and made her way back through the room, shuffling through all the tissues on the floor and towards the double door. Her naturally flowing mane was down and less than elegant today. But she attempted to keep a stern face by the time she reached the doors to the throne room she had managed a straight face to present to Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor, all waiting for her. No words were spoken. None needed to be said. They made their way through the castle and to the front doors of the castle. The air outside was improving somewhat, but the silence in it was what caused unease to the ponies about to walk into it. I was as if everyone knew what could happen today. Pushing those thoughts to the side, they made their way to Ponyville, where Twilight's old castle stood. And where her friends were waiting. As well as a bunch of flowers, note cards, and more.

When they reached them, Celestia turned to Rarity who explained. "All of the ponies here wanted to have these delivered to her in Psera."

Cadance shook her head and answered, "I'm not too sure if they'll allow that. But I'll see if I can bring some." Using her magic, Cadance grabbed a random bunch and walked through the broken doors inside, still shattered from the bucking Twilight did to them nearly a year ago in anger. They stopped in front of the mirror and took deep breaths. Then walked through. Just like usual, they walked into a white room with a bunch of Elite Guards, who seemed a little more aggressive today.

"Open your wings, drop the bucking paper!!" Cadance dropped the paper before she was forcefully pushed to the ground and wings spread, body pressed upon by one guard while another checked them. A Horn inhibitor was placed on her head, as well as the head of Shining Armor, Celestia, and Luna. After being pat down and checked, the guard on their backs removed themselves and stood to the side.

"Now get up, let's go!" The four were immediately on their hooves while one guard opened the door. They were quickly escorted out and into The Hive, buzzing with activity before all eyes froze and locked in on them.

It was so silent as they proceeded the trek, tension thick in the air. "I got this new crossbow I can't wait to test out on ya'!!" One Guard yelled. Shining looked their way. He was a big stallion with a tattoo on his face. And sure enough, he had a black steel crossbow with a red light of some sort hitting his chest. Aiming right for him. "It's shiny for ya, Shining!!"

"Stand down, Lieutenant!" Captain Dark ordered. The Lieutenant made an I'm watching you motion and lowered back down on four hooves. Looks like these guys were ready for a war. And weren't afraid to start one right now.

Author's Note:

Please let me know if there are any typos.

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