• Published 11th May 2018
  • 3,702 Views, 341 Comments

The Issue of Multiple Sunsets - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

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Welcome to a lousy park

The Firebird pulled up to the entrance of Hunny Bunny's Fun-stravagnza, giving the girls a good chance to look it over. At least, that was where their directions had told them they were. There had been no street signs in town, and if there had been any near the entrance of the park itself, they had either been taken down or broken.

Hopefully, there was not more than one abandoned amusement park in the city.

"Oooh," Pinkie Pie cried out as she stared at it through the window. "It looks like it came straight out of a Scooby-Doo cartoon."

"Except we're not dealing with greedy business men in rubber masks trying to scare people away for some convoluted money scheme," Adagio pointed out.

Pinkie moved to place her head right beside Adagio's looking her eye to eye.

"Or are we?" she asked, moving closer until their noses and foreheads were touching.

With a growl, Adagio grabbed Pinkie by the face and shoved her backwards.

"I swear, you must be related to Sonata," she huffed out.

That gave Pinkie pause.

"Is that possible?"

"I suppose so," Adagio answered with a shrug. "We've all had kids at some point or other. Couldn't exactly keep track of them over the centuries, and not like we could meet our grandchildren since it would raise questions of how we were still young. We could have descendants anywhere."

"Well, let's go investigate the creepy old abandoned amusement park," Street Mage Sunset declared. Getting out of the car, she made her way toward the gates. Adagio and Pinkie were not far behind, following after her.

"So what kind of spell are you going to use?" Pinkie asked as she moved closer to Sunset. "Are you going to melt the lock? Turn it to rust? Levitate the gates off the hinges?" She let out a gasp. "Maybe you could turn the bars into licorice, and we can eat our way through!"

"I can't do transmutation," Sunset answered, "and while I could maybe do some of the others, it would take a lot of energy and time." She gave a smirk. "Let's see if we need to break in first."

As it turned out, there was no need after all. They were able to walk past an empty ticket booth and through a broken turnstile. Shortly after, the stood in a fake town center, with the ground a circle filled with cobblestones. In the center was a statue of an anthropomorphic rabbit girl standing on top of a honey pot.

"So, I guess that's Hunny Bunny," Sunset said, looking at the statue.

"I remember her," Pinkie said, pointing at the statue. "She was like a big cartoon hit back in the nineteen-eighties or something. It was brightly colored and about her and a bunch of other girl animals all living in a magical forest." She put her hands on her hips. "It was super popular when it was made, but is really boring by modern cartoon standards."

"As 'exciting' as this is," Adagio called out, "we are here for a reason, and it is not to reminisce about vapid cartoon shows." She turned away from the statue. "We need to find the haunted house attraction and see if the wicked Sunset Shimmer society is set up there."

"Normally, places like this have maps posted," Sunset offered. "There's probably one nearby." She looked around. "And if we're lucky, it might be legible enough to figure out where we need to go."

Alas, luck was not on their side that much. The group did find what had been a map display of the park on the opposite side of the statue from the entrance. Or at least, that is what they guessed it had been. The display had been knocked over, the glass of it shattered. The map had been torn up, with only a corner of it remaining and recognizable. The wood that had been behind it was covered in carving and spray-painted pictures, mostly of dicks.

"Well, guess we're doing it the hard way." Sunset turned to the other two. "The park isn't that big, so we should be able to find it if we just walk around." Looking up, she took in the multiple paths around them. "Any ideas which way to start?"

"That way!" Pinkie Pie declared, pointing down the left-most path.

The other two looked at it a moment.

"Any particular reason?" Adagio asked.

"Yeah," Pinkie answered. "Most people, when choosing a path with no real reason, will often go the same way they do when reading: left to right."

"Is that true?" Sunset asked.

Adagio shrugged, having no idea.

Pinkie then turned, pointing at the next path

"That path, is the way to the concession area, which means all the food and beverages would be served there." She then turned to the final path. "Which means if they had the big and scary rides over there, it would make people get sick all over their park." She returned to the first path. "So, it would be best to have those rides near the beginning. That way, visitors would have time to let their stomachs settle from all the excitement so they'll be ready for food, then they can have a nice, relaxing time at the end of it."

