• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 49 - Just Married; Gardeen's Past

Madun was beginning to irk Twilight. She barely woke up, let alone shifted from underneath the covers at the first sign of daylight and he was already swarming over her. She hummed, cracked her eyes open and immediately stared into the Magenta eyes of her fiance.

She blinked and glanced left towards the ceiling. Then back on him and whispered, "...what?"

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"...You're creeping me out, sweetheart."

Madun shimmied out of the bed and got back onto his hooves while his fiancee sat up and looked around. The morning sickness stage of the pregnancy had long past. So now all Twilight had to deal with was the struggle of getting out of bed and actually going to the bathroom. Thankfully she managed to. This baby was a grower. While she was getting ready in there, Madun decided to step outside the room and into the hallway. And nearly into the grinning face of his sister.

"Gah!" He yelped and jumped back in surprise, copying his literal twin. "Merry, stars above, don't creep on people!"

A roll of the eyes was the response. "So what's the schedule?"

Madun rubbed his forehead and answered after a sigh, "A final checkup, breakfast, then release. That's it."

"Great. So Twilight told Gardeen you needed parenting advice." Merry's wink didn't settle Madun's jittery nerves about being a father. If anything it made it worse.

He leaned back and drawled, "Uhh... Yeeeaaah?"

"Okay, just... Wanted to make sure I wasn't hearing things." Madun rolled his eyes. Typical Merry. "How's she doing?"

Madun glanced over his shoulder into the room. "I think she's taking a shower."

"Cool. So Lady Arcadia's family is at the castle right now to check up on her. They couldn't get into the hospital so they're waiting at the castle. And Shining Armor's ready to give you some advice."

Madun raised his eyebrow and asked, "Already?"

You should know Gardeen works fast to make things happen. I'll be nearby. Don't wait up!" Merry turned around and quickly pranced away before Madun could stop her. There she goes acting strange again. Deciding he wasn't going to get an answer as to why, Madun turned around and quickly strode into the room at the same time Twilight walked out the bathroom.

She looked even more beautiful with wet hair. So gorgeous. He trotted over to deliver a surprise nuzzle and asked, "Do you want to get back into bed?"

Arcadia chuckled and answered, "That's sweet. But no thank you, sweetheart. I'm just going to wait until the doctors walk in to do their final check up so we can leave. Bet you didn't know this, but I'm not a huge fan of hospitals."

She carefully sat down on her flanks as to not hurt the baby just like Madun. He motioned towards her stomach and asked, "Anymore kicks?"

Twilight laughed and answered, "Yeah, in the shower! I don't think she likes baths."

"Aw. She's already rebellious."

"I know." Twilight leaned into Madun, who swiftly wrapped her in his wing and placed his head on top of hers. They basked in each other's presence, stewing in peace. Arcadia hummed and whispered, "I can't wait."

"Me neither. After this, one more trip to a medical unit. Then our lives can begin."

"Right... Until... You know..."

Madun sighed and whispered, "Yeah. Try not to throttle him in court."

"I'll make a great attempt. But still no promises."

Madun chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "That's all I'm asking for."

A swift knock on the door grabbed their attention away from plotting revenge. Violet Triage walked in with two more doctors and two nurses pushing in some equipment. Making her way over with a portable heart monitor under her wing, she clicked her tongue and asked, "Already plotting revenge your highness? Let the nation do it for you first, then you can get your hits in."

Arcadia smirked and replied, "But doesn't the nation stand behind their leaders?"

"Mmm, touche. Let's get your blood pressure, heart rate, and some breakfast in you first before we can finally put some hooves on him." Violet Triage stood on Twilight's right side while Madun stepped away to let the other nurses and doctors do their thing.

After a thorough check and verification, Violet Triage removed the thermometer away from Twilight's mouth and stated proudly, "Alright! And we're done here! I'll keep your hospital stay on record back at the castle archives, and have the pony in charge here take over! I'll see you at the castle later on this evening, your highness."

Arcadia nodded and replied, "Thank you, Violet."

While the unit back at the hospital were preparing for Twilight's departure, the Castle was preparing for Twilight's arrival. Hooves scrambled back and forth while other staff moved papers, artifacts, and such. In the foyer, and lost no less, Twilight Velvet and Night Light stepped to the side to allow some type of steel vehicle moved past, spraying something onto the floor. Twilight Velvet did have a few questions about how they cleaned this place. It was so big and very immaculate.

Blinking that out of her sight, Twilight Velvet moved with the flow and decided to just walk out the front door of the castle. They could meet with their daughter, just as long as they didn't reveal the surprise. Hasty hooves moved across marble floors for the doors. Then they stepped out into the warm spring air. What month was it anyway? Velvet didn't really care. Nor about the ponies already outside waiting with them. Like some of the interns, military generals, city workers, all of them were waiting on the side, creating a path that led up to the central doors into the castle.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light moved over to the left side of the path and settled in with Celestia and the others. Everything was pretty talkative right now, creating noise and more. Once they were by Cadance Velvet asked, "Anything?"

