• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

  • ...

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Chapter 50 - Oh It Hurts; (Labor Day)

After the wedding, Madun and Twilight celebrated it by booking a stay at a hotel up in Psera Skies North. A lavish room on the very top floor with a tinted glass wall so that Twilight and Madun could reflect and look back at everything that had happened in the past they had shared together. Starting from the beginning when they first met in Merōl. In less than a year, they had forged a bond of friendship, love, now marriage. And a baby on the way.

Which brings us to now. After a glorious two weeks of honeymooning, Madun had to go back to ruling the kingdom, and Twilight had to get back to managing Serl, organizing of Organizations, enforcing the law of Psera, her book sortcation just like Madun guaranteed she would do, following up on the status of her baby, and then... That was it. Turns out Serl had just about gone through all of their own things now and were spending their time on the Blue Gold, something Bright Gold guaranteed Twilight wasn't really needed for. And that she should just relax until the baby was born.

So as of this moment, Gardeen decided to keep Twilight company back at her own home way on the west end of Cop. Twilight had actually never visited before. But knowing Gardeen, she was more than likely living a simple lifestyle. So it came as no surprise that when Lady Arcadia walked through the door of the home it was in a simple state of style. Complete with a photo of her and Light Pink sitting over a fireplace.

Leaving the Guards standing outside with the door unlocked, Twilight hummed and acknowledged, "I love your home Gardeen."

Making her way across the carpeted and older living room, Gardeen responded, "Thank you, I love it too. Go ahead and take a look. Make yourself at home while I prepare some sandwiches."

Twilight took her up on her offer and decided to investigate everything. The carpet was a dark brown, matching the rest of the theme. The chairs and couches were an old brown, made out of strange shapes and outlined with a gold trim. At least the cushions were soft.

Next Twilight looked at the photos sitting around on the dining table in front of her. A few photos of her in school, diploma, a few more ponies. Then herself and the others. Including the entire Royal Family. Including Twilight, whom she was directly beside. There were other photos of the two of them. But out of all of these...

None of them held a resemblance to Gardeen. At all. Looks like Molten's story checks out. Twilight sighed sadly and looked towards the kitchen where Gardeen was fixing some type of sandwich. Huffing, Twilight carefully walked over and stated, "I'm... Very proud of you, Gardeen."

Gardeen checked over her shoulder and smirked. "Uh oh, strange mood swings again, huh?"

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully and walked into the kitchen up to Gardeen's side. "I know I go through those a lot, but this time... I really am proud of you. Molten told me it was you and Merry's idea for the sudden wedding. Thank you."

Gardeen grinned and responded, "You're welcome. You mean a lot to me Twilight and... I wanted to show you."

"Oh Silly Gardeen. You do that everyday." Twilight placed a wing on her back to pull her close and whispered, "I couldn't ask for a better friend, assistant, or... Godmother. One of them anyway."

Gardeen gasped and repeated, "Godmother?"

"If you'll accept. I'm pretty sure our little filly would love Aunt Gardeen. Or even a big sister."

"Of course I will!" Gardeen wrapped her hooves around Arcadia's neck and hugged her close, basking in her glow. "Thank you!"

Arcadia hugged her back as close as she could and whispered in her ear, "You're welcome."


After having their heart to heart moment, Gardeen insisted they indulge in conversation and food. Twilight could hardly say no to that. Once they were settled into their seats across from each other at the kitchen table, they started talking about what Gardeen thought would keep Arcadia entertained. She leaned in and whispered, "So, Queen..." Twilight blushed and rolled her eyes. "How are you feeling about the upcoming coronation?"

Twilight swallowed the bite from the sandwich she bit and answered, "Well a little nervous. I read up on all the things the Queen and King are supposed to say and do during a coronation, and Molten's helping me. I'm honestly just worried if I can live up to the expectations everyone is expecting from me."

Gardeen scoffed and waved a hoof her way. "Arcadia, the last thing you have to be worried about is that. Being Queen requires focus and knowledge of the law, but you pretty much mastered focus years ago from what I can tell. And are well on your way to knowing all about the laws in Psera if any of that studying has kicked in, am I right?"

Twilight blushed and shrugged before taking a sip of her tea. Then froze. What was that she just felt?

Gardeen laughed and stated, "When you first arrived here I was all, 'Who is Twilight?' Then everyone was like, 'A pony with a triangle on her head!' I was really confused so..."

A triangle on my head? Twilight set her cup down on the table then shifted around to look down between her legs. Oh no. There was a puddle of stuff. Discharge. "Uhhh... G-Gardeen?"

"A little filly actually ran past me one day with a smile. A smile. During the dark times, no one was smiling."


