• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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A horse of course

Fluttershy gave another long look at the magic staff they had picked up from Principal Celestia's house. After they had been filled in by Luna about what had happened the night before, and picked up unicorn Sunset, Luna had insisted they take the staff with them, figuring it would be safer with them than at Celestia's. Which made sense since they were able to use their regular magic still.

Hopefully the little girl Sunset Shimmer would be safe at Vice-Principal Luna's house.

But, how did the evil Shimmers know that she was there? And what did they want her for?

Fluttershy's attention turned to the back, where unicorn Sunset was, along with puppy Sunset. The two of them had wound up taking a nap, with the smaller dog curled up on top of the small unicorn.

It was all still so surreal. There were numerous versions of their friend, Sunset, including those two, and a regular horse as well. Now, not only that, but Principal Celestia had somehow managed to pony up. What was next? Vice-principal Luna turning evil? Someone from a long time ago being alive? Them being sucked into a book? Facing shape-shifters? Sprouting horse dicks?

...Well... probably not that last one...

But the fact that it even existed in the realm of possibility was disconcerting.

Fluttershy had wanted a nice, quiet life where she helped take care of animals and find them forever homes. Being a magical hero was one of the last things she wanted to be... or it would be if she had even considered it a possibility. She did not want to be key to protecting the city. She did not want to face evil on a semi-regular basis.

Well, at least she was going to spend some time on Applejack's farm. Admittedly, it was not for an entirely normal reason, but it was something that she could easily handle.

And hopefully it would be weird enough so that something weirder and scarier does not happen. Just a nice little conversation with a horse that happened to be another version Sunset Shimmer, with no mind control, magic songs, holes in reality (or more holes since the theory was that the Sunset Shimmers were torn from their own dimensions somehow), or magic rocks that could either super-charge their powers or wipe memories.

As they reached Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy pushed the thoughts aside and looked out the window, taking in the sight of the farm.

How she wished she could live somewhere like this. A place far from other people, with plenty of space for animals to run around and play. If she had a place like this, that is what she would do: turn it into an animal sanctuary. Then all sorts of creatures could live there. From butterflies and lightning bugs to cows and horses. Even as big as giraffes and elephants if necessary. Plus, there would be areas set up to give all them a feeling of being in their natural habitat and safe.

It was not much longer before they were pulling up to the barn turned garage.

"Y'all ready?" asked Applejack.

Fluttershy gave a nod.

"Not really much to get ready for," Aria stated. Shoving the door open, she climbed. After stepping a few steps away, she tilted her head back and spread her arms wide, closing her eyes as she did. Aria then took a slow, deep breath through her nose, her chest expanding as she inhaled as much air as her lungs could manage.

"Uhm... are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as she got out.

Shoulders slumping, Aria Blaze let out a sigh.

"Yeah." She then straightened up, her lips pressing into a scowl. "You know, ever since industrialization, I keep hearing about 'fresh country air,' and how sweet it is, but I honestly can't tell a difference. I think it's one of those psychosomatic things humans convince themselves is true and become a part of the pop-culture beliefs."

As soon as she got out, puppy Sunset Shimmer floppy ears perked up and tail started wagging. Her eyes went wide as she looked around.

"So... many... new.. smells!" she cried out, shaking with excitement. "And so many places to mark! Where do I even start?"

She then darted to the closest fence post, gave it a good sniff, and started marking the grass around it.

Unicorn Sunset Shimmer made her way directly for the barn, Applejack not far behind. Horn lighting up, she took a hold of the doors with her magic and pulled them open, stepping inside.

As she had been told, there was indeed a full-sized, regular horse version of her. It turned toward the door, looking at the new arrivals, then threw its head back and let out a neigh.

"What'd she say?" Applejack asked.

Unicorn Sunset turned from the horse to Applejack, glanced back at the horse, then at the human again. Turning to Applejack, the unicorn took a deep breath, her entire body swelling with the effort, and let out the loudest, worst sounding impression of a horse neighing any of them had ever heard, which broke into a coughing fit.

Once the coughing stopped, Sunset returned her attention to Applejack.

"But seriously," unicorn Sunset said, "what makes you think I know what she's saying?"

Applejack took a step back, her face taking on a pinkish hue. She reached up to her hat, pulling the brim down over her eyes.

"Well," she answered, "she's a horse and you're a pony. Figured you'd be able to understand each other."

"Technically, I'm a human from a magical dimension, in the body of a pony-sized unicorn from a pony dimension, who was magically transported to this dimension while still being stuck in this form," Sunset stated. "On top of that, they've all talked the same language, none of which were the same as normal horses. Now if you wanted me to speak elvish or saddlean, I could help, but plain horse?" She gave a shake of her head.

"Figured it was a far shot, anyways," Applejack replied. "Fortunately, Fluttershy here can talk to her just fine." She turned to look at her friend. "Can't ya, Flutters."

"Of course," Fluttershy answered with a smile. It then disappeared as she turned to look at the horse. "So... uhm... what do you want me to tell her?"