Cadance shook her head and answered, "Not yet. I have a feeling we'll know when she takes flight."

Velvet sighed and finally took this moment to actually look around Cop without being told what to do. Apart from the giant purple Obelisk in the middle of the city-state, it was a range of tall golden buildings, streets, nature, and colors. Pretty much your standard Oasis. At night it was really beautiful. In the daytime it was calm and collected, albeit fast with quickly advanced pegasi.

Twilight Velvet grinned in pride with the thought that her daughter was the one who rebuilt this city. The little filly she used to hold helped rebuild a land eighty times bigger than Equestria from the dirt. She deserved to be married with prosperity and kindness.

The hall for the Royalty Unit was silent. All eyes were either on the Guard standing by Lady Arcadia's room, or on the closed door itself. Her highness and the king were getting ready to depart. But Lady Arcadia didn't want to go out until she had something to cover her pregnancy. Luckily, Merry just happened to be nearby and prepared with hoofshoes, Tiara, and a violet and white dress.

Lieutenant Sword was listening to everything going on through the earpiece in her ear connected to the Comm Blocks. While they waited, she took a moment to inspect it. It was literally just a slab of violet crystal with a cord connected into the side and a dial for the ten channels strapped on the inside of her hoof. Not much in looks. But it did work wonders for her team. A new method of communication.

Gliding dropped her hoof back to the floor when the door opened and Merry stepped out. Followed by Madun, Arcadia wearing her clothes, and a nurse. The Guard saluted while the others bowed. Madun ordered, "Please rise. We're ready, Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Sword nodded and ordered, "Assume defensive positions. Lieutenant Sword to security, we're on the move. Whenever you're ready, your majesties."

Arcadia nodded and faced the doctors and nurses of the Unit. "Before we go, I want to recognize the staff of the hospital. Your jobs aren't easy but you do an amazing job. Thank you for saving me and my foal's life."

The nurses and doctors bowed her way and responded in their way of saying "You're welcome." Once they did, Arcadia nodded to the Guard and walked with Madun in between them.

While they moved through the halls Gliding reported their actions and positions. Even though Twilight was definitely out of danger by this point, it never hurt to be sure of it.


While a most silent environment reigned over the luxurious city of Cop and all attention were on the Display Screen by the far side of the Castle—or what was called a LiVAM—of the front of the hospital, Applejack interrupted it with a nudge to Rainbow. Once she had her attention she gestured to a particular street on the right over Rainbow's back. "I think that's where Twilight's goin' to be crowned," she whispered.

Rainbow assumed that must be the square or large center. There was construction going on with a platform that held a lot of stairs and levels. Marble blocks were being placed on top of each other by a nearby crane. Rainbow and Applejack could see them pushing and using hammers on certain areas.

Rainbow Dash nodded and asked, "When is her coronation?"

Applejack shrugged before the crowd suddenly cheered. Jumping in surprise, they moved their eyes back to the screen. Twilight and Madun had just walked back out of the hospital. The former was looking much better, a great contrast to how they saw her before. She was no longer on her deathbed with a mask on her face. Now there was a proud grin with a waving hoof, rubbing up against her fiance, pretty much her husband but have yet to officiate the marriage.

This must've been news coverage. There was Pseratopian text at the bottom of the screen. Madun and Twilight shared a look then a nuzzle before everything quickly simmered down. Celestia was about to ask what happened before Gardeen leaned in and clarified, "Her flight test."

The Pserateps at the hospital parted to the side to create a wide runway to the street and other areas on the hospital property. Twilight took a deep breath and focused on the path. All eyes were on her. All of them. With no more thoughts, and a supportive nudge from Madun, Twilight took a few steps into the aisle then broke into a quick run. She jumped into the sunny warm air and flared her large wings out. Then delivered a strong flap, soaring into the sky.

The Pserateps on the ground all over the country cheered once more and took to the air themselves, similar to a colony of bats and blackening out the sky in Cop. And possibly other city-states. Those were a lot of Pegasi. Now Shining understood what Gardeen meant when she said you'll know. The sky was just filled with dancing and soaring Pserateps.

In the air, Twilight was overshadowed by Madun and protected by a defensive bubble of Elite Guard. The air blew Twilight's mane free, creating a trail of violet on her back. She took in a breath of air and breathed it out with a sigh. She looked down past the radius of Guards at the many Pserateps soaring around below her. They weren't enjoying the flightless state of Psera. Makes sense, Psera was made of more than enough Rainbow Dashes for that.