"I mean really, why else would you smile in a barren wasteland? You'd be a really crazy pony—"

"Gardeen!" Gardeen stopped talking and raised an eyebrow at Arcadia's face. It was in a weird contortion of confusion and slight pain. "So don't freak out—well... Maybe a little but uhh.... I... I think I'm going into labor."

Gardeen blinked. Then ducked under the table to look at the puddle on the floor. Thankfully it wasn't carpet, but still. She bolted up and whispered in realization, "You're about to be a mom. Oh my Narmeelah, you're about to be a mom!! Guards!! Guard!! Buck the door is—" A guard suddenly kicked the door in and walked in with three more.

"What is it, what's wrong?!" One barked.

"Lady Arcadia is about to go through—" Arcadia grunted and howled when the contractions started. "Labor! Lady Arcadia is going through Labor!"


The last thing Madun really wanted to go through was listening to another Deputy of a city complain about his district's crime rate and the request to formulate a bill to have a minimum of two officers roam a street every five minutes. That would seriously run up the budget for their Quarter.

Once the deputy standing in front of the throne finished, Madun compromised, "I'm not certain of having our budget going up in that county because it would definitely be pricey. We have a lot more goals going on in the Senate this year that are going to require some over the top spending. I suggest you make use of a volunteer squad to keep an eye out on the criminals. More like the public domain? It's much easier to have ponies that aren't police locate these criminals since they're everywhere already."

A guard saluted from the bottom of his throne, catching his attention. "Yes?" Madun asked. "This better be good."

"Lady Arcadia has gone into labor, she's in route to downtown Cop's Main Hospital as we speak."

Crickets were chirping in Madun's head while he just stared at the Guard, who was sweating a little bit. She really didn't feel like losing her job. "Uhh... Sir?"

Madun snapped out of it and whispered, "I'm about to be a father. Holy buck!" Madun hopped off the throne and over to the Deputy. "Have the law enforcement there at least make a good attempt for a Community Watch program and inform the Secretary of Public Safety about the results! I'm about to be a dad!"

The Deputy watched him run past and towards the doors, immediately pushed open by the Guards there. He raised a hoof and yelled, "Yes, your highness!"

Gardeen was with Twilight all the way up to the hospital, soothing sweet things while the contractions forced her hoof to hurt from Arcadia's squeezing. The medical staff was pushing her through the halls and ignoring her bouts of where Madun was. "Somepony get her out!!" Twilight yelled.

Gardeen grimaced from that squeeze on her hoof. If someone had a bag of oranges, she'd crush them all in one squeeze. Unfortunately her hoof wasn't a bag of oranges, so she felt everything. Where the buck was the king?

They rolled Lady Arcadia into the delivery room in the Labor Unit and set her up by pushing the bed into the wall and locking her in. Then the door shut, sealing in Arcadia's screams.

The obstetrician handling the birth was slipping on some hoof covers while a nurse was preparing water. A bucket of warm water for the incoming foal about to push through, and a bottle with a straw for Twilight. The obstetrician, a mare colored entirely red kneeled down and grabbed her hooves to part to the side. "Alright, Arcadia. When I tell you to push, I want you to—"

Madun suddenly burst through the door with a bang and into the room, shocking Twilight to push. "I'm here, I'm here, Daddy's here! How we doin'?"

Arcadia yelled, "IN PAIN, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" She used her magic to pull the doctor up to her face and demand, "Get! Her! Out!"

Gardeen was gesturing towards Madun, eyes begging for him to take her hoof. "Grab her hoof!"

Madun zipped over and took Gardeen's place. Then immediately regretted that decision when he felt the might of a thousand-pound muscle squeeze his bone to mush.

The doctor got back into position and ordered, "Okay, push! We'll be finished soon, Arcadia Nova!"

Five Hours Later

Arcadia yelled out again and gave one final push. And squeeze to Madun's poor hoof. The obstetrician reached in and called, "And... She's out."

Finally! It's about bucking time! The pain of labor was one she did not expect. The rush, the pushing of a bundle of love from the world below.

Arcadia flopped down on the bed and took a deep breath. She slowly unhooked her hoof from her husband's and let it drop lifelessly over the side of the bed. Madun groaned and looked it over. It was throbbing! Pulsing redder than his orange-red coat. He needed an ice pack. He needed it now.

Pushing that aside, Arcadia registered the crying of a little foal. The crying of her baby. Eyes to the ceiling and with each breath she took, she whispered, "My... Where's my baby? Where's my little filly?"

Madun moved towards the end of the bed where all the crying was coming from. Then stopped and smiled lovingly down at the little filly currently being wiped down with warm water. An Alicorn-Pseratep. The first Alicorn-Pseratep. She had Twilight's violet coat and a mop of invisible red hair from her father. Her eyes were closed and her little hooves were moving about with her crying, already full of energy. Her wings were long but very fragile right now. Madun would be very careful with those. His eyes focused on the one problem. Her right ear. There was a large hole in the middle of it, taking up half of its mass. But it could be easily looked over.

