• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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Sonata's master plan

After receiving a text message from Pinkie Pie (which was sent far too early for most of them, since it was just after seven) about Sonata Dusk having a plan on how to get Sunset Shimmer back, and everyone eventually woke up (with the exception of Applejack who was already awake) and read it, the group all decided that they should all meet up back at Sunset Shimmer's apartment to hear what Sonata had in mind.

It was also suggested they try to bring several cars, since they would likely have to separate for multiple tasks again.

Despite not having a car, Rainbow Dash arrived at the apartment complex, using her super speed to run there. She quickly made her way up the stairs, heading for the door.

Before she could reach it, she could hear what sounded like shouting. The words were difficult to make out, but it was pretty loud. The fact that it sounded like Sunset Shimmer was arguing with Sunset Shimmer did not really matter since there were like a bunch of them in there.

As soon as the door opened, everything went silent. Rainbow Dash found herself staring at Daydream Shimmer and Streetmage Shimmer, who were both looking at her, and definitely not each other.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked, looking at the pair.

Daydream and Streetmage looked at each other. Daydream motioned her head toward Rainbow. Streetmage shook her head, then motioned it toward Rainbow. Daydream's eyes widened and lips pressed thin as she jerked her head more adamantly. Streetmage again mirrored the movement.

At a stalemate, the two decided to resort to an ancient and long-respected tradition of deciding who must do something when none involved wish to.

Rock, paper, scissors.

The two shook their hands, counting off before throwing their choice.

Both threw rock.

The two tried again.

Both threw scissors.

They tried again.

This time, Streetmage Shimmer threw scissors a second time, while Daydream Shimmer threw...


After giving a stomp of frustration, Streetmage Shimmer took a deep breath and turned her full attention to Rainbow Dash.

"Crystal Prep Sunset Shimmer disappeared during the night," she finally answered. "We're pretty sure that the other Sunsets grabbed her, but we're not sure how."

She then turned to face Daydream Shimmer with narrowed eyes.

"There's also a bit of an argument on who's to blame."

Daydream turned to return the glare. Seconds passed as the air around them began to grow warmer.

Literally. Rainbow Dash could feel it, making her face heat up. She should probably do something before something burst into flames. Like her.

"Do we need to get Sun-dude out here, so he can wave his dick around too, and all three of you can see who's the biggest?"

The two Sunsets turned to look at Rainbow in surprise, looked back at each other, then looked away as much as they could. Streetmage Shimmer's face noticeably blushed, and it was a safe guess that Daydream would have been doing the same if not for her more magical nature.

"Now," Rainbow continued (pushing the thought of Sunset dick as far from her mind as possible), "can't either of you guys track her? You know, just --" she raised a hand and wiggled her fingers "-- cast a spell or something and figure out where she is?"

The two continued to look away, the blush fading as Streetmage wrapped her arms around herself. Daydream ran a hand through her hair, wrapping her fingers around a lock and giving a tug.

"While remote viewing is something that can be done in Equestria, it's supposed to be very rare that only a few unicorn can learn," Daydream admitted. "Plus, I never studied it. Figured I was smart enough to find anypony I wanted on my own and outwit any who went against me. Even with the additional abilities I have with this form, that's not one of them."

"Scrying requires a lot of preparation and supplies I didn't bring with me," replied Streetmage. "I do know a spell that would be able to let me follow her scent, but considering how many Sunsets there are and how we all probably smell the same..." She gave a shrug with one shoulder, holding out her hand.

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh as she pulled out her phone.

"I'll let the others know. Hopefully, some of us can go look for her while whatever is going on with Sonata's plan." She then wrote out a quick message to the group chat, sending it to all the others.

As the rest of the group showed up, several asked the obvious questions: what happened, how did it happen, and like Rainbow asked, was there a way to find her? The first two were the hardest to answer, because none of them knew. All they knew was that she had been sleeping in the chair, then when they woke up, she was gone. Her shoes and jacket had been left behind, so it was doubtful she just got up in the middle of the night and walked out without saying anything. For the specifics, though, all they could do was speculate, and without a full knowledge of what all they other Sunset Shimmers could do, the possibilities were numerous.

The sirens were the last ones to show up, ten minutes after the agreed upon meeting time and carrying cups of coffee with them.

"Seriously?" Applejack asked, arms crossed and raising an eyebrow. "We're all waiting for y'all to show up and tell us this plan, and y'all stop for coffee?"

Adagio's eyes narrowed as she scowled. Not breaking eye contact, she took a long slow, loud slurp.

"We ain't all used ta gettin' up 'fore that thar sun," she said in the thickest southern accent she could manage. "Besides," she continued in her normal voice, "I had a hard time getting sleep and Sonata woke us up stupid early to tell us about her 'oh so brilliant' plan."

"So, what is this amazing plan?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Sonata Dusk grinned and stepped forward, only to be stopped by Adagio Dazzle holding up a hand.

"Before we get to that," Adagio stated, "there is a matter of our deal that we need to discuss."

"Is this really the proper time for that?" Rarity asked. "The wicked versions of Sunset Shimmer are out there, doing who knows what, and it seems they have taken Crystal Prep Sunset Shimmer for some reason or other. As such, is now the best time to try and renegotiate for additional benefits?"

"Then I will make this short and simple," Adagio replied. "Instead of simply going back to Equestria, we want to be able to visit it for a week, then decide whether or not we want to return."

"That doesn't really sound all that different," Fluttershy said from her spot on the couch, puppy Sunset sitting in her lap. Her brow then furrowed.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem," Adagio stated.

She then lowered her hand.

"Sonata, go ahead."

With a grin, Sonata took a step forward, straightening up. She took a moment to enjoy being the center of attention on her own before finally speaking.

"Okay," she said. "So, I was watching Power Patrol cartoon, and it was this episode where Battle Rager was split in two."

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie cried out, bouncing up and down in place (much to the annoyance of the downstairs neighbors). "I've seen that one. It's where the rage mode gets loose and starts beating up on all the other team members."

"Right," Sonata cried out, jumping a little as well. "It was totally awesome." She then shakes her head. "But not the point. Anyway, the rest of the team have to capture Rager's rage form, and fuse it back with her normal form. And in order to do that, they have to get the pair together and reverse the accident that separated them in the first place, which they do.

"That was when I realized that Power Patrol wasn't the only cartoon where something like that happened. A bunch of them had episodes like that. Something would cause a character to be fractured into separate entities, then a friend or friends would have to gather them all up, bring them back together in the same place it happened, then the character is back to normal, and normally the friends learn a lesson."

"Hold on," Trixie called out, holding up her hands. "Are you saying that we need to find all the copies of Sunset, gather them all at the park, and send them back through the magic box that Sunset had been in when this all started?"

"Exactly!" Sonata cried out, pointing a finger at her. "That is exactly what I'm saying!"

"There is one major problem with that," Trixie replied. "The box exploded. It's a bunch of chunks of wood, shards of silver painted glass, and pieces of twist metal. There's no way to send anyone through it."

"Except that we have Twilight and Daydream," Sonata retorted, "and they have magic."