A tap to the top of her head pulled her out of those thoughts and into the reality of fast flying over the city of Capita. They were beginning to thin out by this point and approaching the green grass in between Capita and the mountain range. Cop. Home. It didn't sound so strange anymore. Living in another country that wasn't Equestria. She looked up into the eyes of her fiance. Or husband. She may as well just start calling him that. Her husband, King Shimmering Madun.

Without lowering, Twilight lifted her head back and shared a kiss with him. After they parted she whispered, "Now... About landing softly..."


Celestia was trying to get the zips and whooshes of the Pserateps out of her head from the ponies soaring overhead. Rainbow Dash's whimpering of envy wasn't helping either. She could tell just by looking at her barely noticeable wing flutters she was becoming a little desperate. Not one to let her citizens down, Celestia really hoped Twilight arrived soon. Based off of everything happening right now, she would be the only one to allow her to actually get back in the air. Rainbow she bet had never been on the ground for two days straight without a broken wing before. After today, it would be three. She was going to explode soon.

Twilight Velvet's hoof in front of her face pointing towards the sky pushed her thoughts back to the present. "There she is! There's my baby!"

Celestia followed her hoof towards the rapidly clearing blue of the sky to a well-formed sphere of Pserateps surrounding an orange and purple pony, quickly flying in. Yeah, that was Twilight. The Guard on the ground ran towards the street and formed into what looked like a runway that ran parallel with the castle.

The Pserateps cheered louder, waving their hooves and flapping their wings. The guard surrounding the incoming pair parted, leaving Madun with Twilight. She stopped flapping her wings and glided to a lower altitude, lightly skimming the ground. It was a little fast and concerning to Velvet. What if she crashed?!

Next, she broke into a gallop and flapped her wings forward. Landing while pregnant was tricky. But her hooves touched the ground and her flapping wings slowed her to a stop a little ways past the landing point. Once she had a good footing, Twilight smiled and waved at the cheering Pserateps all around. Those were a lot of Pegasi.

Madun joined her side as they walked up the stairs towards the castle to meet with the other executives of Psera. Arcadia shook hooves with others as they moved past, heading for her family that she had yet to recognize. They were placed a on the side at the top of the stairs, avoiding all the cameras and such focused on the pair down below. Twilight Velvet jumped up and yelled, "Twilight! Sweetie, over here! Tw-Twilight!"

Night Light chuckled and said, "Too busy being a Queen to recognize us ol' pony folk."

Madun and Twilight shared a hug with Secretary Manny then exchanged a few words about something before moving once again for the top of the stairs. Rarity raised her hoof out past the line and sang, "Twilight~!"

Twilight's ears flickered before she looked around, eventually focusing on that familiar mane of purple. Blinking, she responded, "Rarity?"

"Yes, darling! We're stuck in the crowd!"

Twilight laughed and moved her way up the stairs. Soon, she finally spotted her jumping mother and the rest of them. "Oh my gosh!" She yelled over the voices of the other Pserateps. She wrapped her mother and father in a tight hug then asked, "What... How... What?!" She pulled away and delivered a look of bewilderment.

Celestia chuckled and pulled Twilight into a hug with Luna and Cadance. "Let's just say we were in some dues to Psera and leave it at that... For now, anyway, I know you're going to ask questions later. How are you feeling?"

"A little sore. The doctor told me to take it easy on transportation for a while for the sake of the baby."

"Be sure to follow her instructions.

Twilight nodded before she was wrapped in a hug by all of her Ponyville friends. Her Psera friends were standing on the side speaking to Her Majesty about the plan and what to do.

While they were embracing, Twilight called, "Madun!"

He poked his head in from in between two guards and asked, "Yes, what is it?"

Twilight pulled away and gestured with her head to Shining Armor. Then turned his way and asked, "Shining? Since we're going to be parents, I was hoping you could talk to Madun about a few things to watch out for."

Before Shining could reply, Night Light bumped in and answered, "Of course we will! Nothing would make me more happier than talking children with my daughter's fiance." Madun blushed and looked to Twilight for help. He really didn't want to be stuck with Twilight's father talking about children of all things. Unfortunately, she only nodded and gestured to her father. No help today, mister.

Madun feigned a smile and replied, "Er... Th-Thank you."

"You're welcome, son!"

Celestia leaned in and stammered, "Uhh... Arcadia? If it isn't an issue... Before Rainbow Dash explodes..."

Twilight and Madun followed her pointing hoof towards Rainbow Dash. She had a fake grin plastered on her face, clearly vibrating with need. Twilight seethed and asked, "How long?"

"Tomorrow makes day three."