Neither Adagio nor Sunset could really argue. Both because it sort of made sense, and because neither knew enough about amusement parks to know if what Pinkie said was true or not.

So the three of them started down the left-most path. They left the cobblestone circle, heading along the broken remains of the cement path, with Adagio being the slowest to avoid twisting her ankle. The three of them looked around as they went, taking in the sights of the old abandoned amusement park.

Adagio Dazzle suddenly stopped, looking around. Her eyes narrowed as she looked back the way they had come.

"Anyone else feel like we're being watched?" she asked, rubbing at the back of my neck.

Pinkie and Sunset stopped, turning to Adagio.

"I've been feeling that way since I found myself in this reality," Sunset answered. Her eyes narrowed as she looked past her ally and at the area behind them. "Kind of frustrating, honestly. Makes it hard to tell if there's an immediate threat I need to worry about or not."

"I feel that way from time to time too," Pinkie said. "Haven't felt it around here though." She gave a shrug.

Adagio continued to rub her neck as she looked around, eyes narrowing as she tried to take in more of the place, and trying to figure out what was wrong.

With a sigh, she gave a nod.

"Probably just this place," she decided. "Come on." She started walking. "The sooner we check this place out, the sooner we can either get the little Shim-nerd and get out of here, or just leave."

The three of them continued on. They moved past run down booths, broken displays, and what looked like it had been the bumper-car arena. At the entrance to a roller coaster ride Adagio grabbed a large, broken off chunk of cement and hurled it at the sign, hitting a red-headed squirrel with an extremely large and shapely chest fluff right in her buck-toothed grinning face. She refused to say why she did this, but did grumble something about "nut jokes."

During they trek, they did find more former map displays. Much like the first, however, they were all vandalized. One had even been set on fire or something, as the big hole and pile of ashes in it could attest to. So, they were forced to continue, wandering along the path and looking for the haunted house.

It turned out that Pinkie Pie was, as Adagio Dazzle so delicately put it, "pulling shit out of her ass." The three of them wound up passing through the concession area of the park after all. They were surrounded by buildings only one or two stories tall, that had been brightly colored, and had hanging signs like "Ye Olde Pizza Shoppe." The color from most of them had become lost though, the painted faded from the sun without fresh coats, and peeling away to reveal the fake stonework underneath. There were large areas that must have been sitting areas for people who wanted to take a break of have something to eat, but no tables or chairs were there.

"This isn't what I imagined it would be like," Pinkie finally said. She looked at one of the buildings, then down to one of the empty eating areas. "I was expecting it to be more... abandon-y. Like all sorts of things would be left behind, like toys, food, everything. Like people just up and left all of a sudden."

"Which looks great in movies and cartoons," Sunset stated, "but doesn't really happen in the real world." She motioned at the empty eating area. "When an actual place goes out of business, they try to sell off as much as they can. Including furniture."

"Besides," Adagio added, "it's better this way." She motioned around her. "This place being so empty means that it was properly abandoned, with the people having plenty of time to finish their business and leave. If it had been left looking like people had either fled spur of the moment or disappeared..." she let it drift off into implications.

After much more walking, and a moment of rest while Adagio complained about how she should have worn more sensible shoes, they finally reached their destination: the haunted house. The front of it was a large, cartoon devil head with bright red skin. Its mouth was a wide laughing grin, which was also the entrance.

"There it is," Pinkie Pie announced proudly.

"Way I see it," street mage Sunset said, "we have two choices. One, we go through the front. Two, we go around and see find the maintenance door that we use instead."

"The front," Adagio declared as she started walking for it.

"Why?" Pinkie asked as she moved to follow.

"Because it's obvious. They think they're smart, so they'll do something clever to guard the less likely entrance, thinking it will be the one people use, believing no one would be stupid enough to just walk through the front."

She smirked.

"However, Sonata has taught me that sometimes stupid works."