• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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The music, man

In one part of town, there was a cafe called That One Place. This was an intentional choice by the owner and manager, thinking that it would be fun when people were trying to figure out where they wanted to go or meet up. They served a variety of drinks: hot and cold coffees; hot and cold teas; smoothies; juices; sodas, which were their own locally made kind, and not major brands; and their most popular beverage, "The Thing," which was chocolate soda poured over a scoop of strawberry ice cream, served with a banana flavored whipped cream, and a cherry on top. While not as wide a selection as their drinks, they did have some food as well: sandwiches, salads, soups, and a small variety of baked goods, many of which were served with a mystery sweet syrup or sauce known as "That Stuff."

However, it was not just the drinks and snacks that drew the attentions of its patrons. That One Place also had a small stage set up, where people could perform. Poetry readings, music, even the occasional stand-up comedy routine were all performed there. Some nights, they would have specific people or performers do so. Others would have a specific theme, such as Thursday night being a poetry slam. Friday and Saturday were open mic nights, where anyone could sign up for a slot and perform anything. Within reason, of course. Which was a stipulation they had to add after one person decided to try performing a strip tease.

The open mic night was the reason that Flash Sentry was there that Saturday evening. After The Battle of The Bands and his behavior, Flash had admittedly been a little shaken. Fortunately, The Friendship Games was approaching, which gave him a great excuse to avoid playing his guitar. He had even left it at home when they went to Camp Everfree.

Except, he found he could not really leave it alone, altogether. As good as life seemed, Flash Sentry was still a teenager, leaving him in that part of life where he was no longer the innocent and free child that he already remembered youth like nostalgically, nor was he a fully grown adult who understood the world and his place in it as he imagined all adults to be. As such, good or bad, he needed a way to express himself, and with all the training and practice he had with the guitar, it was the best way.

So, he had picked it up, dusted it off, and started playing again. Sometimes, just for himself, sometimes, a riff to entertain classmates, and sometimes, just sort of idly as he tried to think.

Now, he was deciding to take a big step. After his break up with Sunset, he had written a song, "Beautiful Face, Ugly Heart," which had been a way of dealing with how horrible she had been, and his feelings for her at the time. He had considered playing it during The Battle of The Bands, but, honestly, he had still been afraid of Sunset Shimmer at the time, as skeptical as everyone else about her supposed change of heart (even the sirens' brainwashing could overpower the mental image of ending up in the hospital, having to explain how an entire guitar had managed to be shoved into his backside in one piece). Finding and looking over it more recently, he considered some of the lyrics.

"Sunset Shimmer, the bitch with harpy claws. Rip out your heart, and laugh while eating it raw."

Rather poetic, but pretty cruel.

So, he decided to make some changes, mostly by taking Sunset's name out of it. Although that did sometimes require massive re-writes to fit the rhythm that had been set. Now he was planning on performing it. A debut of a new song, and a greater return to performing in public with real music. Granted, he was no celebrity, so most people did not care, but it felt like a big step for him.

Although he still had a while to wait.

The current performer, a green skinned girl with orange dreads, was finishing up some poem about nature, the joys of it, and being one with it. It was easy to imagine her running around in the forest without an inch of clothing on her body.

It was also pretty easy to guess that her "being one with nature" included smoking a little bit of it from time to time.

"Thank you, Tree Hugger," the host said, giving a small round of polite applauds. "That was..." his smile faltered a second before reappearing "... some interesting poetry." He let out a small cough and turned his attention to the small crowd.

"Our next performer is one we haven't seen here before, and tonight is planning on performing an original musical performance. Please, a warm welcome for: Phoenix Dawn."

Much to his surprise, he recognized "Phoenix Dawn" as Sunset Shimmer. The sides of her head were shaved, and one ear had multiple piercings in it, but the hair that was there was the same color, as was her skin. She even had Sunset's insignia on her guitar.

"Thanks," Phoenix said as she sat down on the stool. "This is something that I've been working on for a while. It's all very personal to me."

After a little more tuning, she straightened up, took a deep breath, and started singing.

You say,
you want me to be the best I can be.
But all I ever wanted
was for you to say you love me.

To hear it out loud

how I make you proud.

But it's very tough,
and never seems to be enough.
No matter how hard I try,
I cant seem to catch your eye.

Tell me,
what I need to do
I can be noticed by you!

All that I really want,
is for you to love me,
but for who I am,
and not who I might be!
But I don't know how
because you're so caught up in my future
you don't notice me here and now.

So tell me
what I have to do
to be loved by you.
Because all I want to do
is be loved by you.

All I want
what I really want
I just want
to be loved by you.

Loved by you.

The crowd was silent as Phoenix Dawn quickly made her way offstage. Her face was down and she was not looking at anyone, but Flash could make out the mark of tears on her cheeks as she went by. While he was pretty sure that it was not his ex-girlfriend and current platonic sort-of friend Sunset Shimmer he was seeing, she did look a lot like her, and she was still lady who was upset. As such, Flash Sentry felt he should at least check on her.

"Thank you, Phoenix," the host stated. "That was a very personal. Hopefully, our next performer can follow up and help bring up the mood. Let's show some enthusiasm for Miss Maud Pie."

"What's the difference between assault and basalt?"

It was a joke that Flash would never hear the punchline to, although it must not have been too funny as he did not hear any laughter, but not too bad since there were no audible groans either.

Although she had gone down the hall toward the bathrooms, Phoenix had not actually gone in. Instead she was facing a painting on the wall, wiping a little at her face as she collected herself.

"Sunset?" Flash asked automatically. "You okay?"

Phoenix jumped slightly at the name, her body tensing. She turned to face him, eyes narrowing. One hand slipped into the pocket of her jacket.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

Flash then froze, realizing what he did, and not really sure how to explain. Telling her that he did not know her, but knew a version of her from another reality seemed... insane. And... he could not think of any excuses spur of the moment.

"No," he admitted. "I just--"

"Then how do you know my name?" she asked, eyes narrowing. She took a step back, putting her feet shoulder width apart.

Flash took a step back, holding his hands up to show they were empty.

"Hey, sorry. It's nothing like that." He then slowly lowered them. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed pretty upset after that song back there."

Phoenix stood there, her body tense, as she stared at him. Flash could feel himself being, studied and judged; Phoenix taking in as much of him as she could, and deciding how to respond. Either she would thank you for the concern and ask to be left alone, or get a swift, hard, kick in the testicles. Flash Sentry was hoping for the former, but his legs were tensed and ready in case she decided on the latter.

With a sigh, Phoenix noticeably relaxed. She looked away from Flash Sentry, turning her attention back to the painting on the wall: one of those generic pictures where a couple were sitting in a rowboat.

"Yeah," she said softly. "It's... a pretty personal song." She gave a shrug. "Guess I wasn't as ready to perform it as I thought."

"...Yeah..." Flash responded as he let his gaze drift to the painting as well. "I can relate." His brow furrowed. "Or... maybe I'm about to?" He turned toward the stage. "I'm about to play a song of my own. Kind of came from a bad place. Kind of hard to keep those emotions out of it.

"In fact, I should probably get back there. Pretty sure my turn is getting close."

Phoenix gave a nod, saying nothing.

Flash watched her a moment, then started back toward the stage. Although, he was not happy about it. He had been hoping to help somehow, and felt like he had accomplished nothing.

He would just have to put it aside until after he was done, and hope they could talk more after.