"Oh no. Okay, well the best place for her to let off a bunch of steam and be kept an eye on would be in the Training Grounds at the very back of the Castle. You'd be surprised at how many ponies actually have this issue here. Guard?" An Elite Guard was saluting at her side in a second. "Let Captain Dark know that Rainbow Dash is in need of high air before she explodes."

"Yes, ma'am."

Twilight turned back to smiling with her family while the Guard shuffled off. "I have to go and meet with a few more of the Executives. I'll see you later, okay?" While they nodded, Twilight turned to her father and Shining Armor. "Please don't be too forward, okay?"

At that Twilight left Madun with Twilight's family. And a shivering and shaking Rainbow Dash. Oh boy.

No one except Molten had noticed Gardeen shuffle off from Arcadia's side and back through the castle doors. After all, she was the one who gave her the signal to do so. The inside of the castle was empty. Everyone had evacuated the building to meet up with the Lady in Waiting and King out front. Giving her ample time to go and set everything up.

She eagerly made her way across for the large amount of level stairs with a hoof raised up to her mouth, barking into the Comm Block. "Gardeen to Merry, where are you?"

"Girl, I told you. My name is Silent Fire."

Gardeen rolled her eyes but went ahead and responded, "Silent Fire, are you in position?"

"Yeah, I'm in the room, hiding in the corner. Where's she headed again?"

"Your mother's." Gardeen flapped her wings and soared straight up to the very top level. Then anxiously made her way across quiet halls for the steps leading up to Her Majesty's Floor. "Gardeen to Administer Golen Wing?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'm in position in the Throne Room. Everyone is ready and in position."

"Good. Merry—"

"Silent. Fire."

Gardeen took a deep breath and stopped in front of Her Majesty's door. Then sighed and ordered through barely contained strained teeth, "Silent. Fire. Open. The door." She's so immature.

The door handle jiggled before it was cracked open and Merry stuck her head out to shoot Gardeen an innocent grin.

Mocking innocence, she teased, "Pretty please?" Gardeen just blinked at her as a response.

Rolling her eyes, Merry pulled the door the rest of the way open, allowing Gardeen access. "You're no fun," she muttered.

Gardeen strode past with a destination for Light Pink who was busy hovering over and admiring the dress in the middle of the floor in front of the steps for the observatory. "In moments like this, I'm not. Twilight's happiness means the world to me. How's it lookin', Pink?"

Pink jumped and dropped back down on her hooves. She didn't expect Gardeen to show up just yet. She hunkered down and answered, "Oh uh... It looks fine."

Merry gasped in horror from afar. Then shut the door and zipped as fast as she could while pregnant straight up to Pink, muzzle to muzzle. "FINE?!" She repeated. Then jabbed her hoof at the dress. "THIS is the definition of beauty!"

Gardeen calmly pushed Merry out from in front of Pink's face. "Merry, it's the exact same as the Original Wedding's."

"Yeah, right!" Gardeen rolled her eyes. Merry was sooo dramatic. Add mood swings, and there you go. You get a full blown unlimited Merry Fire, complete with a high ear ringing volume.

Gardeen huffed and admired the dress herself. She practically yelled, "Well no matter how it looks, we can all agree it's perfect. Twilight's going to love it! This wedding must go without any flaws. The lunch directly after the wedding, then a shooing to their original Timool spot."

Pink blinked at Gardeen then looked towards Merry for an explanation. She was just as clueless, evident by the oh so innocent shrug. Taking a moment, Pink cleared her throat and stated, "Uhh... Gardeen? Um... I hope you're not taking any of this personal."

Gardeen whipped her head around and stammered, "N-No, I'm... I'm... Uhh..." She sighed and lowered her head. There was no use in hiding it. Gardeen glanced up and whispered, "Is it really that obvious?"

Merry waddled forward and answered, "Gardeen, sweetie. You practically ripped my head off less than two minutes ago, so... Maybe? What's eatin' at ya', I know the signs."

Gardeen sighed and turned back to gaze at the dress. "Please don't say anything, but... I really look up to Lady Arcadia. Like... Like a mother really. I never told anyone this in person before, but... I don't have any parents. Well living ones anyway."

Pink gasped and immediately wrapped her girlfriend in her hooves. "Oh, Gardeen! I never knew, I'm so sorry!"

Gardeen sighed and replied, "Yeah, well... It's been a long time. Let me tell you my story." Gardeen politely nudged Pink's hooves off and faced the dress in nostalgia. "I never really had a good foalhood with my parents. Mainly because I went through... Two sets of them and they're both gone. When I was just a filly at five years old, my mother and father were working at the same job. They were in Capita as chemical technicians. Their jobs were to mix chemicals and see to it that they were in the correct bottles, and everything was clean. Just like the city. Well... All I remember during that time was me staying with a sitter when someone knocked on the door. Two government ponies were waiting and my sitter was crying. Then they all turned to me. I later learned that the factory had a chemical accident that triggered a chain reaction. Fourteen Pserateps never made it out. My parents were two of them.

