• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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Adagio talks to a "friend"

"Canterlot. A bright and shining city. One filled with hope and looking toward the future. But the brightest lights cast the darkest shadows. Like how some of the best sweets can give you a tummy ache. Or how someone will clean a room, but ignore under the furniture, leaving a couch that can look really nice, but have a lot of dust underneath."

"What are you doing?" Adagio asked, turning toward the backseat.

"Narrating," Pinkie answered.

"Dare I ask 'why?'"

"This feels like a scene from an old black and white detective story," Pinkie explained, "and they tend to have the gritty, hard-boiled detective narrating what's going on. We don't actually have a proper full detective though." She pointed a finger at street mage Sunset Shimmer. "She's the closest thing we have, but isn't doing it, and Rarity isn't around, so I'm filling in."

Adagio Dazzle rolled her eyes as she turned to the front again.

"Well I don't think it is actually necessary in this case."

"A lot of things that are fun aren't considered 'necessary,'" Pinkie replied, "but we still do them because they're fun and we enjoy them."

It was a strange point, and not exactly one that Adagio could argue if she wanted to. Besides, while not the weirdest conversation she ever had by far (that currently went to when Sonata discovered "shitting dick nipples," and Adagio and Aria had to explain human anatomy and how such a thing was not possible, with the pictures of such likely being a strange fetishistic art trend or something), it was one that she did not really have an interest in continuing. So, she decided to just drop the subject.

Until a thought occurred to her, making her turn around again.

"Why can't I be the one narrating?"

"Because you're the femme fatale," Pinkie answered. "The dame with a mysterious or shady past, who has a body that won't quit, and knows how to use it, that the detective knows is dangerous, but finds alluring, only realizing too late how dangerous she truly is. That also means you can't be the narrator, because then you lose some of your mystery."

Adagio liked the sound of that. Plus, it seemed a pretty fitting interpretation to her. She knew how to use her body, could not exactly share her history with most people, and knew how to get people to do what she wanted. Some probably even knew that she was dangerous, but went through with it. It was nice to--

Wait! Shit!

She had been so caught up in talking to Pinkie, she had not been paying attention.

"Stop!" Adagio called out. "That was the road we needed to turn on."

Sunset slammed on the brakes, the car skidding to a stop. After checking behind to make sure there was no other traffic, she switched into reverse and backed up, turning down the demanded road.

"You sure this is the place?" she asked.

Adagio turned to her and smirked.

"What? You don't think that I could have connections in the seedy and rundown parts of the city?"

"Oh, I'm sure you do," street mage Sunset answered. She then leaned to get a better look outside. "Just doesn't looks like a place where someone could find shelter for long."

Adagio turned as well, looking out at the streets, alleys, and old buildings. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced up an down, taking in as much of it as she could.

"No," she finally replied. "But it's a good place to keep away from the cops and such for a while. And in answer to the original question, yes I'm sure. I've been keeping track of him in case we need to move suddenly."

She pointed ahead at an alleyway.

"Stop there."

Street mage Sunset pulled closer to curb and parked.

"You two wait here," Adagio ordered as she opened her door. She grabbed the plastic bag from the convenience store they had stopped at quickly, taking it with her as she made her way down the alley.

Standing near a rusting dumpster was a tall, lanky man. Long, greasy, blue hair hung past his shoulders and covered most of his face. He leaned against the wall, dark green skinned arms wrapped around his chest. A dark shirt hung off his form, whatever the picture on the front of it had been faded and worn away to just a hint it even existed. The cherry glow of a cigarette could be seen emanating from near his mouth.

"Pickle!" Adagio called out, smiling.

Pickled Peppers turned to Adagio, his eyes going wide as he got a look at her. He dropped his cigarette and moved away from the wall, straightening up.

"You alone?" he asked, voice raspy and cracking.

"My sisters aren't with me," Adagio answered.

Pickle let out a sigh, shoulder slumping. He resumed leaning against the wall, reaching into his pocket to pull out a packet of cigarettes.

"Good. That blue one scares the shit out of me."

He lit the cigarette, taking a puff.

"So, what brings you to my office, today?"

Opening her bag, Adagio Dazzle reached in and pulled out the content. Pickle turned to look at it, brow furrowing.