Once she was dry and wrapped in a nice soft warm blanket, Madun reached out and carefully took her in his hooves. As if his fatherly instincts kicked. He leaned in and carefully nuzzled the top of her head, ceasing her crying.

Once she was gripping his cheeks with soft mews, Madun turned and walked back to Twilight. "She's beautiful, Twily," he whispered. Twilight's tired eyes trained on the pink blanket wrapped around her little filly. Her little baby. Despite how tired she was, Twilight reached out and carefully took hold of the bundle to bring around in front of her. Then gasped in pure joy at her little foal. Her foal. The foal she gave birth to.

"Oh, Madun she has your mane!" She whimpered. Twilight leaned down and lightly touched the filly with the tip of her muzzle. "Hey, there. I'm your mommy. Yes I am, I'm your mother."

The filly reached out with her little hooves and lightly gripped Twilight's muzzle. She tapped it against the side and cracked her eyes open, staring into Twilight's with purple ones. Madun gasped and said, "She has your eyes."

"She has our eyes," Twilight corrected. Arcadia leaned down to the foal and stated in a silly voice, "Isn't daddy silly? Oh yes he is, yes he is! Ooh, she needs a name."

Madun waved to the doctor and nurses, and thanked them quietly for a safe delivery. Then started urging them out with hoof waves for family privacy time. Once they were out, he sat down beside the bed to look the filly over. A purple coat and red mane. He stroked his chin and hummed. What do you name a filly after the second greatest pony in Psera history, next to himself of course? "How about... Bright Day?"

"Bright Day" made a face of discomfort and whined loud. Twilight chuckled and held her up in front of her face. Her eyes trained on her long wings that came down from underneath the blanket. "I don't think she likes that one," she whispered. "Uhhh... Dusk Twinkle?" Another whine. "Hmmm, no. Okay, how about... Dawn? Fresh Veola Dawn? The symbol of a new beginning."

"Fresh Dawn" made a noise similar to thinking. Twilight and Madun leaned in for her next reaction which was a pop on Madun's muzzle from her tiny hoof. He darted back and flexed his face while Fresh Dawn laughed with Twilight. He smiled and stated, "I think Fresh Dawn loves her new name. And is hungry."

Fresh Dawn's face scrunched up before she started crying again. Twilight agreed, "Aww, yep. She's hungry. Okay, so how do I do this?" Twilight shifted around and used her magic to lift up the covers, exposing herself. It wasn't like Madun hadn't seen anything. She placed Fresh Dawn right next to herself and waited. "So uhh... Is this right—oh, never mind, there she goes. That feels so strange."

"Looks strange too." Madun sighed and motioned towards her ear. "There's that knick."

Twilight bit her lip when she spotted it. There was that mark the doctors pointed out from the arrow. Twilight snarled, "I'm going to strangle Blueblood when I see him in court. A lot—oh, careful, sweetie." Twilight pulled Dawn back when she started drinking too much and ended up coughing a little milk out. Twilight grabbed a nearby towel and wiped her face gently. "She's a hungry one."

Madun chuckled and reached out to grab her out of her mother's hooves. "She takes after her mother."

"No, that's you."

Madun winked then smiled at Fresh Dawn whom he hoisted up into the air. She whined at him in a single tone and shifted her eyes around her surroundings before Madun lowered her back down. "Your mother was hurting my hoof because of you. You're grounded."

"No she's not." Twilight used her magic to pull the covers back up before Dawn started her little whimpers. She was about to cry again. "Uh oh. Some little filly misses her mommy." Madun carried Fresh Dawn back over to Twilight who cradled her in her hooves and wings. Fresh Dawn immediately stopped crying and shifted around until she was comfortable hidden underneath the blanket of feathers.

This was the moment they fought so hard for. So they could both hold their filly. But ... Something was different about her, and it wasn't the hole in her ear. Twilight could feel it in the air. Something changed about her but she couldn't place it. Like a cold draft with no origin in sight. Regardless, she would be there for her baby whenever she needed her.

Arcadia relaxed with a sigh and leaned back into the bed. She giggled and nuzzled the top of her little head. "Well... We made it to this point," she whispered. Then looked up to her husband and said, "Two more events to go."

Madun sat next to Twilight and draped a wing over her back while they stared down at their foal. "Yep. The coronation and the trial. But first..." Twilight leaned down and placed a soft dry kiss on Fresh Dawn's head curious head, staring into her wandering eyes. "Family time."

Author's Note:

I hope you liked this fluffy chapter!

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