"I was placed in a foster home for three years. No one came to get me. I didn't have a family line, so it was just me. Then a single mare did." Gardeen reached out and stroked the fabric of the dress. It was really soft and thin in a weird kind of way. "She was kind and really nice. She was the gold to my skills, the seed to this tree that is me. She took me to her home in Merōl and I lived there for three years. Then... The Glowing Bear showed up. By that time I was eleven years old. When it attacked, it was utter chaos. The entire Neighborhood was running and flying back onto the land since Merōl was one of the first to go under. The bear was about to step on us. Well my adoptive mother threw me into some underground area before it could. Then everything went dark. After an hour or so, I crawled back out and looked around. Nothing but utter destruction. Fire, collapsing buildings, dust, crying ponies.

"I... Spotted my adoptive mother's body lying a few feet away, along with around twenty more. I..." Gardeen reached up and wiped a few escaping tears away. Her voice turned into a whisper. "After that, I was all on my own. Just like everyone. But I didn't have anyone to go to for five years for comfort. To this day, I never... I have never gotten that image out of my head. I lost two families in a lifetime. Lady Arcadia is pretty much my third. After she arrived, I thought everything was going to be okay. That all I knew just... Just brought me to this point. But when I saw her on that stage, in her wedding dress drenched in her blood with an arrow in her stomach where her foal was, I... It was as if everything was just playing over again for a third showing. I vowed to myself during that time that I would keep her peace and happiness a reality..." Gardeen turned around and smiled at Pink and Merry. "Because she brought me peace and happiness when she arrived. As long as she's around, it'll continue that way. And I aim to keep it that way. That's why I'm taking this personal. I just want to see the pony who made me happy happy too."

From afar, Merry sighed and shook her head. "I'm... So, so sorry, Gardeen. I never knew your life was that tragic." Merry wrapped Gardeen in a wing and pulled her into a hug.

Blinking away the surprise that Merry was hugging her out of pity, Gardeen closed her eyes and wrapped a wing to hug her back. "It's... It's okay. Let's just make sure Arcadia gets her wedding and I'll be happy." Gardeen pulled back and lifted her hoof to ask, "Gardeen to Captain Silver? Location?"

After Dark ordered Rainbow Dash to be taken to the back airfield for a relaxing flight, he tagged along with Lady Arcadia with three more guards for the top floor with Her Majesty Molten Ice and the other mares that were with her such as Twilight Velvet and Bright Gold.

He lifted his hoof to his ear and whispered, "We're lifting to the floor right now. All Units are on standby and ready for action."

While they ascended, Twilight asked Molten Ice, "So what all happened here while I was gone?"

Molten chuckled from Twilight's left and responded, "Merry has been stomping around muttering the most pleasant of things she's going to do to that pony in court, and Gardeen has been keeping herself busy." The elevator slowed to a stop and the door parted, letting them off onto Her Majesty's floor.

As they walked forward, Twilight smiled and sighed. "To be honest, I feel like I'm already taking care of a little filly. Gardeen is really young and taking care of a grown mare's job. At the age of seventeen she's already graduated school and helping out here. Her parents must be proud."

"Oh, uhh... Gardeen... Doesn't have a family."

Twilight slowed to a stop with her Majesty with a look of surprise. Then sadness. She repeated, "Doesn't have a family? What do you mean?"

Molten turned her way and answered, "Don't quote me on this. But Gardeen's parents passed away in a tragic chemical accident in Capita when she was five."

Twilight gasped and whispered, "Oh no."

"We lost fourteen Pserateps in that accident and Gardeen's parents were in the mix."

Twilight Velvet sighed and responded, "Oh the poor dear."

"She was placed in a foster home and adopted. Then the glowing bear arrived and... Took her caretaker too."

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. How did she not know this? "Oh no... What happened after that?"

Molten shook her head and answered, "I don't know. She never talks about it. But she looks up to you. I can see it in her eyes whenever you two are around each other. She really treasures you."

"I never knew any of this. Oh poor Gardeen. I'll speak with her later. I noticed she disappeared."

Molten stood up and led them towards her home. "Yes, she had a few important tasks she wanted to get out of the way." She nodded to the Guards who saluted and pulled the doors open. Then she gestured for Arcadia to enter first.

Walking past she said, "Thank you." Then looked around the environment. Gardeen, Pink, and Merry had disappeared. Along with the dress, leaving the area untouched.

After the others walked in Bright Gold stated, "I feel like you've never changed the flavor of your home for centuries, Your Majesty."