"What is that?"

"A granola, fruit and yogurt parfait," Adagio answered. "This one has strawberries and blueberries."

With one of her nails, she snapped the plastic ring that held the lid on. Pulling it open, she then opened the compartment for the granola, pouring it into the cup.

"For me?" Pickle asked. "Why?"

"Because you can't live off of jerky and junk food." Adagio stirred the granola in, mixing it with the fruit and yogurt. "You need some grain and oats, some dairy, and fruit." She held it out to him. "It also has vitamin C, so you don't have to worry about scurvy."

Pickle's lips pressed tight as his eyes narrowed, staring at the proffered cup. Slowly, he reached out, taking a hold of it. He gave it one more stir before scooping some of it up.

"So what are you doing here?" he asked again. "Didn't just come out to make sure I was eating right."

"I'm looking for a place. One where a bunch of people can hide out without being noticed."

"Like an evil lair?" Pickled Peppers asked, giving her a grin. "With all the strange things going on, thinking about going supervillain? Try and take over the city and all that?"

"No," Adagio replied, waving a hand. "Been there, done that, got the tee shirt."

She actually had. Somehow, three shirts with "I tried to take over the world, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" written on them showed up the day after they were defeated.

"It's not for me," she continued. "We're looking for someone who got taken by some people." She held up a hand. "Don't ask. It's complicated and weird. The point is we need to find a place where a lot of people can hide out, and hold someone being held hostage without anyone noticing."

She moved closer, crossing her arms.

"So, any ideas?"

Pickle took a large spoonful of his parfait and ate it, considering the question.

"Well," he finally replied, "if you want to go with the full cliche..."

Adagio considered a moment before giving a shrug.

"As good a place to start as any, I suppose."

Her mind took a hold of the thought, processing it.

"There's some abandoned warehouses," Pickle stated. "Big, empty, and not a lot of people around, 'specially on the weekends. Be easy for someone to set up a big hideout or lab or something, coming and going at all hours. Perfect for a villain from a comic book or cartoon."

Adagio gave a nod, rubbing her chin as she thought. Some of these Sunset characters did seem more like they would be at home in cartoons and comics, or some form of fiction. Maybe they would play to the same kind of ideas. And seeing how "Sunset Satan" was among them...

"Is there a place with a monster theme?" she asked. "More specifically, demonic or devilish? Where a person that might look like one wouldn't be as noticeable?"

Pickled Peppers turned to face her, brow furrowed.


"Seriously," Adagio confirmed. "I very much doubt you would believe me if I told you all that happened, but I am seriously and sincerely asking this."

"You know what?" Pickle straightened up and turned toward her. "Try me."


"Really. Tell me what's going on, and we'll see if I believe you or not."

Looking up at the sky, Adagio took a deep breath and asked for patience. Still, if he was asking, may as well tell him. Worst case was that he simply would not believe it.

"Short version: magic is real, and so are other dimensions. Yesterday, there was a magical explosion and a person was caught in it. As a result, a bunch of different versions of her are running around the city, including a group of evil ones that kidnapped a teenage genius version. So now I'm trying to help find them, so her friends can save the genius, and try to bring back the original."

Pickled Peppers stood there a moment, staring at her.

"So... that video of the girl sprouting wings and 'tearing holes in reality?'" he asked.

"That was real," Adagio confirmed. "Not special effects or anything."

Pickle gave a slow nod, moving away from her. Adagio waited, letting the news seek in and waiting to see how he was going to react. Hopefully, whether he believed her or not, he would still answer the question.

Speaking of question, there was one about how this would affect their future interactions.

But she would have to get through this first.

"Well," said Pickle, "now that you ask: there was an old amusement park by the name of... uhm... Hunny Bunny's Fun-stravagnza or something?" He gave a shake of his head. "Anyway, it's been closed for a couple years. It was supposed to be renovated, but with Equestria Land opening up..." He gave a shake of his head. "And in answer to your question: they had one of those all year round haunted houses, with the entrance being the mouth of a giant laughing devil." He rubbed his chin. "Was probably even outlined in glowing red neon too."

A small smirk tugged at Adagio's lips before she let out a chuckle.

"That sounds like the perfect place to start."