• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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Fears of the Fluttershy

The Great and Powerful Trixie stood on the sidewalk, watching as her precious van was pulled up onto the flat bed of the tow truck. Her hands were stuffed in the pockets of her hoodie and shoulders hunched on themselves as she stood there, lips pressed thin against each other.

Pinkie Pie popped over and wrapped her arms around Trixie, giving her a big, tight hug that made Trixie's not so great or powerful spine pop and crack.

"Don't worry, Trixie," Pinkie assured her. "You'll have new tires and back on the road in no time."

"First, they're not going to be new," Trixie stated, wriggling to try and get loose of Pinkie's iron-tight grip. "Trixie is on a budget after all."

Pinkie finally let go. Straightening up, Trixie adjusted her hoodie, then turned to face the other girl.

"Second..." Her face softened as she turned to look at the van again. "It's not just about the van. There is a stage magician version of Sunset Shimmer out there. Trixie should be there, so that she could challenge Sunset to a magician's duel." She then straightened up, grinning as she put her hands on her hips. "Then The Great and Powerful Trixie could show the world her skill, and help stop the Sunset Shimmer invasion!"

"I don't think it really counts as an 'invasion,'" Applejack stated as she joined them.

"It will when I tell the story to my many excited fans."

Trixie then slumped again.

"Instead, I have to wait here for the tow truck while Fluttershy gets to go to the park and meet that Sunset."

"Well it is her brother at the park," Pinkie pointed out, "and only one of us could fit."

"Wonder how she's dealin' with the motorcycle," Applejack asked.

Sentai Sunset's motorcycle roared as it went along the street. It wove through traffic with feline grace, slipping from lane to lane and slipping between cars as it moved forward.

Fluttershy, however, was not happy about this. Or the whole situation for that matter. She was grateful for the helmet, but wished she had more. Like full body armor. With magical and electric shield generators. The entire thing was going way too fast for her: which in this case was "moving at all."

Why had she agreed to this?

Because it was her little brother who was stuck watching the Sunset that Rainbow had found, and he was her responsibility in a way since she was the big sister. It would not be fair to pawn it off on one of her friends. Plus, while she was willing to give the Dazzlings the benefit of the doubt, she honestly did not trust them. Adagio especially could have Zephyr wrapped around one of her smooth, well-manicured fingers with a few words from those shapely lips of hers. He would just follow her around like a horny little puppy, hoping for a treat. Aria would probably murder him and Sonata... Fluttershy was not sure what Sonata would do, but it doubted it could be anything good.

So here she was, riding on the back of a high speed death machine, driven by an adrenaline junkie who liked to beat up monsters while dressed in brightly colored spandex. That had to be some sort of indicator of mental instability... and probably a fetish for a few people to watch...

...or maybe not just watch.. There were probably people who would enjoy dressing up like a monster so that a girl in skintight clothing could beat them up...

Fluttershy gave her head a shake, not wanting to follow that train of thought to its station.

Unfortunately, that meant she was back in and paying attention to the present, which was terrifying. Closing her eyes, she buried her head into Sunset's jacket.

Happy place, she told herself. Just go to your happy place.

It was a beautiful, clear, warm, sunny spring day. The trees of the forest were lush and green, with birds singing happily. The meadow was covered in soft green grass, patches of clover, and blooming wild flowers. There was a small pond, the water clear and calm, letting the fish be seen so easily beneath the surface. Beside the water was a large rock, flat, smooth, and perfect for laying on and sunning.

Which was exactly what Fluttershy was doing. She stretched out on her rock, naked, enjoying herself. The warm air caressed her bare chest and stomach, and the heat of the sun baked rock soaking into her back and butt. It felt so nice be outside in the au naturel. Just her and her little slice of natural heaven, with nothing between her and the world.

She wished she could stay like this forever.

The birds turned silent as the sound of bubbling water filled the air. Opening her eyes, Fluttershy sat up, looking out at the water. The once calm surface was churned, the formerly clear surface white and foamy.

Fluttershy leaned close, trying to get a better look at what may have been causing it.

The water exploded outward as the surface tension was broken. A massive figure burst up, looming over the shore and Fluttershy. It had the basic head shape of a horse, and the forelegs as well, but was covered in glistening golden-yellow scales, and had fins on the side of its head.

Fluttershy did not feel afraid, though. Instead she felt... excited.

The creature opened its mouth, showing the razor sharp teeth and lunged toward Fluttershy.

A squeak escaped Fluttershy as she jerked back to reality, snapping her head up and blinking rapidly. She was suddenly very aware of how uncomfortable the inside of the helmet was. Her face felt burning hot and sticky with moisture. Similarly, she was also aware that motorcycle's seat was warm and water-resistant.

No one would notice when she got off.

Or so she hoped.

Once they reached the park and stopped, Fluttershy felt relieved for it to be over. She was tempted to jump off the bike immediately, but two things stopped her from doing so. One was that she was worried that if she did so, she would risk throwing the motorcycle off-balance and risk damaging it, or worse, having it somehow land on Sentai Sunset. The other was that her legs still tingled from the motor, and she was not entirely sure if they could support her weight.

So instead, Fluttershy sat there a moment, taking off her helmet. She lifted her head up, and took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill her lungs and wipe the hot dampness from her face. Once that was done and she felt collected, she climbed off. Her left leg wobbled slightly as she put her weight on it, but did not give out or anything.

It was not long until they found the stage they had been using, which Rainbow had said was where she had found a stage magician version of Sunset Shimmer.

What Fluttershy found there was, sadly, not that surprising, although it was still disappointing.

"Hey, sis," Zephyr Breeze called out, putting on his biggest smile. "Glad you could make it. Think you could... uh... help me out of this thing?" He motioned with his head at the magic box that he was laying in. "I really need to pee."

Fluttershy sighed, bringing her hand up to her face as she shook her head.

"I don't even want to know."

"It's not my fault," Zephyr declared, kicking slightly. "You see, what happened was--"

"I said I don't want to know!"