Molten giggled and repeated, "Flavor, that's a new one. But yes, my home has been the same for hundreds of years. I wish to keep it this way. Would you all like some tea? It's healthy for the foal~" Molten made her way towards the lavish kitchen, leaving the others behind. Gardeen and the others were hiding in different areas of the suite. Merry was having the most trouble hiding behind the couch.

Arcadia followed after Molten and responded, "Sure." She sat down at the table and waited for the ceramic cup to be slid across to a stop in front of her. After Molten made the other mares some of the same tea, Molten made herself some and sat herself down in front of Twilight. Raising her cup, she stated with a smile, "I wish you and my son the best of happiness. And a great life with your foal. To Twilight and Madun."

The others raised their cups and lightly clinked it with Molten's. Then pulled it to their lips and took a relieving sip. The tea was really good. If Twilight had a vote between Fluttershy's and Molten's, Molten would unfortunately win. She more than likely had way more experience. After a sip, Molten lowered her cup and patted her mouth with a napkin. "Now before we do anything else, Gardeen and I have a surprise for you."

That was a surprise. Smirking, Twilight lowered her cup back to the table and asked, "A surprise? Of what kind?"

"The kind we don't tell you about until after it's been done."

Oh boy. Twilight's been through this before. "Let me guess. It involves a blindfold and leading around?"

Molten chuckled and answered, "Close. It involves a blindfold, moving around possibly in discomfort, then leading around. You'll be blindfolded for maybe an hour. But don't worry, your mother and myself will be around."

Twilight chuckled and flicked her ear for a second when she heard a shuffle somewhere behind her. "Well... Alright. But please don't leave me standing there looking foalish."

Molten drank the rest of her tea and sighed in contentment. Smirking she responded, "Don't worry, we won't have you in that position. Now, let's get started."


While his fiancee was being setup for the sudden wedding, Madun was leading Shining and Night Light to the Royal Suite of the castle. Along the way the Pserateps waved and bowed to him, even while in the midst of conversation about being a father that Madun was eager to learn about. But with Shining, not his Fiancee's father.

He was going on about something with the correct pacifiers and that Twilight, when she was a foal was very picky about which one she liked. Night Light added, "For Twilight, the pacifier had to be purple, thin, and round on the end. I have a feeling your foal is going to be the same way."

Before Madun could sigh, Shining leaned in and whispered, "Don't worry, Twilight wasn't that serious. I had to babysit her before she could walk, she depended mostly on herself."

Before Night Light could say something, Madun pointed ahead and announced, "And we're here!"

Shining followed his hoof towards the home that's been vacant for two months. The flower bed in front of it still looked lively and untouched, highlighted by the sunroof and other things. There were no guards around at the moment, but they would definitely be stationed there later when Twilight gets back tonight to pack for the sudden honeymoon, or what they called a Timool here. Madun walked towards the door and unlocked it with his hoof somehow. Then pushed the door open. The inside of the home was dark, but it still looked the same when Shining Armor was there last time. Small, cozy, comfortable.

Night Light queried, "Are you two going to upgrade for the foal?"

Madun flipped a switch and brightened the home, bringing light to the kitchen, the living room, and the hallway with a few lights in the lower area of the wall, highlighting the wood that made up the walkway. In the living room was Twilight's book stash. Making way for the living room, Madun answered, "No. The home's bigger than it looks. There's four rooms and an extra one that's connected to ours that the baby will be staying in for quick access. Twilight's going to enjoy that. As well as dusting these books, and her... 'Resortcation.'"

Madun gestured towards the couches and asked, "Would you gentlemen like anything?"

Night Light dropped down beside him and asked, "No thank you, mister. Now about taking care of a foal..." Straight into it, huh? Madun thought. "All that's really required is attention and care."

Shining poked in behind his father and added, "And being able to read the signs of distress."

"Yes, that too. When a foal—filly or colt—is disappointed you will know. Sometimes they don't even cry, which makes it very tricky. When shining was a foal, he was the strong type. Liked to keep his emotions to himself. So he refused to cry, which made it difficult to us as parents to figure out what was wrong with him. Twilight on the other hand cried too much and let us know if something wasn't how she liked it. When she started learning magic, that kept her busy and those tears away. So if you two ever experience a problem with a crying foal, give them something to do. As the king and queen, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard."

Shining rolled his eyes and shook his head while Madun chuckled and responded, "Yes, well I'm sure we'll have enough time to put into our foal for that."

While Madun and Night Light were speaking, Shining Armor was fiddling with the earpiece he had in his ear hidden from view. These things were a nuisance. Then again, this is the first time he ever wore one so he wasn't used to it like everyone else here on Psera. He was waiting for the go ahead to get Madun ready for a very quick visit by a very eager Merry Fire. Until then, they had to distract him with humor and amusement. Hopefully, Twilight was doing better.

