• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,693 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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News travels fast

Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING! The three of them had walked through Hunny Bunny's Fun- fucking - stravagnza, they had found the piece of shit "haunted house," and what did they have to show for it? NOTHING! All they had found was a broken down ride, some shattered alcohol bottles, bits of tobacco and marijuana cigarettes, and a used condom.

They had found a place where kids hang out, get "wasted," and have sex, not the secret hideout of a cabal of villainous Sunset Shimmers collaborating for who knows what.

The entire thing had been a waste of time, and Adagio was going to have blisters because of it.

Worse, it also meant that they were not done yet. With that a failure, they were going to have to go to the industrial section, find where the warehouses were, then try and find some that look old and abandoned. Then, if there ends up being more than one, they will have to check each of them. Likely on foot so as not to be noticed too soon.

Why did she agree to this? They were no longer even sure they wanted to go back to Equestria. The could have just called up, told them Sonata's plan, and say the deal was off. Or maybe decide that if it worked as Sonata expected, that they more than kept up their end. That way, they would not have to go gallivanting all over the city, but still get their end of the deal if they decided to go after all. It was really feeling like she was getting the short end of the stick, and she hated getting the short end of anything.

"Hey, Adagio," Pinkie called out. "I've been thinking."

Adagio held her tongue.

"You said you've all had kids, right?" Pinkie asked.


"And you can't know what all happened to them because you don't age, and that would draw suspicion, right?"

"Again, yes."

"And it's been a thousand years since you got here, so your own kids would have had generations to flourish and propagate, having children of their own. Right?"

Adagio turned toward Pinkie Pie, raising an eyebrow.

"I suppose so."

"And the three of you are ancient, immortal and magical, because you come from Equestria, where magic is a lot more prominent and powerful, right?"

"What's your point?" Adagio Dazzle asked, having finally gotten tired of playing Fifty Stupid Questions.

"What if... the six of us are descended from the three of you?" Pinkie asked. "That the Twilight Sparkle of this world and the five of us who defeated you with Princess Twilight and Sunset are able to harness and use Equestrian magic because it's in our ancestry, so that kind of magic and the use of it is in our blood?"

Adagio shifted, considering that. The five humans that beat them and the nerdy counterpart of that little princess that defeated them actually related to her, Aria and Sonata? Was such a thing possible? Adagio supposed so. They all had children at one point or another. Even Aria had found a few guys she did not mind actually having sex with. As she had previously mentioned, they had never been able to see their children much after adult-hood, and that was when whichever of them was able to keep and raise the child.

Shady, Adagio thought. She squeezed her left hand as she looked out the window, a six-hundred year old pain welling up once again. She pushed the memory away, trying to wipe the newborn face from her mind and focus on the present and the question at hand.

While all of their children and following offspring could have died off, it seemed extremely unlikely. It also seemed unlikely that all of their children would have only one child of their own. The same could be said about them moving from the countries they had been born in, and that did not include the ones that had been born since they emigrated to The United States. Their descendants could be anywhere in the world at this point, and with who knows how many out there.

So the six of them could be descended from the three sirens. While the exact possibility was beyond Adagio since she never really learned much beyond basic mathematics, she knew it was something that could happen. And considering how it sometimes seemed that the magic of that world was capable of some sort of thinking and planning (more so since she learned about The Elements of Harmony), it would not surprise her if the magic had somehow brought the six of them together.

This led to a strange mix of feelings in Adagio. There was a part of her that was annoyed at the idea of her own children defeating her in one of her greatest moments and the closest she ever came to success. Another part was kind of proud that her potential offspring could accomplish something as impressive as defeated a group of magical megalomaniacs and save the city, if not the world.

Then there was a part of her was mad at the idea of Equestrian magic being such an asshole as to conspire to stop her in an entirely other dimension. It made her want go to Equestria, find an embodiment of magic, and beat the ever-loving shit out of it until it begged for mercy. And she would show none. None!

From the corner of her eye, she caught Shimmer turning on the radio and turning it up. The sound of classic rock music filled the cab, covering the silence that had probably gotten awkward.

After driving along, not talking for three and a half songs, Adagio felt her phone going off. One hand reached out to turn off the radio as the other pulled out the cell phone so she could check the name.

Sonata Dusk.

A quick flick of a finger answered the call.

"What is it Sonata?"

A high-pitched ear-piercing squeal came from the phone, threatening to blow out the speakers and causing everyone in the car to jump in their seats. A painful reminder to Adagio that she needed to find out if there was a mute button on the phone, and how to use it when in the middle of a call.

When it finally and mercifully ended, she was still forced to wait a while longer until the ringing in her ears came to an end.

"Damnit, Sonata!" Adagio said in a voice that was trying to yell in anger without actually yelling. "I've told you before: do not shriek into the phone! If you break it, we're not going to replace it for you."

"IT WORKED!" Sonata finally cried out coherently. "My idea worked Adagio! We were able to fix the box! And even threw a Sunset copy through it! And it worked!"

Adagio felt her anger subsiding, a small smile tugging at her mouth. As annoying as Sonata's more child-like tendencies could be, there were also times when it could be cute and endearing. It had been one of the few reasons that neither she nor Aria had actually gotten annoyed enough to kill or just ditch her. This same behavior had also lead to quite a few people underestimating Sonata, much to her victim's regret.

"That's great," Adagio said. "Good for you."

"Yeah," Sonata agreed. "Now we just need to figure out a way to find all the Sunset Shimmers and throw them through it as well."

Before Adagio could reply, Sonata continued.

"Anyway, I still need to call Aria and rub it in her face that I was right! TTYL. Kiss-kiss."

She then hung up.

TTYL? Adagio wondered, staring at the phone. Kiss-kiss? When did Sonata talk like that? Giving a shake of her head, she put the phone away.

"Well, that's one last thing we need to worry about. Now we just need to see if we can rescue mi--"

There was a thump as the car hit the curb, coming to a stop. Although shaken, surprised, and a little sore, none of them were injured. Stretching her neck, Adagio turned to street mage Shimmer, wanting to know what happened.

Shimmer's eyes were glowing a pale blue color, hints of black leaking out from it and running down her cheeks.

This was not an isolated incident. With the exception of Satan and her allies, all of the other Sunset Shimmers were going through the same thing, from the puppy and child, to the horse and adults. While none of them went so limp as to simply fall over, their bodies did have an unnaturally relaxed look. Something more in line with sleepwalkers than a waking person. Their eyes were lost in the pale glow of magic, black tears running down their cheeks.

"Attention friends to all Sunset Shimmers!" Sunset Satan's voice said from all their mouths. "As you have now noticed, I am capable of reaching out and taking control of any and all Sunset Shimmers, should I desire. To demonstrate."

All the possessed Sunset Shimmers that were capable reached up with their left hand, and slapped themselves on the cheek so hard, the SMACK! echoed through the air, leaving a bright red mark on the collective cheeks. They then returned to staring at the people near them.

"As just proven, I have control of their motor skills," Satan continued, "and could easily do far worse if I were so inclined."

A second stretched on before passing.

"Fortunately, I am not so inclined. Yet. Instead, I am sending this message for another reason. To the six friends that are very close to this world's Sunset Shimmer, specifically. As you are no doubt aware by now, I have taken your Crystal Preparatory prodigy version of Sunset. First, she is not harmed. Second, if you wish to get her back, then you and... whatever you call that little alliance of Sunsets of yours, will meet us at Canterlot High at nightfall. Otherwise... well... that will be on you and not me, now won't it?"