Twilight was unsure what all was going on. But after they sipped the rest of their tea, Molten and Twilight Velvet led her into the middle of the floor and told her to face the door. Once she was, Twilight Velvet placed a blindfold over her eyes and said, "Okay, now stay still dear. We're just going to do a few things to you for a few minutes."

Twilight had her eyes closed when it was placed on, but it wouldn't matter if she didn't. The blindfold was completely dark. She wouldn't be able to see a thing if her eyes were open. Once the knot for the blindfold was tied, Molten asked, "Alright, can you see?"

Twilight chuckled and answered, "No, I have my eyes closed."

"Okay, now hold still for..." Molten looked towards Merry's head peeking over the couch for an answer. She made a silent word that Molten relayed, "Thirty minutes."

Twilight smirked and asked, "Alright, what's going on here?"

Twilight Velvet answered, "Sorry, dear. No spoilers." She stepped away while Gardeen, Light Pink, and Merry stepped out and quietly made their way to Twilight. Merry had the dress over her back and reluctantly laid it on the floor in front of her. Then stood up made a sign to Gardeen, gesturing to her hooves. The dress was made differently than usual. Instead of it being slipped on, it had to be buttoned on and put together. Starting with the hooves.

While Gardeen was doing that, Merry made her way back to the kitchen and reached up to her earpiece. "Silent Fire to Shining Armor, you're a go."

Shining and Madun both were becoming a little anxious thanks to Night Light's talking. What he was talking about it didn't really matter, but it was about diapers and Twilight. Oh Narmeelah, no, Madun thought before Shining cut in and said, "Hey, guess what Madun?"

Eager to get out of this conversation, Madun's ears instantly rose back up when he asked, "Yes, yes, what is it?"

Shining cleared his throat and said, "Everyone at the castle here was thinking of doing something for you and Twilight just to make up for the marriage you guys missed. It's just a little gift."

"Oh! Why, thank you. So... Where is it?" Madun looked around for a moment then looked to Night Light's grinning face for an explanation.

He answered, "Oh it's in the throne room. But before we go, we have to get you setup, alright?"

"Uhh... Set up?" Madun raised an eyebrow and glanced to Shining.

He waved it off and stated, "It requires a blindfold and ruffling. But don't worry, we already talked to your security about it and they're on board, as long as they're around of course."

"Uh... Alright. Is Twilight going through something similar right now?"

He's sharp. Shining nodded and explained, "In a way. So let's get started!"

Her Majesty kept to her promise and stuck nearby while Twilight was dressed. It's been nearly thirty minutes now and the dress was nearly complete. Merry had actually became a little frustrated earlier because she had to get down low and manually sew a seam at the breast. Twilight turned out was ticklish. Madun was going to have a field day with that.

Then Gardeen kneeled on something a little sharp that while buttoning up the dress in the back. She had to bite her lip to keep from swearing. During the time, Twilight kept asking questions like, "So who exactly is ruffling my coat?" Or, "I smell Merry's perfume." And the closest one, "I bet this is Merry digging under the hood, isn't it?" Twilight Velvet unfortunately had to lie and say it wasn't.

But after a few minutes of tedious preparation, it was finished. Twilight was once again in a modified version of the dress that was wore when she was hit on stage. Gardeen, Merry, and Bright Gold stepped back to observe with Molten and her mother. After a few seconds of hearing or feeling anything, Twilight asked, "So are you all done with whatever you were doing?"

Molten nodded until she remembered that Twilight couldn't see her and answered, "Er, yes we are." She turned to Merry real quick and motioned for her to scamper off to Madun. "Now, we have to modify you with some final adjustments."

Thirty More Minutes

After a tedious hour of shoe applying, the doors to Molten's room finally opened nad out walked the party. In order to stabilize herself and be guided properly, Twilight unknowingly laid her wing across Gardeen's back, filling her with a sense of pride and allowed herself to be guided along towards the elevator at the end of the hall. While they moved Twilight expressed how giddy she was with the ever so subtly vibrations her wing put off, barely containing her excitement along with the little squeals. "Ohhhh, are you giving me something that requires me to be dressed up?"

Molten chuckled and answered, "Close." Once they arrived at the elevator, Molten pressed the down key and waited. "We're taking you someplace special that you will definitely enjoy. It's in the castle, so you don't have to walk outside like this in that heat."

Twilight flicked her ear and asked, "Where in the castle? I'm pretty sure I've been all over by this point."

"Oh this area was recently added on." The elevator dinged open and the others parted to allow Gardeen access with Arcadia still latched on. Once they were inside and situated, the others filed in and the doors closed.

On the floor directly underneath, Merry and the guys had just finished with Madun, and were now leading him towards the throne room where the others were headed. Similar to his fiancee, he had his wing on his sister's back allowing whoever this pony was to take the lead. "So... Where are we headed?" He asked.

From his right Night Light silently chuckled and answered, "Oh you'll see. But I promise, you'll enjoy it. A lot. Try not to cry, okay?"

Madun clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Oh, this stallion hasn't cried in years. It takes a tough stallion like me not to cry." Merry silently sighed and rolled her eyes at her brother's boasting.

Shining wrapped a hoof over his shoulder and said, "Well you might this time. So be ready."

The halls were quiet, confusing Twilight by the time they reached the throne room. Shouldn't it be noisy and celebratory? Before they walked inside, Twilight Velvet ran in first to make sure everything was setup and correct. The throne itself was decorated beautifully in a vine of flowers, definitely by Fluttershy. The foal choir was all in place. They were really anxious by this point. Especially when everyone witnessed Twilight Velvet walk in. The ponies with the cameras on the side instantly sat up and trained them on her when she stopped and whispered, "She's right outside. Once she's up her everyone wait for King Madun and then we can get started, okay?"

She turned around and pulled open the doors all the way, revealing Lady Arcadia in her dress with a blindfold over her face. "Okay, are you ready dear?"

Twilight laughed and asked, "Yeah, can I please take this off now?"

"Nuh uh uh, wait just a little longer. Keep following us." Gardeen led Arcadia Nova up through the aisle with her wing on her back, blushing at the thought that she got to lead her idol up to the place where she would finally get married safely. It was such an honor to be in this position right now. So much so.

Twilight Velvet turned around once at the stairs that led up to the stage and said, "Okay, now give me your hoof so you don't trip on these stairs." Twilight removed her wing from Gardeen's back and randomly poked out at stuff before finally touching Velvet's hoof. Then slowly walked up the stairs, eventually reaching the top. Once they were on the stage in front of the administer—who was biting his lip to keep from laughing, Twilight Velvet gave one last command. "Now try not to say much, we're going to grab one more pony then everything's going to be set, alright?"

Twilight groaned and answered, "Uhhh... I guess? What exactly are we doing again and why was I dressed up?"

"Be patient, dear." Twilight Velvet turned around to Molten Ice and whispered, "Where is King Madun?"

"He should be on the way here by now," she replied. They both turned towards the door at the same time Madun trotted in with Shining Armor and Night Light, looking handsome as ever.

He asked, "So... Why am I here?"

Twilight looked towards his location and asked, "Madun?"

Madun stopped for a moment and sped up blindly. "Twilight? Wh-What's going on?"

"I-I don't know." Madun followed the same instructions Velvet gave to Twilight and stopped a few feet from in front of her.

He looked around and asked, "So... Can I take this off now?"

"You both can now!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Wait, Rainbow Dash?

Twilight used her magic to teleport the blindfold off to a random space beside her, opening here eyes to look down at Madun. And what a looker he was. He had his red mane brushed and groomed, he smelled nice, his orange coat was brushed, and he was wearing a black and red suit. Merry. Merry made that. Twilight knew Merry's signature style choice. The chest of his suit had a white rose in it, sparkling like snow.

Madun reached up and took the blindfold off and locked his eyes on Twilight. Then they both turned to look out at the large crowd of Ponies. A throat was cleared from behind, urging them to look back to the stage into the eyes of Administer Golen Wing. He was glancing between the two with a warm smile. "So... Let's try this again. And this time, no one is coming in without us knowing."

Twilight looked up to Madun with watery and beautiful eyes of wander. He directed his own gaze down into Twilight's. They were going to get married again. On the same day she was released. This was the surprise. Administer Golen Wing stated, "I'm sure everyone has already heard your vows. As well as the rest of what has brought you together. They all know the story of Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, and the rise of King Shimmering Madun. But they don't know the story of what they will do together. I believe this moment will be the start of the next journey in your lives. So without further adieu, under the eye of Narmeelah and within the law of Psera, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the—"

Arcadia darted forward and latched her lips unto Madun's, and his onto hers. They held one another close. The gallery cheered and stomped their hooves. Celestia even stood up and cheered. That was a surprise. Administer Golen Wing shrugged and clapped his hooves together before the pair finally separated and pulled each other into a hug. Twilight whispered into his ear and whispered, "I love you, Madun."

He nuzzled her neck and whispered, "I love you too, Twilight. More than ever."

Author's Note:

I decided to end it as it did because I needed to get the other chapters going too. As well as my story on fanfiction.net. So sorry if you feel like you're missing something.

P.S. You guys finally learned about Gardeen's roots! I've been meaning to put this out here for awhile, but never had the chance. Be ready for the birth of Fresh Dawn next week(hopefully)!

P.P.S If there are any mistakes, please quote them in a comment below so I can fix them!

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